blob: f7a0f876fd1210cf8d878dc7312e5eef88f1e5bf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.text.tests;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.FastPartitioner;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.IJavaPartitions;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.FastJavaPartitionScanner;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.JavaHeuristicScanner;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.JavaIndenter;
* SmartSemicolonAutoEditStrategyTest
* @since 3.0
public class JavaHeuristicScannerTest extends TestCase {
private static final boolean BUG_65463= true;
private FastPartitioner fPartitioner;
private Document fDocument;
private JavaIndenter fScanner;
private JavaHeuristicScanner fHeuristicScanner;
public static Test suite() {
return new TestSuite(JavaHeuristicScannerTest.class);
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() {
if (JavaCore.getPlugin() != null) {
Hashtable<String, String> options= JavaCore.getDefaultOptions();
options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR, JavaCore.TAB);
options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_SIZE, "4");
final String indentOnColumn= DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.createAlignmentValue(false, DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.WRAP_NO_SPLIT, DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.INDENT_ON_COLUMN);
options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_ALIGNMENT_FOR_PARAMETERS_IN_METHOD_DECLARATION, indentOnColumn);
options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_ALIGNMENT_FOR_EXPRESSIONS_IN_ARRAY_INITIALIZER, indentOnColumn);
options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_CONTINUATION_INDENTATION, "1");
fDocument= new Document();
String[] types= new String[] {
fPartitioner= new FastPartitioner(new FastJavaPartitionScanner(), types);
fDocument.setDocumentPartitioner(IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING, fPartitioner);
fHeuristicScanner= new JavaHeuristicScanner(fDocument);
fScanner= new JavaIndenter(fDocument, fHeuristicScanner);
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown()
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
fDocument.setDocumentPartitioner(IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING, null);
fPartitioner= null;
fDocument= null;
if (JavaCore.getPlugin() != null) {
public void testPrevIndentationUnit1() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
int pos= fScanner.findReferencePosition(18);
assertEquals(9, pos);
public void testPrevIndentationUnit2() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a");
int pos= fScanner.findReferencePosition(28);
assertEquals(21, pos);
public void testPrevIndentationUnit5() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a;\n" +
int pos= fScanner.findReferencePosition(30);
assertEquals(9, pos);
public void testPrevIndentationUnit6() {
// method definition
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2\n");
int pos= fScanner.findReferencePosition(30);
assertEquals(12, pos);
public void testPrevIndentationUnit7() {
// for with semis
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tfor (int i= 4; i < 33; i++) \n" +
int pos= fScanner.findReferencePosition(fDocument.getLength());
assertEquals(39, pos);
public void testPrevIndentationUnit8() {
// TODO this is mean - comment at indentation spot
fDocument.set("\t/* package */ void proc (int par1, int par2) {\n");
int pos= fScanner.findReferencePosition(fDocument.getLength());
// Assert.assertEquals(1, pos);
assertEquals(15, pos);
public void testPrevIndentationUnit9() {
// block
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tfor (int i= 4; i < 33; i++) {\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tint i;\n");
int pos= fScanner.findReferencePosition(fDocument.getLength());
assertEquals(fDocument.getLength() - 7, pos);
public void testPrevIndentationUnit10() {
// if else
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tif (condition()) {\n" +
"\t\t\tcode();\n" +
"\t\t} else {\n" +
"\t\t\totherCode();\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
int pos= fScanner.findReferencePosition(fDocument.getLength());
assertEquals(39, pos);
public void testPrevIndentationUnit11() {
// inside else block
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tif (condition()) {\n" +
"\t\t\tcode();\n" +
"\t\t} else {\n" +
"\t\t\totherCode();\n" +
"\t\t" +
int pos= fScanner.findReferencePosition(fDocument.getLength());
assertEquals(83, pos);
public void testPrevIndentation1() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(18).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testPrevIndentation2() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a");
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(28).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testPrevIndentation3() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a;");
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(29).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testPrevIndentation4() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a\n" +
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(29).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testPrevIndentation5() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a;\n" +
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(30).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testPrevIndentation6() {
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2\n");
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(30).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testPrevIndentation7() {
// for with semis
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tfor (int i= 4; i < 33; i++) \n" +
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testPrevIndentation8() {
fDocument.set("\t/* package */ void proc (int par1, int par2) {\n");
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testPrevIndentation9() {
// block
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tfor (int i= 4; i < 33; i++) {\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tint i;\n");
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testPrevIndentation10() {
// else
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tif (condition()) {\n" +
"\t\t\tcode();\n" +
"\t\t} else {\n" +
"\t\t\totherCode();\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testPrevIndentation11() {
// else
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tif (condition()) {\n" +
"\t\t\tcode();\n" +
"\t\t} else {\n" +
"\t\t\totherCode();\n" +
"\t\t" +
String indent= fScanner.getReferenceIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation1() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(18).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation5() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a;\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(30).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testIndentation6() {
// parameter declaration - alignment with parenthesis
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(30).toString();
assertEquals("\t ", indent);
public void testIndentation6a() {
// parameter declaration - alignment with parenthesis
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc ( int par1, int par2\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(30).toString();
assertEquals("\t ", indent);
public void testIndentation7() {
// for with semis
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tfor (int i= 4; i < 33; i++) \n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation8() {
// method definition
fDocument.set("\t/* package */ void proc (int par1, int par2) {\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation9() {
// block
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tfor (int i= 4; i < 33; i++) {\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tint i;\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation10() {
// else
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tif (condition()) {\n" +
"\t\t\tcode();\n" +
"\t\t} else {\n" +
"\t\t\totherCode();\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation11() {
// else
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tif (condition()) {\n" +
"\t\t\tcode();\n" +
"\t\t} else {\n" +
"\t\t\totherCode();\n" +
"\t\t" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation12() {
// multi-line condition
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tif (condition1()\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation13() {
// multi-line call
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tthis.doStuff(param1, param2,\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation14() {
// multi-line array initializer
fDocument.set("\tvoid proc (int par1, int par2) {\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tString[] arr= new String[] { a1, a2,\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testIndentation15() {
// for
fDocument.set("\tfor (int i= 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
"\t\tbar(); bar(); // foo\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testIndentation16() {
// if
fDocument.set("\tif (true)\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 1).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation17() {
// if
fDocument.set("\tif (true)\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 1).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation18() {
// if
fDocument.set("\tif (true)\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation19() {
// if w/ brace right after }
fDocument.set("\tif (true) {\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testIndentation20() {
// if w/ brace right before }
fDocument.set("\tif (true) {\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 1).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testIndentation21() {
// double if w/ brace
fDocument.set("\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\tif (true) {\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation22() {
// after double if w/ brace
fDocument.set("\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\tif (true) {\n" +
"\t\t\tstuff();" +
"\t\t}\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent); // because of possible dangling else
public void testIndentation22a() {
// after double if w/ brace
fDocument.set("\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\tif (true) {\n" +
"\t\t\tstuff();\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 2).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation22b() {
// after double if w/ brace
fDocument.set("\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\tif (true) {\n" +
"\t\t\tstuff();" +
"\t\t}\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 1).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent); // no dangling else possible
public void testIndentation23() {
// do
fDocument.set("\tdo\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation24() {
// braceless else
fDocument.set("\tif (true) {\n" +
"\t\tstuff();\n" +
"\t} else\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation25() {
// braceless else
fDocument.set("\tif (true) {\r\n" +
"\t\tstuff();\r\n" +
"\t} else\r\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testIndentation26() {
// do while
fDocument.set("\tdo\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\twhile (true);" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testIndentation27() {
// do while
fDocument.set("\tdo\n" +
"\t\t;\n" +
"\twhile (true);" +
int i= fScanner.findReferencePosition(8);
assertEquals(1, i);
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(8).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testIndentation28() {
// TODO do while - how to we distinguish from while {} loop?
fDocument.set("\tdo\n" +
"\t\t;\n" +
"\twhile (true);" +
int i= fScanner.findReferencePosition(fDocument.getLength());
assertEquals(1, i);
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testIndentation29() {
fDocument.set("\t\twhile (condition)\n" +
"\t\t\twhile (condition)\n" +
int i= fScanner.findReferencePosition(fDocument.getLength());
assertEquals(2, i);
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation30() {
// braceless else
fDocument.set("\tif (true)\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 1).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testIndentation31() {
// braceless else
fDocument.set("\tif (true)\n" +
"{\t\n" +
"\t\tstuff();\n" +
"\t} else\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentation32() {
// braceless else
fDocument.set("\tswitch(ch) {\n" +
"\t\tcase one:\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testAnonymousIndentation1() {
fDocument.set( " MenuItem mi= new MenuItem(\"About...\");\n" +
" mi.addActionListener(\n" +
" new ActionListener() {\n"
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testAnonymousIndentation2() {
fDocument.set( " MenuItem mi= new MenuItem(\"About...\");\n" +
" mi.addActionListener(\n" +
" new ActionListener() {\n" +
" public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {\n" +
" about();\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
// this is bogus, since this is really just an unfinished call argument list - how could we know
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 2).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testExceptionIndentation1() {
fDocument.set("public void processChildren(CompositeExpression result, IConfigurationElement element) throws CoreException {\n" +
" IConfigurationElement[] children= element.getChildren();\n" +
" if (children != null) {\n" +
" for (int i= 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n" +
" Expression child= parse(children[i]);\n" +
" if (child == null)\n" +
" new Bla(new CoreExeption(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JavaPlugin.getPluginId()");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testExceptionIndentation2() {
fDocument.set("public void processChildren(CompositeExpression result, IConfigurationElement element) throws CoreException {\n" +
" IConfigurationElement[] children= element.getChildren();\n" +
" if (children != null) {\n" +
" for (int i= 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n" +
" Expression child= parse(children[i]);\n" +
" if (child == null)\n" +
" new Bla(new CoreExeption(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JavaPlugin.getPluginId(),");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testExceptionIndentation3() {
fDocument.set("public void processChildren(CompositeExpression result, IConfigurationElement element) throws CoreException {\n" +
" IConfigurationElement[] children= element.getChildren();\n" +
" if (children != null) {\n" +
" for (int i= 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n" +
" Expression child= parse(children[i]);\n" +
" if (child == null)\n" +
" new char[] { new CoreExeption(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JavaPlugin.getPluginId(),");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testListAlignmentMethodDeclaration() {
// parameter declaration - alignment with parenthesis
fDocument.set( "\tvoid proc ( int par1, int par2,\n" +
" int par3, int par4,\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testListAlignmentMethodCall() {
// parameter declaration - alignment with parenthesis
fDocument.set( "\this.proc (par1, par2,\n" +
" par3, par4,\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testListAlignmentArray() {
// parameter declaration - alignment with parenthesis
fDocument.set( "\tint[]= new int[] { 1, two,\n" +
" three, four,\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testListAlignmentArray2() {
// no prior art - probe system settings.
fDocument.set( "\tint[]= new int[] { 1, two,\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals("\t ", indent);
public void testBraceAlignmentOfMultilineDeclaration() {
fDocument.set( " protected int foobar(int one, int two,\n" +
" int three, int four,\n" +
" int five) {\n" +
" \n" +
" return 0;\n" +
" }");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 1).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testBlocksInCaseStatements() {
" switch (i) {\n" +
" case 1:\n" +
" new Runnable() {\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength()).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testAnonymousTypeBraceNextLine() throws Exception {
" MenuItem mi= new MenuItem(\"About...\");\n" +
" mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() " +
" {\n"
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 2).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
* @since 3.2
public void testClassInstanceCreationHeuristic() throws Exception {
fDocument.set(" method(new java.util.ArrayList<String>(10), foo, new int[])");
for (int offset= 0; offset < 15; offset++)
assertFalse(fHeuristicScanner.looksLikeClassInstanceCreationBackward(offset, JavaHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND));
for (int offset= 15; offset < 19; offset++)
assertTrue(fHeuristicScanner.looksLikeClassInstanceCreationBackward(offset, JavaHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND));
for (int offset= 19; offset < 20; offset++)
assertFalse(fHeuristicScanner.looksLikeClassInstanceCreationBackward(offset, JavaHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND));
for (int offset= 20; offset < 24; offset++)
assertTrue(fHeuristicScanner.looksLikeClassInstanceCreationBackward(offset, JavaHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND));
for (int offset= 24; offset < 25; offset++)
assertFalse(fHeuristicScanner.looksLikeClassInstanceCreationBackward(offset, JavaHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND));
for (int offset= 25; offset < 34; offset++)
assertTrue(fHeuristicScanner.looksLikeClassInstanceCreationBackward(offset, JavaHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND));
for (int offset= 34; offset < 57; offset++)
assertFalse(fHeuristicScanner.looksLikeClassInstanceCreationBackward(offset, JavaHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND));
for (int offset= 57; offset < 60; offset++)
assertTrue(fHeuristicScanner.looksLikeClassInstanceCreationBackward(offset, JavaHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND));
for (int offset= 60; offset < 63; offset++)
assertFalse(fHeuristicScanner.looksLikeClassInstanceCreationBackward(offset, JavaHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND));
public void testConditional1() throws Exception {
if (BUG_65463) // XXX enable when is fixed
" public boolean isPrime() {\n" +
" return fPrime == true ? true\n" +
" : false;"
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 8).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testConditional2() throws Exception {
if (BUG_65463) // XXX enable when is fixed
" public boolean isPrime() {\n" +
" return fPrime == true" +
" ? true\n" +
" : false;"
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(fDocument.getLength() - 8).toString();
assertEquals(" ", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfForStatement() throws Exception {
fDocument.set("\tfor (int i = (2 * 2); i < array.length; i++) {\n" +
"\tint i= 25;\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(22).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(27).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(39).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(40).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(5).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(45).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(60).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfForEachStatement() throws Exception {
// Bug 331028 and Bug 331734
fDocument.set("\tfor (int value : values) {\n" +
"\t\tsum += value;\n" +
"\t\t\t\tSystem.out.println(sum);\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(44).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfForEachStatement2() throws Exception {
// Bug 348198
fDocument.set("\tfor (int value : values)\n" +
"\t\tsum += value;\n" +
"\t\t\t\tSystem.out.println(sum);\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(44).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfBooleanExpression() throws Exception {
fDocument.set("\tboolean a = true || false;\n" +
"\tboolean b = a || false;\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(20).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(40).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfReturnStatement() throws Exception {
fDocument.set("\t\treturn \"I'm such a long string that you have to split me to see the whole line without scrolling around\"\n");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(8).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(21).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(38).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfAssignmentStatement() throws Exception {
fDocument.set("\tint i= 5+");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(7).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(10).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfThrowsClause() throws Exception {
fDocument.set("\tprivate void thrower() throws java.sql.SQLException, {");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(23).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(24).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfParentheses() throws Exception {
fDocument.set("\tint foo() {\n\treturn \"\".length(\n\t\t);\n\t}");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(34).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfAnnotation() throws Exception {
fDocument.set("\t@MyAnnotation(\n\t\tvalue=\"hello\")\n\t\tpublic class ArrayAnnotationBug {\n\t\t}");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(33).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
fDocument.set("\t@org.eclipse.jdt.MyAnnotation(\n\t\tvalue=\"hello\")\n\t\tpublic class ArrayAnnotationBug {\n\t\t}");
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(49).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
public void testIndentationAfterIfTryCatch() throws Exception {
fDocument.set("\tpublic class Bug237081 {\n" +
"\t\tpublic void foo() {\n" +
"\t\t\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\t\t\ttry {\n" +
"\t\t\t\t} catch (RuntimeException ex) {\n" +
"\t\t\t\t}\n" +
"\t\t\t\tfoo();\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(117).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
fDocument.set("\tpublic class Bug237081 {\n" +
"\t\tpublic void foo() {\n" +
"\t\t\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\t\t\ttry {\n" +
"\t\t\t\t} catch (RuntimeException ex) {\n" +
"\t\t\t\t} catch (RuntimeException ex) {\n" +
"\t\t\t\t} finally {\n" +
"\t\t\t\t}\n" +
"\t\tfoo();\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(167).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfBrackets() throws Exception {
fDocument.set("\tprivate void helper2(boolean[] booleans) {\n\t}");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(31).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(30).toString();
assertEquals("\t ", indent);
fDocument.set("\tif (booleans[0]) {\n\t\tString[] aString= new String[]{\"a\", \"b\"};\n\t\tbooleans[5]= true;\n\t}");
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(16).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(14).toString();
assertEquals("\t ", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(30).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(52).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(77).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfStrings1() throws Exception {
" String[] i = new String[] {\n" + //0-28
" \"\",\n" + //29-40
" \"public class X extends B{\"\n" + //41-70
" + \"test\"\n" + //71-81
" + \" public \"};");//82-
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(73).toString(); // at the beginning of 4th line
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(84).toString(); // at the beginning of 5th line
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
" String[] i = new String[] {\n" +//0-28
" \"\",\n" + //29-40
" \"public class X extends B{\" +\n" + //41-72
" \"test\" +\n" + //73-
" \" public\"\n};");
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(75).toString(); //at the beginning of 4th line
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfStrings2() throws Exception {
//Bug 338229
" System.out.println(\"Some\"\n" + //0-26
" + new Object()\n" + //27-43
" + \"string:\\n\" + definedType.toString());\n"); //44-
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(59).toString(); //before the last +
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentationOfStrings3() throws Exception {
" String test =\n" + //0-14
" \"this is the 1st string\"\n" + //15-41
" + \"this is the 1st string\";\n");//42-
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(44).toString();//at the beginning of 3rd line
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentation1() throws Exception {
fDocument.set("\treturn (thisIsAVeryLongName == 1 && anotherVeryLongName == 1)\n" +
"\t\t|| thisIsAVeryLongName == 2;");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(68).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(88).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentation2() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a\n" +
int pos= fScanner.findReferencePosition(29);
assertEquals(21, pos);
public void testContinuationIndentation3() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(28).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentation4() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a;");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(29).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testContinuationIndentation5() {
fDocument.set("\tint a;\n" +
"\tif (true)\n" +
"\t\treturn a\n" +
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(29).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testIndentationTryWithResources() throws Exception {
String s= "class A {\n" +
" void foo() throws Throwable {\n" +
" try (FileReader reader1 = new FileReader(\"file1\");\n" +
" FileReader reader2 = new FileReader(\"file2\");\n" +
" FileReader reader3 = new FileReader(\"file3\");\n" +
" FileReader reader4 = new FileReader(\"file4\");\n" +
" FileReader reader5 = new FileReader(\"file5\")) {\n" +
" int ch;\n" +
" while ((ch = != -1) {\n" +
" System.out.println(ch);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n";
int offset= s.indexOf("FileReader reader2");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(offset).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
offset= s.indexOf("FileReader reader5");
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(offset).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t\t", indent);
public void testDefaultMethod1() {
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("interface I {\n");
buf.append(" default void foo (int a) {\n");
buf.append(" switch(a) {\n");
buf.append(" case 0: \n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" default : \n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"default\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
int offset= buf.indexOf("default void");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(offset).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);
offset= buf.indexOf("default :");
indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(offset).toString();
assertEquals("\t\t", indent);
public void testDefaultMethod2() {
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("interface I {\n");
buf.append(" default String name() {\n");
buf.append(" return \"unnamed\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
int offset= buf.indexOf("default String");
String indent= fScanner.computeIndentation(offset).toString();
assertEquals("\t", indent);