Bug 561670 - [cleanup & saveaction] Clean lambda expression into this
method reference

Change-Id: Ibbe15ea4461db349fd27b8a3f1ef5a1105ded57e
Signed-off-by: Fabrice Tiercelin <fabrice.tiercelin@yahoo.fr>
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/ui/tests/quickfix/CleanUpTest18.java b/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/ui/tests/quickfix/CleanUpTest18.java
index 71be2f2..ea64107 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/ui/tests/quickfix/CleanUpTest18.java
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/ui/tests/quickfix/CleanUpTest18.java
@@ -58,268 +58,6 @@
-	public void testSimplifyLambdaExpression() throws Exception {
-		IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
-		String sample= "" //
-				+ "package test1;\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "import static java.util.Calendar.getInstance;\n" //
-				+ "import static java.util.Calendar.getAvailableLocales;\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "import java.time.Instant;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.ArrayList;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.Calendar;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.Date;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.Locale;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.Vector;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.function.BiFunction;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.function.Function;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "public class E extends Date {\n" //
-				+ "    public String changeableText = \"foo\";\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeParentheses() {\n" //
-				+ "        return (someString) -> someString.trim().toLowerCase();\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, String> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithSingleVariableDeclaration() {\n" //
-				+ "        return (String someString) -> someString.trim().toLowerCase();\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public BiFunction<String, String, Integer> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithTwoParameters() {\n" //
-				+ "        return (someString, anotherString) -> someString.trim().compareTo(anotherString.trim());\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Supplier<Boolean> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithNoParameter() {\n" //
-				+ "        return () -> {System.out.println(\"foo\");return true;};\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeReturnAndBrackets() {\n" //
-				+ "        return someString -> {return someString.trim().toLowerCase();};\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeReturnAndBracketsWithParentheses() {\n" //
-				+ "        return someString -> {return someString.trim().toLowerCase() + \"bar\";};\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, String> doNotRemoveReturnWithSeveralStatements() {\n" //
-				+ "        return someString -> {String trimmed = someString.trim();\n" //
-				+ "        return trimmed.toLowerCase();};\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Supplier<ArrayList<String>> useCreationReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return () -> new ArrayList<>();\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameter() {\n" //
-				+ "        return capacity -> new ArrayList<>(capacity);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameterAndType() {\n" //
-				+ "        // TODO this can be refactored like useCreationReferenceWithParameter\n" //
-				+ "        return (Integer capacity) -> new ArrayList<>(capacity);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> doNotRefactorWithExpressions() {\n" //
-				+ "        return capacity -> new ArrayList<>(capacity + 1);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Vector<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameters() {\n" //
-				+ "        return (initialCapacity, capacityIncrement) -> new Vector<>(initialCapacity, capacityIncrement);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Vector<String>> doNotRefactorShuffledParams() {\n" //
-				+ "        return (initialCapacity, capacityIncrement) -> new Vector<>(capacityIncrement, initialCapacity);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Date, Long> useMethodReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return date -> date.getTime();\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public BiFunction<Date, Date, Integer> useMethodReferenceWithParameter() {\n" //
-				+ "        return (date, anotherDate) -> date.compareTo(anotherDate);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, Long> useTypeReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return numberInText -> Long.getLong(numberInText);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public static Function<Instant, Date> useTypeReferenceOnClassMethod() {\n" //
-				+ "        return instant -> Date.from(instant);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public static Function<Locale, Calendar> useTypeReferenceOnImportedMethod() {\n" //
-				+ "        return locale -> Calendar.getInstance(locale);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public static Supplier<Locale[]> useTypeReferenceAsSupplier() {\n" //
-				+ "        return () -> Calendar.getAvailableLocales();\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, Integer> useExpressionMethodReferenceOnLiteral() {\n" //
-				+ "        return textToSearch -> \"AutoRefactor\".indexOf(textToSearch);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, Integer> doNotUseExpressionMethodReferenceOnVariable() {\n" //
-				+ "        return textToSearch -> this.changeableText.indexOf(textToSearch);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useThisMethodReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return anotherDate -> this.compareTo(anotherDate);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useThisMethodReferenceAddThis() {\n" //
-				+ "        return anotherDate -> this.compareTo(anotherDate);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useSuperMethodReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return anotherDate -> super.compareTo(anotherDate);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Integer, String> doNotUseConflictingMethodReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return numberToPrint -> numberToPrint.toString();\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Integer, String> doNotUseConflictingStaticMethodReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return numberToPrint -> Integer.toString(numberToPrint);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "}\n";
-		ICompilationUnit cu1= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", sample, false, null);
-		sample= "" //
-				+ "package test1;\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "import static java.util.Calendar.getInstance;\n" //
-				+ "import static java.util.Calendar.getAvailableLocales;\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "import java.time.Instant;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.ArrayList;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.Calendar;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.Date;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.Locale;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.Vector;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.function.BiFunction;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.function.Function;\n" //
-				+ "import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "public class E extends Date {\n" //
-				+ "    public String changeableText = \"foo\";\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeParentheses() {\n" //
-				+ "        return someString -> someString.trim().toLowerCase();\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, String> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithSingleVariableDeclaration() {\n" //
-				+ "        return (String someString) -> someString.trim().toLowerCase();\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public BiFunction<String, String, Integer> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithTwoParameters() {\n" //
-				+ "        return (someString, anotherString) -> someString.trim().compareTo(anotherString.trim());\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Supplier<Boolean> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithNoParameter() {\n" //
-				+ "        return () -> {System.out.println(\"foo\");return true;};\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeReturnAndBrackets() {\n" //
-				+ "        return someString -> someString.trim().toLowerCase();\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeReturnAndBracketsWithParentheses() {\n" //
-				+ "        return someString -> (someString.trim().toLowerCase() + \"bar\");\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, String> doNotRemoveReturnWithSeveralStatements() {\n" //
-				+ "        return someString -> {String trimmed = someString.trim();\n" //
-				+ "        return trimmed.toLowerCase();};\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Supplier<ArrayList<String>> useCreationReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return ArrayList::new;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameter() {\n" //
-				+ "        return ArrayList::new;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameterAndType() {\n" //
-				+ "        // TODO this can be refactored like useCreationReferenceWithParameter\n" //
-				+ "        return (Integer capacity) -> new ArrayList<>(capacity);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> doNotRefactorWithExpressions() {\n" //
-				+ "        return capacity -> new ArrayList<>(capacity + 1);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Vector<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameters() {\n" //
-				+ "        return Vector::new;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Vector<String>> doNotRefactorShuffledParams() {\n" //
-				+ "        return (initialCapacity, capacityIncrement) -> new Vector<>(capacityIncrement, initialCapacity);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Date, Long> useMethodReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return Date::getTime;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public BiFunction<Date, Date, Integer> useMethodReferenceWithParameter() {\n" //
-				+ "        return Date::compareTo;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, Long> useTypeReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return Long::getLong;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public static Function<Instant, Date> useTypeReferenceOnClassMethod() {\n" //
-				+ "        return instant -> Date.from(instant);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public static Function<Locale, Calendar> useTypeReferenceOnImportedMethod() {\n" //
-				+ "        return Calendar::getInstance;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public static Supplier<Locale[]> useTypeReferenceAsSupplier() {\n" //
-				+ "        return Calendar::getAvailableLocales;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, Integer> useExpressionMethodReferenceOnLiteral() {\n" //
-				+ "        return \"AutoRefactor\"::indexOf;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<String, Integer> doNotUseExpressionMethodReferenceOnVariable() {\n" //
-				+ "        return textToSearch -> this.changeableText.indexOf(textToSearch);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useThisMethodReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return this::compareTo;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useThisMethodReferenceAddThis() {\n" //
-				+ "        return this::compareTo;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useSuperMethodReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return super::compareTo;\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Integer, String> doNotUseConflictingMethodReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return numberToPrint -> numberToPrint.toString();\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "\n" //
-				+ "    public Function<Integer, String> doNotUseConflictingStaticMethodReference() {\n" //
-				+ "        return numberToPrint -> Integer.toString(numberToPrint);\n" //
-				+ "    }\n" //
-				+ "}\n";
-		String expected1= sample;
-		assertRefactoringResultAsExpected(new ICompilationUnit[] { cu1 }, new String[] { expected1 });
-	}
-	@Test
 	public void testConvertToLambda01() throws Exception {
 		IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test", false, null);
 		StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/ui/tests/quickfix/CleanUpTest1d8.java b/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/ui/tests/quickfix/CleanUpTest1d8.java
index c7ed65a..c3619b2 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/ui/tests/quickfix/CleanUpTest1d8.java
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/ui/tests/quickfix/CleanUpTest1d8.java
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 public class CleanUpTest1d8 extends CleanUpTestCase {
-    public ProjectTestSetup projectsetup = new Java18ProjectTestSetup();
+    public ProjectTestSetup projectsetup= new Java18ProjectTestSetup();
@@ -80,4 +80,278 @@
 		assertRefactoringHasNoChange(new ICompilationUnit[] { cu });
+	@Test
+	public void testSimplifyLambdaExpression() throws Exception {
+		IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
+		String sample= "" //
+				+ "package test1;\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "import static java.util.Calendar.getInstance;\n" //
+				+ "import static java.util.Calendar.getAvailableLocales;\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "import java.time.Instant;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.ArrayList;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.Calendar;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.Date;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.Locale;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.Vector;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.function.BiFunction;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.function.Function;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "public class E extends Date {\n" //
+				+ "    public String changeableText = \"foo\";\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeParentheses() {\n" //
+				+ "        return (someString) -> someString.trim().toLowerCase();\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, String> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithSingleVariableDeclaration() {\n" //
+				+ "        return (String someString) -> someString.trim().toLowerCase();\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public BiFunction<String, String, Integer> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithTwoParameters() {\n" //
+				+ "        return (someString, anotherString) -> someString.trim().compareTo(anotherString.trim());\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Supplier<Boolean> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithNoParameter() {\n" //
+				+ "        return () -> {System.out.println(\"foo\");return true;};\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeReturnAndBrackets() {\n" //
+				+ "        return someString -> {return someString.trim().toLowerCase();};\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeReturnAndBracketsWithParentheses() {\n" //
+				+ "        return someString -> {return someString.trim().toLowerCase() + \"bar\";};\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, String> doNotRemoveReturnWithSeveralStatements() {\n" //
+				+ "        return someString -> {String trimmed = someString.trim();\n" //
+				+ "        return trimmed.toLowerCase();};\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Supplier<ArrayList<String>> useCreationReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return () -> new ArrayList<>();\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameter() {\n" //
+				+ "        return capacity -> new ArrayList<>(capacity);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameterAndType() {\n" //
+				+ "        // TODO this can be refactored like useCreationReferenceWithParameter\n" //
+				+ "        return (Integer capacity) -> new ArrayList<>(capacity);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> doNotRefactorWithExpressions() {\n" //
+				+ "        return capacity -> new ArrayList<>(capacity + 1);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Vector<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameters() {\n" //
+				+ "        return (initialCapacity, capacityIncrement) -> new Vector<>(initialCapacity, capacityIncrement);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Vector<String>> doNotRefactorShuffledParams() {\n" //
+				+ "        return (initialCapacity, capacityIncrement) -> new Vector<>(capacityIncrement, initialCapacity);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Date, Long> useMethodReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return date -> date.getTime();\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public BiFunction<Date, Date, Integer> useMethodReferenceWithParameter() {\n" //
+				+ "        return (date, anotherDate) -> date.compareTo(anotherDate);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, Long> useTypeReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return numberInText -> Long.getLong(numberInText);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public static Function<Instant, Date> useTypeReferenceOnClassMethod() {\n" //
+				+ "        return instant -> Date.from(instant);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public static Function<Locale, Calendar> useTypeReferenceOnImportedMethod() {\n" //
+				+ "        return locale -> Calendar.getInstance(locale);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public static Supplier<Locale[]> useTypeReferenceAsSupplier() {\n" //
+				+ "        return () -> Calendar.getAvailableLocales();\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, Integer> useExpressionMethodReferenceOnLiteral() {\n" //
+				+ "        return textToSearch -> \"AutoRefactor\".indexOf(textToSearch);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, Integer> doNotUseExpressionMethodReferenceOnVariable() {\n" //
+				+ "        return textToSearch -> this.changeableText.indexOf(textToSearch);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useThisMethodReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return anotherDate -> compareTo(anotherDate);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public class InnerClass {\n" //
+				+ "        public Function<Date, Integer> doNotUseThisMethodReferenceOnTopLevelClassMethod() {\n" //
+				+ "            return anotherDate -> compareTo(anotherDate);\n" //
+				+ "        }\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useThisMethodReferenceAddThis() {\n" //
+				+ "        return anotherDate -> this.compareTo(anotherDate);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useSuperMethodReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return anotherDate -> super.compareTo(anotherDate);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Integer, String> doNotUseConflictingMethodReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return numberToPrint -> numberToPrint.toString();\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Integer, String> doNotUseConflictingStaticMethodReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return numberToPrint -> Integer.toString(numberToPrint);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "}\n";
+		ICompilationUnit cu1= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", sample, false, null);
+		sample= "" //
+				+ "package test1;\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "import static java.util.Calendar.getInstance;\n" //
+				+ "import static java.util.Calendar.getAvailableLocales;\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "import java.time.Instant;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.ArrayList;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.Calendar;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.Date;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.Locale;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.Vector;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.function.BiFunction;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.function.Function;\n" //
+				+ "import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "public class E extends Date {\n" //
+				+ "    public String changeableText = \"foo\";\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeParentheses() {\n" //
+				+ "        return someString -> someString.trim().toLowerCase();\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, String> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithSingleVariableDeclaration() {\n" //
+				+ "        return (String someString) -> someString.trim().toLowerCase();\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public BiFunction<String, String, Integer> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithTwoParameters() {\n" //
+				+ "        return (someString, anotherString) -> someString.trim().compareTo(anotherString.trim());\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Supplier<Boolean> doNotRemoveParenthesesWithNoParameter() {\n" //
+				+ "        return () -> {System.out.println(\"foo\");return true;};\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeReturnAndBrackets() {\n" //
+				+ "        return someString -> someString.trim().toLowerCase();\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, String> removeReturnAndBracketsWithParentheses() {\n" //
+				+ "        return someString -> (someString.trim().toLowerCase() + \"bar\");\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, String> doNotRemoveReturnWithSeveralStatements() {\n" //
+				+ "        return someString -> {String trimmed = someString.trim();\n" //
+				+ "        return trimmed.toLowerCase();};\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Supplier<ArrayList<String>> useCreationReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return ArrayList::new;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameter() {\n" //
+				+ "        return ArrayList::new;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameterAndType() {\n" //
+				+ "        // TODO this can be refactored like useCreationReferenceWithParameter\n" //
+				+ "        return (Integer capacity) -> new ArrayList<>(capacity);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Integer, ArrayList<String>> doNotRefactorWithExpressions() {\n" //
+				+ "        return capacity -> new ArrayList<>(capacity + 1);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Vector<String>> useCreationReferenceWithParameters() {\n" //
+				+ "        return Vector::new;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Vector<String>> doNotRefactorShuffledParams() {\n" //
+				+ "        return (initialCapacity, capacityIncrement) -> new Vector<>(capacityIncrement, initialCapacity);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Date, Long> useMethodReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return Date::getTime;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public BiFunction<Date, Date, Integer> useMethodReferenceWithParameter() {\n" //
+				+ "        return Date::compareTo;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, Long> useTypeReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return Long::getLong;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public static Function<Instant, Date> useTypeReferenceOnClassMethod() {\n" //
+				+ "        return instant -> Date.from(instant);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public static Function<Locale, Calendar> useTypeReferenceOnImportedMethod() {\n" //
+				+ "        return Calendar::getInstance;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public static Supplier<Locale[]> useTypeReferenceAsSupplier() {\n" //
+				+ "        return Calendar::getAvailableLocales;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, Integer> useExpressionMethodReferenceOnLiteral() {\n" //
+				+ "        return \"AutoRefactor\"::indexOf;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<String, Integer> doNotUseExpressionMethodReferenceOnVariable() {\n" //
+				+ "        return textToSearch -> this.changeableText.indexOf(textToSearch);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useThisMethodReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return this::compareTo;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public class InnerClass {\n" //
+				+ "        public Function<Date, Integer> doNotUseThisMethodReferenceOnTopLevelClassMethod() {\n" //
+				+ "            return anotherDate -> compareTo(anotherDate);\n" //
+				+ "        }\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useThisMethodReferenceAddThis() {\n" //
+				+ "        return this::compareTo;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Date, Integer> useSuperMethodReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return super::compareTo;\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Integer, String> doNotUseConflictingMethodReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return numberToPrint -> numberToPrint.toString();\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "\n" //
+				+ "    public Function<Integer, String> doNotUseConflictingStaticMethodReference() {\n" //
+				+ "        return numberToPrint -> Integer.toString(numberToPrint);\n" //
+				+ "    }\n" //
+				+ "}\n";
+		String expected1= sample;
+		assertRefactoringResultAsExpected(new ICompilationUnit[] { cu1 }, new String[] { expected1 });
+	}
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.ui/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/ui/fix/LambdaExpressionAndMethodRefCleanUp.java b/org.eclipse.jdt.ui/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/ui/fix/LambdaExpressionAndMethodRefCleanUp.java
index 6616d6f..b6287b0 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.ui/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/ui/fix/LambdaExpressionAndMethodRefCleanUp.java
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.ui/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/ui/fix/LambdaExpressionAndMethodRefCleanUp.java
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation.ContextSensitiveImportRewriteContext;
 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.ASTNodeFactory;
 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.ASTNodes;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.Bindings;
 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.fix.CleanUpConstants;
 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.fix.CompilationUnitRewriteOperationsFix;
 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.fix.CompilationUnitRewriteOperationsFix.CompilationUnitRewriteOperation;
@@ -206,7 +207,17 @@
 							return false;
-						if (calledExpression instanceof StringLiteral || calledExpression instanceof NumberLiteral
+						if (calledExpression == null) {
+							if (methodBinding != null) {
+								ITypeBinding calledType= methodBinding.getDeclaringClass();
+								ITypeBinding enclosingType= Bindings.getBindingOfParentType(node);
+								if (calledType != null && Bindings.isSuperType(calledType, enclosingType)) {
+									rewriteOperations.add(new ReplaceByMethodReferenceOperation(node, methodInvocation));
+									return false;
+								}
+							}
+						} else if (calledExpression instanceof StringLiteral || calledExpression instanceof NumberLiteral
 								|| calledExpression instanceof ThisExpression) {
 							rewriteOperations.add(new ReplaceByMethodReferenceOperation(node, methodInvocation));
 							return false;