blob: e32a3801cbfae0e00b462612b468f664c4d41c79 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaPatternBreakpoint;
import com.sun.jdi.*;
public class JavaPatternBreakpoint extends AbstractJavaLineBreakpoint implements IJavaPatternBreakpoint {
private static final String PATTERN_BREAKPOINT = "org.eclipse.jdt.debug.patternBreakpointMarker"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Breakpoint attribute storing the pattern identifier of the source
* file in which a breakpoint is created
* (value <code>"patternHandle"</code>). This attribute is a <code>String</code>.
private static final String PATTERN = "pattern"; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected static final String[] fgPatternAndHitCountAttributes= new String[]{PATTERN, HIT_COUNT, EXPIRED};
public JavaPatternBreakpoint(IResource resource, String pattern, int lineNumber, int hitCount) throws DebugException {
this(resource, pattern, lineNumber, hitCount, PATTERN_BREAKPOINT);
public JavaPatternBreakpoint(final IResource resource, final String pattern, final int lineNumber, final int hitCount, final String markerType) throws DebugException {
IWorkspaceRunnable wr= new IWorkspaceRunnable() {
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
// create the marker
fMarker= resource.createMarker(markerType);
setLineBreakpointAttributes(getPluginIdentifier(), true, lineNumber, -1, -1);
// configure the hit count and pattern handle
setPatternAndHitCount(pattern, hitCount);
// Lastly, add the breakpoint manager
* Creates the event requests to:<ul>
* <li>Listen to class loads related to the breakpoint</li>
* <li>Respond to the breakpoint being hti</li>
* </ul>
protected void addToTarget(JDIDebugTarget target) throws CoreException {
// create request to listen to class loads
registerRequest(target, target.createClassPrepareRequest(getPattern()));
// create breakpoint requests for each class currently loaded
List classes= target.getVM().allClasses();
if (classes != null) {
Iterator iter = classes.iterator();
String typeName= null;
String sourceName= null;
ReferenceType type= null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
type= (ReferenceType);
if (typeName != null && typeName.startsWith(getPattern())) {
createRequest(target, type);
* Create a breakpoint request if the source name
* debug attribute matches the resource name.
protected void createRequest(JDIDebugTarget target, ReferenceType type) throws CoreException {
String sourceName = null;
try {
sourceName = type.sourceName();
} catch (AbsentInformationException e) {
// do nothing - cannot install pattern breakpoint without source name debug attribtue
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
target.targetRequestFailed(MessageFormat.format(JDIDebugModelMessages.getString("JavaPatternBreakpoint.exception_source_name"),new String[] {e.toString(),}) ,e); //$NON-NLS-1$
// if the debug attribute matches the resource name, install a breakpoint
if (ensureMarker().getResource().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(sourceName)) {
super.createRequest(target, type);
* Sets the <code>PATTERN</code> attribute of the given breakpoint.
* If <code>hitCount > 0</code>, sets the <code>HIT_COUNT</code> attribute of the given breakpoint,
* and resets the <code>EXPIRED</code> attribute to false (since, if
* the hit count is changed, the breakpoint should no longer be expired).
protected void setPatternAndHitCount(String pattern, int hitCount) throws CoreException {
if (hitCount == 0) {
Object[] values= new Object[]{pattern, new Integer(hitCount), Boolean.FALSE};
ensureMarker().setAttributes(fgPatternAndHitCountAttributes, values);
* Sets the <code>PATTERN</code> attribute of this breakpoint.
public void setPattern(String pattern) throws CoreException {
ensureMarker().setAttribute(PATTERN, pattern);
* Returns the <code>PATTERN</code> attribute of this breakpoint
public String getPattern() throws CoreException {
return (String) ensureMarker().getAttribute(PATTERN);