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<title>Java Debug Release Notes</title>
<h1> Eclipse 3.2 Java Debug Build Notes&nbsp;</h1>
<h2>Aug 8, 2005</h2>
<h3>API Changes</h3>
<h4>API contract changes to IJavaReferenceType</h4>
<h4><strong>What is affected:</strong> Clients that call <code>IJavaReferenceType.getClassLoaderObject()</code>.</h4>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> In Eclipse 3.1, the method <code>org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaReferenceType.getClassLoaderObject()</code>
was added to <code>IJavaReferenceType</code>. The method was not specified
to return <code>null</code>, but could. In Eclipse 3.2, the specification
has been updated to indicate that <code>null</code> is a valid return value.
The behavior of the method has not changed, but callers should be aware
that <code>null</code> can be returned and should add appropriate checks.</p>
<p><strong>Action required:</strong> Clients calling <code>IJavaReferenceType.getClassLoaderObject()</code>
should be modified to handle <code>null</code> as a return value.</p>
<li>Evaluations in the Java debugger are now supported in the context of array
objects. The user may select a variable in the Variables View that references
an array and enter an expression in the details area using <code>this</code>
to refer to the array - for example, <code>&quot;this.length</code>&quot;.
Code assist also works for arrays. The API for evaluations has not changed
although the behavior has. In releases prior to 3.2, <code>IAstEvaluationEngine</code>
used to throw an exception when an evaluation was attempted for a receiver
object that was an array. In 3.2, the evaluation proceeds.</li>
<li>The UI for editing a JREs libraries has been improved. In 3.1 and earlier,
users were required to uncheck the button labelled '<code>Use default libraries</code>'
in order modify library settings. This button has been removed and the function
has been replaced with a '<code>Restore Defaults</code>' button, which is
a more common style in the Eclipse UI.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">105965</a>: IJavaReferenceType.getClassLoaderObejct() can return null<br>
<a href="">25362</a>: Cannot evaluate in the context of an array<br>
<a href="">106091</a>: Code assist for eval in context of an array<br>
<a href="">106243</a>: clear detail formatter cache when 'max detail length' pref changes<br>
<h2>Aug 2, 2005</h2>
<li>Added NL support for images.</li>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">105255</a>: [BIDI] need to add $nl$/ to icon paths for reversed icons<br>
<h2>July 26, 2005 </h2>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">103700</a>: ClassCastException when evaluating assigment of array of interfaces<br>
<a href="">101075</a>: Cannot assign array type to local variable of type Object.<br>
<a href="">98141</a>: Evaluation in context of interface fails<br>
<a href="">103326</a>: NPE executing step into command<br>
<a href="">99416</a>: Evaluation in context of superclass fails to resolve instvar in subclass<br>
<a href="">81045</a>: ClassNotLoadedException when trying to change a value<br>
<a href="">104654</a>: Breakpoint on label is not honoured<br>
<a href="">102427</a>: Cannot inspect/display static import methods<br>