blob: f2536315107d4e6166232177d0852c06d41ca68f [file] [log] [blame]
### JavaBatchCompiler messages.
### compiler version id
compiler.version = 0.287a
### scanning
scanning.start = Collecting source files inside {0}
### progress
progress.compiling = Compiling
### compile
compile.repetition = Repetition {0}/{1}
compile.instantTime = Compiled {0} lines in {1} ms ({2} lines/s)
compile.totalTime = Total compilation time: {0}
compile.oneProblem = 1 problem
compile.severalProblems = {0} problems
compile.oneError = 1 error
compile.severalErrors = {0} errors
compile.oneWarning = 1 warning
compile.severalWarnings = {0} warnings
compile.oneClassFileGenerated = 1 .class file generated
compile.severalClassFilesGenerated = {0} .class files generated
### configure
configure.requiresJDK1.2orAbove = Need to use a JVM >= 1.2
configure.noSourceFile = no source file specified
configure.duplicateLog = duplicate log specification: {0}
configure.duplicateRepeat = duplicate repeat specification: {0}
configure.duplicateCompliance = duplicate compliance setting specification: {0}
configure.source = invalid source option, source is either ''1.3'' or ''1.4'': {0}
configure.duplicateOutputPath = duplicate output path specification: {0}
configure.duplicateBootClasspath = duplicate bootclasspath specification: {0}
configure.invalidDebugOption = invalid debug option: {0}
configure.invalidWarningConfiguration = invalid warning configuration: {0}
configure.invalidWarning = invalid warning: {0}
configure.invalidWarningOption = invalid warning option: {0}
configure.targetJDK = target JDK should be comprised in between ''1.1'' and ''1.4'': {0}
configure.incompatibleTargetForSource14 = ''1.4'' source mode requires ''-target 1.4'' : {0}
configure.incompatibleComplianceForSource14 = ''1.4'' source mode requires ''-1.4'' compliance mode: {0}
configure.incompatibleComplianceForTarget14 = ''1.4'' target mode requires ''-1.4'' compliance mode: {0}
configure.repetition = repetition must be a positive integer: {0}
configure.directoryNotExist = directory does not exist: {0}
configure.IOError = i/o error : unable to retrieve .JAVA files in directory: {0}
configure.version = Eclipse Java Compiler {0}, Copyright IBM Corp 2000-2002. All rights reserved.
configure.noClasspath = no classpath defined, using default directory instead
configure.incorrectClasspath = incorrect classpath: {0}
configure.noSource = no source file specified
configure.cannotOpenLog = cannot open .log file
configure.unexpectedCustomEncoding = unexpected custom encoding specification: {0}[{1}]
configure.unsupportedEncoding = unsupported encoding format: {0}
configure.duplicateDefaultEncoding = duplicate default encoding format specification: {0}
configure.invalidTaskTag ={0} is an invalid task tag
### requestor
requestor.error = ERROR
requestor.warning = WARNING = in {0}
requestor.notRetrieveErrorMessage = Cannot retrieve the error message for {0}
### unit
unit.more = File {0} is specified more than once
unit.missing = File {0} is missing
### output
output.noClassFileCreated = No .class file created for file named {0} because of an IOException.
### miscellaneous
misc.usage = Eclipse Java Compiler {0}\n\
Copyright IBM Corp 2000-2002. All rights reserved.\n\n\
Usage: <options> <source files | directories>\n\n\
where options include:\n\
-help display this help message\n\
-version only display compiler version number\n\
-classpath <dir 1>;<dir 2>;...;<dir P>\n\
-bootclasspath <dir 1>;<dir 2>;...;<dir P>\n\
-d <dir> destination directory (if omitted, no directory is created)\n\
\t-d none no classfile is generated\n\
-target <ver> set classfile target (1.1 to 1.4, default is 1.1)\n\
-1.3 use 1.3 compliance level (default)\n\
-1.4 use 1.4 compliance level\n\
-source <ver> set source level (1.3 or 1.4, default matches compliance level)\n\
-nowarn no warning (equivalent to ''-warn:none'')\n\
-warn: <level> set warning level (e.g. ''-warn:unusedLocals,deprecation'')\n\
\tallDeprecation deprecation (including in deprecated code)\n\
\tassertIdentifier ''assert'' used as identifier\n\
\tconstructorName method with constructor name\n\
\tdeprecation deprecation (outside deprecated code)\n\
\tmaskedCatchBlocks hidden catch block\n\
\tnls string literal lacking non-nls tag //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n\
\tpackageDefaultMethod attempt to override package-default method\n\
\tunusedArguments unused method argument (never read)\n\
\tunusedImports unused imports\n\
\tunusedLocals unused local variable (never read)\n\
\tstaticReceiver non-static reference to static member\n\
\tnoEffectAssign assignment without effect\n\
\tsyntheticAccess synthetic access for innerclass\n\
\tnoImplicitStringConversion char[] are not implicitely converted to String\n\
\ttasks(<tag1>|...|<tagN>) tasks identified by tags inside comments\n\
-deprecation equivalent to ''-warn:deprecation''.\n\
-g[:<level>] debug attributes level\n\
\t-g all debug info (''-g:lines,vars,source'')\n\
\t-g:none no debug info\n\
\t-g:[lines,vars,source] selective debug info\n\
-preserveAllLocals code gen preserve all local variables (for debug purpose)\n\
-noImportError no errors for unresolved imports\n\
-encoding <enc> specify default source encoding format (custom encoding can be specified on\n\
\t\t\t\t\ta per file basis by adding suffix ''[<enc>]'' to file/folder names\n\
-log <filename> specify a log file\n\
-proceedOnError keep compiling when error, dumping class files with problem methods\n\
-verbose print accessed/processed compilation units \n\
-referenceInfo compute reference info\n\
-progress show progress (only in -log mode)\n\
-time display speed information\n\
-noExit do not call System.exit(n) at end of compilation (n=0 if no error)\n\
-repeat <n> repeat compilation process <n> times (perf analysis)\n