blob: 30d6b89dd855b716adaf0e5b324ec4b111314a7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 International Business Machines Corp. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v0.5
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.CompletionEngine;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.SelectionEngine;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.JavaBuilder;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.hierarchy.TypeHierarchy;
import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
* The <code>JavaModelManager</code> manages instances of <code>IJavaModel</code>.
* <code>IElementChangedListener</code>s register with the <code>JavaModelManager</code>,
* and receive <code>ElementChangedEvent</code>s for all <code>IJavaModel</code>s.
* <p>
* The single instance of <code>JavaModelManager</code> is available from
* the static method <code>JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager()</code>.
public class JavaModelManager implements ISaveParticipant {
* Unique handle onto the JavaModel
private final JavaModel javaModel = new JavaModel();
* Classpath variables pool
private static HashMap Variables = new HashMap(5);
public static HashSet OptionNames = new HashSet(20);
public final static String CP_VARIABLE_PREFERENCES_PREFIX = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID+".classpathVariable."; //$NON-NLS-1$
public final static String CP_VARIABLE_IGNORE = " ##<cp var ignore>## "; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Classpath containers pool
public static Map Containers = new HashMap(5);
* Flag indicating whether resource may be written (false during post-change)
public static boolean IsResourceTreeLocked;
* Name of the extension point for contributing classpath variable initializers
public static final String CPVARIABLE_INITIALIZER_EXTPOINT_ID = "classpathVariableInitializer" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Name of the extension point for contributing classpath container initializers
public static final String CPCONTAINER_INITIALIZER_EXTPOINT_ID = "classpathContainerInitializer" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Name of the extension point for contributing a source code formatter
public static final String FORMATTER_EXTPOINT_ID = "codeFormatter" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Special value used for recognizing ongoing initialization and breaking initialization cycles
public final static IPath VariableInitializationInProgress = new Path("Variable Initialization In Progress"); //$NON-NLS-1$
public final static IClasspathContainer ContainerInitializationInProgress = new IClasspathContainer() {
public IClasspathEntry[] getClasspathEntries() { return null; }
public String getDescription() { return null; }
public int getKind() { return 0; }
public IPath getPath() { return null; }
private static final String INDEX_MANAGER_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/indexmanager" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String COMPILER_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/compiler" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String JAVAMODEL_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/javamodel" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String CP_RESOLVE_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/cpresolution" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ZIP_ACCESS_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/zipaccess" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String DELTA_DEBUG =JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/javadelta" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String HIERARCHY_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/hierarchy" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String BUILDER_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/builder" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String COMPLETION_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/completion" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String SELECTION_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/selection" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String SHARED_WC_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/sharedworkingcopy" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String SEARCH_DEBUG = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/search" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
public final static IWorkingCopy[] NoWorkingCopy = new IWorkingCopy[0];
* Returns whether the given full path (for a package) conflicts with the output location
* of the given project.
public static boolean conflictsWithOutputLocation(IPath folderPath, JavaProject project) {
try {
IPath outputLocation = project.getOutputLocation();
if (outputLocation == null) {
// in doubt, there is a conflict
return true;
if (outputLocation.isPrefixOf(folderPath)) {
// only allow nesting in outputlocation if there is a corresponding source folder
return project.getClasspathEntryFor(outputLocation) == null;
return false;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// in doubt, there is a conflict
return true;
* Returns the Java element corresponding to the given resource, or
* <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given resource
* with a Java element.
* <p>
* The resource must be one of:<ul>
* <li>a project - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IJavaProject</code></li>
* <li>a <code>.java</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>ICompilationUnit</code></li>
* <li>a <code>.class</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IClassFile</code></li>
* <li>a <code>.jar</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code></li>
* <li>a folder - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code>
* or <code>IPackageFragment</code></li>
* <li>the workspace root resource - the element returned is the <code>IJavaModel</code></li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Creating a Java element has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
* element's parents if they are not yet open.
public static IJavaElement create(IResource resource, IJavaProject project) {
if (resource == null) {
return null;
int type = resource.getType();
switch (type) {
case IResource.PROJECT :
return JavaCore.create((IProject) resource);
case IResource.FILE :
return create((IFile) resource, project);
case IResource.FOLDER :
return create((IFolder) resource, project);
case IResource.ROOT :
return JavaCore.create((IWorkspaceRoot) resource);
default :
return null;
* Returns the Java element corresponding to the given file, its project being the given
* project.
* Returns <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given file
* with a Java element.
* <p>The file must be one of:<ul>
* <li>a <code>.java</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>ICompilationUnit</code></li>
* <li>a <code>.class</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IClassFile</code></li>
* <li>a <code>.jar</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code></li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Creating a Java element has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
* element's parents if they are not yet open.
public static IJavaElement create(IFile file, IJavaProject project) {
if (file == null) {
return null;
if (project == null) {
project = JavaCore.create(file.getProject());
String extension = file.getFileExtension();
if (extension != null) {
if (Util.isValidCompilationUnitName(file.getName())) {
return createCompilationUnitFrom(file, project);
} else if (Util.isValidClassFileName(file.getName())) {
return createClassFileFrom(file, project);
} else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("jar") //$NON-NLS-1$
|| extension.equalsIgnoreCase("zip")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return createJarPackageFragmentRootFrom(file, project);
return null;
* Returns the package fragment or package fragment root corresponding to the given folder,
* its parent or great parent being the given project.
* or <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given folder with a Java element.
* <p>
* Note that a package fragment root is returned rather than a default package.
* <p>
* Creating a Java element has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
* element's parents if they are not yet open.
public static IJavaElement create(IFolder folder, IJavaProject project) {
if (folder == null) {
return null;
if (project == null) {
project = JavaCore.create(folder.getProject());
IJavaElement element = determineIfOnClasspath(folder, project);
if (conflictsWithOutputLocation(folder.getFullPath(), (JavaProject)project)
|| (folder.getName().indexOf('.') >= 0
&& !(element instanceof IPackageFragmentRoot))) {
return null; // only package fragment roots are allowed with dot names
} else {
return element;
* Creates and returns a class file element for the given <code>.class</code> file,
* its project being the given project. Returns <code>null</code> if unable
* to recognize the class file.
public static IClassFile createClassFileFrom(IFile file, IJavaProject project ) {
if (file == null) {
return null;
if (project == null) {
project = JavaCore.create(file.getProject());
IPackageFragment pkg = (IPackageFragment) determineIfOnClasspath(file, project);
if (pkg == null) {
// fix for 1FVS7WE
// not on classpath - make the root its folder, and a default package
IPackageFragmentRoot root = project.getPackageFragmentRoot(file.getParent());
pkg = root.getPackageFragment(IPackageFragment.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME);
return pkg.getClassFile(file.getName());
* Creates and returns a compilation unit element for the given <code>.java</code>
* file, its project being the given project. Returns <code>null</code> if unable
* to recognize the compilation unit.
public static ICompilationUnit createCompilationUnitFrom(IFile file, IJavaProject project) {
if (file == null) {
return null;
if (project == null) {
project = JavaCore.create(file.getProject());
IPackageFragment pkg = (IPackageFragment) determineIfOnClasspath(file, project);
if (pkg == null) {
// fix for 1FVS7WE
// not on classpath - make the root its folder, and a default package
IPackageFragmentRoot root = project.getPackageFragmentRoot(file.getParent());
pkg = root.getPackageFragment(IPackageFragment.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME);
return pkg.getCompilationUnit(file.getName());
* Creates and returns a handle for the given JAR file, its project being the given project.
* The Java model associated with the JAR's project may be
* created as a side effect.
* Returns <code>null</code> if unable to create a JAR package fragment root.
* (for example, if the JAR file represents a non-Java resource)
public static IPackageFragmentRoot createJarPackageFragmentRootFrom(IFile file, IJavaProject project) {
if (file == null) {
return null;
if (project == null) {
project = JavaCore.create(file.getProject());
// Create a jar package fragment root only if on the classpath
IPath resourcePath = file.getFullPath();
try {
IClasspathEntry[] entries = ((JavaProject)project).getResolvedClasspath(true);
for (int i = 0, length = entries.length; i < length; i++) {
IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i];
IPath rootPath = entry.getPath();
if (rootPath.equals(resourcePath)) {
return project.getPackageFragmentRoot(file);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return null;
* Returns the package fragment root represented by the resource, or
* the package fragment the given resource is located in, or <code>null</code>
* if the given resource is not on the classpath of the given project.
public static IJavaElement determineIfOnClasspath(
IResource resource,
IJavaProject project) {
IPath resourcePath = resource.getFullPath();
try {
IClasspathEntry[] entries =
? project.getRawClasspath() // JAVA file can only live inside SRC folder (on the raw path)
: ((JavaProject)project).getResolvedClasspath(true);
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i];
if (entry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_PROJECT) continue;
IPath rootPath = entry.getPath();
if (rootPath.equals(resourcePath)) {
return project.getPackageFragmentRoot(resource);
} else if (rootPath.isPrefixOf(resourcePath)) {
IPackageFragmentRoot root = ((JavaProject) project).getPackageFragmentRoot(rootPath);
if (root == null) return null;
IPath pkgPath = resourcePath.removeFirstSegments(rootPath.segmentCount());
if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
// if the resource is a file, then remove the last segment which
// is the file name in the package
pkgPath = pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1);
String pkgName = Util.packageName(pkgPath);
if (pkgName == null || JavaConventions.validatePackageName(pkgName).getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR) {
return null;
return root.getPackageFragment(pkgName);
} catch (JavaModelException npe) {
return null;
return null;
* The singleton manager
private final static JavaModelManager Manager= new JavaModelManager();
* Infos cache.
protected JavaModelCache cache = new JavaModelCache();
* Set of elements which are out of sync with their buffers.
protected Map elementsOutOfSynchWithBuffers = new HashMap(11);
* Turns delta firing on/off. By default it is on.
private boolean isFiring= true;
* Queue of deltas created explicily by the Java Model that
* have yet to be fired.
private ArrayList javaModelDeltas= new ArrayList();
* Collection of listeners for Java element deltas
private IElementChangedListener[] elementChangedListeners = new IElementChangedListener[5];
private int[] elementChangedListenerMasks = new int[5];
private int elementChangedListenerCount = 0;
public int currentChangeEventType = ElementChangedEvent.PRE_AUTO_BUILD;
public static final int DEFAULT_CHANGE_EVENT = 0; // must not collide with ElementChangedEvent event masks
* Used to convert <code>IResourceDelta</code>s into <code>IJavaElementDelta</code>s.
public final DeltaProcessor deltaProcessor = new DeltaProcessor(this);
* Used to update the JavaModel for <code>IJavaElementDelta</code>s.
private final ModelUpdater modelUpdater =new ModelUpdater();
* Workaround for bug 15168 circular errors not reported
* This is a cache of the projects before any project addition/deletion has started.
public IJavaProject[] javaProjectsCache;
* Local Java workspace properties file name (generated inside JavaCore plugin state location)
private static final String WKS_PROP_FILENAME= ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Name of the handle id attribute in a Java marker
private static final String ATT_HANDLE_ID= "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager.handleId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Table from IProject to PerProjectInfo.
protected Map perProjectInfo = new HashMap(5);
* A map from ICompilationUnit to IWorkingCopy
* of the shared working copies.
public Map sharedWorkingCopies = new HashMap();
* A weak set of the known scopes.
protected WeakHashMap scopes = new WeakHashMap();
static class PerProjectInfo {
IProject project;
Object savedState;
boolean triedRead;
IClasspathEntry[] classpath;
IClasspathEntry[] lastResolvedClasspath;
PerProjectInfo(IProject project) {
this.triedRead = false;
this.savedState = null;
this.project = project;
public static boolean VERBOSE = false;
public static boolean CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE = false;
public static boolean ZIP_ACCESS_VERBOSE = false;
* A cache of opened zip files per thread.
* (map from Thread to map of IPath to
private HashMap zipFiles = new HashMap();
* Update the classpath variable cache
public static class PluginPreferencesListener implements Preferences.IPropertyChangeListener {
* @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences.IPropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)
public void propertyChange(Preferences.PropertyChangeEvent event) {
String propertyName = event.getProperty();
if (propertyName.startsWith(CP_VARIABLE_PREFERENCES_PREFIX)) {
// update path cache
String varName = propertyName.substring(CP_VARIABLE_PREFERENCES_PREFIX.length());
String newValue = (String)event.getNewValue();
if (newValue == null || newValue.equals(CP_VARIABLE_IGNORE)) {
} else {
Variables.put(varName, new Path(newValue));
* Line separator to use throughout the JavaModel for any source edit operation
// public static String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Constructs a new JavaModelManager
private JavaModelManager() {
* @deprecated - discard once debug has converted to not using it
public void addElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener) {
this.addElementChangedListener(listener, ElementChangedEvent.POST_CHANGE | ElementChangedEvent.POST_RECONCILE);
* addElementChangedListener method comment.
* Need to clone defensively the listener information, in case some listener is reacting to some notification iteration by adding/changing/removing
* any of the other (i.e. it deregisters itself).
public void addElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener, int eventMask) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.elementChangedListenerCount; i++){
if (this.elementChangedListeners[i].equals(listener)){
// only clone the masks, since we could be in the middle of notifications and one listener decide to change
// any event mask of another listeners (yet not notified).
int cloneLength = this.elementChangedListenerMasks.length;
System.arraycopy(this.elementChangedListenerMasks, 0, this.elementChangedListenerMasks = new int[cloneLength], 0, cloneLength);
this.elementChangedListenerMasks[i] = eventMask; // could be different
// may need to grow, no need to clone, since iterators will have cached original arrays and max boundary and we only add to the end.
int length;
if ((length = this.elementChangedListeners.length) == this.elementChangedListenerCount){
System.arraycopy(this.elementChangedListeners, 0, this.elementChangedListeners = new IElementChangedListener[length*2], 0, length);
System.arraycopy(this.elementChangedListenerMasks, 0, this.elementChangedListenerMasks = new int[length*2], 0, length);
this.elementChangedListeners[this.elementChangedListenerCount] = listener;
this.elementChangedListenerMasks[this.elementChangedListenerCount] = eventMask;
* Starts caching ZipFiles.
* Ignores if there are already clients.
public synchronized void cacheZipFiles() {
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
if (this.zipFiles.get(currentThread) != null) return;
this.zipFiles.put(currentThread, new HashMap());
public synchronized void closeZipFile(ZipFile zipFile) {
if (zipFile == null) return;
if (this.zipFiles.get(Thread.currentThread()) != null) {
return; // zip file will be closed by call to flushZipFiles
try {
if (JavaModelManager.ZIP_ACCESS_VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("(" + Thread.currentThread() + ") [JavaModelManager.closeZipFile(ZipFile)] Closing ZipFile on " +zipFile.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} catch (IOException e) {
* Configure the plugin with respect to option settings defined in ".options" file
public void configurePluginDebugOptions(){
String option = Platform.getDebugOption(INDEX_MANAGER_DEBUG);
if(option != null) IndexManager.VERBOSE = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(COMPILER_DEBUG);
if(option != null) Compiler.DEBUG = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(JAVAMODEL_DEBUG);
if(option != null) JavaModelManager.VERBOSE = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(SHARED_WC_DEBUG);
if(option != null) CompilationUnit.SHARED_WC_VERBOSE = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(CP_RESOLVE_DEBUG);
if(option != null) JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(ZIP_ACCESS_DEBUG);
if(option != null) JavaModelManager.ZIP_ACCESS_VERBOSE = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(DELTA_DEBUG);
if(option != null) DeltaProcessor.VERBOSE = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(HIERARCHY_DEBUG);
if(option != null) TypeHierarchy.DEBUG = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(BUILDER_DEBUG);
if(option != null) JavaBuilder.DEBUG = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(COMPLETION_DEBUG);
if(option != null) CompletionEngine.DEBUG = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(SELECTION_DEBUG);
if(option != null) SelectionEngine.DEBUG = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
option = Platform.getDebugOption(SEARCH_DEBUG);
if(option != null) SearchEngine.VERBOSE = option.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ; //$NON-NLS-1$
* @see ISaveParticipant
public void doneSaving(ISaveContext context){
* Fire Java Model delta, flushing them after the fact after post_change notification.
* If the firing mode has been turned off, this has no effect.
public void fire(JavaElementDelta customDelta, int originalEventType) {
if (this.isFiring) {
int eventType;
/* DEFAULT event type is used when operation doesn't know actual event type and needed to fire immediately:
* e.g. non-resource modifying operation, create/destroy shared working copies
* this is mapped to a POST-change + PRE-build change for all interested listeners
if (originalEventType == DEFAULT_CHANGE_EVENT){
eventType = ElementChangedEvent.POST_CHANGE;
} else {
eventType = originalEventType;
JavaElementDelta deltaToNotify;
if (customDelta == null){
if (this.javaModelDeltas.size() > 0){
// cannot be more than 1 after merge
deltaToNotify = (JavaElementDelta)this.javaModelDeltas.get(0);
// empty the queue only after having fired final volley of deltas and no custom deltas was superposed
if (eventType == ElementChangedEvent.POST_CHANGE){
// flush now so as to keep listener reactions to post their own deltas for subsequent iteration
} else {
} else {
deltaToNotify = customDelta;
// Refresh internal scopes
Iterator scopes = this.scopes.keySet().iterator();
while (scopes.hasNext()) {
AbstractSearchScope scope = (AbstractSearchScope);
// Notification
// Important: if any listener reacts to notification by updating the listeners list or mask, these lists will
// be duplicated, so it is necessary to remember original lists in a variable (since field values may change under us)
IElementChangedListener[] listeners = this.elementChangedListeners;
int[] listenerMask = this.elementChangedListenerMasks;
int listenerCount = this.elementChangedListenerCount;
// in case using a DEFAULT change event, will notify also all listeners also interested in PRE-build events
if (originalEventType == DEFAULT_CHANGE_EVENT){
if (DeltaProcessor.VERBOSE){
System.out.println("FIRING PRE_AUTO_BUILD Delta ["+Thread.currentThread()+"]:\n" + deltaToNotify);//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
final ElementChangedEvent extraEvent = new ElementChangedEvent(deltaToNotify, ElementChangedEvent.PRE_AUTO_BUILD);
for (int i= 0; i < listenerCount; i++) {
if ((listenerMask[i] & ElementChangedEvent.PRE_AUTO_BUILD) != 0){
final IElementChangedListener listener = listeners[i];
// wrap callbacks with Safe runnable for subsequent listeners to be called when some are causing grief ISafeRunnable() {
public void handleException(Throwable exception) {
Util.log(exception, "Exception occurred in listener of Java element change notification"); //$NON-NLS-1$
public void run() throws Exception {
// regular notification
if (DeltaProcessor.VERBOSE){
String type = "";//$NON-NLS-1$
switch (eventType) {
case ElementChangedEvent.POST_CHANGE:
type = "POST_CHANGE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case ElementChangedEvent.PRE_AUTO_BUILD:
type = "PRE_AUTO_BUILD"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case ElementChangedEvent.POST_RECONCILE:
type = "POST_RECONCILE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println("FIRING " + type + " Delta ["+Thread.currentThread()+"]:\n" + deltaToNotify);//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$
final ElementChangedEvent event = new ElementChangedEvent(deltaToNotify, eventType);
for (int i= 0; i < listenerCount; i++) {
if ((listenerMask[i] & eventType) != 0){
// wrap callbacks with Safe runnable for subsequent listeners to be called when some are causing grief
final IElementChangedListener listener = listeners[i]; ISafeRunnable() {
public void handleException(Throwable exception) {
Util.log(exception, "Exception occurred in listener of Java element change notification"); //$NON-NLS-1$
public void run() throws Exception {
* Flushes all deltas without firing them.
protected void flush() {
this.javaModelDeltas= new ArrayList();
* Flushes ZipFiles cache if there are no more clients.
public synchronized void flushZipFiles() {
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
HashMap map = (HashMap)this.zipFiles.remove(currentThread);
if (map == null) return;
Iterator iterator = map.values().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
try {
ZipFile zipFile = (ZipFile);
if (JavaModelManager.ZIP_ACCESS_VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("(" + currentThread + ") [JavaModelManager.flushZipFiles()] Closing ZipFile on " +zipFile.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
} catch (IOException e) {
* Retrieve the registered classpath container initializer for a given container ID
public static ClasspathContainerInitializer getClasspathContainerInitializer(String containerID){
Plugin jdtCorePlugin = JavaCore.getPlugin();
if (jdtCorePlugin == null) return null;
IExtensionPoint extension = jdtCorePlugin.getDescriptor().getExtensionPoint(CPCONTAINER_INITIALIZER_EXTPOINT_ID);
if (extension != null) {
IExtension[] extensions = extension.getExtensions();
for(int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++){
IConfigurationElement [] configElements = extensions[i].getConfigurationElements();
IPluginDescriptor plugin = extension.getDeclaringPluginDescriptor();
if (plugin.isPluginActivated()) {
for(int j = 0; j < configElements.length; j++){
String initializerID = configElements[j].getAttribute("id"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (initializerID != null && initializerID.equals(containerID)){
if (JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("CPVariable INIT - found initializer: "+containerID +" --> " + configElements[j].getAttribute("class"));//$NON-NLS-3$//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
try {
Object execExt = configElements[j].createExecutableExtension("class"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (execExt instanceof ClasspathContainerInitializer){
return (ClasspathContainerInitializer)execExt;
} catch(CoreException e) {
return null;
* Returns the set of elements which are out of synch with their buffers.
protected Map getElementsOutOfSynchWithBuffers() {
return this.elementsOutOfSynchWithBuffers;
* Returns the <code>IJavaElement</code> represented by the
* <code>String</code> memento.
public IJavaElement getHandleFromMemento(String memento) throws JavaModelException {
if (memento == null) {
return null;
JavaModel model= (JavaModel) getJavaModel();
if (memento.equals("")){ // workspace memento //$NON-NLS-1$
return model;
int modelEnd= memento.indexOf(JavaElement.JEM_JAVAPROJECT);
if (modelEnd == -1) {
return null;
boolean returnProject= false;
int projectEnd= memento.indexOf(JavaElement.JEM_PACKAGEFRAGMENTROOT, modelEnd);
if (projectEnd == -1) {
projectEnd= memento.length();
returnProject= true;
String projectName= memento.substring(modelEnd + 1, projectEnd);
JavaProject proj= (JavaProject) model.getJavaProject(projectName);
if (returnProject) {
return proj;
int rootEnd= memento.indexOf(JavaElement.JEM_PACKAGEFRAGMENT, projectEnd + 1);
if (rootEnd == -1) {
return proj.getPackageFragmentRoot(new Path(Path.SEPARATOR + memento.substring(modelEnd + 1)));
String rootName= null;
if (rootEnd == projectEnd - 1) {
//default root
rootName= IPackageFragmentRoot.DEFAULT_PACKAGEROOT_PATH;
} else {
rootName= memento.substring(projectEnd + 1, rootEnd);
IPath rootPath= new Path(rootName);
IPackageFragmentRoot root= null;
if (rootPath.isAbsolute()) {
root= proj.getPackageFragmentRoot(rootPath);
} else {
root= proj.getPackageFragmentRoot(proj.getProject().getFullPath().append(rootName));
if (root == null)
return null;
int end= memento.indexOf(JavaElement.JEM_COMPILATIONUNIT, rootEnd);
if (end == -1) {
end= memento.indexOf(JavaElement.JEM_CLASSFILE, rootEnd);
if (end == -1) {
if (rootEnd + 1 == memento.length()) {
return root.getPackageFragment(IPackageFragment.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME);
} else {
return root.getPackageFragment(memento.substring(rootEnd + 1));
//deal with class file and binary members
return model.getHandleFromMementoForBinaryMembers(memento, root, rootEnd, end);
//deal with compilation units and source members
return model.getHandleFromMementoForSourceMembers(memento, root, rootEnd, end);
public IndexManager getIndexManager() {
return this.deltaProcessor.indexManager;
* Returns the info for the element.
public Object getInfo(IJavaElement element) {
return this.cache.getInfo(element);
* Returns the handle to the active Java Model.
public final JavaModel getJavaModel() {
return javaModel;
* Returns the singleton JavaModelManager
public final static JavaModelManager getJavaModelManager() {
return Manager;
* Returns the last built state for the given project, or null if there is none.
* Deserializes the state if necessary.
* For use by image builder and evaluation support only
public Object getLastBuiltState(IProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
PerProjectInfo info = getPerProjectInfo(project);
if (!info.triedRead) {
info.triedRead = true;
try {
if (monitor != null)
monitor.subTask(Util.bind("build.readStateProgress", project.getName())); //$NON-NLS-1$
info.savedState = readState(project);
} catch (CoreException e) {
return info.savedState;
* Returns the per-project info for the given project. Create the info if the info doesn't exist.
private PerProjectInfo getPerProjectInfo(IProject project) {
return getPerProjectInfo(project, true /* create info */);
* Returns the per-project info for the given project. If specified, create the info if the info doesn't exist.
synchronized PerProjectInfo getPerProjectInfo(IProject project, boolean create) {
PerProjectInfo info= (PerProjectInfo) perProjectInfo.get(project);
if (info == null && create) {
info= new PerProjectInfo(project);
perProjectInfo.put(project, info);
return info;
* Returns the per-project info for the given project.
* If the info if the info doesn't exist, check for the project existence and create the info.
* @throws JavaModelException if the project doesn't exist.
PerProjectInfo getPerProjectInfoCheckExistence(IProject project) throws JavaModelException {
JavaModelManager.PerProjectInfo info = getPerProjectInfo(project, false /* don't create info */);
if (info == null) {
if (!project.exists()) {
throw ((JavaProject)JavaCore.create(project)).newNotPresentException();
info = getPerProjectInfo(project, true /* create info */);
return info;
* Returns the File to use for saving and restoring the last built state for the given project.
private File getSerializationFile(IProject project) {
if (!project.exists()) return null;
IPluginDescriptor descr= JavaCore.getJavaCore().getDescriptor();
IPath workingLocation= project.getPluginWorkingLocation(descr);
return workingLocation.append("state.dat").toFile(); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns the open ZipFile at the given location. If the ZipFile
* does not yet exist, it is created, opened, and added to the cache
* of open ZipFiles. The location must be a absolute path.
* @exception CoreException If unable to create/open the ZipFile.
public synchronized ZipFile getZipFile(IPath path) throws CoreException {
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
HashMap map = null;
ZipFile zipFile;
if ((map = (HashMap)this.zipFiles.get(currentThread)) != null
&& (zipFile = (ZipFile)map.get(path)) != null) {
return zipFile;
String fileSystemPath= null;
IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
IResource file = root.findMember(path);
if (path.isAbsolute() && file != null) {
if (file == null || file.getType() != IResource.FILE) {
fileSystemPath= path.toOSString();
} else {
fileSystemPath= file.getLocation().toOSString();
} else if (!path.isAbsolute()) {
file= root.getFile(path);
if (file == null || file.getType() != IResource.FILE) {
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, -1, Util.bind("file.notFound"), null)); //$NON-NLS-1$
fileSystemPath= file.getLocation().toOSString();
} else {
fileSystemPath= path.toOSString();
try {
System.out.println("(" + currentThread + ") [JavaModelManager.getZipFile(IPath)] Creating ZipFile on " + fileSystemPath ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
zipFile = new ZipFile(fileSystemPath);
if (map != null) {
map.put(path, zipFile);
return zipFile;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CoreException(new Status(Status.ERROR, JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, -1, Util.bind("status.IOException"), e)); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns true if the firing is enabled
public boolean isFiring() {
return this.isFiring;
public void loadVariables() throws CoreException {
// backward compatibility, consider persistent property
QualifiedName qName = new QualifiedName(JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, "variables"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String xmlString = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getPersistentProperty(qName);
try {
if (xmlString != null){
StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);
Element cpElement;
try {
DocumentBuilder parser = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
cpElement = parser.parse(new InputSource(reader)).getDocumentElement();
} catch(SAXException e) {
} catch(ParserConfigurationException e){
} finally {
if (cpElement == null) return;
if (!cpElement.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("variables")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
ArrayList variableNamesList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList variablePathsList = new ArrayList();
NodeList list= cpElement.getChildNodes();
int length= list.getLength();
for (int i= 0; i < length; ++i) {
Node node= list.item(i);
short type= node.getNodeType();
if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element element= (Element) node;
if (element.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("variable")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
element.getAttribute("name"), //$NON-NLS-1$
new Path(element.getAttribute("path"))); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch(IOException e){
} finally {
if (xmlString != null){
ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().setPersistentProperty(qName, null); // flush old one
// load variables from preferences into cache
Preferences preferences = JavaCore.getPlugin().getPluginPreferences();
// only get variable from preferences not set to their default
String[] propertyNames = preferences.propertyNames();
int prefixLength = CP_VARIABLE_PREFERENCES_PREFIX.length();
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++){
String propertyName = propertyNames[i];
if (propertyName.startsWith(CP_VARIABLE_PREFERENCES_PREFIX)){
String varName = propertyName.substring(prefixLength);
IPath varPath = new Path(preferences.getString(propertyName));
Variables.put(varName, varPath);
* Merged all awaiting deltas.
public void mergeDeltas() {
if (this.javaModelDeltas.size() <= 1) return;
if (DeltaProcessor.VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("MERGING " + this.javaModelDeltas.size() + " DELTAS ["+Thread.currentThread()+"]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
Iterator deltas = this.javaModelDeltas.iterator();
IJavaElement javaModel = this.getJavaModel();
JavaElementDelta rootDelta = new JavaElementDelta(javaModel);
boolean insertedTree = false;
while (deltas.hasNext()) {
JavaElementDelta delta = (JavaElementDelta);
if (DeltaProcessor.VERBOSE) {
IJavaElement element = delta.getElement();
if (javaModel.equals(element)) {
IJavaElementDelta[] children = delta.getAffectedChildren();
for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) {
JavaElementDelta projectDelta = (JavaElementDelta) children[j];
rootDelta.insertDeltaTree(projectDelta.getElement(), projectDelta);
insertedTree = true;
} else {
rootDelta.insertDeltaTree(element, delta);
insertedTree = true;
if (insertedTree){
this.javaModelDeltas = new ArrayList(1);
else {
this.javaModelDeltas = new ArrayList(0);
* Returns the info for this element without
* disturbing the cache ordering.
protected Object peekAtInfo(IJavaElement element) {
return this.cache.peekAtInfo(element);
* @see ISaveParticipant
public void prepareToSave(ISaveContext context) throws CoreException {
protected void putInfo(IJavaElement element, Object info) {
this.cache.putInfo(element, info);
* Reads the build state for the relevant project.
protected Object readState(IProject project) throws CoreException {
File file = getSerializationFile(project);
if (file != null && file.exists()) {
try {
DataInputStream in= new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
try {
String pluginID= in.readUTF();
if (!pluginID.equals(JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID))
throw new IOException(Util.bind("build.wrongFileFormat")); //$NON-NLS-1$
String kind= in.readUTF();
if (!kind.equals("STATE")) //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new IOException(Util.bind("build.wrongFileFormat")); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (in.readBoolean())
return JavaBuilder.readState(in);
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println("Saved state thinks last build failed for " + project.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, Platform.PLUGIN_ERROR, "Error reading last build state for project "+ project.getName(), e)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
* Registers the given delta with this manager. This API is to be
* used to registerd deltas that are created explicitly by the Java
* Model. Deltas created as translations of <code>IResourceDeltas</code>
* are to be registered with <code>#registerResourceDelta</code>.
protected void registerJavaModelDelta(IJavaElementDelta delta) {
* Remembers the given scope in a weak set
* (so no need to remove it: it will be removed by the garbage collector)
public void rememberScope(AbstractSearchScope scope) {
// NB: The value has to be null so as to not create a strong reference on the scope
this.scopes.put(scope, null);
* removeElementChangedListener method comment.
public void removeElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.elementChangedListenerCount; i++){
if (this.elementChangedListeners[i].equals(listener)){
// need to clone defensively since we might be in the middle of listener notifications (#fire)
int length = this.elementChangedListeners.length;
IElementChangedListener[] newListeners = new IElementChangedListener[length];
System.arraycopy(this.elementChangedListeners, 0, newListeners, 0, i);
int[] newMasks = new int[length];
System.arraycopy(this.elementChangedListenerMasks, 0, newMasks, 0, i);
// copy trailing listeners
int trailingLength = this.elementChangedListenerCount - i - 1;
if (trailingLength > 0){
System.arraycopy(this.elementChangedListeners, i+1, newListeners, i, trailingLength);
System.arraycopy(this.elementChangedListenerMasks, i+1, newMasks, i, trailingLength);
// update manager listener state (#fire need to iterate over original listeners through a local variable to hold onto
// the original ones)
this.elementChangedListeners = newListeners;
this.elementChangedListenerMasks = newMasks;
protected void removeInfo(IJavaElement element) {
void removePerProjectInfo(JavaProject javaProject) {
IProject project = javaProject.getProject();
PerProjectInfo info= (PerProjectInfo) perProjectInfo.get(project);
if (info != null) {
* @see ISaveParticipant
public void rollback(ISaveContext context){
* Runs a Java Model Operation
public void runOperation(JavaModelOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
int previousDeltaCount = this.javaModelDeltas.size();
try {
if (operation.isReadOnly()) {;
} else {
// use to ensure that a build will be done in autobuild mode
this.getJavaModel().getWorkspace().run(operation, monitor);
} catch (CoreException ce) {
if (ce instanceof JavaModelException) {
throw (JavaModelException)ce;
} else {
if (ce.getStatus().getCode() == IResourceStatus.OPERATION_FAILED) {
Throwable e= ce.getStatus().getException();
if (e instanceof JavaModelException) {
throw (JavaModelException) e;
throw new JavaModelException(ce);
} finally {
// update JavaModel using deltas that were recorded during this operation
for (int i = previousDeltaCount, size = this.javaModelDeltas.size(); i < size; i++) {
// fire only iff:
// - the operation did produce some delta(s)
// - but the operation has not modified any resource
if ((this.javaModelDeltas.size() > previousDeltaCount)
&& !operation.hasModifiedResource()) {
fire(null, JavaModelManager.DEFAULT_CHANGE_EVENT);
} // else deltas are fired while processing the resource delta
private void saveBuildState() throws CoreException {
ArrayList vStats= null; // lazy initialized
for (Iterator iter = perProjectInfo.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
try {
PerProjectInfo info = (PerProjectInfo);
if (info.triedRead)
} catch (CoreException e) {
if (vStats == null)
vStats= new ArrayList();
if (vStats != null) {
IStatus[] stats= new IStatus[vStats.size()];
throw new CoreException(new MultiStatus(JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR, stats, Util.bind("build.cannotSaveStates"), null)); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Saves the built state for the project.
private void saveState(PerProjectInfo info) throws CoreException {
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println(Util.bind("build.saveStateProgress", info.project.getName())); //$NON-NLS-1$
File file = getSerializationFile(info.project);
if (file == null) return;
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)));
try {
out.writeUTF("STATE"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (info.savedState == null) {
} else {
JavaBuilder.writeState(info.savedState, out);
} finally {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
try {file.delete();} catch(SecurityException se) {}
throw new CoreException(
new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, Platform.PLUGIN_ERROR,
Util.bind("build.cannotSaveState", info.project.getName()), e)); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (IOException e) {
try {file.delete();} catch(SecurityException se) {}
throw new CoreException(
new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, Platform.PLUGIN_ERROR,
Util.bind("build.cannotSaveState", info.project.getName()), e)); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG) {
t = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
System.out.println(Util.bind("build.saveStateComplete", String.valueOf(t))); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @see ISaveParticipant
public void saving(ISaveContext context) throws CoreException {
int k = context.getKind();
if (k == ISaveContext.FULL_SAVE){
this.saveBuildState(); // build state
} else if (k == ISaveContext.PROJECT_SAVE){
PerProjectInfo info = getPerProjectInfo(context.getProject());
if (info.triedRead)
* Record the order in which to build the java projects (batch build). This order is based
* on the projects classpath settings.
protected void setBuildOrder(String[] javaBuildOrder) throws JavaModelException {
// optional behaviour
// possible value of index 0 is Compute
if (!JavaCore.COMPUTE.equals(JavaCore.getOption(JavaCore.CORE_JAVA_BUILD_ORDER))) return;
if (javaBuildOrder == null || javaBuildOrder.length <= 1) return;
IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
IWorkspaceDescription description = workspace.getDescription();
String[] wksBuildOrder = description.getBuildOrder();
String[] newOrder;
if (wksBuildOrder == null){
newOrder = javaBuildOrder;
} else {
// remove projects which are already mentionned in java builder order
int javaCount = javaBuildOrder.length;
HashMap newSet = new HashMap(javaCount); // create a set for fast check
for (int i = 0; i < javaCount; i++){
newSet.put(javaBuildOrder[i], javaBuildOrder[i]);
int removed = 0;
int oldCount = wksBuildOrder.length;
for (int i = 0; i < oldCount; i++){
if (newSet.containsKey(wksBuildOrder[i])){
wksBuildOrder[i] = null;
// add Java ones first
newOrder = new String[oldCount - removed + javaCount];
System.arraycopy(javaBuildOrder, 0, newOrder, 0, javaCount); // java projects are built first
// copy previous items in their respective order
int index = javaCount;
for (int i = 0; i < oldCount; i++){
if (wksBuildOrder[i] != null){
newOrder[index++] = wksBuildOrder[i];
// commit the new build order out
try {
} catch(CoreException e){
throw new JavaModelException(e);
* Sets the last built state for the given project, or null to reset it.
public void setLastBuiltState(IProject project, Object state) {
PerProjectInfo info = getPerProjectInfo(project);
info.triedRead = true; // no point trying to re-read once using setter
info.savedState = state;
if (state == null) { // delete state file to ensure a full build happens if the workspace crashes
try {
File file = getSerializationFile(project);
if (file != null && file.exists())
} catch(SecurityException se) {}
public void shutdown () {
if (this.deltaProcessor.indexManager != null){ // no more indexing
try {
IJavaModel model = this.getJavaModel();
if (model != null) {
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
* Turns the firing mode to on. That is, deltas that are/have been
* registered will be fired.
public void startDeltas() {
this.isFiring= true;
* Turns the firing mode to off. That is, deltas that are/have been
* registered will not be fired until deltas are started again.
public void stopDeltas() {
this.isFiring= false;
* Update Java Model given some delta
public void updateJavaModel(IJavaElementDelta customDelta) {
if (customDelta == null){
for (int i = 0, length = this.javaModelDeltas.size(); i < length; i++){
IJavaElementDelta delta = (IJavaElementDelta)this.javaModelDeltas.get(i);
} else {
public static IPath variableGet(String varName){
return (IPath)Variables.get(varName);
public static String[] variableNames(){
int length = Variables.size();
String[] result = new String[length];
Iterator vars = Variables.keySet().iterator();
int index = 0;
while (vars.hasNext()) {
result[index++] = (String);
return result;
public static void variablePut(String varName, IPath varPath){
// do not write out intermediate initialization value
if (varPath == JavaModelManager.VariableInitializationInProgress){
Variables.put(varName, varPath);
Preferences preferences = JavaCore.getPlugin().getPluginPreferences();
String varString = varPath == null ? CP_VARIABLE_IGNORE : varPath.toString();
preferences.setDefault(varPref, CP_VARIABLE_IGNORE); // use this default to get rid of removed ones
preferences.setValue(varPref, varString);