blob: 2a0172bd4ef0983fa9c81bb0681ed08b2457ac05 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Samrat Dhillon - [move member type] Moving a member interface to its own file adds the host's type parameters to it -
package org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation.StubUtility;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.RefactoringAvailabilityTester;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.structure.MoveInnerToTopRefactoring;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.infra.TextRangeUtil;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.preferences.JavaPreferencesSettings;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
public class MoveInnerToTopLevelTests extends RefactoringTest {
private static final boolean BUG_304827= true; // too many imports, see
private static final String FIELD_COMMENT= "/** Comment */";
private static final Class<MoveInnerToTopLevelTests> clazz= MoveInnerToTopLevelTests.class;
private static final String REFACTORING_PATH= "MoveInnerToTopLevel/";
private static final int NOT_AVAILABLE= 1001;
private String fCompactPref;
public MoveInnerToTopLevelTests(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
return new Java15Setup(new TestSuite(clazz));
public static Test setUpTest(Test someTest) {
return new Java15Setup(someTest);
protected String getRefactoringPath() {
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.FIELDCOMMENT_ID, FIELD_COMMENT, null);
"${package_declaration}" +
System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n") +
"${type_declaration}", null);
Hashtable<String, String> options= JavaCore.getOptions();
fCompactPref= options.get(setting);
options.put(setting, DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.TRUE);
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
Hashtable<String, String> options= JavaCore.getOptions();
options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_INSERT_SPACE_BEFORE_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, fCompactPref);
private IType getClassFromTestFile(IPackageFragment pack, String className) throws Exception{
return getType(createCUfromTestFile(pack, className), className);
private void validatePassingTestSecondaryType(String primaryTypeName, String secondaryTypeName, String packageName, String[] cuNames, String[] packageNames, String enclosingInstanceName, boolean makeFinal, boolean possible, boolean mandatory, boolean createFieldIfPossible) throws Exception {
ICompilationUnit cu= createCUfromTestFile(getPackage(packageName), primaryTypeName);
IType secType= getType(cu, secondaryTypeName);
validatePassingTest(secondaryTypeName, secType, cuNames, packageNames, enclosingInstanceName, makeFinal, possible, mandatory, createFieldIfPossible);
private void validatePassingTest(String parentClassName, String className, String packageName, String[] cuNames, String[] packageNames, String enclosingInstanceName, boolean makeFinal, boolean possible, boolean mandatory, boolean createFieldIfPossible) throws Exception {
IType parentClas= getClassFromTestFile(getPackage(packageName), parentClassName);
IType clas= parentClas.getType(className);
validatePassingTest(className, clas, cuNames, packageNames, enclosingInstanceName, makeFinal, possible, mandatory, createFieldIfPossible);
private void validatePassingTest(String parentClassName, String parentClassNameInParent, String className, String packageName, String[] cuNames, String[] packageNames, String enclosingInstanceName, boolean makeFinal, boolean possible, boolean mandatory, boolean createFieldIfPossible) throws Exception {
IType parentClas= getClassFromTestFile(getPackage(packageName), parentClassName);
IType parent2 = parentClas.getType(parentClassNameInParent);
IType clas = parent2.getType(className);
validatePassingTest(className, clas, cuNames, packageNames, enclosingInstanceName, makeFinal, possible, mandatory, createFieldIfPossible);
private void validatePassingTest(String className, IType clas, String[] cuNames, String[] packageNames, String enclosingInstanceName, boolean makeFinal, boolean possible, boolean mandatory, boolean createFieldIfPossible) throws JavaModelException, CoreException, Exception, IOException {
assertTrue("should be enabled", RefactoringAvailabilityTester.isMoveInnerAvailable(clas));
MoveInnerToTopRefactoring ref= ((RefactoringAvailabilityTester.isMoveInnerAvailable(clas)) ? new MoveInnerToTopRefactoring(clas, JavaPreferencesSettings.getCodeGenerationSettings(clas.getJavaProject())) : null);
RefactoringStatus preconditionResult= ref.checkInitialConditions(new NullProgressMonitor());
assertTrue("activation was supposed to be successful" + preconditionResult.toString(), preconditionResult.isOK());
assertEquals("reference creation possible", possible, ref.isCreatingInstanceFieldPossible());
assertEquals("reference creation mandatory", mandatory, ref.isCreatingInstanceFieldMandatory());
if (ref.isCreatingInstanceFieldPossible() && ! ref.isCreatingInstanceFieldMandatory())
if (enclosingInstanceName != null){
assertTrue("name should be ok ", ref.checkEnclosingInstanceName(enclosingInstanceName).isOK());
ICompilationUnit[] cus= new ICompilationUnit[cuNames.length];
for (int i= 0; i < cuNames.length; i++) {
if (cuNames[i].equals(clas.getCompilationUnit().findPrimaryType().getElementName()))
cus[i]= clas.getCompilationUnit();
cus[i]= createCUfromTestFile(getPackage(packageNames[i]), cuNames[i]);
RefactoringStatus checkInputResult= ref.checkFinalConditions(new NullProgressMonitor());
assertTrue("precondition was supposed to pass", !checkInputResult.hasError());
performChange(ref, false);
for (int i= 0; i < cus.length; i++) {
String actual= cus[i].getSource();
String expected= getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName(cuNames[i]));
assertEqualLines(cus[i].getElementName(), expected, actual);
ICompilationUnit newCu= clas.getPackageFragment().getCompilationUnit(className + ".java");
String expected= getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName(className));
String actual= newCu.getSource();
assertEqualLines("new Cu:", expected, actual);
private void validatePassingTest(String parentClassName, String className, String[] cuNames, String[] packageNames, String enclosingInstanceName, boolean possible, boolean mandatory) throws Exception {
validatePassingTest(parentClassName, className, "p", cuNames, packageNames, enclosingInstanceName, false, possible, mandatory, true);
private void validateFailingTest(String parentClassName, String className, String[] cuNames, String[] packageNames, String enclosingInstanceName, int expectedSeverity) throws Exception {
IType parentClas= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), parentClassName);
IType clas= parentClas.getType(className);
MoveInnerToTopRefactoring ref= ((RefactoringAvailabilityTester.isMoveInnerAvailable(clas)) ? new MoveInnerToTopRefactoring(clas, JavaPreferencesSettings.getCodeGenerationSettings(clas.getJavaProject())) : null);
if (expectedSeverity == NOT_AVAILABLE && ref == null)
assertEquals("refactoring availability not as expected", expectedSeverity == NOT_AVAILABLE, ref == null);
RefactoringStatus preconditionResult= ref.checkInitialConditions(new NullProgressMonitor());
if (enclosingInstanceName != null){
ICompilationUnit[] cus= new ICompilationUnit[cuNames.length];
for (int i= 0; i < cuNames.length; i++) {
if (cuNames[i].equals(clas.getCompilationUnit().findPrimaryType().getElementName()))
cus[i]= clas.getCompilationUnit();
cus[i]= createCUfromTestFile(getPackage(packageNames[i]), cuNames[i]);
RefactoringStatus checkInputResult= ref.checkFinalConditions(new NullProgressMonitor());
RefactoringStatus result= new RefactoringStatus();
assertEquals("different severity expected", expectedSeverity, result.getSeverity());
private IPackageFragment getPackage(String name) throws JavaModelException {
if ("p".equals(name))
return getPackageP();
IPackageFragment pack= getRoot().getPackageFragment(name);
if (pack.exists())
return pack;
return getRoot().createPackageFragment(name, false, new NullProgressMonitor());
//-- tests
public void test0() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test1() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test2() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test3() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test4() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test5() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test6() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test7() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test8() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test9() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test10() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test11() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test12() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test13() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test14() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test15() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A", "A1"}, new String[]{"p", "p1"}, null, false, false);
public void test16() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A", "A1"}, new String[]{"p", "p1"}, null, false, false);
public void test17() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test18() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A", "A1"}, new String[]{"p", "p1"}, null, false, false);
public void test19() throws Exception{
printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23078");
// validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A", "A1"}, new String[]{"p", "p1"}, null, false, false);
public void test20() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23077 ");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A", "A1"}, new String[]{"p", "p1"}, null, false, false);
public void test21() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23627");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test22() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23627");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test23() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 24576 ");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test24() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 28816 ");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
public void test25() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 39716");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{""}, null, false, false, false, true);
public void test26() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{""}, null, false, true, true, true);
public void test30() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{""}, null, false, true, true, true);
public void test31() throws Exception{
printTestDisabledMessage("disabled due to missing support for statically imported methods");
// validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{""}, null, false, true, true, true);
// ---- Visibility issues with the moved member itself and its parents
// Move inner class; enclosing class must remain private if not used
public void test32() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "MoreInner", "p1", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p1"}, null, false, false, false, false);
// Move inner class which has access to enclosing private class, enclosing class must be increased in visibility
public void test33() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "MoreInner", "p2", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p2"}, null, false, false, false, false);
// --- Visibility issues with members of moved members
// Move inner class which has private members, which are accessed from enclosing types.
public void test34() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "SomeClass", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, null, false, true, false, false);
// Move inner class which has private members, but they are unused (and must remain private)
public void test35() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, null, false, true, false, false);
// Move inner class which has access private members, and accessing private members of
// enclosing class (4 visibility increments)
public void test36() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "SomeInner", "Inner", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, null, false, false, false, false);
// Move inner class with some private used and some private non-used members.
// used members go default, non-used stay private
// bug 97411 + 117465 (comment #1)
public void test37() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "SomeInner", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test38() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, null, false, false, false, false);
// change visibility:
public void test39() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, null, false, true, false, false);
// change visibility:
public void test40() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, null, false, true, false, false);
// change visibility:
public void test41() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, null, false, true, false, false);
// change visibility:
public void test42() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, null, false, true, false, false);
public void test43() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, "", false, true, false, false);
public void test44() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A"}, new String[] { "p"}, "a", true, true, true, true);
// static context:
public void test_static_context_0() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, null, false, false);
// --- Non static
public void test_nonstatic_0() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_1() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_2() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_3() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_4() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_5() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_6() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_7() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_8() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_9() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_10() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_11() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_12() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, true);
public void test_nonstatic_13() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, true);
public void test_nonstatic_14() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23488");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_15() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_16() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_17() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23488");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_18() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_19() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23464 ");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_20() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23464 ");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_21() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("must fix - consequence of fix for 23464");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_22() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_23() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_24() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_25() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23464 ");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_26() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_27() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_28() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 23725");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_29() throws Exception{
printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 23724");
// validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_30() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 23715");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "p", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, true, false, true);
public void test_nonstatic_31() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 25537");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "p", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, true, true, true);
public void test_nonstatic_32() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 25537");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "p", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, true, true, true);
public void test_nonstatic_33() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 26252");
validatePassingTest("A", "I", "p", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, true, false, true);
public void test_nonstatic_34() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 31861");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "p", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, true, true, true);
public void test_nonstatic_35() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, false);
public void test_nonstatic_36() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 34591");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, true);
public void test_nonstatic_37() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 38114");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", true, true);
public void test_nonstatic_38() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 37540");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "p", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", false, true, false, false);
public void test_nonstatic_39() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 37540");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "p", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", false, true, false, false);
public void test_nonstatic_40() throws Exception{
// printTestDisabledMessage("test for bug 77083");
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "p", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", false, true, false, false);
public void test_nonstatic_41() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "p", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", false, true, false, false);
public void test_nonstatic_42() throws Exception{
printTestDisabledMessage("disabled due to missing support for statically imported methods");
// validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "p", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", false, true, false, false);
// Using member of enclosing type, non-static edition
public void test_nonstatic_43() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "MoreInner", "p5", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p5"}, "inner", true, true, true, true);
// Move inner class and create field; enclosing class must be changed to use default visibility.
public void test_nonstatic_44() throws Exception{
validatePassingTest("A", "Inner", "MoreInner", "p2", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p2"}, "p", true, true, false, true);
public void test_nonstatic_45() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, true, false, false);
public void test_nonstatic_46() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, true, false, false);
public void test_nonstatic_47() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, true, false, false);
public void test_nonstatic_48() throws Exception {
String fileCommentTemplate= "/** Copy right or wrong. */";
StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.FILECOMMENT_ID, fileCommentTemplate, null);
String newFileTemplate= "${filecomment}\n${package_declaration}\n\n${typecomment}\n${type_declaration}";
StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.NEWTYPE_ID, newFileTemplate, null);
try {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, true, false, false);
} finally {
fileCommentTemplate= "/**\n * \n */";
StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.FILECOMMENT_ID, fileCommentTemplate, null);
public void test_nonstatic_49() throws Exception {
validatePassingTest("A", "B", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, "a", false, true, true, true);
public void testFail_nonstatic_0() throws Exception{
validateFailingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", RefactoringStatus.ERROR);
public void testFail_nonstatic_1() throws Exception{
validateFailingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", RefactoringStatus.ERROR);
public void testFail_nonstatic_2() throws Exception{
validateFailingTest("A", "Inner", new String[]{"A"}, new String[]{"p"}, "a", RefactoringStatus.ERROR);
public void testFail_nonstatic_3() throws Exception{
IType parentClas= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), "A");
int offset= TextRangeUtil.getOffset(parentClas.getCompilationUnit(), 5, 25);
IType nestedLocal= (IType) parentClas.getCompilationUnit().codeSelect(offset, 0)[0];
MoveInnerToTopRefactoring ref= ((RefactoringAvailabilityTester.isMoveInnerAvailable(nestedLocal)) ? new MoveInnerToTopRefactoring(nestedLocal, JavaPreferencesSettings.getCodeGenerationSettings(parentClas.getJavaProject())) : null);
assertNull("refactoring was not supposed to be available", ref);
// --- Secondary classes
public void test_secondary_0() throws Exception {
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_1() throws Exception {
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_2() throws Exception {
if (BUG_304827)
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_3() throws Exception {
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A", "S" }, new String[] { "p", "q" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_4() throws Exception {
if (BUG_304827)
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_5() throws Exception {
if (BUG_304827)
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_6() throws Exception {
if (BUG_304827)
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_7() throws Exception {
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A", "S", "T" }, new String[] { "p", "q", "q" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_8() throws Exception {
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A", "S", "T" }, new String[] { "p", "q", "q" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_9() throws Exception {
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_10() throws Exception {
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_11() throws Exception {
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, false, false, false);
public void test_secondary_12() throws Exception {
validatePassingTestSecondaryType("A", "Secondary", "p", new String[] { "A" }, new String[] { "p" }, null, false, false, false, false);