blob: 800311f73707fa592861e6bd1a7af43a2d146661 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.structure;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CategorizedTextEditGroup;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.GroupCategory;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.GroupCategorySet;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatusEntry;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Flags;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IField;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IInitializer;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMember;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ITypeHierarchy;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.WorkingCopyOwner;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.BodyDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.FieldDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier.ModifierKeyword;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite.ASTRewrite;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.ModifierRewrite;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.VariableDeclarationRewrite;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.RefactoringCoreMessages;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.RefactoringScopeFactory;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.RefactoringSearchEngine2;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.SearchResultGroup;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.JavaStatusContext;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.util.JavaModelUtil;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.util.LRUMap;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.util.Messages;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.util.SearchUtils;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabels;
* Helper class to adjust the visibilities of members with respect to a reference element.
* @since 3.1
public final class MemberVisibilityAdjustor {
* The visibility group category set.
* @since 3.2
public static final GroupCategorySet SET_VISIBILITY_ADJUSTMENTS= new GroupCategorySet(new GroupCategory("org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.visibilityAdjustments", //$NON-NLS-1$
RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_adjustments_name, RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_adjustments_description));
/** Description of a member visibility adjustment */
public static class IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment implements IVisibilityAdjustment {
/** The keyword representing the adjusted visibility */
protected final ModifierKeyword fKeyword;
/** The member whose visibility has been adjusted */
protected final IMember fMember;
/** Does the visibility adjustment need rewriting? */
protected boolean fNeedsRewriting= true;
/** The associated refactoring status */
protected final RefactoringStatus fRefactoringStatus;
* Creates a new incoming member visibility adjustment.
* @param member the member which is adjusted
* @param keyword the keyword representing the adjusted visibility
* @param status the associated status, or <code>null</code>
public IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment(final IMember member, final ModifierKeyword keyword, final RefactoringStatus status) {
Assert.isTrue(!(member instanceof IInitializer));
fMember= member;
fKeyword= keyword;
fRefactoringStatus= status;
* Returns the visibility keyword.
* @return the visibility keyword
public final ModifierKeyword getKeyword() {
return fKeyword;
* Returns the adjusted member.
* @return the adjusted member
public final IMember getMember() {
return fMember;
* Returns the associated refactoring status.
* @return the associated refactoring status
public final RefactoringStatus getStatus() {
return fRefactoringStatus;
* Does the visibility adjustment need rewriting?
* @return <code>true</code> if it needs rewriting, <code>false</code> otherwise
public final boolean needsRewriting() {
return fNeedsRewriting;
* Rewrites the visibility adjustment.
* @param adjustor the java element visibility adjustor
* @param rewrite the AST rewrite to use
* @param root the root of the AST used in the rewrite
* @param group the text edit group description to use, or <code>null</code>
* @param status the refactoring status, or <code>null</code>
* @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs
protected final void rewriteVisibility(final MemberVisibilityAdjustor adjustor, final ASTRewrite rewrite, final CompilationUnit root, final CategorizedTextEditGroup group, final RefactoringStatus status) throws JavaModelException {
final int visibility= fKeyword != null ? fKeyword.toFlagValue() : Modifier.NONE;
if (fMember instanceof IField && !Flags.isEnum(fMember.getFlags())) {
final VariableDeclarationFragment fragment= ASTNodeSearchUtil.getFieldDeclarationFragmentNode((IField) fMember, root);
final FieldDeclaration declaration= (FieldDeclaration) fragment.getParent();
VariableDeclarationFragment[] fragmentsToChange= new VariableDeclarationFragment[] { fragment };
VariableDeclarationRewrite.rewriteModifiers(declaration, fragmentsToChange, visibility, ModifierRewrite.VISIBILITY_MODIFIERS, rewrite, group);
if (status != null)
} else if (fMember != null) {
final BodyDeclaration declaration= ASTNodeSearchUtil.getBodyDeclarationNode(fMember, root);
if (declaration != null) {
ModifierRewrite.create(rewrite, declaration).setVisibility(visibility, group);
if (status != null)
* @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.structure.MemberVisibilityAdjustor.IVisibilityAdjustment#rewriteVisibility(org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.structure.MemberVisibilityAdjustor, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
public void rewriteVisibility(final MemberVisibilityAdjustor adjustor, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
try {
monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (fNeedsRewriting) {
if (adjustor.fRewrite != null && adjustor.fRoot != null)
rewriteVisibility(adjustor, adjustor.fRewrite, adjustor.fRoot, null, fRefactoringStatus);
else {
final CompilationUnitRewrite rewrite= adjustor.getCompilationUnitRewrite(fMember.getCompilationUnit());
rewriteVisibility(adjustor, rewrite.getASTRewrite(), rewrite.getRoot(), rewrite.createCategorizedGroupDescription(Messages.format(RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility, getLabel(getKeyword())), SET_VISIBILITY_ADJUSTMENTS), fRefactoringStatus);
} else if (fRefactoringStatus != null)
} finally {
* Determines whether the visibility adjustment needs rewriting.
* @param rewriting <code>true</code> if it needs rewriting, <code>false</code> otherwise
public final void setNeedsRewriting(final boolean rewriting) {
fNeedsRewriting= rewriting;
/** Interface for visibility adjustments */
public interface IVisibilityAdjustment {
* Rewrites the visibility adjustment.
* @param adjustor the java element visibility adjustor
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs
public void rewriteVisibility(MemberVisibilityAdjustor adjustor, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException;
/** Description of an outgoing member visibility adjustment */
public static class OutgoingMemberVisibilityAdjustment extends IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment {
* Creates a new outgoing member visibility adjustment.
* @param member the member which is adjusted
* @param keyword the keyword representing the adjusted visibility
* @param status the associated status
public OutgoingMemberVisibilityAdjustment(final IMember member, final ModifierKeyword keyword, final RefactoringStatus status) {
super(member, keyword, status);
* @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.structure.MemberVisibilityAdjustor.IVisibilityAdjustment#rewriteVisibility(org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.structure.MemberVisibilityAdjustor, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
public void rewriteVisibility(final MemberVisibilityAdjustor adjustor, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
try {
monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (fNeedsRewriting) {
final CompilationUnitRewrite rewrite= adjustor.getCompilationUnitRewrite(fMember.getCompilationUnit());
rewriteVisibility(adjustor, rewrite.getASTRewrite(), rewrite.getRoot(), rewrite.createCategorizedGroupDescription(Messages.format(RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility, getLabel(getKeyword())), SET_VISIBILITY_ADJUSTMENTS), fRefactoringStatus);
} finally {
* Returns the label for the specified java element.
* @param element the element to get the label for
* @return the label for the element
public static String getLabel(final IJavaElement element) {
return JavaElementLabels.getElementLabel(element, JavaElementLabels.ALL_FULLY_QUALIFIED | JavaElementLabels.ALL_DEFAULT);
* Returns the label for the specified visibility keyword.
* @param keyword the keyword to get the label for, or <code>null</code> for default visibility
* @return the label for the keyword
public static String getLabel(final ModifierKeyword keyword) {
if (keyword == null)
return RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility_default;
else if (ModifierKeyword.PUBLIC_KEYWORD.equals(keyword))
return RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility_public;
else if (ModifierKeyword.PROTECTED_KEYWORD.equals(keyword))
return RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility_protected;
return RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility_private;
* Returns the message string for the specified member.
* @param member the member to get the string for
* @return the string for the member
public static String getMessage(final IMember member) {
Assert.isTrue(member instanceof IType || member instanceof IMethod || member instanceof IField);
if (member instanceof IType)
return RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility_type_warning;
else if (member instanceof IMethod)
return RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility_method_warning;
return RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility_field_warning;
* Do the specified modifiers represent a lower visibility than the required threshold?
* @param modifiers the modifiers to test
* @param threshold the visibility threshold to compare with
* @return <code>true</code> if the visibility is lower than required, <code>false</code> otherwise
public static boolean hasLowerVisibility(final int modifiers, final int threshold) {
if (Modifier.isPrivate(threshold))
return false;
else if (Modifier.isPublic(threshold))
return !Modifier.isPublic(modifiers);
else if (Modifier.isProtected(threshold))
return !Modifier.isProtected(modifiers) && !Modifier.isPublic(modifiers);
return Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers);
* Does the specified modifier keyword represent a lower visibility than the required threshold?
* @param keyword the visibility keyword to test, or <code>null</code> for default visibility
* @param threshold the visibility threshold keyword to compare with, or <code>null</code> to compare with default visibility
* @return <code>true</code> if the visibility is lower than required, <code>false</code> otherwise
public static boolean hasLowerVisibility(final ModifierKeyword keyword, final ModifierKeyword threshold) {
return hasLowerVisibility(keyword != null ? keyword.toFlagValue() : Modifier.NONE, threshold != null ? threshold.toFlagValue() : Modifier.NONE);
* Is the specified severity a refactoring status severity?
* @param severity the severity to test
* @return <code>true</code> if it is a refactoring status severity, <code>false</code> otherwise
private static boolean isStatusSeverity(final int severity) {
return severity == RefactoringStatus.ERROR || severity == RefactoringStatus.FATAL || severity == RefactoringStatus.INFO || severity == RefactoringStatus.OK || severity == RefactoringStatus.WARNING;
* Is the specified modifier keyword a visibility keyword?
* @param keyword the keyword to test, or <code>null</code>
* @return <code>true</code> if it is a visibility keyword, <code>false</code> otherwise
private static boolean isVisibilityKeyword(final ModifierKeyword keyword) {
return keyword == null || ModifierKeyword.PUBLIC_KEYWORD.equals(keyword) || ModifierKeyword.PROTECTED_KEYWORD.equals(keyword) || ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD.equals(keyword);
* Is the specified modifier a visibility modifier?
* @param modifier the keyword to test
* @return <code>true</code> if it is a visibility modifier, <code>false</code> otherwise
private static boolean isVisibilityModifier(final int modifier) {
return modifier == Modifier.NONE || modifier == Modifier.PUBLIC || modifier == Modifier.PROTECTED || modifier == Modifier.PRIVATE;
* Converts a given modifier keyword into a visibility flag.
* @param keyword the keyword to convert
* @return the visibility flag
private static int keywordToVisibility(final ModifierKeyword keyword) {
int visibility= 0;
if (keyword == ModifierKeyword.PUBLIC_KEYWORD)
visibility= Flags.AccPublic;
else if (keyword == ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD)
visibility= Flags.AccPrivate;
else if (keyword == ModifierKeyword.PROTECTED_KEYWORD)
visibility= Flags.AccProtected;
return visibility;
* Does the specified member need further visibility adjustment?
* @param member the member to test
* @param threshold the visibility threshold to test for
* @param adjustments the map of members to visibility adjustments
* @return <code>true</code> if the member needs further adjustment, <code>false</code> otherwise
public static boolean needsVisibilityAdjustments(final IMember member, final int threshold, final Map<IMember, IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment> adjustments) {
final IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment adjustment= adjustments.get(member);
if (adjustment != null) {
final ModifierKeyword keyword= adjustment.getKeyword();
return hasLowerVisibility(keyword == null ? Modifier.NONE : keyword.toFlagValue(), threshold);
return true;
* Does the specified member need further visibility adjustment?
* @param member the member to test
* @param threshold the visibility threshold to test for, or <code>null</code> for default visibility
* @param adjustments the map of members to visibility adjustments
* @return <code>true</code> if the member needs further adjustment, <code>false</code> otherwise
public static boolean needsVisibilityAdjustments(final IMember member, final ModifierKeyword threshold, final Map<IMember, IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment> adjustments) {
final IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment adjustment= adjustments.get(member);
if (adjustment != null)
return hasLowerVisibility(adjustment.getKeyword(), threshold);
return true;
/** The map of members to visibility adjustments */
private Map<IMember, IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment> fAdjustments= new LinkedHashMap<IMember, IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment>(); // LinkedHashMap to preserve order of generated warnings
/** Should incoming references be adjusted? */
private boolean fIncoming= true;
/** Should outgoing references be adjusted? */
private boolean fOutgoing= true;
/** The referenced element causing the visibility adjustment */
private final IMember fReferenced;
/** The referencing java element */
private final IJavaElement fReferencing;
/** The AST rewrite to use for reference visibility adjustments, or <code>null</code> to use a compilation unit rewrite */
private ASTRewrite fRewrite= null;
/** The map of compilation units to compilation unit rewrites */
private Map<ICompilationUnit, CompilationUnitRewrite> fRewrites= new HashMap<ICompilationUnit, CompilationUnitRewrite>(3);
/** The root node of the AST rewrite for reference visibility adjustments, or <code>null</code> to use a compilation unit rewrite */
private CompilationUnit fRoot= null;
/** The incoming search scope */
private IJavaSearchScope fScope;
/** The status of the visibility adjustment */
private RefactoringStatus fStatus= new RefactoringStatus();
/** The type hierarchy cache */
private final Map<IType, ITypeHierarchy> fTypeHierarchies= new LRUMap<IType, ITypeHierarchy>(10);
/** The visibility message severity */
private int fVisibilitySeverity= RefactoringStatus.WARNING;
/** The working copy owner, or <code>null</code> to use none */
private WorkingCopyOwner fOwner= null;
* Creates a new java element visibility adjustor.
* @param referencing the referencing element used to compute the visibility
* @param referenced the referenced member which causes the visibility changes
public MemberVisibilityAdjustor(final IJavaElement referencing, final IMember referenced) {
Assert.isTrue(!(referenced instanceof IInitializer));
Assert.isTrue(referencing instanceof ICompilationUnit || referencing instanceof IType || referencing instanceof IPackageFragment);
fScope= RefactoringScopeFactory.createReferencedScope(new IJavaElement[] { referenced}, IJavaSearchScope.REFERENCED_PROJECTS | IJavaSearchScope.SOURCES | IJavaSearchScope.APPLICATION_LIBRARIES);
fReferencing= referencing;
fReferenced= referenced;
* Adjusts the visibility of the specified member.
* @param element the "source" point from which to calculate the visibility
* @param referencedMovedElement the moved element which may be adjusted in visibility
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @throws JavaModelException if the visibility adjustment could not be computed
private void adjustIncomingVisibility(final IJavaElement element, IMember referencedMovedElement, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
final ModifierKeyword threshold= getVisibilityThreshold(element, referencedMovedElement, monitor);
int flags= referencedMovedElement.getFlags();
IType declaring= referencedMovedElement.getDeclaringType();
if (declaring != null && declaring.isInterface() || referencedMovedElement instanceof IField && Flags.isEnum(referencedMovedElement.getFlags()))
if (hasLowerVisibility(flags, threshold == null ? Modifier.NONE : threshold.toFlagValue()) && needsVisibilityAdjustment(referencedMovedElement, threshold))
fAdjustments.put(referencedMovedElement, new IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment(referencedMovedElement, threshold, RefactoringStatus.createStatus(fVisibilitySeverity, Messages.format(getMessage(referencedMovedElement), new String[] { getLabel(referencedMovedElement), getLabel(threshold)}), JavaStatusContext.create(referencedMovedElement), null, RefactoringStatusEntry.NO_CODE, null)));
* Check whether anyone accesses the members of the moved type from the
* outside. Those may need to have their visibility adjusted.
* @param member the member
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs
private void adjustMemberVisibility(final IMember member, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
if (member instanceof IType) {
// recursively check accessibility of member type's members
final IJavaElement[] typeMembers= ((IType) member).getChildren();
for (int i= 0; i < typeMembers.length; i++) {
if (! (typeMembers[i] instanceof IInitializer))
adjustMemberVisibility((IMember) typeMembers[i], monitor);
if (member.equals(fReferenced) || Modifier.isPublic(member.getFlags()))
final SearchResultGroup[] references= findReferences(member, monitor);
for (int i= 0; i < references.length; i++) {
final SearchMatch[] searchResults= references[i].getSearchResults();
for (int k= 0; k < searchResults.length; k++) {
final IJavaElement referenceToMember= (IJavaElement) searchResults[k].getElement();
if (fAdjustments.get(member) == null && referenceToMember instanceof IMember && !isInsideMovedMember(referenceToMember)) {
// check whether the member is still visible from the
// destination. As we are moving a type, the destination is
// a package or another type.
adjustIncomingVisibility(fReferencing, member, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
* Is the specified member inside the moved member?
* @param element the element
* @return <code>true</code> if it is inside, <code>false</code> otherwise
private boolean isInsideMovedMember(final IJavaElement element) {
IJavaElement current= element;
while ((current= current.getParent()) != null)
if (current.equals(fReferenced))
return true;
return false;
* Finds references to the specified member.
* @param member the member
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @return the search result groups
* @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs during search
private SearchResultGroup[] findReferences(final IMember member, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
final RefactoringSearchEngine2 engine= new RefactoringSearchEngine2(SearchPattern.createPattern(member, IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES, SearchUtils.GENERICS_AGNOSTIC_MATCH_RULE));
engine.setFiltering(true, true);
engine.searchPattern(new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
return (SearchResultGroup[]) engine.getResults();
* Adjusts the visibility of the member based on the incoming references
* represented by the specified search result groups.
* If there is at least one reference to the moved element from outside the
* moved element, visibility must be increased such that the moved element
* (fReferenced) is still visible at the target from all references. This
* effectively means that the old element (fReferenced) must be visible from
* the new location (fReferencing).
* @param groups the search result groups representing the references
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @throws JavaModelException if the java elements could not be accessed
private void adjustIncomingVisibility(final SearchResultGroup[] groups, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
try {
monitor.beginTask("", groups.length); //$NON-NLS-1$
SearchMatch[] matches= null;
boolean adjusted= false;
for (int index= 0; index < groups.length; index++) {
matches= groups[index].getSearchResults();
for (int offset= 0; offset < matches.length; offset++) {
final Object element= matches[offset].getElement();
if (element instanceof IMember && !isInsideMovedMember((IMember) element)) {
// found one reference which is not inside the moved
// element => adjust visibility of the moved element
adjustIncomingVisibility(fReferencing, fReferenced, monitor);
adjusted= true; // one adjustment is enough
if (adjusted)
} finally {
* Adjusts the visibility of the referenced field found in a compilation unit.
* @param field the referenced field to adjust
* @param threshold the visibility threshold, or <code>null</code> for default visibility
* @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs
private void adjustOutgoingVisibility(final IField field, final ModifierKeyword threshold) throws JavaModelException {
Assert.isTrue(!field.isBinary() && !field.isReadOnly());
//bug 100555 (moving inner class to top level class; taking private fields with you)
final IType declaring= field.getDeclaringType();
if (declaring != null && declaring.equals(fReferenced)) return;
if (hasLowerVisibility(field.getFlags(), keywordToVisibility(threshold)) && needsVisibilityAdjustment(field, threshold))
adjustOutgoingVisibility(field, threshold, RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility_field_warning);
* Adjusts the visibility of the referenced body declaration.
* @param member the member where to adjust the visibility
* @param threshold the visibility keyword representing the required visibility, or <code>null</code> for default visibility
* @param template the message template to use
* @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs
private void adjustOutgoingVisibility(final IMember member, final ModifierKeyword threshold, final String template) throws JavaModelException {
Assert.isTrue(!member.isBinary() && !member.isReadOnly());
boolean adjust= true;
final IType declaring= member.getDeclaringType();
if (declaring != null && (JavaModelUtil.isInterfaceOrAnnotation(declaring)
|| (member instanceof IField) && Flags.isEnum(member.getFlags())
|| declaring.equals(fReferenced)))
adjust= false;
if (adjust && hasLowerVisibility(member.getFlags(), keywordToVisibility(threshold)) && needsVisibilityAdjustment(member, threshold))
fAdjustments.put(member, new OutgoingMemberVisibilityAdjustment(member, threshold, RefactoringStatus.createStatus(fVisibilitySeverity, Messages.format(template, new String[] { JavaElementLabels.getTextLabel(member, JavaElementLabels.M_PARAMETER_TYPES | JavaElementLabels.ALL_FULLY_QUALIFIED), getLabel(threshold)}), JavaStatusContext.create(member), null, RefactoringStatusEntry.NO_CODE, null)));
* Adjusts the visibilities of the referenced element from the search match found in a compilation unit.
* @param match the search match representing the element declaration
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @throws JavaModelException if the visibility could not be determined
private void adjustOutgoingVisibility(final SearchMatch match, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
final Object element= match.getElement();
if (element instanceof IMember) {
final IMember member= (IMember) element;
if (!member.isBinary() && !member.isReadOnly() && !isInsideMovedMember(member)) {
adjustOutgoingVisibilityChain(member, monitor);
private void adjustOutgoingVisibilityChain(final IMember member, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
if (!Modifier.isPublic(member.getFlags())) {
final ModifierKeyword threshold= computeOutgoingVisibilityThreshold(fReferencing, member, monitor);
if (member instanceof IMethod) {
adjustOutgoingVisibility(member, threshold, RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility_method_warning);
} else if (member instanceof IField) {
adjustOutgoingVisibility((IField) member, threshold);
} else if (member instanceof IType) {
adjustOutgoingVisibility(member, threshold, RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberVisibilityAdjustor_change_visibility_type_warning);
if (member.getDeclaringType() != null)
adjustOutgoingVisibilityChain(member.getDeclaringType(), monitor);
* Adjusts the visibilities of the outgoing references from the member represented by the specified search result groups.
* @param groups the search result groups representing the references
* @param monitor the progress monitor to us
* @throws JavaModelException if the visibility could not be determined
private void adjustOutgoingVisibility(final SearchResultGroup[] groups, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
try {
monitor.beginTask("", groups.length); //$NON-NLS-1$
IJavaElement element= null;
SearchMatch[] matches= null;
SearchResultGroup group= null;
for (int index= 0; index < groups.length; index++) {
group= groups[index];
element= JavaCore.create(group.getResource());
if (element instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
matches= group.getSearchResults();
for (int offset= 0; offset < matches.length; offset++)
adjustOutgoingVisibility(matches[offset], new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
} // else if (element != null)
// fStatus.merge(RefactoringStatus.createStatus(fFailureSeverity, RefactoringCoreMessages.getFormattedString("MemberVisibilityAdjustor.binary.outgoing.project", new String[] { element.getJavaProject().getElementName(), getLabel(fReferenced)}), null, null, RefactoringStatusEntry.NO_CODE, null)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// else if (group.getResource() != null)
// fStatus.merge(RefactoringStatus.createStatus(fFailureSeverity, RefactoringCoreMessages.getFormattedString("MemberVisibilityAdjustor.binary.outgoing.resource", new String[] { group.getResource().getName(), getLabel(fReferenced)}), null, null, RefactoringStatusEntry.NO_CODE, null)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// TW: enable when bug 78387 is fixed
} finally {
* Adjusts the visibilities of the referenced and referencing elements.
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs during search
public final void adjustVisibility(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
try {
monitor.beginTask("", 7); //$NON-NLS-1$
final RefactoringSearchEngine2 engine= new RefactoringSearchEngine2(SearchPattern.createPattern(fReferenced, IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES, SearchUtils.GENERICS_AGNOSTIC_MATCH_RULE));
if (fIncoming) {
// check calls to the referenced (moved) element, adjust element
// visibility if necessary.
engine.searchPattern(new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
adjustIncomingVisibility((SearchResultGroup[]) engine.getResults(), new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
// If the moved element is a type: Adjust visibility of members
// of the type if they are accessed outside of the moved type
if (fReferenced instanceof IType) {
final IType type= (IType) fReferenced;
adjustMemberVisibility(type, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
if (fOutgoing) {
* Search for the types, fields, and methods which
* are called/acted upon inside the referenced element (the one
* to be moved) and assure that they are also visible from
* within the referencing element (the destination type (or
* package if move to new type)).
engine.searchReferencedTypes(fReferenced, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL));
engine.searchReferencedFields(fReferenced, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL));
engine.searchReferencedMethods(fReferenced, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL));
adjustOutgoingVisibility((SearchResultGroup[]) engine.getResults(), new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
} finally {
* Computes the visibility threshold for the referenced element.
* @param referencing the referencing element
* @param referenced the referenced element
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @return the visibility keyword corresponding to the threshold, or <code>null</code> for default visibility
* @throws JavaModelException if the java elements could not be accessed
public ModifierKeyword getVisibilityThreshold(final IJavaElement referencing, final IMember referenced, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
Assert.isTrue(!(referencing instanceof IInitializer));
Assert.isTrue(!(referenced instanceof IInitializer));
ModifierKeyword keyword= ModifierKeyword.PUBLIC_KEYWORD;
try {
monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
final int referencingType= referencing.getElementType();
final int referencedType= referenced.getElementType();
switch (referencedType) {
case IJavaElement.TYPE: {
final IType typeReferenced= (IType) referenced;
final ICompilationUnit referencedUnit= typeReferenced.getCompilationUnit();
switch (referencingType) {
case IJavaElement.TYPE: {
keyword= thresholdTypeToType((IType) referencing, typeReferenced, monitor);
case IJavaElement.FIELD:
case IJavaElement.METHOD: {
final IMember member= (IMember) referencing;
if (typeReferenced.equals(member.getDeclaringType()))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.equals(member.getCompilationUnit()))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else if (typeReferenced.getPackageFragment().equals(member.getDeclaringType().getPackageFragment()))
keyword= null;
case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT: {
final IPackageFragment fragment= (IPackageFragment) referencing;
if (typeReferenced.getPackageFragment().equals(fragment))
keyword= null;
case IJavaElement.FIELD: {
final IField fieldReferenced= (IField) referenced;
final ICompilationUnit referencedUnit= fieldReferenced.getCompilationUnit();
switch (referencingType) {
case IJavaElement.TYPE: {
keyword= thresholdTypeToField((IType) referencing, fieldReferenced, monitor);
case IJavaElement.FIELD:
case IJavaElement.METHOD: {
final IMember member= (IMember) referencing;
if (fieldReferenced.getDeclaringType().equals(member.getDeclaringType()))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.equals(member.getCompilationUnit()))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else if (fieldReferenced.getDeclaringType().getPackageFragment().equals(member.getDeclaringType().getPackageFragment()))
keyword= null;
case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT: {
final IPackageFragment fragment= (IPackageFragment) referencing;
if (fieldReferenced.getDeclaringType().getPackageFragment().equals(fragment))
keyword= null;
case IJavaElement.METHOD: {
final IMethod methodReferenced= (IMethod) referenced;
final ICompilationUnit referencedUnit= methodReferenced.getCompilationUnit();
switch (referencingType) {
case IJavaElement.TYPE: {
keyword= thresholdTypeToMethod((IType) referencing, methodReferenced, monitor);
case IJavaElement.FIELD:
case IJavaElement.METHOD: {
final IMember member= (IMember) referencing;
if (methodReferenced.getDeclaringType().equals(member.getDeclaringType()))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.equals(member.getCompilationUnit()))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else if (methodReferenced.getDeclaringType().getPackageFragment().equals(member.getDeclaringType().getPackageFragment()))
keyword= null;
case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT: {
final IPackageFragment fragment= (IPackageFragment) referencing;
if (methodReferenced.getDeclaringType().getPackageFragment().equals(fragment))
keyword= null;
} finally {
return keyword;
* Computes the visibility threshold for the referenced element.
* @param referencing the referencing element
* @param referenced the referenced element
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @return the visibility keyword corresponding to the threshold, or <code>null</code> for default visibility
* @throws JavaModelException if the java elements could not be accessed
private ModifierKeyword computeOutgoingVisibilityThreshold(final IJavaElement referencing, final IMember referenced, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
Assert.isTrue(referencing instanceof ICompilationUnit || referencing instanceof IType || referencing instanceof IPackageFragment);
Assert.isTrue(referenced instanceof IType || referenced instanceof IField || referenced instanceof IMethod);
ModifierKeyword keyword= ModifierKeyword.PUBLIC_KEYWORD;
try {
monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
final int referencingType= referencing.getElementType();
final int referencedType= referenced.getElementType();
switch (referencedType) {
case IJavaElement.TYPE: {
final IType typeReferenced= (IType) referenced;
switch (referencingType) {
case IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT: {
final ICompilationUnit unit= (ICompilationUnit) referencing;
final ICompilationUnit referencedUnit= typeReferenced.getCompilationUnit();
if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.equals(unit))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.getParent().equals(unit.getParent()))
keyword= null;
case IJavaElement.TYPE: {
keyword= thresholdTypeToType((IType) referencing, typeReferenced, monitor);
case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT: {
final IPackageFragment fragment= (IPackageFragment) referencing;
if (typeReferenced.getPackageFragment().equals(fragment))
keyword= null;
case IJavaElement.FIELD: {
final IField fieldReferenced= (IField) referenced;
final ICompilationUnit referencedUnit= fieldReferenced.getCompilationUnit();
switch (referencingType) {
case IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT: {
final ICompilationUnit unit= (ICompilationUnit) referencing;
if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.equals(unit))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.getParent().equals(unit.getParent()))
keyword= null;
case IJavaElement.TYPE: {
keyword= thresholdTypeToField((IType) referencing, fieldReferenced, monitor);
case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT: {
final IPackageFragment fragment= (IPackageFragment) referencing;
if (fieldReferenced.getDeclaringType().getPackageFragment().equals(fragment))
keyword= null;
case IJavaElement.METHOD: {
final IMethod methodReferenced= (IMethod) referenced;
final ICompilationUnit referencedUnit= methodReferenced.getCompilationUnit();
switch (referencingType) {
case IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT: {
final ICompilationUnit unit= (ICompilationUnit) referencing;
if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.equals(unit))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.getParent().equals(unit.getParent()))
keyword= null;
case IJavaElement.TYPE: {
keyword= thresholdTypeToMethod((IType) referencing, methodReferenced, monitor);
case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT: {
final IPackageFragment fragment= (IPackageFragment) referencing;
if (methodReferenced.getDeclaringType().getPackageFragment().equals(fragment))
keyword= null;
} finally {
return keyword;
* Returns the existing visibility adjustments (element type: Map <IMember, IVisibilityAdjustment>).
* @return the visibility adjustments
public final Map<IMember, IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment> getAdjustments() {
return fAdjustments;
* Returns a compilation unit rewrite for the specified compilation unit.
* @param unit the compilation unit to get the rewrite for
* @return the rewrite for the compilation unit
private CompilationUnitRewrite getCompilationUnitRewrite(final ICompilationUnit unit) {
CompilationUnitRewrite rewrite= fRewrites.get(unit);
if (rewrite == null) {
if (fOwner == null)
rewrite= new CompilationUnitRewrite(unit);
rewrite= new CompilationUnitRewrite(fOwner, unit);
return rewrite;
* Returns a cached type hierarchy for the specified type.
* @param type the type to get the hierarchy for
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @return the type hierarchy
* @throws JavaModelException if the type hierarchy could not be created
private ITypeHierarchy getTypeHierarchy(final IType type, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
ITypeHierarchy hierarchy= null;
try {
monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
try {
hierarchy= fTypeHierarchies.get(type);
if (hierarchy == null) {
if (fOwner == null) {
hierarchy= type.newSupertypeHierarchy(new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL));
} else {
hierarchy= type.newSupertypeHierarchy(fOwner, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL));
fTypeHierarchies.put(type, hierarchy);
} finally {
} finally {
return hierarchy;
* Does the specified member need further visibility adjustment?
* @param member the member to test
* @param threshold the visibility threshold to test for
* @return <code>true</code> if the member needs further adjustment, <code>false</code> otherwise
private boolean needsVisibilityAdjustment(final IMember member, final ModifierKeyword threshold) {
return needsVisibilityAdjustments(member, threshold, fAdjustments);
* Rewrites the computed adjustments for the specified compilation unit.
* @param unit the compilation unit to rewrite the adjustments
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs during search
public final void rewriteVisibility(final ICompilationUnit unit, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
try {
monitor.beginTask("", fAdjustments.keySet().size()); //$NON-NLS-1$
IMember member= null;
IVisibilityAdjustment adjustment= null;
for (final Iterator<IMember> iterator= fAdjustments.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
if (unit.equals(member.getCompilationUnit())) {
adjustment= fAdjustments.get(member);
if (adjustment != null)
adjustment.rewriteVisibility(this, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
} finally {
* Rewrites the computed adjustments.
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs during search
public final void rewriteVisibility(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
try {
monitor.beginTask("", fAdjustments.keySet().size()); //$NON-NLS-1$
IMember member= null;
IVisibilityAdjustment adjustment= null;
for (final Iterator<IMember> iterator= fAdjustments.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
adjustment= fAdjustments.get(member);
if (adjustment != null)
adjustment.rewriteVisibility(this, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
if (monitor.isCanceled())
throw new OperationCanceledException();
} finally {
* Sets the existing visibility adjustments to be taken into account (element type: Map <IMember, IVisibilityAdjustment>).
* <p>
* This method must be called before calling {@link MemberVisibilityAdjustor#adjustVisibility(IProgressMonitor)}. The default is to take no existing adjustments into account.
* @param adjustments the existing adjustments to set
public final void setAdjustments(final Map<IMember, IncomingMemberVisibilityAdjustment> adjustments) {
fAdjustments= adjustments;
* Sets the severity of failure messages.
* <p>
* This method must be called before calling {@link MemberVisibilityAdjustor#adjustVisibility(IProgressMonitor)}. The default is a status with value {@link RefactoringStatus#ERROR}.
* @param severity the severity of failure messages
public final void setFailureSeverity(final int severity) {
* Determines whether incoming references should be adjusted.
* <p>
* This method must be called before calling {@link MemberVisibilityAdjustor#adjustVisibility(IProgressMonitor)}. The default is to adjust incoming references.
* @param incoming <code>true</code> if incoming references should be adjusted, <code>false</code> otherwise
public final void setIncoming(final boolean incoming) {
fIncoming= incoming;
* Determines whether outgoing references should be adjusted.
* <p>
* This method must be called before calling {@link MemberVisibilityAdjustor#adjustVisibility(IProgressMonitor)}. The default is to adjust outgoing references.
* @param outgoing <code>true</code> if outgoing references should be adjusted, <code>false</code> otherwise
public final void setOutgoing(final boolean outgoing) {
fOutgoing= outgoing;
* Sets the AST rewrite to use for member visibility adjustments.
* <p>
* This method must be called before calling {@link MemberVisibilityAdjustor#adjustVisibility(IProgressMonitor)}. The default is to use a compilation unit rewrite.
* @param rewrite the AST rewrite to set
* @param root the root of the AST used in the rewrite
public final void setRewrite(final ASTRewrite rewrite, final CompilationUnit root) {
Assert.isTrue(rewrite == null || root != null);
fRewrite= rewrite;
fRoot= root;
* Sets the compilation unit rewrites used by this adjustor (element type: Map <ICompilationUnit, CompilationUnitRewrite>).
* <p>
* This method must be called before calling {@link MemberVisibilityAdjustor#adjustVisibility(IProgressMonitor)}. The default is to use no existing rewrites.
* @param rewrites the map of compilation units to compilation unit rewrites to set
public final void setRewrites(final Map<ICompilationUnit, CompilationUnitRewrite> rewrites) {
fRewrites= rewrites;
* Sets the incoming search scope used by this adjustor.
* <p>
* This method must be called before calling {@link MemberVisibilityAdjustor#adjustVisibility(IProgressMonitor)}. The default is the whole workspace as scope.
* @param scope the search scope to set
public final void setScope(final IJavaSearchScope scope) {
fScope= scope;
* Sets the working copy owner used by this adjustor.
* <p>
* This method must be called before calling {@link MemberVisibilityAdjustor#adjustVisibility(IProgressMonitor)}. The default is to use none.
* @param owner the working copy owner, or <code>null</code> to use none
public final void setOwner(final WorkingCopyOwner owner) {
fOwner= owner;
* Sets the refactoring status used by this adjustor.
* <p>
* This method must be called before calling {@link MemberVisibilityAdjustor#adjustVisibility(IProgressMonitor)}. The default is a fresh status with status {@link RefactoringStatus#OK}.
* @param status the refactoring status to set
public final void setStatus(final RefactoringStatus status) {
fStatus= status;
* Sets the severity of visibility messages.
* <p>
* This method must be called before calling {@link MemberVisibilityAdjustor#adjustVisibility(IProgressMonitor)}. The default is a status with value {@link RefactoringStatus#WARNING}.
* @param severity the severity of visibility messages
public final void setVisibilitySeverity(final int severity) {
fVisibilitySeverity= severity;
* Returns the visibility threshold from a type to a field.
* @param referencing the referencing type
* @param referenced the referenced field
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @return the visibility keyword corresponding to the threshold, or <code>null</code> for default visibility
* @throws JavaModelException if the java elements could not be accessed
private ModifierKeyword thresholdTypeToField(final IType referencing, final IField referenced, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
ModifierKeyword keyword= ModifierKeyword.PUBLIC_KEYWORD;
final ICompilationUnit referencedUnit= referenced.getCompilationUnit();
if (referenced.getDeclaringType().equals(referencing))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else {
final ITypeHierarchy hierarchy= getTypeHierarchy(referencing, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
final IType[] types= hierarchy.getSupertypes(referencing);
IType superType= null;
for (int index= 0; index < types.length; index++) {
superType= types[index];
if (superType.equals(referenced.getDeclaringType())) {
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PROTECTED_KEYWORD;
return keyword;
final ICompilationUnit typeUnit= referencing.getCompilationUnit();
if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.equals(typeUnit))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else if (referencedUnit != null && typeUnit != null && referencedUnit.getParent().equals(typeUnit.getParent()))
keyword= null;
return keyword;
* Returns the visibility threshold from a type to a method.
* @param referencing the referencing type
* @param referenced the referenced method
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @return the visibility keyword corresponding to the threshold, or <code>null</code> for default visibility
* @throws JavaModelException if the java elements could not be accessed
private ModifierKeyword thresholdTypeToMethod(final IType referencing, final IMethod referenced, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
final ICompilationUnit referencedUnit= referenced.getCompilationUnit();
ModifierKeyword keyword= ModifierKeyword.PUBLIC_KEYWORD;
if (referenced.getDeclaringType().equals(referencing))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else {
final ITypeHierarchy hierarchy= getTypeHierarchy(referencing, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
final IType[] types= hierarchy.getSupertypes(referencing);
IType superType= null;
for (int index= 0; index < types.length; index++) {
superType= types[index];
if (superType.equals(referenced.getDeclaringType())) {
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PROTECTED_KEYWORD;
return keyword;
final ICompilationUnit typeUnit= referencing.getCompilationUnit();
if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.equals(typeUnit)) {
if (referenced.getDeclaringType().getDeclaringType() != null)
keyword= null;
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
} else if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.getParent().equals(typeUnit.getParent()))
keyword= null;
return keyword;
* Returns the visibility threshold from a type to another type.
* @param referencing the referencing type
* @param referenced the referenced type
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @return the visibility keyword corresponding to the threshold, or <code>null</code> for default visibility
* @throws JavaModelException if the java elements could not be accessed
private ModifierKeyword thresholdTypeToType(final IType referencing, final IType referenced, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
ModifierKeyword keyword= ModifierKeyword.PUBLIC_KEYWORD;
final ICompilationUnit referencedUnit= referenced.getCompilationUnit();
if (referencing.equals(referenced.getDeclaringType()))
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
else {
final ITypeHierarchy hierarchy= getTypeHierarchy(referencing, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
final IType[] types= hierarchy.getSupertypes(referencing);
IType superType= null;
for (int index= 0; index < types.length; index++) {
superType= types[index];
if (superType.equals(referenced)) {
keyword= null;
return keyword;
final ICompilationUnit typeUnit= referencing.getCompilationUnit();
if (referencedUnit != null && referencedUnit.equals(typeUnit)) {
if (referenced.getDeclaringType() != null)
keyword= null;
keyword= ModifierKeyword.PRIVATE_KEYWORD;
} else if (referencedUnit != null && typeUnit != null && referencedUnit.getParent().equals(typeUnit.getParent()))
keyword= null;
return keyword;