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<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="+3"><b>jdt core - build notes 3.1 stream</b></font>
<br><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-2" color="#8080ff">java development tooling core</font></td>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1">
Here are the build notes for the Eclipse JDT/Core plug-in project
<a href=""><b>org.eclipse.jdt.core</b></a>,
describing <a href="" target=new>bug</a> resolution and substantial changes in the <a href=""><b>HEAD</b></a> branch.
This present document covers all changes since Release 3.0 (also see a summary of <a href="">API changes</a>).
Older changes which occurred up to Release 3.0 can be found in
<a href="">build notes R2.1</a>.
This present document covers all changes since Release 3.0 (also see a summary of <a href="">API changes</a>).
<br>Maintenance of previous releases of JDT/Core is performed in parallel branches:
<a href="">R3.0.x</a>,
<a href="">R2.1.x</a>,
<a href="">R2.0.x</a>,
<a href="">R1.0.x</a>.
<a name="v_504"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.1 - 31st August 2004 - J2SE 1.5 Preview
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_504
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>Added new Java element <code>ITypeParameter</code> that represents a formal type parameter in a generic type or method.
Note types and methods should have type parameters as children, but this is currently disabled as JDT UI doesn't support
this kind of element yet.
To enable set <code>org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.TypeParameter#ENABLED</code> to <code>true</code>.</li>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">72942</a>
[1.5] 'AT' is visible inside syntax error messages
<br><a href="">68343</a>
IDOMType.setSuperInterfaces() with empty array has no impact on Interfaces
<br><a href="">72083</a>
[1.5] NPE while compiling FindBugs
<br><a href="">71080</a>
[1.5] Type parameter bound <E extends Enum<E>> should be allowed
<br><a href="">62070</a>
Should revisit reference recording
<br><a href="">36397</a>
Compiling source which indirectly references unavailable classes
<br><a href="">62822</a>
[1.5] Bound mismatch: The type X is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter
<br><a href="">72094</a>
NPE inside qualified type reference resolution
<br><a href="">72468</a>
"hierarchy of ... type is inconsistent" error message
<br><a href="">59082</a>
[1.5] Should not offer argument completion for non generic type
<br><a href="">72501</a>
[1.5] CodeAssist - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference
<br><a href="">72640</a>
Codestream target level is initialized with source level
<br><a href="">72560</a>
[1.5] VerifyError in nested generics loop
<a name="v_503"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.1 - 24th August 2004 - J2SE 1.5 Preview
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_503
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>All resource change listeners/builder now react to new encoding change notification.</li>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">70193</a>
DBCS – The GB18030 character cannot be correctly generated into “.classpath” file when new a source folder named with GB18030 character.
<br><a href="">70997</a>
Debugger doesn't stop in finally block
<br><a href="">47074</a>
inability to detect invalid cast between interfaces
<br><a href="">71910</a>
Weird exception handlers ranges with any exception handlers
<br><a href="">72352</a>
"No completion available" after cast to "String[]"
<br><a href="">71702</a>
code completion doesn't work anymore after Array cast.
<br><a href="">68847</a>
[1.5] DCR Signature: API to separate raw type and type parameters
<br><a href="">72348</a>
[1.5][Type Hierarchy] Super type hierarchy of class extending generic type is empty
<br><a href="">72105</a>
[1.5] NPE in SelectionEngine.selectFrom
<br><a href="">72230</a>
[1.5][Type Signature] IAE in createCharArrayTypeSignature
<br><a href="">68506</a>
Java code formatter strips newline, leaving final line unterminated!
<br><a href="">59052</a>
[1.5][reconciling] DOM conversion incomplete for generics
<br><a href="">72248</a>
[1.5] StackOverflowError caused by methods type variable
<br><a href="">72233</a>
IAE creating AST for java.lang.SuppressWarnings
<br><a href="">57585</a>
memory optimization in JavaModelCache
<br><a href="">72238</a>
[1.5] CodeAssist - Wrong completion inside parameterized type
<br><a href="">68585</a>
index is out of date after encoding change
<br><a href="">68594</a>
[1.5] NPE after code assist
<br><a href="">70995</a>
[1.5] Add 1.5 constructs in the code formatter
<br><a href="">68842</a>
[1.5] AST: parameter type binding: getKey seems wrong
<br><a href="">71852</a>
ClassCastException in HandleFactory.createElement(...)
<br><a href="">69066</a>
[1.5] getTypeArguments incorrect (?) when type argument is a type variable
<br><a href="">68838</a>
[1.5] AST: Missing bindings in type parameters
<a name="v_502"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.1 - 10th August 2004 - J2SE 1.5 Preview - 3.1 MILESTONE 1
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_502
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">66908</a>
Code assist javadoc confused by duplicate java.lang.String
<br><a href="">66570</a>
Code assist fails due to capitalization
<br><a href="">71705</a>
[1.5] CodeAssist failure with simple test case
<br><a href="">69598</a>
[1.5] Auto Completion not available in new for-loop
<br><a href="">71672</a>
[1.5] MethodInvocation has no type arguments
<br><a href="">67790</a>
[1.5] AST: ConstructorInvocation type arguments not in source range
<br><a href="">70292</a>
[1.5] enum makes Copy, Cut commands fail
<br><a href="">71241</a>
[1.5] different methods with same erasure should not override
<br><a href="">69901</a>
[1.5] Interface / Generic: unchecked conversion should throw a warning
<br><a href="">71467</a>
JavaConventions.ValidatePackageName() does not return ERROR
<br><a href="">71113</a>
[1.5] improve DOM/AST specs for bindings for JLS3 constructs
<br><a href="">71079</a>
[1.5] ClassCastException resolving Javadoc
<br><a href="">70969</a>
[1.5] compile error with conditional operator and wildcards
<br><a href="">70611</a>
[1.5] Specific generic class declaration breaks save and load
<br><a href="">69931</a>
JDTCompilerAdapter prevents use of Cheetah
<br><a href="">71007</a>
[1.5] Qualified name not supported as member value
<br><a href="">70984</a>
[1.5] Invalid syntax error
<br><a href="">70986</a>
[Prefs] Old Java project prefs are not all stored while migrating to new API
<br><a href="">70975</a>
[1.5] Type mismatch when compiling against binary generic method
<br><a href="">70656</a>
[1.5] StackOverflow when resolving Enum<FormattedFloatingDecimal$Form>
<a name="v_501"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.1 - 27th July 2004 - J2SE 1.5 Preview - Codename "Cheetah"
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_501
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>Plugin version ID got incremented to 3.1.0. </li>
<li>Added support for method return type covariance</li>
<li>Added optional compiler diagnosis for serializabe classes missing a declaration of serialVersionUID field.
Corresponding problem ID is IProblem.MissingSerialVersion.
* COMPILER / Reporting Missing Declaration of serialVersionUID Field on Serializable Class
* When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a serializable class is missing a local declaration
* of a serialVersionUID field. This field must be declared as static final and be of type long.
* - option id: "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingSerialVersion"
* - possible values: { "error", "warning", "ignore" }
* - default: "warning"
<li>Added <code>isConstructor()</code> and <code>isSynthetic()</code> getters to MethodReferenceMatch.
When a search requestor (<code>SearchRequestor</code>) accepts this kind of match,
it can now distinguish between method and constructor reference matches. It can also know
if a constructor reference match is a default constructor or use an implicit super call.
Note that synthetic method reference match is not supported yet.
<li>Once 1.5 source compliance is enabled, the typecheck rules for conditional operator (a ? b : c)
allows scenario where 'b' and 'c' have a common supertype (i.e. it is no longer required for
one to be assignable to the other as in the past). This is required by JLS 3rd edition.
<li>Fix for bug <a href="">69028</a>
requires the index version to be incremented. Indexes will be automatically regenerated upon
subsequent search queries (accounting for indexing notification in search progress dialogs).
<li>The spec for MethodDeclaration.typeParameters was changed to remove the
clause that said that type parameters were not meaningful for
constructors. According to the latest JLS3, both constructors and methods
are allowed to have type parameters.
(bug <a href="">70665</a>).
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">48336</a>
[Search] Participants should surface in search progress
<br><a href="">70598</a>
[Encoding] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while testing BOM on *.txt files
<br><a href="">70767</a>
[1.5] NPE compiling code with explicit constructor invocation
<br><a href="">70717</a>
Batch compiler should report compilation errors to console
<br><a href="">70665</a>
[DOM/AST] missing type parameters for constructor declaration in JLS3
<br><a href="">70618</a>
[1.5] Variable T should be allowed as argument of supertype
<br><a href="">70616</a>
[1.5] Unable to bind type variable in binary from Enum<E>
<br><a href="">70609</a>
[1.5] NPE compiling Container
<br><a href="">70606</a>
[1.5] ClassCastException compiling DefaultTreeCellEditor
<br><a href="">69351</a>
[1.5] Error should be issued if generic type is extending Throwable
<br><a href="">62822</a>
[1.5] Bound mismatch: The type X is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter
<br><a href="">69626</a>
[1.5] The return type is incompatible
<br><a href="">41018</a>
Method reference with member type parameter(s) not found
<br><a href="">70053</a>
[1.5] VerifyError - incompatible argument to function
<br><a href="">69942</a>
compiler warning for serializable classes that do not explicitly declare serialVersionUID
<br><a href="">70398</a>
Java AST creation error due to NullPointerException in IF statement test block.
<br><a href="">43587</a>
Searching for references to default constructors reports questionable results
<br><a href="">70243</a>
[1.5] no warning for unsafe cast
<br><a href="">69799</a>
[1.5] NPE when saving File with forEach loop
<br><a href="">69320</a>
[1.5] generic parameter type compiles by eclipse, not by javac
<br><a href="">69800</a>
[1.5] eclipse fails to report incompatible types
<br><a href="">70295</a>
[1.5] method(Class<?>) is not applicable for Class<? extends Object>
<br><a href="">70247</a>
[1.5] NPE in TypeVariableBinding
<br><a href="">68726</a>
[Javadoc] Target attribute in @see link triggers warning
<br><a href="">68993</a>
IllegalArgumentException when opening project preferences
<br><a href="">69806</a>
formatter doesn't handle strictfp correctly.
<br><a href="">69776</a>
[1.5] VerifyError: Incompatible object argument for function call
<br><a href="">69713</a>
[1.5] Cannot save java document, throws nullpointer
<br><a href="">69542</a>
[1.5] ByteCode differs from javac ByteCode in behaviour
<br><a href="">69554</a>
Eclipse Java compiler is not completely compliant to Javac
<br><a href="">69658</a>
typo in javadoc of ClassInstanceCreation
<br><a href="">69308</a>
All ASTNodes that deal with modifiers should offer a method setModifiers(List modifiers)
<br><a href="">69302</a>
[Javadoc] Invalid reference warning inconsistent with javadoc tool
<br><a href="">69275</a>
[Javadoc] Invalid warning on @see link
<br><a href="">69272</a>
[Javadoc] Invalid malformed reference (missing separator)
<br><a href="">68087</a>
[Javadoc] '-' character should be accepted in tag names
<br><a href="">68025</a>
Javadoc processing does not detect some wrong links
<br><a href="">68017</a>
Javadoc processing does not detect missing argument to @return
<br><a href="">69573</a>
[1.5] Missing Message for Compiler
<br><a href="">69028</a>
Anonymous type in argument of super() is not in type hierarchy
<br><a href="">69375</a>
[1.5] wildcards: no error for incorrect assignment
<br><a href="">68698</a>
Bug in inner class emulation:compiler doesn't reject illegal code.
<br><a href="">69359</a>
[1.5] Trouble with "unnecassary cast" warnings
<br><a href="">69271</a>
decimal integer literals should not consist of FULL WIDTH Unicode digits
<br><a href="">69349</a>
[DOM/AST] Wrong end position for method declaration
<br><a href="">69152</a>
[NPE] An internal error occurred during: "Override indicator installation job".
<br><a href="">68010</a>
[1.5] Return type of bridge method is not correct inside outliner
<br><a href="">69170</a>
[1.5] no error for new T[0]
<br><a href="">69353</a>
[1.5] Should reject usage of type parameter in catch block
<br><a href="">69288</a>
[1.5] Unsafe type operations should be reported against individual expressions
<br><a href="">64305</a>
[1.5] Bad "return type is incompatible" error for array values
<br><a href="">69251</a>
[1.5] can't instantiate bounded wildcard
<br><a href="">69141</a>
[1.5] Wildcards with lower bound do not work
<br><a href="">69276</a>
[1.5] NPE in ReturnStatement
<br><a href="">64154</a>
[1.5] incorrect 'constructor not visible'
<br><a href="">65943</a>
Closing/opening a project doesn't have the correct delta
<br><a href="">68998</a>
[1.5] NPE in java compiler
<br><a href="">68146</a>
Search should not populate Java model cache
<br><a href="">67789</a>
Java element delta from refresh contains excluded package
<br><a href="">68845</a>
[1.5] AST: AbstractTypeDeclaration should have resolveBinding
<br><a href="">66512</a>
Invalid classpath entry not rejected
<br><a href="">67643</a>
[1.5] Incompatible conditional operand types
<br><a href="">68981</a>
[1.5] NPE in code assist
<br><a href="">68891</a>
[1.5] TypeVariableBinding does not know his declaring type or method
<br><a href="">68862</a>
[1.5] ClassCastException when moving a a java file
<a name="v_500"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.1 - 29th June 2004 - J2SE 1.5 Preview - Codename "Cheetah"
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_500 (Cheetah06)
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>From target 1.5 on, the JSR bytecode instruction is no longer generated. As a consequence, the
corresponding compiler option status will be ignored as soon as -target 1.5 is specified.
<li>Batch compiler defaults to 1.5 source and target, when toggled in 1.5 compliant mode ("-1.5").
<li>Added support for generics to JavaModel, thus enabling editor problem reconciling, outliner, type hierarchies. </li>
<li>Improved codeassist and codeselect handling of generics </li>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">68837</a>
[1.5] AST: Missing source range in parameterized type
<br><a href="">68133</a>
[1.5] VerifyError: Code segment has wrong length in class file
<br><a href="">68863</a>
Missing entry in local variable attribute
<br><a href="">68440</a>
[1.5] VerifyError with new for loop
<br><a href="">64159</a>
[1.5] call to addAll(Collection<? extends T>) incorrectly dissalowed
<br><a href="">68602</a>
[1.5] AST converter fails on local types
<br><a href="">66424</a>
[1.5] Collections in new style for loop
<br><a href="">64417</a>
[1.5] NPE in SourceTypeBinding.resolveTypesFor
<br><a href="">68730</a>
[1.5] No completion
<br><a href="">65953</a>
[1.5] Internal Compiler Error: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
<br><a href="">58470</a>
[1.5] Source mapper fooled by generics
<br><a href="">64336</a>
[1.5] Signature does allow to create parameterized type signatures
<br><a href="">68557</a>
[1.5] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in SourceTypeConverter
<br><a href="">68006</a>
[1.5] Invalid modifier after parse
<br><a href="">65503</a>
[1.5] "new" for-loop inside "old" for-loop gives error
<br><a href="">65870</a>
[1.5] AST creation fails when created with comments
<br><a href="">64301</a>
[1.5] Cast required where no cast should be required
<br><a href="">63556</a>
[1.5] Error when creating generic classes specializing distant generic parameters
<br><a href="">63590</a>
[1.5] Cheetah allows generic throws clause
<br><a href="">63555</a>
[1.5] Cannot put generic type fields inside static inner class
<br><a href="">58722</a>
[1.5] cannot extend interfaces
<a name="v_429_Cheetah05"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Eclipse SDK 3.1 - 15th May 2004
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_429_Cheetah05
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
What's new in this drop</h2>
Cast/instanceof operations are now fully supported, along with extra diagnosis for unsafe type operations.
Explicit parameterizations of message sends and constructor calls are also supported.
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">62416</a>
[1.5] An error has occurred when creating this (Java) editor
<br><a href="">62292</a>
[1.5] Missing receiver in parameterized message send
<br><a href="">61507</a>
[1.5] NPE in computeCompatibleMethod
<br><a href="">60681</a>
[1.5] Return type not strict enough
<br><a href="">60563</a>
[1.5] VerifyError when using generics and arrays
<br><a href="">59258</a>
Possibility to share compiler preferences for a shared project
<br><a href="">60556</a>
[1.5] Collections.unmodifiableList(List<A>)
<br><a href="">58978</a>
[1.5] Generic method needs better error reporting
<br><a href="">59983</a>
[1.5] Internal compiler error
<br><a href="">58903</a>
[1.5] Implementing inherited generic methods
<a name="v_422_Cheetah04"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Eclipse SDK 3.1 - 23th April 2004
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_422_Cheetah04
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
What's new in this drop</h2>
Wildcard type compatibilities got reworked quite significantly. In
particular, it now diagnoses
usage of methods which parameters are of wildcard type (see 59641).
Covariance is still not supported, but the Cheetah can now issue synthetic
bridge methods for allowing overriding to parameterized methods.
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">59723</a>
[1.5] Compiler rejects usage of ArrayList.toArray(char[][])
<br><a href="">59628</a>
[1.5] Erroneous diagnosis for missing abstract method implementation
<br><a href="">59641</a>
[1.5] Compiler should refuse usage of wildcard argument values
<br><a href="">59147</a>
[1.5] Compiler rejects correct code with wildcards and raw types
<br><a href="">58979</a>
[1.5] NullPointerException in compiler
<a name="v_421_Cheetah03"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Eclipse SDK 3.1 - 16th April 2004
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_421_Cheetah03
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
What's new in this drop</h2>
The Cheetah is now able to digest generic methods and perform type inference.
It also recognizes the Object.getClass() method and perform adequate
substitutions (see <a href="">57784</a>).
Generic types completion is available and type parameters are proposed
as possible completions.
Currently type parameter proposals are given by
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">58715</a>
[1.5] The return type is incompatible
<br><a href="">58631</a>
[1.5] Cycle in hierarchy no longer detected
<br><a href="">58666</a>
[1.5] Object.getClass() need to be treated special ?
<br><a href="">57784</a>
[1.5] Errors using Arrays.asList(T [])
<br><a href="">58461</a>
[1.5] java.lang.VerifyError from enhanced for loop
<a name="v_421_Cheetah02"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Eclipse SDK 3.1 - 13th April 2004
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_421_Cheetah02
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
What's new in this drop</h2>
Properly decode signatures of parameterized member types which are flourishing in 1.5 class libs,
and were reported as bogus inconsistencies with Cheetah01.
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">53036</a>
Incorrect highlighting for type problem in qualified type name
<br><a href="">57716</a>
[1.5] NPE compiling SelectionParser in source 1.5
<br><a href="">57397</a>
[1.5] Unable to save unit
<a name="v_420_Cheetah01"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Eclipse SDK 3.1 - 4th April 2004
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_420_Cheetah01
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
What's new in this drop</h2>
<li> JDK 1.5 support.
<li> JavaCore 1.5 specific options. Either augmented to consider 1.5 or added.
* COMPILER / Setting Compliance Level
* Select the compliance level for the compiler. In "1.3" mode, source and target settings
* should not go beyond "1.3" level.
* - option id: "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance"
* - possible values: { "1.3", "1.4", "1.5" }
* - default: "1.4"
* COMPILER / Setting Source Compatibility Mode
* Specify whether which source level compatibility is used. From 1.4 on, 'assert' is a keyword
* reserved for assertion support. Also note, than when toggling to 1.4 mode, the target VM
* level should be set to "1.4" and the compliance mode should be "1.4".
* Source level 1.5 is necessary to enable generics, autoboxing, covariance, annotations, enumerations
* enhanced for loop, static imports and varargs. Once toggled, the target VM level should be set to "1.5"
* and the compliance mode should be "1.5".
* - option id: "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source"
* - possible values: { "1.3", "1.4", "1.5" }
* - default: "1.3"
* COMPILER / Defining Target Java Platform
* For binary compatibility reason, .class files can be tagged to with certain VM versions and later.
* Note that "1.4" target require to toggle compliance mode to "1.4" too. Similarily, "1.5" target require
* to toggle compliance mode to "1.5".
* - option id: "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.targetPlatform"
* - possible values: { "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5" }
* - default: "1.2"
* COMPILER / Reporting Unsafe Type Operation
* When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever an operation involves generic types, and potentially
* invalidates type safety since involving raw types (e.g. invoking #foo(X<String>) with arguments (X)).
* - option id: "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unsafeTypeOperation"
* - possible values: { "error", "warning", "ignore" }
* - default: "warning"
* COMPILER / Reporting final Bound for Type Parameter
* When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a generic type parameter is associated with a
* bound corresponding to a final type; since final types cannot be further extended, the parameter is pretty useless.
* - option id: "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.finalParameterBound"
* - possible values: { "error", "warning", "ignore" }
* - default: "ignore"
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">56731</a>
[1.5] NPE inside ClassFileStruct when compiling with jre 1.5.0
<br><a href="">51262</a>
[1.5] Handling of additional bounds in type parameters
<br><a href="">52673</a>
[1.5] ArrayStoreException in 1.5 parser
For earlier build notes, also see <a href="">build notes up to Release 3.0</a>.