blob: 8e8cacc1cd1d99dce70c36a9998efbfb3d338f4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Nikolay Metchev <> - [extract local] Extract to local variable not replacing multiple occurrences in same statement -
package org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ISourceRange;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.RefactoringStatusCodes;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.code.ExtractConstantRefactoring;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.infra.TextRangeUtil;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.rules.RefactoringTestSetup;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPlugin;
public class ExtractConstantTests extends GenericRefactoringTest {
private static final String REFACTORING_PATH = "ExtractConstant/";
private static final boolean BUG_86113_ImportRewrite= true;
private static final boolean BUG_405780= true; //XXX: [1.8][compiler] Bad syntax error 'insert ":: IdentifierOrNew"' for missing semicolon
private String fCompactPref;
private boolean fAddComments;
public RefactoringTestSetup rts= new RefactoringTestSetup();
protected String getRefactoringPath() {
protected String getSimpleTestFileName(boolean canInline, boolean input) {
String fileName = "A_" + getName();
if (canInline)
fileName += input ? "_in": "_out";
return fileName + ".java";
protected String getTestFileName(boolean canExtract, boolean input) {
String fileName= TEST_PATH_PREFIX + getRefactoringPath();
fileName += (canExtract ? "canExtract/": "cannotExtract/");
return fileName + getSimpleTestFileName(canExtract, input);
protected ICompilationUnit createCUfromTestFile(IPackageFragment pack, boolean canExtract, boolean input) throws Exception {
return createCU(pack, getSimpleTestFileName(canExtract, input), getFileContents(getTestFileName(canExtract, input)));
public void genericbefore() throws Exception {
Hashtable<String, String> options= JavaCore.getOptions();
fCompactPref= options.get(setting);
options.put(setting, DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.TRUE);
IPreferenceStore store= JavaPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
fAddComments= store.getBoolean(PreferenceConstants.CODEGEN_ADD_COMMENTS);
store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.CODEGEN_ADD_COMMENTS, false);
public void genericafter() throws Exception {
Hashtable<String, String> options= JavaCore.getOptions();
options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_INSERT_SPACE_BEFORE_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, fCompactPref);
IPreferenceStore store= JavaPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.CODEGEN_ADD_COMMENTS, fAddComments);
private void guessHelper(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, String expectedGuessedName) throws Exception {
ICompilationUnit cu= createCU(getPackageP(), getName()+".java", getFileContents(TEST_PATH_PREFIX + getRefactoringPath() + "nameGuessing/" + getName()+".java"));
ISourceRange selection= TextRangeUtil.getSelection(cu, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
ExtractConstantRefactoring ref= new ExtractConstantRefactoring(cu, selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength());
RefactoringStatus preconditionResult= ref.checkInitialConditions(new NullProgressMonitor());
assertTrue("activation was supposed to be successful" + preconditionResult.toString(), preconditionResult.isOK());
assertEquals("constant name not guessed", expectedGuessedName, ref.guessConstantName());
private void helper1(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, boolean replaceAll, boolean allowLoadtime, boolean qualifyReferencesWithConstantName, String constantName, String guessedConstantName) throws Exception{
ICompilationUnit cu= createCUfromTestFile(getPackageP(), true, true);
ISourceRange selection= TextRangeUtil.getSelection(cu, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
ExtractConstantRefactoring ref= new ExtractConstantRefactoring(cu, selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength());
RefactoringStatus preconditionResult= ref.checkInitialConditions(new NullProgressMonitor());
assertTrue("activation was supposed to be successful" + preconditionResult.toString(), preconditionResult.isOK());
assertTrue("The selected expression has been erroneously reported to contain references to non-static or non-final fields.", ref.selectionAllStaticFinal());
assertEquals("constant name incorrectly guessed", guessedConstantName, ref.guessConstantName());
RefactoringStatus checkInputResult= ref.checkFinalConditions(new NullProgressMonitor());
assertTrue("precondition was supposed to pass", checkInputResult.isOK());
performChange(ref, false);
IPackageFragment pack= (IPackageFragment)cu.getParent();
String newCuName= getSimpleTestFileName(true, true);
ICompilationUnit newcu= pack.getCompilationUnit(newCuName);
assertTrue(newCuName + " does not exist", newcu.exists());
assertEqualLines(getFileContents(getTestFileName(true, false)), newcu.getSource());
protected void helper1(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, boolean replaceAll, boolean allowLoadtime, String constantName, String guessedConstantName) throws Exception {
helper1(startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn, replaceAll, allowLoadtime, false, constantName, guessedConstantName);
protected void failHelper1(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, boolean replaceAll, boolean allowLoadtime, String constantName) throws Exception {
failHelper1(startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn, replaceAll, allowLoadtime, constantName, 0, false);
private void failHelper1(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, boolean replaceAll, boolean allowLoadtime, String constantName, int errorCode, boolean checkCode) throws Exception{
ICompilationUnit cu= createCUfromTestFile(getPackageP(), false, true);
ISourceRange selection= TextRangeUtil.getSelection(cu, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
ExtractConstantRefactoring ref= new ExtractConstantRefactoring(cu, selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength());
RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(ref);
if(!allowLoadtime && !ref.selectionAllStaticFinal())
assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result);
assertEquals(errorCode, result.getEntryMatchingSeverity(RefactoringStatus.ERROR).getCode());
//--- TESTS
public void test0() throws Exception {
helper1(5, 16, 5, 17, true, false, "CONSTANT", "_0");
public void test1() throws Exception {
helper1(5, 16, 5, 21, false, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test2() throws Exception {
helper1(8, 16, 8, 27, false, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test3() throws Exception {
helper1(8, 16, 8, 27, true, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test4() throws Exception {
helper1(5, 23, 5, 34, true, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test5() throws Exception {
helper1(11, 20, 11, 26, true, true, "CONSTANT", "R_G");
public void test6() throws Exception {
helper1(13, 20, 13, 35, true, true, "CONSTANT", "R_F");
public void test7() throws Exception {
helper1(12, 20, 12, 28, true, true, "CONSTANT", "R_G");
public void test8() throws Exception {
helper1(8, 16, 8, 22, true, true, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test9() throws Exception {
helper1(6, 24, 6, 29, true, true, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test10() throws Exception {
helper1(8, 17, 8, 22, true, true, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test11() throws Exception {
helper1(10, 37, 10, 43, true, true, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test12() throws Exception {
helper1(9, 19, 9, 24, true, true, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test13() throws Exception{
helper1(9, 16, 9, 28, true, true, "CONSTANT", "F");
public void test14() throws Exception{
helper1(10, 28, 10, 44, true, true, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test15() throws Exception{
helper1(5, 16, 5, 25, true, false, "CONSTANT", "FRED");
public void test16() throws Exception{
helper1(5, 20, 5, 27, true, false, "CONSTANT", "RED");
public void test17() throws Exception{
helper1(5, 16, 5, 35, true, false, "CONSTANT", "YET_ANOTHER_FRED");
public void test18() throws Exception {
helper1(5, 16, 5, 17, true, false, true, "CONSTANT", "_0");
public void test19() throws Exception {
helper1(5, 23, 5, 38, false, false, "CONSTANT", "STRING");
public void test20() throws Exception {
helper1(7, 19, 7, 28, false, false, "CONSTANT", "STRING");
public void test21() throws Exception {
helper1(4, 28, 4, 37, false, false, "CONSTANT", "STRING");
public void test22() throws Exception {
helper1(9, 35, 9, 59, false, false, "ITEMS", "ARRAY_LIST");
public void test23() throws Exception {
helper1(14, 12, 14, 15, true, false, "COLOR", "RED2");
public void test24() throws Exception {
if (BUG_86113_ImportRewrite) {
helper1(9, 28, 9, 36, true, false, "NUM", "ENUM");
public void test25() throws Exception {
helper1(5, 27, 5, 40, false, false, "DEFAULT_NAME", "JEAN_PIERRE");
public void test26() throws Exception {
helper1(6, 16, 6, 32, true, false, true, "INT", "A");
public void test27() throws Exception {
helper1(13, 14, 13, 19, true, false, false, "FOO", "FOO");
public void test28() throws Exception {
helper1(13, 14, 13, 19, true, false, false, "FOO", "FOO");
public void test29() throws Exception {
helper1(12, 19, 12, 28, false, true, "NUMBER", "NUMBER");
public void test30() throws Exception {
helper1(12, 19, 12, 28, false, true, "INTEGER", "INTEGER");
public void test31() throws Exception { //bug 104293
helper1(9, 32, 9, 44, true, false, "AS_LIST", "AS_LIST");
public void test32() throws Exception { //bug 104293
helper1(7, 20, 7, 35, true, false, "STRING", "STRING");
public void test33() throws Exception { //bug 108354
helper1(7, 20, 7, 35, true, false, "STRING", "STRING");
public void test34() throws Exception { // syntax error
if (BUG_405780)
helper1(7, 20, 7, 35, true, false, "STRING", "STRING");
public void test35() throws Exception { // bug 218108
helper1(7, 20, 7, 25, true, false, "BUG", "BUG");
public void test36() throws Exception { // bug 218108
helper1(7, 20, 7, 25, true, false, "BUG", "BUG");
public void test37() throws Exception { // bug 307758
helper1(6, 17, 6, 24, true, false, "INT", "INT");
public void test38() throws Exception { // bug 317224
helper1(3, 19, 3, 24, true, false, "S_ALL", "ALL");
public void test39() throws Exception { // bug 335173
helper1(5, 21, 5, 26, false, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test40() throws Exception { // bug 335173
helper1(5, 20, 5, 27, false, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test41() throws Exception { // bug 335173
helper1(5, 22, 5, 27, false, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test42() throws Exception { // bug 335173
helper1(5, 21, 5, 28, false, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test43() throws Exception { // bug 335173
helper1(5, 20, 5, 29, false, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test44() throws Exception { // bug 211529
helper1(7, 18, 7, 19, false, false, "CONSTANT", "_1");
public void test45() throws Exception { // bug 406347
helper1(7, 17, 7, 22, false, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void test46() throws Exception { // bug 406347
helper1(8, 17, 8, 22, true, false, "CONSTANT", "INT");
public void testZeroLengthSelection0() throws Exception {
helper1(5, 18, 5, 18, false, false, "CONSTANT", "_100");
// -- testing failing preconditions
public void testFail0() throws Exception{
failHelper1(8, 16, 8, 21, true, true, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail1() throws Exception{
failHelper1(8, 16, 8, 26 , true, true, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail2() throws Exception{
failHelper1(9, 20, 9, 21 , true, true, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail3() throws Exception{
failHelper1(9, 18, 9, 25, true, true, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail4() throws Exception{
failHelper1(6, 16, 6, 20, true, true, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail5() throws Exception{
failHelper1(9, 16, 9, 25, true, true, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail6() throws Exception{
failHelper1(11, 20, 11, 24, true, true, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail7() throws Exception{
failHelper1(11, 20, 11, 34, true, true, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail10() throws Exception{
failHelper1(15, 20, 15, 37, true, false, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail11() throws Exception{
failHelper1(8, 16, 8, 22, true, false, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail12() throws Exception{
failHelper1(4, 7, 4, 8, true, true, "CONSTANT", RefactoringStatusCodes.EXPRESSION_NOT_RVALUE, true);
public void testFail13() throws Exception {
failHelper1(2, 9, 2, 10, true, true, "CONSTANT", RefactoringStatusCodes.EXPRESSION_NOT_RVALUE, true);
public void testFail14() throws Exception {
failHelper1(5, 9, 5, 11, true, true, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail15() throws Exception {
failHelper1(5, 10, 5, 13, true, true, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail16() throws Exception {
failHelper1(9, 20, 9, 38, true, false, "CONSTANT");
public void testFail17() throws Exception {
failHelper1(16, 18, 16, 21, true, true, "COLOR");
public void testGuessStringLiteral0() throws Exception {
//test for bug 37377
guessHelper(4, 19, 4, 32, "FOO_HASH_MAP");
public void testGuessStringLiteral1() throws Exception {
//test for bug 37377
guessHelper(4, 19, 4, 33, "FOO_HASH_MAP");
public void testGuessStringLiteral2() throws Exception {
//test for bug 37377
guessHelper(4, 19, 4, 56, "HANS_IM_GLUECK123_34_BLA_BLA");
public void testGuessStringLiteral3() throws Exception {
guessHelper(5, 16, 5, 16, "ASSUME_CAMEL_CASE");
public void testGuessFromGetterName0() throws Exception {
guessHelper(4, 19, 4, 30, "FOO_BAR");
public void testGuessFromGetterName1() throws Exception {
guessHelper(4, 23, 4, 33, "FOO_BAR");