blob: 2fd97d80f311fec2599096a508371219e6737b4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2020 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.eclipse.jdt.testplugin.JavaProjectHelper;
import org.eclipse.jdt.testplugin.TestOptions;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.IASTSharedValues;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.ScopeAnalyzer;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.rules.ProjectTestSetup;
public class ScopeAnalyzerTest extends CoreTests {
public ProjectTestSetup pts= new ProjectTestSetup();
private IJavaProject fJProject1;
private IPackageFragmentRoot fSourceFolder;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
fJProject1= ProjectTestSetup.getProject();
fSourceFolder= JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJProject1, "src");
Hashtable<String, String> options= TestOptions.getDefaultOptions();
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
JavaProjectHelper.clear(fJProject1, ProjectTestSetup.getDefaultClasspath());
public void testVariableDeclarations1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" int[] fGlobal;\n");
buf.append(" public int goo(int param1, int param2) {\n");
buf.append(" int count= 0;\n");
buf.append(" fGlobal= new int[] { 1, 2, 3};\n");
buf.append(" for (int i= 0; i < fGlobal.length; i++) {\n");
buf.append(" int insideFor= 0;\n");
buf.append(" count= insideFor + fGlobal[i];\n");
buf.append(" return -1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" count++;\n");
buf.append(" int count2= 0;\n");
buf.append(" count+= count2;\n");
buf.append(" return count;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "count+= count2;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "param2", "count", "count2", "fGlobal" });
String str= "count++;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "param2", "count", "fGlobal" });
String str= "return -1;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "param2", "count", "i", "insideFor", "fGlobal" });
public void testVariableDeclarations2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int goo(int param1) {\n");
buf.append(" int count= 9, count2= 0;\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" for (int i= 0, j= 0; i < 9; i++) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i + j);\n");
buf.append(" j++;\n");
buf.append(" throw new IOException();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 8;\n");
buf.append(" } catch (IOException e) {\n");
buf.append(" int k= 0;\n");
buf.append(" return k;\n");
buf.append(" } catch (Exception x) {\n");
buf.append(" x= null;\n");
buf.append(" };\n");
buf.append(" return count;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "j++;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "count", "count2", "i", "j"});
String str= "return 8;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "count", "count2"});
String str= "return k;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "count", "count2", "e", "k" });
String str= "x= null;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "count", "count2", "x" });
String str= "return count;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "count", "count2" });
public void testVariableDeclarations3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private int fVar1, fVar2;\n");
buf.append(" public int goo(int param1) {\n");
buf.append(" Runnable run= new Runnable() {\n");
buf.append(" int fInner;\n");
buf.append(" public void run() {\n");
buf.append(" int k= 0;\n");
buf.append(" fVar1= k;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" };\n");
buf.append(" int k= 0;\n");
buf.append(" return k;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "fVar1= k;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "k", "fInner", "param1", "run", "fVar1", "fVar2"});
String str= "return k;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "k", "param1", "run", "fVar1", "fVar2"});
public void testVariableDeclarations4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack0= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("pack1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack1;\n");
buf.append("public class Rectangle {\n");
buf.append(" public int x;\n");
buf.append(" public int y;\n");
pack0.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("import pack1.Rectangle;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private int fVar1, fVar2;\n");
buf.append(" public int goo(int param1) {\n");
buf.append(" int k= 0;\n");
buf.append(" Rectangle r= new Rectangle();\n");
buf.append(" return r.x;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "return r.x;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str) + "return r.".length();
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "x", "y"});
public void testVariableDeclarations5() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack0= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("pack1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack1;\n");
buf.append("public interface IConstants {\n");
buf.append(" public final int CONST= 1;\n");
pack0.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private int fVar1, fVar2;\n");
buf.append(" private class A {\n");
buf.append(" int fCount;\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int param1) {\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public int goo(int param0) {\n");
buf.append(" int k= 0;\n");
buf.append(" class B extends A implements pack1.IConstants {\n");
buf.append(" int fCount2;\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int param1) {\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "return 1;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "fCount", "fVar1", "fVar2"});
String str= "return 2;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "fCount2", "fCount", "k", "param0", "fVar1", "fVar2", "CONST"});
public void testVariableDeclarations6() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" int[] fGlobal;\n");
buf.append(" public int goo(int param1, int param2) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (param1) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1:\n;");
buf.append(" fGlobal= new int[] { 1, 2, 3};\n");
buf.append(" int temp= 9;\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 2:\n;");
buf.append(" do {\n");
buf.append(" int insideDo= 0;\n");
buf.append(" return -1;\n");
buf.append(" } while (true);\n");
buf.append(" case 3:\n;");
buf.append(" int temp2= 9;\n");
buf.append(" Math.min(1.0f, 2.0f);\n");
buf.append(" return 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 4;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "break;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "param2", "temp", "fGlobal" });
String str= "return -1;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "param2", "temp", "insideDo", "fGlobal" });
String str= "Math";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "param2", "temp", "temp2", "fGlobal" });
String str= "min";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "E", "PI" });
String str= "return 4;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "param1", "param2", "fGlobal" });
public void testVariableDeclarations7() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void goo() {\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" } catch (Exception x) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "return;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] {});
public void testSwitchOnEnum() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public enum E {\n");
buf.append(" A, B, C;\n");
buf.append(" public static final int X=1;\n");
buf.append("class A {\n");
buf.append(" public void goo(E e) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (e) {\n");
buf.append(" case A:\n;");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "A:";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "A", "B", "C"});
String str= "break;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] {"e"});
public void testDeclarationsAfter() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int goo(final int param0) {\n");
buf.append(" int k= 0;\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" for (int i= 0; i < 10; i++) {\n");
buf.append(" k += i;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" } catch (Exception x) {\n");
buf.append(" return 9;\n");
buf.append(" };\n");
buf.append(" Runnable run= new Runnable() {\n");
buf.append(" int fInner;\n");
buf.append(" public void run() {\n");
buf.append(" int x1= 0;\n");
buf.append(" x1 += param0;\n");
buf.append(" {\n");
buf.append(" for (int i= 0, j= 0; i < 10; i++) {\n");
buf.append(" x1 += i;\n");
buf.append(" int x2= 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" };\n");
buf.append(" return 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "int k= 0;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsAfter(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "k", "i", "x", "run"});
String str= "return 9;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsAfter(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { });
String str= "x1 += param0;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.VARIABLES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsAfter(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "i", "j", "x2" });
public void testTypeDeclarations1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public static class A {\n");
buf.append(" public class A1 {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo() {\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public class A2 {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public int foo() {\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append("class F {\n");
buf.append(" public int goo(int param0) {\n");
buf.append(" class C extends E.A {\n");
buf.append(" A1 b;\n");
buf.append(" public int foo() {\n");
buf.append(" return 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 4;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "return 1;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.TYPES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "A1", "A", "E", "A2", "F"});
String str= "return 2;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.TYPES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "A1", "A", "E", "A2", "F"});
String str= "return 3;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.TYPES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "C", "F", "A1", "A2", "E"});
String str= "return 4;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.TYPES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "C", "F", "E"});
public void testTypeDeclarations2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public static class E1 extends G {\n");
buf.append(" public static class EE1 {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static class EE2 {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static class E2 {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append("class F extends E.E1{\n");
buf.append(" F f1;\n");
buf.append("class G {\n");
buf.append(" public static class G1 {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "F f1;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.TYPES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "F", "EE1", "EE2", "G1", "G", "E"});
public void testTypeDeclarationsTypeParameters() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack0= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("public class H<M> {\n");
pack0.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("public class G<X, Y> extends H<String> {\n");
buf.append(" public <A, B> void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "return;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.TYPES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "A", "B", "G", "X", "Y"});
public void testClassInstanceCreation() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public Object foo(G g) {\n");
buf.append(" return G1();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append("class G extends H {\n");
buf.append(" public class G1 {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public class G2 {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append("class H {\n");
buf.append(" public class H1 {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "G1()";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.TYPES;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertVariables(res, new String[] { "G1", "G2", "H1"});
public void testMethodDeclarations1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public void goo() {\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public String toString() {\n");
buf.append(" return String.valueOf(1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "return;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.METHODS;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertMethods(res, new String[] { "goo", "foo" }, true);
public void testMethodDeclarations2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" int fVar1, fVar2;\n");
buf.append(" public int goo(int param1) {\n");
buf.append(" Runnable run= new Runnable() {\n");
buf.append(" int fInner;\n");
buf.append(" public void run() {\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" };\n");
buf.append(" int k= 0;\n");
buf.append(" return k;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" private class A extends E {\n");
buf.append(" { // initializer\n");
buf.append(" fVar1= 9; \n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int param1) {\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "return;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.METHODS;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertMethods(res, new String[] { "run", "goo"}, true);
String str= "return k;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.METHODS;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertMethods(res, new String[] { "goo"}, true);
String str= "return 1;";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.METHODS;
IBinding[] res= new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags);
assertMethods(res, new String[] { "foo", "goo"}, true);
private static final String[] OBJ_METHODS= new String[] { "getClass",
"hashCode", "equals", "clone", "toString", "notify", "notifyAll", "wait", "wait",
"wait", "finalize" };
private void assertMethods(IBinding[] res, String[] expectedNames, boolean addObjectMethods) {
String[] names= new String[res.length];
for (int i= 0; i < res.length; i++) {
names[i]= res[i].getName();
String[] expected= expectedNames;
if (addObjectMethods) {
expected= new String[expectedNames.length + OBJ_METHODS.length];
System.arraycopy(OBJ_METHODS, 0, expected, 0, OBJ_METHODS.length);
System.arraycopy(expectedNames, 0, expected, OBJ_METHODS.length, expectedNames.length);
assertEqualStringsIgnoreOrder(names, expected);
public void testEnumConstantDeclaration1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test;\n");
buf.append("public enum TestEnum {\n");
buf.append(" A(11);\n");
buf.append(" TestEnum(int value) {}\n");
buf.append(" private static int getDefaultValue() {\n");
buf.append(" return -1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit compilationUnit= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
CompilationUnit astRoot= createAST(compilationUnit);
String str= "11";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(str);
int flags= ScopeAnalyzer.METHODS;
for (IBinding binding : new ScopeAnalyzer(astRoot).getDeclarationsInScope(offset, flags)) {
if ("getDefaultValue".equals(binding.getName())) {
assertFalse("getDefaultValue not found", true);
private void assertVariables(IBinding[] res, String[] expectedNames) {
String[] names= new String[res.length];
for (int i= 0; i < res.length; i++) {
names[i]= res[i].getName();
assertEqualStringsIgnoreOrder(names, expectedNames);
private void assertNoProblems(CompilationUnit astRoot) {
IProblem[] problems= astRoot.getProblems();
if (problems.length > 0) {
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
for (IProblem problem : problems) {
assertTrue(buf.toString(), false);
private CompilationUnit createAST(ICompilationUnit compilationUnit) {
ASTParser parser= ASTParser.newParser(IASTSharedValues.SHARED_AST_LEVEL);
return (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);