blob: f8206bb084e8d2d2fea833b86a275d24122ffc34 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# Ferenc Hechler, - 83258 [jar exporter] Deploy java application as executable jar
# Ferenc Hechler, - 211045 [jar application] program arguments are ignored
# Ferenc Hechler, - 213638 [jar exporter] create ANT build file for current settings
# Ferenc Hechler, - 219530 [jar application] add Jar-in-Jar ClassLoader option
JarPackageWizard_windowTitle= Runnable JAR File Export
JarPackageWizard_jarExport_title= Runnable JAR File Export
JarPackageWizard_jarExportError_title= Runnable JAR Export Error
JarPackageWizard_jarExportError_message= Creation of runnable JAR failed
JarPackageWizardPage_title= Runnable JAR File Specification
FatJarBuilder_error_readingArchiveFile=Could not read archive ''{0}''. Reason: {1}
FatJarPackageWizard_JarExportProblems_message=Jar export finished with problems. See details for additional information.
FatJarPackageWizardPage_description=Select a 'Java Application' launch configuration to use to create a runnable JAR.
FatJarPackageWizardPage_destinationGroupTitle=Export &destination:
FatJarPackageWizardPage_saveAntScript_text=&Save as ANT script
FatJarPackageWizardPage_antScriptLocation_text=&ANT script location:
FatJarPackageWizardPage_libraryHandlingGroupTitle=Library handling:
FatJarPackageWizardPage_extractJars_text=&Extract required libraries into generated JAR
FatJarPackageWizardPage_packageJars_text=&Package required libraries into generated JAR
FatJarPackageWizardPage_copyJarFiles_text=&Copy required libraries into a sub-folder next to the generated JAR
FatJarPackageWizardPage_error_missingClassFile=Fat Jar Export: Could not find class-path entry for ''{0}''
FatJarPackageWizard_IPIssueDialog_message=This operation repacks referenced libraries.\n\n\
Please review the licenses associated with libraries you wish to reference to make sure you are able to \
repack them using this application. Note also that this operation does not copy signature files from \
original libraries to the generated JAR file.
FatJarPackageWizard_IPIssueDialog_title=Runnable JAR File Export
FatJarPackageWizardPage_info_antScriptLocationRelative=The ANT script will be relative to your Workspace
FatJarPackageWizardPage_warning_launchConfigContainsProgramArgs=Program arguments will not be part of the runnable JAR. Arguments can be passed on the command line when launching the JAR
FatJarPackageWizardPage_warning_launchConfigContainsVMArgs=VM arguments will not be part of the runnable JAR. Arguments can be passed on the command line when launching the JAR
FatJarPackageWizardPage_error_noMainMethod=Could not find main method from given launch configuration.
FatJarPackageWizardPage_error_ant_script_generation_failed=ANT script file generation failed.
FatJarPackageWizardPage_error_antScriptLocationMissing=ANT script location must be entered.
FatJarPackageWizardPage_error_antScriptLocationIsDir=ANT script must not be a directory
FatJarPackageWizardPage_error_antScriptLocationUnwritable=ANT script file already exists and can not be overwritten
FatJarPackageWizardPage_launchConfigGroupTitle=&Launch configuration:
FatJarPackageWizardPage_LaunchConfigurationWithoutMainType_warning=The selected launch configuration has no type with a main method attached. The resulting JAR will not be runnable.
FatJarPackageWizard_antScript_error_readingOutputFile=Could not create output file ''{0}''. Reason: {1}
FatJarPackageWizard_antScript_error_writingOutputFile=Could not write output file ''{0}''. Reason: {1}
FatJarPackage_confirmCreate_title= Confirm Create
FatJarPackageAntScript_confirmCreate_message= The location: ''{0}'' for the ANT script file does not exist. Would you like to create it?
FatJarPackageAntScript_error_couldNotGetXmlBuilder= Could not get XML builder
FatJarPackageAntScript_error_couldNotTransformToXML= Could not transform to XML