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<title>Java Debug Release Notes</title>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Debug</h1>
November 9, 2001
What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>toString() support for arrays</li>
<li>Support for hot swap and drop to frame on 1.4 compliant VMs</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<A HREF="">5257</A>: Set breakpoint takes very long<br>
<A HREF="">4926</A>: Exception on doubleclicking breakpoint<br>
<A HREF="">5627</A>: NPE setting detail pane orientation<br>
<A HREF="">5630</A>: Drop to frame does not re-select top stack frame<br>
<A HREF="">5631</A>: Breakpoint not reinstalled after hot swap<br>
<A HREF="">5415</A>: Plugin Name in Plugin Registery is wrong<br>
<A HREF="">1743</A>: Scrapbook should have accelerator for Display (1GKZ3BT)<br>
<A HREF="">5591</A>: Debug perspective missing view shortcuts<br>
<A HREF="">5625</A>: Missing accelerators on detail pane orientation of pref page<br>
<A HREF="">1646</A>: Feature: Resolution failure notification (1GF9OG5)<br>
<A HREF="">5579</A>: Would like option to switch to Debug perspective on breakpoi<br>
<A HREF="">5460</A>: Internal error when VM argument -mx: is too low<br>
<A HREF="">4282</A>: IllegalArgumentEx from HoverControler (1GKYY59)<br>
<A HREF="">1741</A>: Scrapbook actions missing from context menu (1GKZ2C1)<br>
<A HREF="">5671</A>: Pop to frame goes one too far<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<A HREF="">5494</A>: Debug/Run "latest" Menus Confusing<br>
<A HREF="">5576</A>: Usability: Cannot disable breakpoint from context menu<br>
<A HREF="">5505</A>: Can't Remote Connect MicroAnalyzer from Java Perspective<br>
<A HREF="">5553</A>: Can't Remote Debug on QNX ARM Target<br>
<A HREF="">5590</A>: Step return fails on J9<br>
<A HREF="">5596</A>: Option to make F10 to save and compile<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 0.208 5th November 2001
What's new in this drop</h2>
Java UI</h3>
Java Core</h3>
Support for 'toString()' in variables view. Depress the "Show Detail" button
in the variable view toolbar. 'toString' for arrays is not yet supported
(but is coming shortly). The vertical/horizontal split is controlled by
a 'Debug' preference.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">5115</a>: Workspace
source locator fails with mulitple package fragmen
<br><a href="">5463</a>:
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.vcm file missing
<br><a href="">5360</a>:
<br><a href="">5467</a>:
Bad import in LocalEvaluationEngine
<br><a href="">5257</a>:
Set breakpoint takes very long
<br><a href="">5415</a>:
Plugin Name in Plugin Registery is wrong
<br><a href="">1663</a>:
Missing toString() feature makes debugging painful (1GH3W9P)
<br><a href="">5421</a>:
Detail area does not update while stepping
<br><a href="">5474</a>:
should not use tool tips for labels
<br><a href="">4945</a>:
Promote #getBreakpoint from IJavaThread to IThread
<br><a href="">5460</a>:
Internal error when VM argument -mx: is too low
<br><a href="">5422</a>:
Allow detail area to split vertical or horizontal
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">5437</a>: Variable
not showing in Variables view even when assigned a
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 0.207 1st November 2001
What's new in this drop</h2>
Java UI</h3>
The Show in Packages View Action is available on text selections in the
Java Editor. When the text selection is empty the editor input is used
as the selection.</li>
The Packages View contents can be filtered against a working set.</li>
Action contributions for creating patches for Java elements.</li>
Type Hierarchy for packages, package fragment roots and projects.</li>
F4 (Open Type Hierarchy) almost everywhere (methods, in editor)</li>
Open Super Implementation Action: Searches for the method implementation
in the hierarchy and opens it in the editor.</li>
Java Core</h3>
API Change - IDebugConstants have been migrated to DebugPlugin and IBreakpoint.</li>
API Change - IDebugStatusConstants have been migrated to DebugException.</li>
API Change - IVariableModification has two new methods - setValue(IValue),
and verifyValue(IValue).</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">5177</a>: extract
method: NPE on binary file
<br><a href="">3947</a>:
cannot drag and drop source folders (1GF7OQL)
<br><a href="">5015</a>:
NullPointerException in refactor wizard
<br><a href="">4971</a>:
Strange 'copy package'
<br><a href="">3699</a>:
Show in package view should be available on text selections (1GJVY29)
<br><a href="">5278</a>:
Show Library Projects preference lost on restart
<br><a href="">5288</a>:
no revision tag for non-java resources
<br><a href="">5332</a>:
NPE deleting classpath jar using packages view
<br><a href="">4257</a>:
Packages View overwrites files without warning (1GKM8WL)
<br><a href="">5123</a>:
Lots of "cheese" after getting exception usign code assist
<br><a href="">5240</a>:
Exception while using new template support
<br><a href="">5258</a>:
Errors when trying to create a new Template
<br><a href="">5326</a>:
Exception when closing editor with open template
<br><a href="">4353</a>:
Exception while creating new Template
<br><a href="">5349</a>:
ClassCastExceptions caused by BreakpointManager
<br><a href="">5129</a>:
Copy is disabled in the console
<br><a href="">5114</a>:
Add exception dialog ignores caught/uncaught selection
<br><a href="">1737</a>:
Feature: filter static initializers (1GKQHTT)
<br><a href="">5307</a>:
TVT: Hardcoded category name in Debug (org.eclipse.debug.ui\
<br><a href="">5340</a>:
Cancelling add exception breakpoint has no effect
<br><a href="">4954</a>:
Evaluation does not update variable view
<br><a href="">1648</a>:
Inspect, Display, and Run to line, are enabled in all editor
<br><a href="">1603</a>:
Evaluate actions of the Display view evaluate on empty selec
<br><a href="">4953</a>:
Double click does not change value in inspector
<br><a href="">1763</a>:
Add Filter button disable until something to add (1GLE2J4)
<br><a href="">1704</a>:
Investigate option to step filter synthetic methods (1GJOTQZ
<br><a href="">5281</a>:
Step into resumes instead
<br><a href="">5367</a>:
Meaningless brackets presented with primitive display option
<br><a href="">5115</a>:
Workspace source locator fails with mulitple package fragmen
<br><a href="">1699</a>:
Display window enhancement (1GJ6GR9)
<br><a href="">5161</a>:
More info in Console open on type dialog
<br><a href="">1743</a>:
Scrapbook should have accelerator for Display (1GKZ3BT)
<br><a href="">3623</a>:
Enable Display, Run and Inspect Actions in Workbench toolbar
<br><a href="">1628</a>:
README: packages appear when doing eval (1GEYFPN)
<br><a href="">3348</a>:
DCR: Code formatter enhancement (1GIYHQR)
<br><a href="">4070</a>:
DCR: F4 should work in packages view (1GHHA0L)
<br><a href="">5116</a>:
Showing methods in the Type Hierarchy View is redundant
<br><a href="">5165</a>:
package viewer project sorting
<br><a href="">5195</a>:
F4 on method does not work
<br><a href="">5328</a>:
NPE in Open Super Method action
<br><a href="">5358</a>:
Suspicious usage of IJavaElementDelta.getFlags()
<br><a href="">5361</a>:
No error tick on imports in Packages view
<br><a href="">5377</a>:
NPE in Open Super Method action
<br><a href="">3502</a>:
DCR: open package to hierarchy (1G8Q7UL)
<br><a href="">3856</a>:
F3/F4 not working in the packages view (1GEYIJE)
<br><a href="">4086</a>:
Format problem in single element mode (1GKPJI8)
<br><a href="">4247</a>:
JavaModelException from TypeHierarchyContentProvider (1GKEY80)
<br><a href="">4261</a>:
Error icon in TypeHierarchy outline (1GL3ASH)
<br><a href="">4273</a>:
Compiler option changes not handled correctly (1GKWRI3)
<br><a href="">5115</a>:
Workspace source locator fails with mulitple package fragments
<br><a href="">4113</a>:
Type Hierarchy does not update when class added (1GII73E)
<br><a href="">4171</a>:
Accessibility: Code Formatter Page too large with a large text font (1GJL58E)
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">4989</a>: cannot
delete (contents of) default package
<br><a href="">5286</a>:
Walkback relaunching a program
<br><a href="">5310</a>:
"Copy" is disabled in Console
<br><a href="">5316</a>:
Cannot copy from console
<br><a href="">1554</a>:
Method entry breakpoints on source methods (1GC2U31)
<br><a href="">5401</a>:
Would like to copy contents of debug console
<br><a href="">3648</a>:
Java source attachment lost when same JAR added to another project (1GDKX8O)
<br><a href="">4240</a>:
Blank lines when creating a new type using the wizard (1GKBK4Z)
<br><a href="">3547</a>:
PORT: Create Java Project Wizard (1G794JO)
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 0.206 25th October 2001
What's new in this drop</h2>
Java UI</h3>
New improved template editor for resolving variables.</li>
Rename Local Variable Refactoring. To activate it - select the local variable
declaration or a reference to the variable and choose 'Rename Local Variable'
from the 'Refactor' menu.</li>
Type Hierarchy: Hierarchy View Only (Methods view hidden)</li>
Search uses new API of IResourceChangeEvent</li>
Limit Java field search to read or write access</li>
Java Core</h3>
JavaModel is no longer performing smart classpath updates when Java package
fragment roots are either moved or removed.</li>
API Change (method addition). IDebugModelPresentation now supports value
"details". @see org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugModelPresentation#getDetail(IValue).</li>
API Change - ISnippetSupportBreakpoint has been removed. This does not
break any clients. A "run-to-line" breakpoint is now used in place of a
snippet support breakpoint.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">5095</a>: template:
to array incorrect
<br><a href="">5099</a>:
TypeCache duplicated
<br><a href="">5092</a>:
Open type list - no longer works if ever cancelled during indexing
<br><a href="">4978</a>:
Completion list not ordered as expected
<br><a href="">5052</a>:
Scrolling to the top of page when synching packages view
<br><a href="">5117</a>:
Gaining editor focus shows only package declaration
<br><a href="">5097</a>:
Version Info in Navigator marks all members of a type as changed
<br><a href="">5048</a>:
Too many declarations in hierarchy of (jdt)Parser.initialize()
<br><a href="">5098</a>:
Search Text page: Button margin &amp; Mnemonics
<br><a href="">4329</a>:
No results If searched via Package view selection and dialog
<br><a href="">5167</a>:
Wrong F1 help on templates preference page
<br><a href="">5140</a>:
Array out of bounds during code completion
<br><a href="">4362</a>:
Template - should insert import statements
<br><a href="">5232</a>:
Java Search page not initialized correctly from Navigator
<br><a href="">5091</a>:
Source attachment is broken for JRE_LIB
<br><a href="">5093</a>:
Lost exported classpath entries
<br><a href="">5101</a>:
Package view is sorting roots in reverse order
<br><a href="">4000</a>:
JavaRuntime: initializeVMInstalls not robust against multiple calls (1GFO0YG)
<br><a href="">3638</a>:
Java source attachment lost when same JAR added to another project (1GDKX8O)
<br><a href="">3490</a>:
New class wizard should assume inner class when activated on class (1G2NQAH)
<br><a href="">3544</a>:
Launch selection dialog has too many entries (1G5XYYS)
<br><a href="">3553</a>:
TP125: other projects referenced twice (1G83V7V)
<br><a href="">3555</a>:
source for binaries - 'defaults' button does not work (1G840M4)
<br><a href="">1759</a>:
Widget is disposed error on breakpoint properties (1GLE3NA)
<br><a href="">1756</a>:
Breakpoints installed in all classes with "name*" (1GLCLBW)
<br><a href="">4576</a>:
Thread suspend/resume errors in classes with the "same" name
<br><a href="">1769</a>:
Hit count watchpoints not always re-enabled (1GLE911)
<br><a href="">5142</a>:
Internal Error on relaunch
<br><a href="">5144</a>:
Error when opening display view
<br><a href="">1531</a>:
Feature: navigate from console output to resource (1G81S73)
<br><a href="">1518</a>:
Icons needed for actions (1GI5UXW)
<br><a href="">5113</a>:
NPE in Java Model Presentation
<br><a href="">5114</a>:
Add exception dialog ignores caught/uncaught selection
<br><a href="">5139</a>:
Remove SnippetSupportBreakpoint
<br><a href="">1648</a>:
Inspect, Display, and Run to line, are enabled in all editor
<br><a href="">3568</a>:
no hoverhelp over constructor referrences (1GAJ0KP)
<br><a href="">5218</a>:
AccSuper is not set properly
<br><a href="">5200</a>:
SetClasspathOperation must close root only when root is removed
<br><a href="">3449</a>:
CodeAssist - two type with same name must be qualified (1GLDN3Z)
<br><a href="">4973</a>:
Rename package removes first letter of import statements
<br><a href="">3279</a>:
Severe - JM - Source found, even though sourcepath is false (1GELAVB)
<br><a href="">3434</a>:
Deleting a project from the ws removes it from the buildpath! (1GKZNBS)
<br><a href="">5021</a>:
Refactoring trashed my code
<br><a href="">5136</a>:
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when a field declaration is an anonymous
<br><a href="">3440</a>:
Classfile comparator should be able to ignore order (1GL2I7E)
<br><a href="">3439</a>:
Classfile comparator should be able to ignore synthetics (1GL2I3N)
<br><a href="">3442</a>:
NPE in SourceElementParser (1GL496I)
<br><a href="">3671</a>:
DCR: Add "Search" functions to context menus (1GDU7SJ)
<br><a href="">5231</a>:
Add search for field read and write references
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">5083</a>: Breakpoint
not hit
<br><a href="">5234</a>:
Debugger doesn't stop on breakpoint
<br><a href="">3369</a>:
Classpath gets out of sync (1GJU853)
<br><a href="">3281</a>:
change java project binary output create new package (1GEHK07)
<br><a href="">3298</a>:
Incorrect compile error on valid case statement (1GEYWET)
<br><a href="">3562</a>:
Outliner bug for initializers (1G93CS3)
<br><a href="">3447</a>:
search: could automatically narrow down scope (1GLDJVN)
<br><a href="">3288</a>:
CodeAssist - Code assist doesn't work in some methods (1GELEBH)
<br><a href="">5073</a>:
delete does not work on default package
<br><a href="">3443</a>:
Unused argument/variable warnings shown twice (1GL4OW7)
<br><a href="">5079</a>:
Problems with editor linking
<br><a href="">3557</a>:
TP125: browse for enclosing class does nothing (1G842I9)
<br><a href="">3568</a>:incorrect
hover help in editor (1GA9NK4)
<br><!-- -->
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 0.205&nbsp; 18th October 2001
What's new in this drop</h2>
Java UI</h3>
Support for reference updating in comments, javaDoc and string literals
(enabled for RenameType, RenameCU, RenameField and RenamePackage). Matches
are located by means of simple string comparison - reviewing the text matches
manually is advised.</li>
Support for context preview of error messages shown by refactoring.</li>
Support for templates with popup-editor to prompt the user for variables.</li>
Added import/export feature to templates.</li>
History List in Type Hierarchy</li>
Java Core</h3>
CodeAssist provides variable name suggestions.</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (breaking) API Changes on <tt>ICompletionRequestor</tt>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>+</b> <u>Added</u> API for suggest variable name:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <tt>void acceptVariableName(</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] typePackageName,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] typeName,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] name,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] completionName,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionStart,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionEnd);</tt>
Helper method for computing a resolved and expanded path (all exports from
prerequisites) which was introduced in 204, got <u>removed</u>. This is
not an API change, it never made it out officially.</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>-</b> <tt>IJavaProject.getExpandedClasspath(boolean)</tt>
<tt>SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(IResource[])</tt> has been deprecated.
Use <tt>SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[])</tt> instead.
The rational is that <tt>createJavaSearchScope(IResource[])</tt> was not
well defined for projects, and it could not define a search scope for java
elements that didn't have a corresponding resource (e.g. external jars).
This deprecated API's behavior has also reverted to the 1.0 state for backward
<p>The specification of <tt>createJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[])</tt>
is as follows:
If an element is an <tt>IJavaProject</tt>, then the project's source folders,
its jars (external and internal) and its references projects (with their
source folders and jars, recursively) will be included.</li>
If an element is an <tt>IPackageFragmentRoot</tt>, then only the package
fragments of this package fragment root will be included.</li>
If an element is an <tt>IPackageFragment</tt>, then only the compilation
unit and class files of this package fragment will be included. Subpackages
will NOT be included.</li>
Support for "open on type" from a selection in the console.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">4916</a>: Potential
IDE freeze on Template Preference Page
<br><a href="">4358</a>:
Template - steals closing bracket
<br><a href="">3787</a>:
Template - pressing new presents an error
<br><a href="">4354</a>:
New Class and Interface wizards not descriptive on errors. (1GF0JP3)
<br><a href="">3811</a>:
Setter / Getter generates setter for final fields (1GEUMGT)
<br><a href="">3865</a>:
Missing mnemonics (1GF5QRR)
<br><a href="">3910</a>:
Type Hierarchy: Open on multiselection not OK (1GF5TCP)
<br><a href="">4217</a>:
Java build path tabs show "&amp;" on the tab name (1GK9GIF)
<br><a href="">5040</a>:
Exception opening editor
<br><a href="">3541</a>:
package view: can move/copy a package to itself (1G5Y1RS)
<br><a href="">3521</a>:
Reorg confirmation dialog (1G470GF)
<br><a href="">4376</a>:
refactoring CCE
<br><a href="">3820</a>:
Missing "Cancel" button on "Rename Compilation Unit" dialog (1GEUS2T)
<br><a href="">4912</a>:
Copy in Packages View - can not copy to top level package folder
<br><a href="">3787</a>:
review: IPreactivatedRefactoring must go (1GIK9SC)
<br><a href="">4139</a>:
EC DCR: Code templates feature (1GIVMDV)
<br><a href="">5035</a>:
NPE in Deleterefactoring
<br><a href="">4972</a>:
move CU creates imports at wrong position
<p><a href="">5065</a>:
NullPointerException in Code Assist
<br><a href="">4921</a>:
Serach does not find types in internal jar
<br><a href="">4917</a>:
Latest build fails updating TypeHierarchy
<br><a href="">3296</a>:
CodeAssist - should filter out duplicates if any (1GEWDL7)
<br><a href="">3325</a>:
Too much codeassist match on interface (1GH0GV1)
<br><a href="">3424</a>:
DCR: code assist support for variable name suggestions (1GKM6OQ)
<br><a href="">3282</a>:
JCK 1.4 - DASG - assigned variable before catch block after return statement
<br><a href="">3452</a>:
NPE doing Display from Binary (1GLEG5K)
<br><a href="">3374</a>:
SearchPatter.createPattern(...) doesn't work with unicodes (1GJYBRY)
<br><a href="">3309</a>:
DCR - JM - could ICompilationUnit::getType throw JME? (1GF9AL9)
<br><a href="">3310</a>:
Smoke 124: Compile errors introduced with rename refactoring (1GFBK2G)
<br><a href="">3436</a>:
NPW in TypeHierarchy (1GL0L8D)
<br><a href="">4919</a>:
Cannot duplicate local variable in finally block
<br><a href="">4943</a>:
Verification error
<br><a href="">4385</a>:
QualifiedAllocationExpression.sourceEnd incorrect if type is an AnonymousLocalTypeDeclaration
<br><a href="">3230</a>:
Search - Too many type references for query ending with * (1GAZVGI)
<br><a href="">4977</a>:
Extra spaces in completion for &lt;code>&lt;/code>
<br><a href="">1751</a>:
Console misses style range for quick output (1GL4R1L)
<br><a href="">1584</a>:
Renaming Scrapbook page does not remove associated VM (1GE5T
<br><a href="">1700</a>:
JSP Support for 2.0 (1GJ8LK3)
<br><a href="">4951</a>:
Breakpoints remain installed after target terminates
<br><a href="">4952</a>:
Multiple breakpoints on the same line
<br><a href="">4955</a>:
Hit count breakpoint does not re-enable
<br><a href="">1747</a>:
Ctrl-S does not work in the SnippetEditor (1GL1GH8)
<br><a href="">1655</a>:
BUG - Timing out on toString; total redraw of debug view (1G
<br><a href="">1601</a>:
Displaying a variable appends to same line (1GENIVH)
<br><a href="">1578</a>:
README: breakpoints in class with same name (1GDXNGO)
<br><a href="">1731</a>:
jdt.debug missing file (1GKEYT0)
<br><a href="">1730</a>:
debug.core missing file (1GKEYJY)
<br><a href="">1707</a>:
Backspacing inserted error message does not fire selection c
<br><a href="">1638</a>:
The case for IBreakpoints (1GI3JYO)
<br><a href="">1537</a>:
classFilePattern breakpoint attribute optimization (1GHE13E)
<br><a href="">1640</a>:
USABILITY - Inspect and Display reset selection (1GF6CH0)
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">3885</a>: Assertion
failed in rename paramter refactoring (1GF25DZ)
<p><a href="">3174</a>:
Open-on-selection doesn't work on MouseAdapter (1GF69TH)
<br><a href="">3337</a>:
Open on selection failed with double message (1GIFA80)
<br><a href="">3207</a>:
JM - Smart save when empty CU (1G4EVHM)
<br><a href="">1672</a>:
Cannot evaluate classes in a sealed jar (1GHU6YK)
<br><a href="">3220</a>:
Formatter tests refer to hardcoded path on disk (1G9R5G4)
<br><a href="">3258</a>:
exception doing import assist (1GDIJ9D)
<br><a href="">3240</a>:
need to find method declarations in anonymous inner types (1GCBPRI)
<br><a href="">3254</a>:
Indexer - Should nest index source retrieval in IWorkspaceRunnable (1GD7J6F)
<br><a href="">3225</a>:
IJavaProject.findPackageFragment strange semantic (1GAOLWQ)
<br><a href="">3218</a>:
No interface to polymorphically acess ICompilationUnit (1G8D2ZP)
<br><a href="">3205</a>:
Problems with IJavaModel.findPackageFragment (1G456DO)
<br><a href="">3197</a>:
DCR - OpenOnSelection - Code resolve doesn't work on declarations (1G0UX9V)
<br><a href="">3177</a>:
64kb method should be a configurable problem (1FJHGVF)
<br><a href="">1678</a>:
Efficient handling of step event (1GI92KD)
<br><a href="">1645</a>:
NPE on shutdown (1GF87PO)
<br><a href="">1711</a>:
2 inner class breakpoints lead to weird state (1GJUZ1Y)
<br><a href="">1672</a>:
Cannot evaluate classes in a sealed jar (1GHU6YK)
<br><a href="">1641</a>:
README: inspected fields not updated when stepping (1GF7R4X)
<br><a href="">1626</a>:
Outline is useless in debugger (1GEWBVR)
<br><a href="">1600</a>:
Bug icon for program suggests program is buggy (1GENCVC)
<br><a href="">1590</a>:
README: breakpoints on method decl cause break on exit (1GE8
<br><a href="">1573</a>:
Presentation should also be content provider (1GDTUJH)
<br><a href="">3464</a>:
Icons in Open Type dialog sometimes misleading (1GEJTAI)
<br><a href="">3479</a>:
Source for binaries not update until editor reopened (1FVRSPI)
<br><a href="">3482</a>:
support navigation package fragment -> packages views (1FWL3KF)
<br><a href="">3499</a>:
Type hierarchy: "Add Method Stub" (1G3SH4E)
<br><a href="">3501</a>:
Operation multithreading issue (1G8Q0OF)
<br><a href="">3503</a>:
DCR: open package to hierarchy (1G8Q7UL)
<br><a href="">3508</a>:
NewJavaProjectWizard - enabled 'un/check all' buttons for an empty list
<br><a href="">3512</a>:
Move Destination shows empty folders as packages (1G46Z2X)
<br><a href="">3518</a>:
NewClass(Interface)Wizard - no busy cursor when filling the superinterfaces
list (1G47KFU)
<br><a href="">3520</a>:
NewClassWizard - no indent for inherited constructors (1G4CJRD)
<br><a href="">3525</a>:
no syntax coloring for the 'strictfp' keyword (1G4CP6K)
<br><a href="">3527</a>:
Source Annotation Property page: Various bugs (1G4CT78)
<br><a href="">3528</a>:
Formatting problems when creating class (1G8FCZT)
<br><a href="">3540</a>:
package view: delete on resource folders is a no-op (1G5Y1M7)
<br><a href="">3544</a>:
types not on class path but still visible in all type dialog (1G5Y4LC)
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 0.204 - October 11th, 2001
What's new in this drop</h2>
Java UI</h3>
Support for user defined templates/macros in the Java editor</li>
Java doc info is available on the selection when pressing F2</li>
Method argument hints when entering a method</li>
Code assist shows Java doc hints</li>
Support for showing members inside the packages view. The feature can be
disabled in the Java Preferences Page. drilling down into the</li>
Add "Search Scope" capability (first cut)</li>
Java Core</h3>
Classpath entries (except for source folders) can be tagged as exported
upon creation. When exported, an entry is contributed to dependent projects
along with its output location.</li>
Added APIs:</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Testing status of a given entry
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; + IClasspathEntry.isExported()</ul>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Creating
entries with export flag
+ JavaCore.newProjectEntry(IPath, boolean)
+ JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(IPath, IPath, IPath, boolean)
+ JavaCore.newVariableEntry(IPath, boolean)
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Helper
method computing a resolved and expanded path (all exports from prerequisites)
+ IJavaProject.getExpandedClasspath(boolean)
CodeAssist inserts qualification on field/method references in case of
CodeAssist provides parameter names on method completions.</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; API Changes on ICompletionRequestor
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; + Added API for answering method declaration completions:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; void acceptMethodDeclaration(
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] declaringTypePackageName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] declaringTypeName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] selector,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterPackageNames,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterTypeNames,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterNames,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] returnTypePackageName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] returnTypeName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] completionName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int modifiers,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionStart,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionEnd);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; + Added parameterNames to normal method results
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; void acceptMethod(
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] declaringTypePackageName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] declaringTypeName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] selector,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterPackageNames,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterTypeNames,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterNames,&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] returnTypePackageName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] returnTypeName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] completionName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int modifiers,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionStart,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionEnd);
CodeAssist optionally performs visibility checks (see JavaCore option:
Search for field read and field write references. Two new constants have
been added</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; on IJavaSearchConstants to be used when creating
a field reference search pattern:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - READ_REFERENCES: the search results contain *only*
read access to a field.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - WRITE_REFERENCES: the search results contain *only*
write access to a field.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Note that if REFERENCES is used, then search results
contain both read and write
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; accesss to a field.
OpenOnSelection can now locate selected declarations which have a corresponding</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Java element (i.e. no local declaration is found),
and is more tolerant of
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; incorrect code.</ul>
Problem Reports Fixed</h2>
&nbsp;1GEP4HS: ITPJUI:WINNT - JAR Packager should preserve timestamp from
<br>&nbsp;1GL2WCM: ITPJUI:WINNT - JAR Packager dialog to small if opened
directly from .jardesc
<br>&nbsp;1GL2VRG: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - SMOKE 0.203: JarPackager: xml parsing
errors on console
<br>&nbsp;1GL4LRF: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - internal error in refactoring wizard
<br>&nbsp;1GJYP9E: ITPJUI:ALL - Move problem when folder has space in the
<br>&nbsp;1GL2QJ6: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Search results print incorrectly when
found in jar and sorting by path
<br>&nbsp;1GL2QPF: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Search results not sorted by type when
sorting by path
<br>&nbsp;1GDU9JE: ITPJUI:ALL - DCR: Add "Search Scope" capability
<br>&nbsp;1GKKF7U: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - DND: can't copy a CU into the same
package using copy modifier key anymore
<br>&nbsp;1GKXCTH: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - cannot move resources
<br>&nbsp;1GIWIFF: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Refactoring: missing rename on inner
<br>&nbsp;1GGDUQN: ITPJUI:WINNT - incorrect renaming of static field
<br>&nbsp;1GKAM62: ITPJUI:WINNT - Organize import should be smarter
<br>&nbsp;1GJP6V2: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - EC: Organize Imports does not recognize
fully qualified types in code
<br>&nbsp;1GKZ7CL: ITPJUI:WINNT - Organize imports removes required imports
<br>&nbsp;1GLE589: ITPJUI:WIN - extract method: internal error
<br>&nbsp;1GKM61G: ITPJUI:WINNT - JRE vs. Installed JRE
<br>&nbsp;4086: Format problem in single element mode (1GKPJI8)
<br>&nbsp;4283&nbsp; assertion failed on opening rename parameters (1GKYY5N)
<br>&nbsp;4226: Blank lines when creating a new type using the wizard (1GKBK4Z)
<br>&nbsp;3811: Setter / Getter generates setter for final fields (1GEUMGT)
<br>&nbsp;1GLDGUI: ITPJUI:WINNT - SWTException from CompletionProposalPopup
<br>&nbsp;1GLDYKJ: ITPDUI:ALL - NPE openning class file
<br>&nbsp;1GL9VPU: ITPJUI:WINNT - Internal error in argument hints while
<br>&nbsp;1GKX6ZZ: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - SWT Error in Java editor
<br>&nbsp;1GKYY59: ITPJUI:WINNT - IllegalArgumentEx from HoverControler
<br>&nbsp;1GKZKJN: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Jumpy behaviour when adding/removing
<br>&nbsp;1GLE4MW: ITPJUI:ALL - Newly-opened java editors don't have focus
<p>&nbsp; 3430&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; usability: parameter hints
<br>&nbsp; 3431&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Unreachable code in JCore
<br>&nbsp; 3175&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; JCK1.3a - ICLS - Comparing
current instance against enclosing instance inside of anonymous class.
<br>&nbsp; 1GLBOJZ:&nbsp; ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - UnaryExpression doesn't store
expression type in bit mask
<br>&nbsp; 1GDS7IP:&nbsp; ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - VerifyError related to a local
index computation
<br>&nbsp; 1GLABQ7: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JavaCore.create(String) throws an
unexpected exception
<br>&nbsp; 1GL0PGV: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Batch compiler leaving JARs open
<br>&nbsp; 1GL4QKI: ITPJCORE:ALL - VerifyError when running app
<br>&nbsp; 1GLBP65: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: type refs - incorrect match
<br>&nbsp; 1GKXCOM: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - ClassCastException during inner
class emulation
<br>&nbsp; 1GD07GK: ITPJUI:WIN98 - Code assist should qualify methods if
<br>&nbsp; 1GL1HF8: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Missing implementation in the compiler
compiling invalid code
<br>&nbsp; 1GL13OT: ITPJCORE:ALL - INameLookup should be removed
<br>&nbsp; 1GL1I9F: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Wrong source mapping for binary
methods with parameters with identical simple names
<br>&nbsp; 1G4CIP0: ITPJUI:WIN - Source for binaries doesn't work for anonymous
inner classes
<br>&nbsp; 1GD79XM: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - search for field references
- not all found
<br>&nbsp; 1GLA60W: ITPJCORE:WINNT - CodeAssist - should not propose declarations
of method already locally implemented
<br>&nbsp; 1GLAEZB: ITPJCORE:WINNT - CodeAssist does not disambiguate method
<br>&nbsp; 1GL4F3J: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Completion on declaration should also
provide thrown exceptions
<br>&nbsp; 1GL11J6: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing field references
(nested types)
<br>&nbsp; 1GL12XE: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing field references
in inner class
<br>&nbsp; 1GL0X82: ITPJCORE:ALL - ClassCastException setting args on class
<br>&nbsp; 1GKAQJS: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: incorrect results for nested
<br>&nbsp; 1GKZ8VZ: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - did not find references to
member constructor
<br>&nbsp; 1GKYS7Y: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Main not found
<br>&nbsp; 1GELSDQ: ITPJUI:WINNT - JDOM: IType.createMethod does not insert
nicely for inner types
<br>&nbsp; 1GF67VL: ITPJUI:WIN98 - DCR - CodeCompletion - Code-assist for
listener methods
<br>&nbsp; 1GFK8YT: ITPJUI:ALL - Rename CU to fails (NPE)
<br>&nbsp; 1GD06J6: ITPJUI:WIN98 - Code assist should qualify fields if
<br>&nbsp; 1FZWGMG: ITPCOM:WIN98 - DCR - CodeAssist - code assist should
provide method signature completions
<br>&nbsp; 1GHVOQE: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Ambiguous completion in CodeAssist
<br>&nbsp; 1G8DEAB: ITPJUI:WINNT - DCR: code assist super methods when
defining method
<br>&nbsp; 1GGNNDZ: ITPJCORE:WINNT - OpenOnSelection - non visible target
is equivalent to no target
<br>&nbsp; 1GE14NN: ITPJUI:WINNT - Unable to find/search for .class files
<br>&nbsp; 1GJYFUO: ITPDUI:ALL - Evaluation hangs, evaluation thread is
<br>&nbsp; 1FWG453: ITPJCORE:WIN98 - OpenOnSelection - fails for default
<br>&nbsp; 1GDQD37: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - OpenOnSelection - Open on selection
<br>&nbsp; 1GGZ2R7: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Search for method refs failed
<br>&nbsp; 1GKNXX6: ITPJCORE:WINNT - OpenOnSelection - no selection if
targeting member type in default package
<br>&nbsp; 1GE34EE: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - OpenOnSelection - initial selection
<br>&nbsp; 1GKEG73: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search (136): missing field declaration
<br>&nbsp; 1GKB9YH: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search for field refs - incorrect
<br>&nbsp; 1GJL6EJ: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JavaConventions.validateClasspath:
Compares against variable name
<br>&nbsp; 1GDQEAS: ITPJUI:ALL - Indexer - delete unused indexes on Java
core plug-in shutdown
<br>&nbsp; 1GKM4M9: ITPJCORE:WINNT - DCR: code select should work on declarations
<br>&nbsp; 1G2NZVT: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - DCR - OpenOnSelection - Code resolve
doesn't work for declarations
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
1GF5PMF: ITPJUI:ALL - rename Package fixes compile errors when it should
<br>1GFCQDM: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Review: check if Refactoring should use JavaSearchScope
<p>&nbsp; 3223&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Search from editor's context
menu doesn't work (1GAJCD8)
<br>&nbsp; 3433&nbsp; search: missing field occurrecnces (1GKZ8J6)
<br>&nbsp; 3176&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; JCK1.3a - STMT - Single declaration
in try block (1GLDSH9)
<br>&nbsp; 1GL0MN9: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: not consistent results for
nested types
<br>&nbsp; 1GL9UMH: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing type occurrences
<br>&nbsp; 1GKYXK5: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - usability: parameter hints
<br>&nbsp; 1GEV78E: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Code assist: private superclass methods
show up, but others don't
<br>&nbsp; 1GDKKTS: ITPJUI:WINNT - CodeCompletion - import assist shows
invisible types
<br>&nbsp; 1G7317O: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - DCR - CodeAssist - code assist shows
invisible members
<br>&nbsp; 1GKK930: ITPJCORE:WINNT - No code assist for Inner type
<br>&nbsp; 1GIIDGX: ITPJUI:WINNT - open on type: does not work on some
<br>&nbsp; 1GKOFO6: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Internal error searching for class
<br>&nbsp; 1GK96A0: ITPJCORE:WINNT - NPE during search operation
<br>&nbsp; 1GK9B5Q: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Class reference search broken
<br>&nbsp; 1GBOFK5: ITPJUI:ALL - "References to" on methods in jars
<br>&nbsp; 1GKECWC: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Organize Imports fails: Typerefs not
<br>&nbsp; 1GKCH3N: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: method refs - super call
not found
<br>&nbsp; 1GKB475: ITPJCORE:WINNT - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on
searchfor methods
<br>&nbsp; 1GJL6V0: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JavaConventions.validateClasspath:
IStatus usage
<br>&nbsp; 1GKM1MU: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Classpath validation: Overlapping
<br>&nbsp; 1GJL7RS: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JavaConventions.validateClasspath:
nested sourcefolders
<br>&nbsp; 1GK9NB0: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Another core dump - sorry
<br>&nbsp; 1GJYG33: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Core dump in run time workbench in
<br>&nbsp; 1GK9S59: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Internal error when synchronizing
<br>&nbsp; 1GL2TZY: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Code Completion should only show visible
<br>&nbsp; 1GKRLZ4: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Compiler overzealous with commas
<br>&nbsp; 1GF98R4: ITPJUI:WINNT - JM - why is a file seen as
a compilation unit?
<br>&nbsp; 1G98XR7: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Feature Request for JavaDoc CodeAssist
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 0.203 - October 11th, 2001
What's new in this drop</h2>
Current selection can be used as search scope</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h2>
1GKPNP1: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Compiler option settings not properly persisted
<br>1GKQA8U: ITPJUI:ALL - Copy dialog should preselect current location
<br>1GKZK3V: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Deletion of packages fails
<br>1GKZ0HZ: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - organize imports - 'not parsed' error should
be info
<br>1GKZ0CH: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - term 'parsed' is inappropriate in the ui
<br>1GKX9M5: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Need better text in error message
<br>1GKQ0XA: ITPJUI:WINNT - Text search for '&szlig;' gives results for
<br>1GKRE1P: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Can't launch mains inside JARs
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 0.202 - Spetember 27th, 2001
What's new in this drop</h2>
Global <b>Refactoring</b> menu. The actions in this menu retarget themselves
to the currently active view part (including editor). To activate this
menu for an existing workspace you have to go to Perspective->Customize->Others
and check the Java Refactoring entry.</li>
Packages View: <b>Show Binary Projects</b> action in the view menu. This
action filters out projects with no source folders on the build path.</li>
Method argument hints for code assist</li>
Code assist doesn't insert qualified type names but instead adds an import
New AST node for empty statements (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.EmptyStatement)</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; i.e. 2 more APIs on the AST visitor. Note: this was not
an official API
ISourceElementRequestor notifies enter/exit initializers instead of just
acceptInitializer. Note: this was not an official API</li>
Search in inner-classes now works. Indexes are recomputed automatically
on start-up.</li>
&nbsp; Removed CodeAssist option for hungry mode (org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.entireWordReplacement)</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; Client code can decide whether using inferred end position
(hungry behavior) or original cursor location (insert behavior)
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; based on the keystroke (enter/insert?).
&nbsp; now clearly
states that</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the order of the search result is unspecified.</ul>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
1GJYI0M: ITPJUI:WINNT - Missing icon in search after deleting method
<br>1GKEXYL: ITPJUI:WINNT - Refactoring: Progress messages format
<br>1GKEXO1: ITPJUI:WINNT - Reorg: Preview button needs mnemonic
<br>1GKM5GC: ITPJUI:WINNT - Search - incorrect order of matches inside
<br>1GEACKD: ITPUI:WIN98 - DCR - Cannot sort results in Search View by
line number
<br>1GEACG2: ITPUI:WIN98 - Sort order is not preserved in search view
<br>1GEAC1T: ITPUI:WIN98 - Search view sort algorithm is initially undefined
<br>1GJHHK2: ITPJUI:WINNT - DCR: Search for "References in Hierarchy"
<p>1GEJVB5: ITPUI:WINNT - Console View problems
<br>1GKMPAB: ITPDUI:ALL - Expired breakpoint does not un-expire
<br>1GELJC4: ITPDUI:WIN2000 - Console default font
<br>1GJ9WUY: ITPDUI:ALL - Full &amp; Basic icons
<br>1GJL83H: ITPDUI:ALL - Concurrent Modification
<br>1GJN756: ITPDUI:ALL - Method entry breakpoints not rendered properly
<br>1GJY6TY: ITPDUI:ALL - Tooltip for "Display" needs to be a bit clearer
<br>1GK7S49: ITPDUI:ALL - SteppingTests#testStepOffTheEdge
<br>1GKEUKA: ITPDUI:ALL - Missing accelerators on the JavaDebugOptions
<br>1GKKC2H: ITPDUI:ALL - Display action should not prompt for warnings
<br>1GKOCQA: ITPDUI:ALL - CTRL-L does not work in the console
<br>1GCPGYJ: ITPDUI:ALL - Hot code replace enhancements
<br>1GG8JIO: ITPDUI:WIN2000 - FEATURE - Support icons for launchers
<br>1GHHO2H: ITPDUI:ALL - DCR: API Change: Debug Model Navigation
<br>1GAURLB: ITPDUI:WINNT - Breakpoint properties
<br>1GJL8AS: ITPDUI:ALL - ClassCastException
<br>1GJL9EX: ITPDUI:ALL - Another Class Cast Exception
<br>1GK2H49: ITPDUI:WIN2000 - JDK12DebugLauncher has hard coded 5 second
<br>1GK98A1: ITPDUI:ALL - IJavaDebugConstants should be internal
<br>1GKDESQ: ITPDUI:ALL - Duplicate MethodEntryBreakpoints
<br>1GKDF66: ITPDUI:ALL - Evaluation problem - import references package
<br>1GKEVN3: ITPDUI:ALL - Duplicate accelerator for AddMethodEntry breakpoint
<br>1GKM1JZ: ITPDUI:WINNT - CCE when doubleclicking breakpoint
<br>1GKM57J: ITPDUI:WIN2000 - Debugger preference pages missing mnemonics
<br>1G1C1BX: ITPDUI:ALL - Feature: Access &amp; Modification watchpoints
<br>&nbsp; 1GK2A45: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JCK 1.4 - possibly assigned variable
after assignment expression when true
<br>&nbsp; 1GK29Q8: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JCK 1.4 - possibly assigned value
of a final instance variable after a constant boolean expression when false
<br>&nbsp; 1G52F7P: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - finds bogus references to
<br>&nbsp; 1G4TNX1: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - No search anonymous results
in inner classes
<br>&nbsp; 1GHW0AZ: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JCK 1.4 - unreachable empty statements
<br>&nbsp; 1GK2BLM: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JCK 1.4 - definitely assigned value
after the boolean operator ? : when true
<br>&nbsp; 1GKB28A: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Compiler accepts incorrect code
<br>&nbsp; 1FL4T1Q: LFCOM:WINNT - JCK 1.4 - VerifyError due to an illegal
<br>&nbsp; 1GK2B6D: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JCK 1.4 - definitely assigned value
before the second operand of the boolean operator &amp;&amp;
<br>&nbsp; 1GK2AOF: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JCK 1.4 - assigned variable before
finally block after return statement
<br>&nbsp; 1GK6WD3: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search:no fully qualified references
are found
<br>&nbsp; 1GK7231: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - typos in comments
<br>&nbsp; 1GK77HA: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - missing base type references
<br>&nbsp; 1GJY2XN: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - rename type: error when with reference
<br>&nbsp; 1GK1I2J: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Broken SourceEnd in ForStatement
and WhileStatement
<br>&nbsp; 1GK1HWY: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Broken sourceEnd in for Assignment
and CompoundAssignment
<br>&nbsp; 1GIIBC3: ITPJCORE:WINNT - search for method references - missing
<br>&nbsp; 1GGNOTF: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search doesn't find method referenced
in anonymous inner class
<br>&nbsp; 1GK1GJE: ITPJCORE:ALL - Search - StringOutBoundsException when
searching references in JAR
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
&nbsp;1GJY3KG: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - NPE in jdt.internal.core.ClassFileInfo
<br>&nbsp; 1GK90H4: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing package reference
<br>&nbsp; 1GK8TXE: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing field reference
<br>&nbsp; 1GK7K17: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing type reference
<br>&nbsp; 1GKCJIL: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - build exception in 135
<br>&nbsp; 1GK6WP9: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - seach: missing type reference
<br>&nbsp; 1GJZSBE: ITPJCORE:WINNT - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during
<br>&nbsp; 1GK7E6S: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: StringIndexOufOfBound
<br>&nbsp; 1GIT857: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Performance - Ctrl+S triggers five
parser runs
<br>&nbsp; 1GEHCYL: ITPUI:WINNT - Minor: Colon at wrong place in build
<br>&nbsp; 1FLUBRR: JRIDE:WINNT - Problems: instantiating inner classes
<br>&nbsp; 1FLUOJI: JRIDE:WINNT - Problems: vague error message with illegal
constructor invocation
<br>&nbsp; 1FLZUG5: JRIDE:WINNT - Problems: invalid expression as statement
is not reported
<br>&nbsp; 1FLZV4M: JRIDE:WINNT - Problems: invalid hexa literal number
not reported
<br>&nbsp; 1FLZYES: JRIDE:WINNT - Problems: the interface cannot define
an initializer is not reported
<br>&nbsp; 1FQVTI1: LFCOM:WINNT - Compiler - No implicit conversion should
not generate aconstnull
<br>&nbsp; 1FUZYXT: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JM - Source for Binaries issue
<br>&nbsp; 1FX0LZ0: ITPCOM:ALL - Request for comments preceeding imports
&amp; package decls
<br>&nbsp; 1FW8ENP: ITPJUI:WIN98 - JDOM - Deleting import statements from
Outline obliterates intervening comments
<br>&nbsp; 1G4PWC7: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - No matches with class files
<br>&nbsp; 1G83ZKL: ITPJUI:WINNT - Compiler - unclear error message for
a reserved word used as an identifier
<br>&nbsp; 1GF5W1S: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - ClassCastException in LookupEnvironment
<br>&nbsp; 1GKF01S: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Severe: internal error during search
<br>&nbsp; 1GDVFRX: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - CodeCompletion - eats the following
<br>&nbsp; 1GF67JM: ITPJUI:WIN98 - CodeCompletion - Code-assist consumes
next token
<br>&nbsp; 1GCSHAC: ITPJCORE:Inconsistent codeassist behavior
<br>&nbsp; 1GCNBTL: ITPJCORE:ALL - DCR - JM - Provide a way to read JavaCore
default options from the plugin.xml file
<br>&nbsp; 1GAJBOU: ITPJUI:WINNT - Code Assist shows matches after ()
<br>&nbsp; 1FW8NV6: ITPJCORE:ALL - DCR - JM - Need API for compiler options
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 0.201 - Spetember 20th, 2001
<a NAME="Problem reports fixed"></a>Problem reports</h2>
1GF5TBK: ITPJUI:ALL - rename source folder dialog accepts empty name
<br>1GEEOX6: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Cannot copy into a project im packages view
<br>1GH0PN1: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Can't copy file to a non-source folder
<br>1GDF2T8: ITPJUI:WINNT - drag'n'drop - cannot dnd a file from a package
to a resource folder
<br>1GE9I3G: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Drag and drop does not work properly in package
<br>1GIF4Q4: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Copy does not allow you to copy resource
files to project if not on class path
<br>1GHQGCD: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Strange dialog when moving a CU to a different
<br>1GK1SJS: ITPJUI:WINNT - Some wizards actions don't work with non-Java
<br>1GIZ8WR: ITPJUI:WINNT - Hover help covered by taskbar
<br>1GE22QB: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Search usability
<br>1GF5SFQ: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Rename - would like a mode where references
are not checked
<br>1G4RC46: ITPJUI:WINNT - Java Project Properties: output folder allowed
as source folder
<br>1GHOL7T: ITPJUI:WINNT - Leading slash shown when creating a class
<br>1GJNJE1: ITPJUI:WINNT - API: NewProjectCreationWizard
<br>1GJH4KL: ITPJUI:WIN - Rename strips away qualification causing compile
<br>1GK1RLF: ITPJUI:WINNT - DnD: Drop to folder not working
<br>1GK90OL: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - rename CU: exception
<br>1GJXZSS: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Smoke Test: Copying a package adds extra
line after the package statement to classes within it
<br>1GK9N10: ITPJUI:Linux - Exception using F4 to open the hierarchy from
a jar .class file
<br>1GJY6VF: ITPJUI:WINNT - Marker on Java project also shown on default
<br>1GIWR02: ITPJUI:WINNT - BuildPage does not warn about adding a classpath
variable pointing to a folder
<br>1GI3KX8: ITPJUI:ALL - Lists in Java Build Path properties does not
initially have scrollbars
<br>1GJMR5I: ITPJUI:WINNT - Type Hierarchy: Selection in upperview not
propagated to editor
<br>1GIWKFJ: ITPJUI:WINNT - Refactoring: Should not use computed strings
<br>1GI9HAZ: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Open Type Dialog: The Map inteface has the
class icon
<br>1GG1BYK: ITPJUI:ALL - Rename operation is not careful about conflicts
<br>1GKDDRE: ITPJUI:ALL - New class wizard fails
<br>1GJ6EXO: ITPUI:WINNT - Search page extension point doc inaccurate
<br>1GKB776: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - new class creation: adds many empty lines
<br>1GHU9O9: ITPDUI:ALL - JavaApplicationLauncher rename &amp; comments
What's New in this drop</h3>
support for automatic update of references on moving compilation units
(one or more). Works with drag'n'drop.</li>
Extract method improvements:</li>
extracting return statement</li>
extracting expressions (no name references and no initializations and increments
in for loop).</li>
smarter computation of arguments and return values.</li>
correct handling of loop reentrance.</li>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling</h1>
Build 0.200 - September 13th, 2001
What is new in this drop</h2>
JCK1.3a compliant.</li>
Added 2 new APIs on JavaConventions for classpath validation.</li>
IJavaModelStatus validateClasspath(IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[]
classpath, IPath outputLocation)</li>
IJavaModelStatus validateClasspathEntry(IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry
entry, boolean checkSourceAttachment)</li>
Ant Eclipse compiler task added (org.eclipse.jdt.core.ant.Jdtcom)</li>
Assertions support enabled: by default the compiler is 1.3 compliant, but
it can optionally be turned into source 1.4 mode cf. JavaCore options.</li>
More options are surfaced on JavaCore. See JavaCore.getDefaultOptions()
for description.</li>
...internal...ConfigurableOption has disappeared.</li>
Evaluation in binaries is functional</li>
Search for references now finds results in binaries. Indexes in old workspaces
are recomputed when restarted which may result in longer startup times.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h2>
1GEKKUO: ITPJCORE:ALL - JM - Util.readContentsAsBytes(InputStream) doesn't
allow for size hint
<br>1GBRPSJ: ITPJCORE:Options - should surface the code formatter options
on JavaCore
<br>1GJU3YV: ITPJCORE:ALL - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in scanner
<br>1GJL1R5: ITPJCORE:ALL - NPE in ClassFile.getSourceRange
<br>1GH49XR: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Organize Imports inserts bogus import
<br>1GJU3O8: ITPJCORE:WINNT - type hierarchy: NPE
<br>1GJIYKP: ITPJCORE:WINNT - type hierarchy - contains unrelated types
<br>1GITFQR: IVJIDT:WIN2000 - Wrong byte code generation, Inconsistent
stack height 1 != 0 error
<br>1GIHUQP: ITPJCORE:WINNT - search for static field should be more accurate
<br>1GIT66X: ITPJCORE:WINNT - ClassCastException when calling CodeAssist
<br>1GJA0WG: ITPJCORE:WINNT - AbortCompilationUnit when doing a Search
<br>1GH49HW: ITPJUI:WINNT - Search functionality is misleading when viewing
source from jar
<br>1GFXPE5: ITPJUI:ALL - Search for method references broken
<br>1GFM3X3: ITPJUI:WINNT - Wrong code formatter default for keeping else
on same line
<br>1GHSM7B: ITPJUI:ALL - formatting of anonymous classes
<br>1GGPVHN: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Not getting hover Javadoc for ISelection
<br>1GE2LO2: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - SourceStart and SourceEnd of synchronized
<br>1GIUTIZ: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - AST: case statement doesn't cover case
<br>1GITCCY: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - AST: strange LocalDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd
<br>1GIRQFW: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - AST: wrong source end if subnode is of
type AnnonymousTypeDeclaration
<br>1GIRHRP: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - AST: wrong sourceStart and sourceEnd in
<br>1GHUAUO: ITPJCORE:ALL - Renaming an element in a working copy corrupts
the working copy
<br>1GHUAM1: ITPJCORE:ALL - NPE when renaming an element in a working copy
<br>1GHDA2V: ITPJCORE:WINNT - ClassCastException when doing a search
<br>1GFY02B: ITPJUI:ALL - Delete a method and saving introduces extra lines
<br>1GFOFMD: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - New class should have space between package
and class decls
<br>1GI3R1I: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Compilation error evaluating super expression
in debugger
<br>1GII07V: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - CompilationUnitDeclaration.traverse doesn't
call visitor.endVisit
<br>1GIR345: ITPJCORE:ALL - Indexer: NegativeArraySizeException
<br>1GIRC23: ITPJCORE:ALL - CodeFormatter brace on new line problem
<br>1GIT8SA: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - AST: wrong sourceEnd if action is Block
<br>1GIUQVL: ITPJCORE:WINNT - IClassPathEntry: java doc incorrect
<br>1GIVGMH: ITPJUI:ALL - EC: Javadoc hoverhelp incorrectly uses first
of multiple comments
<br>1GIYKSR: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Ast: FieldDeclaration.traverse implemeted
<br>1GI3ND5: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Potential optimization during IB problem
<br>1GFBVZH: ITPUI:WIN2000 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Java editor
<br>1GI509E: ITPJCORE:WINNT - IJavaProject.getNonJavaResources returns
java and class files
<br>1GI2WAW: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Too many results for default package
<br>1GHQZ9H: ITPJUI:ALL - Walkback doing a search
<br>1GGYT3S: ITPJCORE:WINNT - javaconventions::validatePackageName and
default package
<br>1GF9856: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JM - JavaConventions::validateCompilationUnitName
<br>1GF822P: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - NegativeArraySizeException in Parser
<br>1GI6T4Y: ITPJCORE:WINNT - NPE in JavaModeManager retrieving workspace
<br>1GE4ILR: ITPJCORE:ALL - Eval - Evaluation in Binary Project fails
<br>1GI3LLC: ITPJCORE:ALL - Incorrect formatting for the new keyword
<br>1GHU6O5: ITPJCORE:WINNT - RMIC test fail
<br>1GHH6O7: ITPJCORE:ALL - Need to tune the exception analysis for AssertStatement
<br>1GHUW7T: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Build Problem
<br>1GI3IG9: ITPJCORE:ALL - internal compiler error involving bogus method/field
<br>1GHU4PK: ITPJCORE:WINNT - NoSuchMethodError when running program
<br>1GHONAX: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Compiler uses different name lookup for
<br>1GEJYAJ: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Compiler - Binding of QualifiedNameReference
is null
<br>1GHFHWR: ITPJCORE:ALL - Assertions: CodeAssist and Selection need to
be updated
<br>1GHFHXG: ITPJCORE:ALL - Assertions: Add optional warning on assert
<br>1GCZ9VM: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - DCR - Compiler - Batch compiler should
be API
<br>1GHO6QR: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Code Assist - no method completion when return
type is secondary one
<br>1GH0AU7: ITPJCORE:ALL - Eval - VerifyError in scrapbook page
<br>1GH2R62: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Typo in progress message
<br>1GGYL32: ITPJCORE:ALL - Default supertypes are not visible when qualified
<br>1GDFJK0: IVJIDT:WIN2000 - Using 'synchronized' produces invalid exception
table values in class, causes "Illegal exception table range" exception,
VAJ 3.5+
<br>1GGAK6G: ITPJCORE:ALL - Incorrect javadoc comment in JavaElement
<br>1GF9L3K: ITPDUI:ALL - Eval - Private array resolution failure
<br>1GF8KHX: ITPJUI:ALL - Invalid project build path should be warning,
not error
<br>1GF7JIH: ITPJCORE:ALL - Exception when removing network drive
<br>1GEYBL9: ITPJUI:WINNT - Adding source folders on CP is very confusing
<br>1GEJAOT: ITPJUI:WINNT - JRE Source attachment set to path to does not
<br>1GEHZNB: ITPJUI:WINNT - smoke 114: formatter inserts extra tab in first
<br>1GCZZT4: ITPJCORE:Fault-tolerance - missing constructor invocation
could still answer the allocated type
<br>1GAU96P: ITPJCORE:WINNT - DCR - JM - JavaProject should provide a class
path validation method
<br>1G7A1TL: ITPJCORE:WINNT - DCR - JM - Rules for classpath not specified
<br>1FVVWZT: ITPJCORE:ALL - JM - IBinaryType should implement getSourceFileName()
<p>1GGCRP3: ITPJCORE:ALL - NL problems in xml files (part 2)
<br>1GGN43Q: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Incorporate latest artwork
<br>1GEN8EN: ITPJUI:ALL - Source lookup fails in self-host even for simple
<br>1GGCRVG: ITPJUI:ALL - NL problems in xml files
<br>1GGP2IH: ITPJUI:ALL - Meta PR - Compare fix candidates
<br>1GF25DN: ITPJUI:ALL - mnemonics
<br>1GGYSWH: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - EC: bug in TypePage
<br>1GEULE2: ITPJUI:ALL - Show in Packages view has no mnemonic
<br>1GF5QRR: ITPJUI:ALL - Missing mnemonics
<br>1GF9WH7: ITPJUI:WINNT - Cannot replace main from local history
<br>1GHBZJY: ITPJUI:WIN98 - Jar export wizard missing mnemonics
<br>1G46ZF9: ITPJUI:WINNT - NewJavaClassWizard - 'abstract' and 'final'
should not be called 'access modifiers'
<br>1GCTE5I: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Java text editor: "goto" is a keyword
<br>1GDT7D1: ITPJUI:WINNT - Add Getter/setter on multiple selection
<br>1GDZJ9M: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - hierarchy view usability
<br>1GELR0A: ITPJUI:ALL - Need option in hierarchy perspective similar
to Navigator
<br>1GEUFUU: ITPJUI:ALL - incorrect setter for a static field
<br>1GEUL01: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Can add a path extension to a ClassPath variable
that represents a file
<br>1GEUMGT: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Setter / Getter generates setter for final
<br>1GF0JP3: ITPJUI:ALL - New Class and Interface wizards not descriptive
on errors.
<br>1GEYK11: ITPJUI:ALL - what is 'generate getter/setter' doing on interfaces?
<br>1GF278R: ITPJUI:WINNT - Single click in type hierarchy not working
<br>1GF5GO3: ITPJUI:ALL - new class interface wizard - does not find any
types to enclose
<br>1GF7BOZ: ITPJUI:WINNT - incorrect casing (and terminology) in new class
<br>1GF65NC: ITPJUI:ALL - New fields show in content outline even if "Hide
Fields" is selected
<br>1GF7NDY: ITPJUI:Linux - Can't generate multiple getters/setters
<br>1GF87I7: ITPJUI:WINNT - Generated javadoc missing a period.
<br>1GFBJKA: ITPJUI:ALL - Smoke 124: Minor Code assist does not work if
text is selected
<br>1GFBOM2: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - New class wizard should always give focus
to class name
<br>1GFITYO: ITPJUI:ALL - Dialog to browse for enclosing type has problems
with selection
<br>1GFZG1U: ITPJUI:ALL - NewJavaProjectWizardPage doesn't reinitialize
default classpath
<br>1GH48T7: ITPJUI:WINNT - Edit JRE: Browse for source attachment: Filter
zip &amp; jar
<br>1GEUJUE: ITPJUI:ALL - strictfp not handled by UI at all
<br>1GF5TCP: ITPJUI:ALL - Type Hierarchy: Open on multiselection not OK
<br>1GF670J: ITPJUI:ALL - Repeated menumonic
<br>1GFM0I7: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Can't extend the hierarchy view's context
menu using XML
<br>1GFXP2K: ITPJUI:ALL - Too many names for "hierarchy" view
<br>1GEUVOV: ITPJUI:ALL - add import should be disabled if nothing selected
<br>1GEV0IL: ITPJUI:ALL - new package wizard has strange error
<br>1GEV0VO: ITPJUI:ALL - new package wizard has incorrect error
<br>1GEV2A5: ITPJUI:ALL - package wizard should not allow finish if package
name already used
<br>1GF0JD8: ITPJUI:ALL - New Java Package allows 'Finish' on duplicate
<br>1GFDCTF: ITPJUI:WINNT - Incorrect text in new class wizard
<br>1GFK38K: ITPJUI:ALL - Wrong enablement of Browse button in Attach Source
<br>1GFM2RG: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - New Package wizard: label folder should be
source folder
<br>1GFXOUH: ITPJUI:ALL - Organze imports dirties file even if no changes
<br>1GEK2XO: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Rework handling of return statement
<br>1GEP976: ITPDUI:ALL - Able to add duplicate method entry breakpoints
<br>1GF5S06: ITPJUI:ALL - extract method: incorrect error message
<br>1GF5RB8: ITPJUI:WINNT - Extracting super from constructor introduces
compile errors
<br>1GDKBNW: ITPJUI:WINNT - Need 'Copy names to clipboard'
<br>1GDRWHQ: ITPJUI:ALL - DCR: Java Editor: Comment/Uncomment and Triple-Click
<br>1GE6WQU: ITPJUI:WINNT - memory leak in codeFormatterPreferencePage
<br>1GEZ55N: ITPJUI:ALL - Code Formatter preference page does not set isValid()
<br>1GF0GBL: ITPJUI:WINNT - Source Attachment dialog initially comes up
with error
<br>1GF1ZOB: ITPJUI:ALL - extract method: does not handle throw statement
<br>1GF6A8Z: ITPUI:ALL - Two checks appear in Navigator Open With menu
<br>1GI7366: ITPJUI:WINNT - DCR: Comment/Uncomment should work on cursor
<br>1GEYLB1: ITPJUI:WINNT - Editor: Replace selection with '}' does not
<br>1GI3K1B: ITPJUI:ALL - Suggestion for nls tool
<br>1GF7XTJ: ITPJUI:ALL - Type hierarchy view does not save its selection.
<br>1GFXJIY: ITPJUI:ALL - Java syntax colouring does not handle string
literal followed by comment
<br>1GFZST0: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Java editor: 'const' is a reserved word
<br>1G4CM8Z: ITPJUI:WIN - type hiearchy: need a short cut to toggle from
sub to supertypes
<br>1GEYNEF: ITPJUI:WINNT - Extract method: Error with annonymous inner
<br>1GE3BU4: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Extraction of none void return statements
<br>1GE760J: ITPJUI:Linux - Hierarchy View: initial message truncated
<br>1GEUO8J: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Extract method not allowed although valid
<br>1GEUUO7: ITPJCORE:ALL - DCR: Preference Page for compiler options
<br>1GFZ5UF: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Extract Method: can't extract code with inner
class that contains a return statement
<br>1GGN6OL: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Can't build a project from the type hierarchy
<br>1GCZLPL: ITPJUI:WINNT - ExceptionHandler::handle - should accept null
as message
<br>1GE8P17: ITPUI:ALL - Extra comma for search extensions
<br>1GEPFVW: ITPJUI:WINNT - Description has initially a '/'
<br>1GET5T0: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Missing up/down arrows in the refactoring
source change browser
<br>1GEUVGR: ITPJUI:ALL - Incorrect label in re-search toolbar button (default
<br>1GEUVKG: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Seal Packages dialog shouldn't show flat
<br>1GEUVW7: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Jar Packager: treatment of problems
<br>1GF1VKX: ITPJUI:ALL - refactoring: no warning for unconventional names
<br>1GF5R6L: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - AbstractOpenRefactoringAction must not reuse
<br>1GF5SDE: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Rename parameter - should leave existing
parameter names for editing
<br>1GF5WA9: ITPJUI:ALL - Duplicate extensions in text search
<br>1GF7PUC: ITPJUI:ALL - Search: Remove Entry not available on multi selection
<br>1GF86V6: ITPJUI:WINNT - Rename Method Parameters: Cell editor not initialized
<br>1GF87DV: ITPJUI:WINNT - Rename method parameters: Esc and return not
handled by sell editor
<br>1GFMN20: ITPJUI:WINNT - JAR Packager: Errors and warnings must contain
full workbench path
<br>1GFM3J3: ITPJUI:WINNT - JAR Packager: Reports duplicate entries for
default package
<br>1GFOC1V: ITPJUI:Linux - Rename Parameters: table clipped
<br>1GGY618: ITPJUI:WIN - Jar Exporter duplicates JavaElementContentProvider
<br>1GH4D6K: ITPJUI:WINNT - Search: Default pageTab position should not
be MAX int
<br>1GH4D89: ITPJUI:WINNT - JDT Search: Should only use label provider
<br>1GH4LND: ITPJUI:WIN98 - Search: .properties shows up twice in extensions
<br>1GHSDS1: ITPJUI:WINNT - Export to Jar does not include root-level resources
<br>1GI5MMV: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Null arguement when exporting with JAR
<br>1GI6L1G: ITPJUI:WINNT - JAR Packager: Fully selected project not white
<br>1GIEK02: ITPJUI:WINNT - Focus lost after adding classpath variable
<br>1GIF50E: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Classpath variable selection dialog has wrong
<br>1GIFU8C: ITPJUI:WINNT - Package view's "Copy Names" has no mnemonic
<br>1GE91UD: ITPJUI:WIN98 - DCR - "Create In " in Hierarchy View
<br>1GENRJY: ITPJUI:WINNT - JAR Package description should only store parent
- not all children
<br>1GF25DZ: ITPJUI:WINNT - Assertion failed in rename paramter refactoring
<br>1GF5PR3: ITPJUI:ALL - misleading message in rename method
<br>1GF5T0E: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Analyzing phsse in rename type doesn't honor
cancel pressed
<br>1GFAWR1: ITPJUI:ALL - Type Hierarchy should allow to create constructor
<br>1GFXOUS: ITPJUI:ALL - Open type causes Type hierachy view to open
<br>1GIEOGO: ITPJUI:WINNT - search: wording
<br>1GI7D8Q: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Inherited members shown in alpha order, not
hierarchy order
<br>1GII6UP: ITPJUI:WINNT - JAR Packager: Remove + in front of packages
<br>1GBPMBT: ITPJUI:WINNT - No editor preferences
<br>1GDXET0: ITPUI:ALL - Cannot start search from Search View
<br>1GEL265: ITPJUI:WINNT - JRE Pref Page: File browse dialogs not correctly
<br>1GEU9Z0: ITPJUI:Linux - Sealing packages state too far away from settings
<br>1GF0UZ7: ITPJUI:ALL - F3 should behave the same as Open Type
<br>1GF5GX9: ITPJUI:ALL - rename method: change not created
<br>1GF5PLL: ITPJUI:ALL - rename Package introduces compile errors if file
<br>1GF604N: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Other than default JRE selected
<br>1GFBD60: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Review: MoveCompilationUnitRefactoring should
not reference StubUtility from UI
<br>1GFM2IW: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - When using source folder the wizard should
also propse a output folder
<br>1GIFZKR: ITPJUI:WINNT - JAR Packager: Fix trailing spaces workaround
in seal label
<br>1GEUFVW: ITPJUI:ALL - Java Outliner update problems
<br>1G9536J: ITPJUI:Reconciler - should not use 'initializer' as name for
initializer constructs
<br>1GBCQEK: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Leverage TaskList.setSelection support
<br>1GHHJDN: ITPJUI:ALL - "Add JRE" dialog error
<br>1GIKKE6: ITPJUI:ALL - alt copyright in html doc incorrect
<br>1FZOKGK: ITPJUI:WINNT - Smoke 20: Rendering of methods different in
Class Hierarchy / Outliner
<br>1G46XP8: ITPJUI:WINNT - NewJavaProjectWizard - 'move up' button enabled
for the top item
<br>1GF7AR6: ITPJUI:ALL - Minor: Path not shown for reserved classpath
<br>1GF7LRP: ITPJUI:WINNT - new package wizard: inconsistent labels
<br>1GHFCTG: ITPJUI:WINNT - ElementTreeSelectionDialog does not set focus
on initialization
<br>1GIEUG1: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Path Extension in Classpath Variable Selection
dialog does not remember intermediate folders
<br>1GIR3N9: ITPJUI:ALL - Build path/Jar Selection Dialog: filter should
not be case sensitive
<br>1GESYRX: ITPUI:ALL - Search dialog must have a all extension option.
<br>1GFXLAA: ITPJUI:ALL - DCR: Hierarchy view should show me problems
<br>1GIT98J: ITPJUI:WINNT - DCR: Text Search results should show platform
<br>1GIRYZE: ITPJUI:WINNT - JAR export wizard: "AssertionFailedException:
null argument"
<br>1GHH9LO: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Search results should be cleared when search
<br>1GIWHJL: ITPJUI:WINNT - DCR: Search: DEL should remove the selected
<br>1GIYQKG: ITPJUI:ALL - NL: No NLS support for Java keywords "public",
"protected" etc. in dialogs
<br>1GIYPNK: ITPJUI:ALL - NL: Line breaking in Java doc hover
<br>1GEABCA: ITPJUI:WIN98 - DCR - Show errors on class in hierarchy view
<br>1GEV1P9: ITPJUI:Linux - Class creation finish button is enabled even
if there are errors
<br>1GFIT7P: ITPJUI:ALL - F3 inconsistency
<br>1GH3218: ITPJUI:WIN - mnuemonic problems
<br>1GH48DH: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Outline and hierarchy views should show red
x's for problem elements
<br>1GHVYM1: ITPJUI:WINNT - Organize Import: Invalid import order
<br>1GIWXZS: ITPJUI:ALL - Erroneous reference to xerces in StandardDocletPageBuffer
<br>1GJ5SVF: ITPJUI:WINNT - IllegalArgumentException in Search view
<br>1GF5TRE: ITPJUI:ALL - refacotring: should show a warning if new method
has constructor name
<br>1GIHV3E: ITPJUI:WINNT - Reconciling: Problems with the C parser
<br>1GIYQ9K: ITPUI:WINNT - StyledText swallows Shift+TAB
<br>1GI35H7: ITPJUI:WINNT - 2.0 stream - need to adapt to JavaCore option
<br>1GFQT1W: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Error changing classpath to not use /bin
<br>1GJJH0U: ITPUI:ALL - Java editor pads invalid character when saving
<br>1GGLV9F: ITPJUI:WINNT - F1 context help points to empty pages
<br>1GJY03M: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Smoke: Ctl-N does not work in Compare Viewers
<p><a href="../../../target2/plugins/Eclipse Java UI Release Notes/ReleaseNotes/hglegal.htm"><img SRC="ngibmcpy.gif" BORDER=0 height=12 width=195></a>