blob: f17e38783353d8923f042d8041ac21aebd08cb14 [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
package org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.eclipse.core.boot.BootLoader;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.IRefactoring;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.RefactoringStatus;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.rename.RenameTypeRefactoring;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.util.DebugUtils;
public class RenameTypeTests extends RefactoringTest {
private static final Class clazz= RenameTypeTests.class;
private static final String REFACTORING_PATH= "RenameType/";
public RenameTypeTests(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
return new MySetup(new TestSuite(clazz));
protected String getRefactoringPath() {
/******* shortcuts **********/
private IType getClassFromTestFile(IPackageFragment pack, String className) throws Exception{
return getType(createCUfromTestFile(pack, className), className);
private RenameTypeRefactoring createRefactoring(IType type, String newName){
RenameTypeRefactoring ref= new RenameTypeRefactoring(type);
return ref;
private void helper1_0(String className, String newName) throws Exception{
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), className);
IRefactoring ref= createRefactoring(classA, newName);
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(ref);
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
if (fIsVerbose)
DebugUtils.dump("result: " + result);
private void helper1() throws Exception{
helper1_0("A", "B");
private void helper2_0(String oldCuName, String oldName, String newName, String newCUName, boolean updateReferences, boolean updateJavaDoc,
boolean updateComments, boolean updateStrings) throws Exception{
ICompilationUnit cu= createCUfromTestFile(getPackageP(), oldCuName);
IPath path= cu.getUnderlyingResource().getFullPath();
IType classA= getType(cu, oldName);
IPackageFragment pack= (IPackageFragment)cu.getParent();
RenameTypeRefactoring ref= createRefactoring(classA, newName);
assertEquals("was supposed to pass", null, performRefactoring(ref));
ICompilationUnit newcu= pack.getCompilationUnit(newCUName + ".java");
assertTrue("cu " + newcu.getElementName()+ " does not exist", newcu.exists());
assertEquals("invalid renaming", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName(newCUName)), newcu.getSource());
private void helper2_0(String oldName, String newName, String newCUName, boolean updateReferences) throws Exception{
helper2_0(oldName, oldName, newName, newCUName, updateReferences, false, false, false);
private void helper2_0(String oldName, String newName, String newCUName) throws Exception{
helper2_0(oldName, newName, newCUName, true);
private void helper2(String oldName, String newName, boolean updateReferences) throws Exception{
helper2_0(oldName, newName, newName, updateReferences);
private void helper2(String oldName, String newName) throws Exception{
helper2_0(oldName, newName, newName, true);
/****** tests ***********/
public void testIllegalInnerClass() throws Exception {
public void testIllegalTypeName1() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "X ");
public void testIllegalTypeName2() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", " X");
public void testIllegalTypeName3() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "34");
public void testIllegalTypeName4() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "this");
public void testIllegalTypeName5() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "fred");
public void testIllegalTypeName6() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "class");
public void testIllegalTypeName7() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "A.B");
public void testIllegalTypeName8() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "A$B");
public void testIllegalTypeName9() throws Exception {
if (BootLoader.getOS().equals(BootLoader.OS_WIN32))
helper1_0("A", "aux");
public void testNoOp() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "A");
public void testWrongArg1() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "");
public void testFail0() throws Exception {
public void testFail1() throws Exception {
public void testFail2() throws Exception {
public void testFail3() throws Exception {
public void testFail4() throws Exception {
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "B");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail5() throws Exception {
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "B");
getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "C");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail6() throws Exception {
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "B");
getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "C");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail7() throws Exception {
public void testFail8() throws Exception {
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "B");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail9() throws Exception {
public void testFail10() throws Exception {
public void testFail11() throws Exception {
public void testFail12() throws Exception {
public void testFail16() throws Exception {
public void testFail17() throws Exception {
public void testFail18() throws Exception {
public void testFail19() throws Exception {
public void testFail20() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
IPackageFragment packageP2= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p2", true, null);
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(packageP1, "A");
IType classAA= getClassFromTestFile(packageP2, "AA");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail22() throws Exception {
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "B");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail23() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
IPackageFragment packageP2= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p2", true, null);
IPackageFragment packageP3= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p3", true, null);
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(packageP1, "A");
getClassFromTestFile(packageP3, "B");
getClassFromTestFile(packageP2, "Bogus");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail24() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
IPackageFragment packageP2= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p2", true, null);
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(packageP1, "A");
getClassFromTestFile(packageP2, "B");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail25() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
IPackageFragment packageP2= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p2", true, null);
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(packageP1, "A");
getClassFromTestFile(packageP2, "B");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail26() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
IPackageFragment packageP2= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p2", true, null);
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(packageP1, "A");
getClassFromTestFile(packageP2, "B");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail27() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
IPackageFragment packageP2= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p2", true, null);
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(packageP1, "A");
getClassFromTestFile(packageP2, "B");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail28() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail29() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail30() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail31() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
IPackageFragment packageP2= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p2", true, null);
IPackageFragment packageP3= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p3", true, null);
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(packageP1, "A");
getClassFromTestFile(packageP2, "B");
getClassFromTestFile(packageP3, "C");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail32() throws Exception {
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
getClassFromTestFile(packageP1, "B");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail33() throws Exception {
public void testFail34() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail35() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail36() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail37() throws Exception {
IType classA= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "B");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(classA, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void testFail38() throws Exception {
public void testFail39() throws Exception {
public void testFail40() throws Exception {
public void testFail41() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail42() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail43() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail44() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail45() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail46() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail47() throws Exception {
// helper1();
public void testFail48() throws Exception {
public void testFail49() throws Exception {
public void testFail50() throws Exception {
public void testFail51() throws Exception {
public void testFail52() throws Exception {
public void testFail53() throws Exception {
public void testFail54() throws Exception {
public void testFail55() throws Exception {
public void testFail56() throws Exception {
public void testFail57() throws Exception {
public void testFail58() throws Exception {
public void testFail59() throws Exception {
public void testFail60() throws Exception {
public void testFail61() throws Exception {
public void testFail62() throws Exception {
public void testFail63() throws Exception {
public void testFail64() throws Exception {
public void testFail65() throws Exception {
public void testFail66() throws Exception {
public void testFail67() throws Exception {
public void testFail68() throws Exception {
public void testFail69() throws Exception {
public void testFail70() throws Exception {
public void testFail71() throws Exception {
public void testFail72() throws Exception {
public void testFail73() throws Exception {
public void testFail74() throws Exception {
public void testFail75() throws Exception {
public void testFail76() throws Exception {
public void testFail77() throws Exception {
public void testFail78() throws Exception {
public void testFail79() throws Exception {
public void testFail80() throws Exception {
public void testFail81() throws Exception {
public void testFail82() throws Exception {
public void testFail83() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "Cloneable");
public void testFail84() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "List");
public void testFail85() throws Exception {
public void testFail86() throws Exception {
printTestDisabledMessage("native method with A as parameter (same CU)");
// helper1();
public void testFail87() throws Exception {
printTestDisabledMessage("native method with A as parameter (same CU)");
// helper1();
public void testFail88() throws Exception {
public void testFail89() throws Exception {
public void testFail90() throws Exception {
public void testFail91() throws Exception {
public void testFail92() throws Exception {
// printTestDisabledMessage("needs fixing - double nested local type named B");
public void testFail93() throws Exception {
// printTestDisabledMessage("needs fixing - double nested local type named B");
public void testFail94() throws Exception {
public void testFail95() throws Exception {
public void testFail00() throws Exception {
public void testFail01() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "B");
public void testFail02() throws Exception {
public void testFail03() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "C");
public void testFail04() throws Exception {
helper1_0("A", "A");
public void testFailRegression1GCRKMQ() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment myPackage= getRoot().createPackageFragment("", true, new NullProgressMonitor());
IType myClass= getClassFromTestFile(myPackage, "Blinky");
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(createRefactoring(myClass, "B"));
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
public void test0() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test1() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test10() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test12() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test13() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test14() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test15() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test16() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test17() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test18() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test19() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test2() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test20() throws Exception {
//printTestDisabledMessage("failb because of bug#9479");
//if (true)
// return;
IPackageFragment packageA= getRoot().createPackageFragment("A", true, null);
ICompilationUnit cu= createCUfromTestFile(packageA, "A");
IType classA= getType(cu, "A");
IRefactoring ref= createRefactoring(classA, "B");
assertEquals("was supposed to pass", null, performRefactoring(ref));
ICompilationUnit newcu= packageA.getCompilationUnit("");
assertEquals("invalid renaming", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("B")), newcu.getSource());
public void test21() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test22() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test23() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test24() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test25() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test26() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test27() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test28() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test29() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
ICompilationUnit cuC= createCUfromTestFile(packageP1, "C");
ICompilationUnit cu= createCUfromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
IType classA= getType(cu, "A");
IRefactoring ref= createRefactoring(classA, "B");
assertEquals("was supposed to pass", null, performRefactoring(ref));
ICompilationUnit newcu= getPackageP().getCompilationUnit("");
ICompilationUnit newcuC= packageP1.getCompilationUnit("");
assertEquals("invalid renaming A", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("B")), newcu.getSource());
assertEquals("invalid renaming C", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("C")), newcuC.getSource());
public void test3() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test30() throws Exception {
ICompilationUnit cuAA= createCUfromTestFile(getPackageP(), "AA");
ICompilationUnit cu= createCUfromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
IType classA= getType(cu, "A");
IRefactoring ref= createRefactoring(classA, "B");
assertEquals("was supposed to pass", null, performRefactoring(ref));
ICompilationUnit newcu= getPackageP().getCompilationUnit("");
ICompilationUnit newcuAA= getPackageP().getCompilationUnit("");
assertEquals("invalid renaming A", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("B")), newcu.getSource());
assertEquals("invalid renaming AA", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("AA")), newcuAA.getSource());
public void test31() throws Exception {
ICompilationUnit cuAA= createCUfromTestFile(getPackageP(), "AA");
ICompilationUnit cu= createCUfromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
IType classA= getType(cu, "A");
IRefactoring ref= createRefactoring(classA, "B");
assertEquals("was supposed to pass", null, performRefactoring(ref));
ICompilationUnit newcu= getPackageP().getCompilationUnit("");
ICompilationUnit newcuAA= getPackageP().getCompilationUnit("");
assertEquals("invalid renaming A", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("B")), newcu.getSource());
assertEquals("invalid renaming AA", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("AA")), newcuAA.getSource());
public void test32() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test33() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test34() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test35() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test36() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test37() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test38() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test39() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test4() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test40() throws Exception {
//printTestDisabledMessage("search engine bug");
helper2("A", "B");
public void test41() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test42() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test43() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test44() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test45() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test46() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
ICompilationUnit cuC= createCUfromTestFile(packageP1, "C");
ICompilationUnit cu= createCUfromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
IType classA= getType(cu, "A");
IRefactoring ref= createRefactoring(classA, "B");
assertEquals("was supposed to pass", null, performRefactoring(ref));
ICompilationUnit newcu= getPackageP().getCompilationUnit("");
ICompilationUnit newcuC= packageP1.getCompilationUnit("");
assertEquals("invalid renaming A", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("B")), newcu.getSource());
assertEquals("invalid renaming C", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("C")), newcuC.getSource());
public void test47() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test48() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test49() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test50() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test51() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment packageP1= getRoot().createPackageFragment("p1", true, null);
ICompilationUnit cuC= createCUfromTestFile(packageP1, "C");
ICompilationUnit cu= createCUfromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
IType classA= getType(cu, "A");
IRefactoring ref= createRefactoring(classA, "B");
assertEquals("was supposed to pass", null, performRefactoring(ref));
ICompilationUnit newcu= getPackageP().getCompilationUnit("");
ICompilationUnit newcuC= packageP1.getCompilationUnit("");
assertEquals("invalid renaming A", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("B")), newcu.getSource());
assertEquals("invalid renaming C", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName("C")), newcuC.getSource());
public void test52() throws Exception {
//printTestDisabledMessage("1GJY2XN: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - rename type: error when with reference");
helper2("A", "B");
public void test53() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B", false);
public void test54() throws Exception {
//printTestDisabledMessage("waiting for: 1GKAQJS: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: incorrect results for nested types");
helper2_0("A", "X", "XYZ", "A", true, false, false, false);
public void test55() throws Exception {
//printTestDisabledMessage("waiting for: 1GKAQJS: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: incorrect results for nested types");
helper2_0("A", "X", "XYZ", "A", false, false, false, false);
public void test57() throws Exception {
helper2_0("A", "A", "B", "B", true, true, true, true);
public void test58() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test59() throws Exception {
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug#22938");
helper2("A", "B");
public void test5() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test6() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test7() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test8() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");
public void test9() throws Exception {
helper2("A", "B");