blob: b87c99acf41cc2ea38f80eb6f01c63cc1ae50bd0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2020 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Konstantin Scheglov ( - initial API and implementation
* (reports 71244 & 74746: New Quick Assist's [quick assist])
* Benjamin Muskalla ( - 104021: [quick fix] Introduce
* new local with casted type applied more than once
* Billy Huang <> - [quick assist] concatenate/merge string literals -
* Robert Roth <> - [templates] 2 new code templates: finally & lock -
package org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.quickfix;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.eclipse.jdt.testplugin.JavaProjectHelper;
import org.eclipse.jdt.testplugin.TestOptions;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.manipulation.CodeTemplateContextType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.manipulation.StubUtility;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.rules.ProjectTestSetup;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPlugin;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.correction.AssistContext;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.correction.CorrectionMessages;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.correction.QuickTemplateProcessor;
public class AdvancedQuickAssistTest extends QuickFixTest {
public ProjectTestSetup projectSetup= new ProjectTestSetup();
private IJavaProject fJProject1;
private IPackageFragmentRoot fSourceFolder;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
Hashtable<String, String> options= TestOptions.getDefaultOptions();
options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR, JavaCore.SPACE);
options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_SIZE, "4");
IPreferenceStore store= JavaPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.CODEGEN_ADD_COMMENTS, false);
store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.CODEGEN_KEYWORD_THIS, false);
StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.METHODSTUB_ID, "//TODO\n${body_statement}", null);
Preferences corePrefs= JavaPlugin.getJavaCorePluginPreferences();
corePrefs.setValue(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, "");
corePrefs.setValue(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, "");
corePrefs.setValue(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES, "");
corePrefs.setValue(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES, "");
fJProject1= projectSetup.getProject();
fSourceFolder= JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJProject1, "src");
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
JavaProjectHelper.clear(fJProject1, projectSetup.getDefaultClasspath());
public void testSplitIfCondition1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0)) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("&&");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b == 0) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testSplitIfCondition2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0) && c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("&& (");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b == 0 && c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testSplitIfCondition3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0) && c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("&& c");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0)) {\n");
buf.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testSplitIfElseCondition() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0)) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" b= 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("&&");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 5);
ArrayList<String> previews= new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> expecteds= new ArrayList<>();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b == 0) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" b= 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" b= 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
addPreviewAndExpected(proposals, buf, expecteds, previews);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if ((b == 0) && a) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" b= 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
addPreviewAndExpected(proposals, buf, expecteds, previews);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean c = a && (b == 0);\n");
buf.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" b= 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
addPreviewAndExpected(proposals, buf, expecteds, previews);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean c = a && (b == 0);\n");
buf.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" b= 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
addPreviewAndExpected(proposals, buf, expecteds, previews);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if ((a && (b == 0))) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" b= 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
addPreviewAndExpected(proposals, buf, expecteds, previews);
assertEqualStringsIgnoreOrder(previews, expecteds);
public void testJoinAndIfStatements1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0)) {\n");
buf.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (a");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0) && c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testJoinAndIfStatements2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0))\n");
buf.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (a");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0) && c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testJoinAndIfStatements3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0)) {\n");
buf.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (c");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0) && c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testJoinAndIfStatements4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0))\n");
buf.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (c");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0) && c) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testJoinAndIfStatementsBug335173() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a, int x) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" if (x > 2) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (a");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a, int x) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a instanceof String && x > 2) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testJoinOrIfStatements1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" if (b == 5)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset1= buf.toString().indexOf("if (a");
int offset2= buf.toString().lastIndexOf("b= 9;");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset1, offset2 - offset1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
for (Iterator<IJavaCompletionProposal> I= proposals.iterator(); I.hasNext();) {
Object o=;
if (!(o instanceof CUCorrectionProposal))
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a || b == 5)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testJoinOrIfStatementsBug335173() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a, int x) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a instanceof String)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" if (x > 2)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" x= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset1= buf.toString().indexOf("if (a");
int offset2= buf.toString().lastIndexOf("x= 9;");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset1, offset2 - offset1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
for (Iterator<IJavaCompletionProposal> I= proposals.iterator(); I.hasNext();) {
Object o=;
if (!(o instanceof CUCorrectionProposal))
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a, int x) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a instanceof String || x > 2)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" x= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testSplitOrCondition1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a || b == 5)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("||");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" else if (b == 5)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testSplitOrCondition2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a || b == 5)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" else {\n");
buf.append(" b= 8;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("||");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" else if (b == 5)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" else {\n");
buf.append(" b= 8;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testIfReturnIntoIfElseAtEndOfVoidMethod1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" b= 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" b= 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfContinueIntoIfThenInLoops1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("import java.util.*;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, ArrayList list) {\n");
buf.append(" for (Iterator I = list.iterator(); I.hasNext();) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("import java.util.*;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, ArrayList list) {\n");
buf.append(" for (Iterator I = list.iterator(); I.hasNext();) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!a)\n");
buf.append(" continue;\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfIntoContinueInLoops1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("import java.util.*;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, ArrayList list) {\n");
buf.append(" for (Iterator I = list.iterator(); I.hasNext();) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!a)\n");
buf.append(" continue;\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("import java.util.*;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, ArrayList list) {\n");
buf.append(" for (Iterator I = list.iterator(); I.hasNext();) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testRemoveExtraParentheses1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, Object o) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0) && (o instanceof Integer) && (a || b)) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset1= buf.toString().indexOf("if (");
int offset2= buf.toString().indexOf(") {", offset1);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset1, offset2 - offset1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, Object o) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && b == 0 && o instanceof Integer && (a || b)) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testRemoveExtraParentheses2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo() {\n");
buf.append(" return (9+ 8);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
String str= "(9+ 8)";
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str), 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo() {\n");
buf.append(" return 9+ 8;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testAddParanoidalParentheses1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, int c, Object o) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && b == 0 && b + c > 3 && o instanceof Integer) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset1= buf.toString().indexOf("if (");
int offset2= buf.toString().indexOf(") {", offset1);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset1, offset2 - offset1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b, int c, Object o) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0) && ((b + c) > 3) && (o instanceof Integer)) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testAddParenthesesForExpression1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object obj) {\n");
buf.append(" if (obj instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) obj;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf("(String) obj"), 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object obj) {\n");
buf.append(" if (obj instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = ((String) obj);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAddParenthesesForExpression2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object obj) {\n");
buf.append(" if (obj instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf("instanceof"), 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object obj) {\n");
buf.append(" if ((obj instanceof String)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAddParenthesesForExpression3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a + b == 0 && b + c > 3) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf("=="), 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n");
buf.append(" if ((a + b == 0) && b + c > 3) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAddParenthesesForExpression4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a + b == 0 && b + c > 3) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf("+"), 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n");
buf.append(" if ((a + b) == 0 && b + c > 3) {\n");
buf.append(" b= 9;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAddParenthesesForExpression5() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n");
buf.append(" int d = a > 10 ? b : c;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf("?"), 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n");
buf.append(" int d = (a > 10 ? b : c);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAddParenthesesForExpression6() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a > 3 && b > 5) {\n");
buf.append(" a= 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf("a > 3"), "a > 3".length());
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 7);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n");
buf.append(" if ((a > 3) && b > 5) {\n");
buf.append(" a= 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAddParenthesesForExpression7() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a > 3 && b > 5) {\n");
buf.append(" a= 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf("a >"), "a >".length());
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, "Put '>' expression in parentheses");
public void testAddParenthesesForExpression8() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a > 3 && b > 5) {\n");
buf.append(" a= 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf("a >"), 1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, "Put '>' expression in parentheses");
public void testInverseIfCondition1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a && (b == 0)) {\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!a || (b != 0)) {\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfCondition2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a || b && c) {\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!a && (!b || !c)) {\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfCondition3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a)\n");
buf.append(" if (b) //inverse\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" return 17;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (b");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a)\n");
buf.append(" if (!b)\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" return 17;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfCondition4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" one();\n");
buf.append(" } else if (b) {\n");
buf.append(" two();\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" three();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (a");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b) {\n");
buf.append(" two();\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" three();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" one();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfCondition5() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int i) {\n");
buf.append(" if (i == 1)\n");
buf.append(" one();\n");
buf.append(" else if (i == 2)\n");
buf.append(" two();\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" three();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (i == 1");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int i) {\n");
buf.append(" if (i != 1) {\n");
buf.append(" if (i == 2)\n");
buf.append(" two();\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" three();\n");
buf.append(" } else\n");
buf.append(" one();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfCondition_bug119251() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private boolean a() { return false; }\n");
buf.append(" private void foo(int i) {}\n");
buf.append(" public void b() {\n");
buf.append(" if (!a() && !a() && !a() && !a())\n");
buf.append(" foo(1);\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" foo(2);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private boolean a() { return false; }\n");
buf.append(" private void foo(int i) {}\n");
buf.append(" public void b() {\n");
buf.append(" if (a() || a() || a() || a())\n");
buf.append(" foo(2);\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" foo(1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfCondition6() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private boolean a() { return false; }\n");
buf.append(" private void foo(int i) {}\n");
buf.append(" public void b() {\n");
buf.append(" if (!a() && !a() || !a() && !a())\n");
buf.append(" foo(1);\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" foo(2);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private boolean a() { return false; }\n");
buf.append(" private void foo(int i) {}\n");
buf.append(" public void b() {\n");
buf.append(" if ((a() || a()) && (a() || a()))\n");
buf.append(" foo(2);\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" foo(1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfConditionUnboxing() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"######\");\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"-\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!b) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"-\");\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"######\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfConditionEquals() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == (b && a))\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a != (b && a))\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseIfCondition_bug117960() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a || b ? a : b) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a || b ? !a : !b) {\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testInverseIfCondition_bug388074() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(a || b) || c) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (!");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if ((a || b) && !c) {\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testInverseConditionalStatement1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(boolean a) {\n");
buf.append(" return a ? 4 : 5;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(boolean a) {\n");
buf.append(" return !a ? 5 : 4;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseConditionalStatement2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int a) {\n");
buf.append(" return a + 6 == 9 ? 4 : 5;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int a) {\n");
buf.append(" return a + 6 != 9 ? 5 : 4;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInnerAndOuterIfConditions1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 8) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (a");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 8) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInnerAndOuterIfConditions2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 8)\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (a");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String)\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 8) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testInnerAndOuterIfConditions3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 8) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (b");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 8) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testInnerAndOuterIfConditions4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 8)\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if (b");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String)\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 8) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testExchangeOperands1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" return a == b.hashCode();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("==");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" return b.hashCode() == a;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testExchangeOperands2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (0 == (a & b));\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("==");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return ((a & b) == 0);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testExchangeOperands3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int n = (2 + 3) * (4 + 5);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("*");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int n = (4 + 5) * (2 + 3);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testExchangeOperands4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (a < b);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("<");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (b > a);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testExchangeOperands5() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (a <= b);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("<=");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (b >= a);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testExchangeOperands6() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (a > b);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(">");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (b < a);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testExchangeOperands7() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (a >= b);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(">=");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (b <= a);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testExchangeOperandsBug332019_1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return b != 0 != (a == b);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!= (");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (a == b) != (b != 0);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testExchangeOperandsBug332019_2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return b > 0 != (a == b);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!=");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (a == b) != b > 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testExchangeOperandsBug332019_3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return b == 0 == true == false;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("== false");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return false == (b == 0 == true);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testExchangeOperandsBug332019_4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return b + 1 != a - 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!=");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" return a - 1 != b + 1;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAssignAndCast1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("instanceof");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testAssignAndCast2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" while (b instanceof String)\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("instanceof");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" while (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testAssignAndCastBug_104021() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("instanceof");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string2 = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testAssignAndCastBug129336_1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(b instanceof String)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("instanceof");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(b instanceof String)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testAssignAndCast129336_2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" while (!(b instanceof String))\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("instanceof");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" while (!(b instanceof String))\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testAssignAndCastBug129336_3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(b instanceof String)) {\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("instanceof");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(b instanceof String)) {\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testAssignAndCastBug331195_1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("}") - 1;
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAssignAndCastBug331195_2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" while (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("}") - 1;
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" while (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAssignAndCastBug331195_3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("b instanceof");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAssignAndCastBug331195_4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("String)");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAssignAndCastBug331195_5() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String && a > 10) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("}") - 1;
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String && a > 10) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAssignAndCastBug331195_6() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" int x=10;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("int x") - 1;
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" int x=10;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAssignAndCastBug331195_7() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) \n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("return") - 1;
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testAssignAndCastBug331195_8() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" while (b instanceof String) \n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(b);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("System") - 1;
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" while (b instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" String string = (String) b;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(b);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceReturnConditionWithIf1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public String foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (b == null) ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public String foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null)\n");
buf.append(" return null;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" return b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testReplaceReturnConditionWithIf2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public String foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (b == null) ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("return");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public String foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null)\n");
buf.append(" return null;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" return b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceReturnConditionWithIf3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public String foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" return (b == null) ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int startOffset= buf.toString().indexOf("return");
int endOffset= buf.toString().indexOf(" }");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset - 1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public String foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null)\n");
buf.append(" return null;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" return b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceReturnConditionWithIf4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("import java.util.Collections;\n");
buf.append("import java.util.List;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" List<String> foo(List<String> list) {\n");
buf.append(" return list != null ? list : Collections.emptyList();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("import java.util.Collections;\n");
buf.append("import java.util.List;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" List<String> foo(List<String> list) {\n");
buf.append(" if (list != null)\n");
buf.append(" return list;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" return Collections.emptyList();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceAssignConditionWithIf1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res= (b == null) ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null)\n");
buf.append(" res = null;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" res = b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testReplaceAssignConditionWithIf2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" res= (b == null) ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null)\n");
buf.append(" res = null;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" res = b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testReplaceAssignConditionWithIf3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" int i = 42;\n");
buf.append(" i += ( b ) ? 1 : 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" int i = 42;\n");
buf.append(" if (b)\n");
buf.append(" i += 1;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" i += 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testReplaceAssignConditionWithIf4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res= (b == null) ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("res");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null)\n");
buf.append(" res = null;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" res = b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceAssignConditionWithIf5() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res= (b == null) ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("Object res");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null)\n");
buf.append(" res = null;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" res = b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceAssignConditionWithIf6() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res= (b == null) ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int startOffset= buf.toString().indexOf("Object res");
int endOffset= buf.toString().indexOf(" }");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset - 1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null)\n");
buf.append(" res = null;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" res = b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceAssignConditionWithIf7() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" res= (b == null) ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("res=");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null)\n");
buf.append(" res = null;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" res = b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceAssignConditionWithIf8() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" res= (b == null) ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int startOffset= buf.toString().indexOf("res=");
int endOffset= buf.toString().indexOf(" }");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset - 1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null)\n");
buf.append(" res = null;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" res = b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceConditionalWithIf9() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int f1() {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b = true;\n");
buf.append(" return (b) ? 1 : 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int startOffset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, startOffset, 1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int f1() {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b = true;\n");
buf.append(" if (b)\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceConditionalWithIf10() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int f1() {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b = true;\n");
buf.append(" int r = ((b)) ? ((1)) : ((2));\n");
buf.append(" return r;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int startOffset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, startOffset, 1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int f1() {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b = true;\n");
buf.append(" int r;\n");
buf.append(" if (b)\n");
buf.append(" r = 1;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" r = 2;\n");
buf.append(" return r;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceConditionalWithIf11() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int f1() {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b = true;\n");
buf.append(" int r = 2;\n");
buf.append(" r += (((b ? 1 : 2)));\n");
buf.append(" return r;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int startOffset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, startOffset, 1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int f1() {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b = true;\n");
buf.append(" int r = 2;\n");
buf.append(" if (b)\n");
buf.append(" r += 1;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" r += 2;\n");
buf.append(" return r;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceConditionalWithIf12() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int f1() {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b = true;\n");
buf.append(" return (((b) ? (1) : (2)));\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int startOffset= buf.toString().indexOf("?");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, startOffset, 1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public int f1() {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b = true;\n");
buf.append(" if (b)\n");
buf.append(" return 1;\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testReplaceReturnIfWithCondition() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public String foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null) {\n");
buf.append(" return null;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" return b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public String foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" return b == null ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testReplaceReturnIfWithCondition2() throws Exception {
try {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public Number foo(Integer integer) {\n");
buf.append(" if (integer != null) {\n");
buf.append(" return integer;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" return Double.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public Number foo(Integer integer) {\n");
buf.append(" return integer != null ? integer : (Number) Double.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
} finally {
public void testReplaceAssignIfWithCondition1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" if (b == null) {\n");
buf.append(" res = null;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" res = b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" Object res;\n");
buf.append(" res = b == null ? null : b.toString();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testReplaceAssignIfWithCondition2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" int res= 0;\n");
buf.append(" if (b) {\n");
buf.append(" res -= 2;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" res -= 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" int res= 0;\n");
buf.append(" res -= b ? 2 : 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseVariable1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean var= false;\n");
buf.append(" boolean d= var && b;\n");
buf.append(" return d;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("var");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public boolean foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean notVar= true;\n");
buf.append(" boolean d= !notVar && b;\n");
buf.append(" return d;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseVariable2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean var= b && !b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("var");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean notVar= !b || b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseVariable2b() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean var= b & !b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("var");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean notVar= !b | b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseVariable3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean var= true;\n");
buf.append(" b= var && !var;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("var");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean notVar= false;\n");
buf.append(" b= !notVar && notVar;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseVariable4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean var= false;\n");
buf.append(" var |= b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("var");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean notVar= true;\n");
buf.append(" notVar &= !b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testInverseVariableBug117960() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean var= a || b ? a : b;\n");
buf.append(" var |= b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("var");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean notVar= a || b ? !a : !b;\n");
buf.append(" notVar &= !b;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testInverseCondition1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == null ^ b == null) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("a ==");
int length= "a == null ^ b == null".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a, Object b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(a == null ^ b == null)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testInverseCondition2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(a instanceof String)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!");
int length= "!(a instanceof String)".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testInverseCondition3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" while (!(a instanceof String)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!");
int length= "!(a instanceof String)".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" while (a instanceof String) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testInverseCondition4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" for (int i = 0; !(a instanceof String); i++) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!");
int length= "!(a instanceof String)".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" for (int i = 0; a instanceof String; i++) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testInverseCondition5() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" do {\n");
buf.append(" } while (!(a instanceof String));\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!");
int length= "!(a instanceof String)".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" do {\n");
buf.append(" } while (a instanceof String);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testInverseCondition6() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" assert !(a instanceof String);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!");
int length= "!(a instanceof String)".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" assert a instanceof String;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testPushNegationDown1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int i, int j, int k) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b= (i > 1) || !(j < 2 || k < 3);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!(");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int i, int j, int k) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b= (i > 1) || j >= 2 && k >= 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testPushNegationDown2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int i, int j, int k) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b= (i > 1) && !(j < 2 && k < 3);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!(");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int i, int j, int k) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b= (i > 1) && (j >= 2 || k >= 3);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testPushNegationDown3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int i, int j, int k) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b= (i > 1) || !(j < 2 || k < 3);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("(j < 2");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int i, int j, int k) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b= (i > 1) || j >= 2 && k >= 3;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testPushNegationDownBug335778_1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(b)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!(");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, "Push negation down");
public void testPushNegationDownBug335778_2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(a instanceof String)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!(");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, "Push negation down");
public void testPushNegationDownBug117960() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(a || b ? !a : !b)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!(");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a || b ? a : b) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testPullNegationUp() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int i, int j, int k, int m, int n) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b = i > 1 || j >= 2 && k >= 3 || m > 4 || n > 5;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset1= buf.toString().indexOf("j >= 2");
int offset2= buf.toString().indexOf(" || m > 4");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset1, offset2 - offset1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int i, int j, int k, int m, int n) {\n");
buf.append(" boolean b = i > 1 || !(j < 2 || k < 3) || m > 4 || n > 5;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testPullNegationUpBug335778_1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!b) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!b");
int length= "!b".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, "Pull negation up");
public void testPullNegationUpBug335778_2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(Object a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(a instanceof String)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("!(");
int length= "!(a instanceof String)".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, "Pull negation up");
public void testPullNegationUpBug117960() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a || b ? a : b) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("a || b");
int length= "a || b ? a : b".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(boolean a, boolean b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (!(a || b ? !a : !b)) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testJoinIfListInIfElseIf() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 1)\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 2)\n");
buf.append(" if (b > 0)\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 3)\n");
buf.append(" if (b > 0)\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(3);\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-3);\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 4)\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(4);\n");
buf.append(" int stop;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset1= buf.toString().indexOf("if (a == 1)");
int offset2= buf.toString().indexOf("int stop;");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset1, offset2 - offset1);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a, int b) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 1)\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" else if (a == 2) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b > 0)\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (a == 3)\n");
buf.append(" if (b > 0)\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(3);\n");
buf.append(" else\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-3); else if (a == 4)\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(4);\n");
buf.append(" int stop;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testConvertSwitchToIf() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (a) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1:\n");
buf.append(" {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" case 2:\n");
buf.append(" case 3:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 4:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(4);\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" default:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("switch");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 1);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 1) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (a == 2 || a == 3) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (a == 4) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(4);\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testConvertSwitchToIf2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("pack", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" public enum TimeUnit {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(TimeUnit unit) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (unit) {\n");
buf.append(" case SECONDS:\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" case MILLISECONDS:\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" case MICROSECONDS:\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" case NANOSECONDS:\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" default:\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("switch");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 1);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" public enum TimeUnit {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(TimeUnit unit) {\n");
buf.append(" if (unit == TimeUnit.SECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testConvertSwitchToIf3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("pack", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" final static int SECONDS=1, MILLISECONDS=2, MICROSECONDS=4,NANOSECONDS=8;\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(int unit) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (unit) {\n");
buf.append(" case SECONDS:\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" case MILLISECONDS:\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" case MICROSECONDS:\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" case NANOSECONDS:\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" default:\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("switch");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 1);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" final static int SECONDS=1, MILLISECONDS=2, MICROSECONDS=4,NANOSECONDS=8;\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(int unit) {\n");
buf.append(" if (unit == SECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == MILLISECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == MICROSECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == NANOSECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testConvertSwitchToIfBug252104_1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foobar() {\n");
buf.append(" switch (getFoo() ? getBar() : getBar()) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 2:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" private int getBar() {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" private boolean getFoo() {\n");
buf.append(" return false;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("switch");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 1);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foobar() {\n");
buf.append(" int i = getFoo() ? getBar() : getBar();\n");
buf.append(" if (i == 1) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" } else if (i == 2) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" private int getBar() {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" private boolean getFoo() {\n");
buf.append(" return false;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testConvertSwitchToIfBug252104_2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int x, int y) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (x + y) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 2:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("switch");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 1);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int x, int y) {\n");
buf.append(" int i = x + y;\n");
buf.append(" if (i == 1) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" } else if (i == 2) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testConvertSwitchToIfBug252040_1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" switch (getSomethingWithSideEffects()) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 2:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" private int getSomethingWithSideEffects() {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"side effect\");\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("switch");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 1);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int somethingWithSideEffects = getSomethingWithSideEffects();\n");
buf.append(" if (somethingWithSideEffects == 1) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" } else if (somethingWithSideEffects == 2) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" private int getSomethingWithSideEffects() {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"side effect\");\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testConvertSwitchToIfBug252040_2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" if (true)\n");
buf.append(" switch (getSomethingWithSideEffects()) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 2:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" private int getSomethingWithSideEffects() {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"side effect\");\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("switch");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 1);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" if (true) {\n");
buf.append(" int somethingWithSideEffects = getSomethingWithSideEffects();\n");
buf.append(" if (somethingWithSideEffects == 1) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" } else if (somethingWithSideEffects == 2) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" private int getSomethingWithSideEffects() {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"side effect\");\n");
buf.append(" return 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testConvertSwitchToIfBug352422() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (a) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 2:\n");
buf.append(" case 3:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 4:\n");
buf.append(" case 5:\n");
buf.append(" default:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("switch");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 1);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 1) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (a == 2 || a == 3) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (a == 4 || a == 5 || true) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] {expected1});
public void testConvertSwitchToIfBug352422_2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (a) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 2:\n");
buf.append(" case 3:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 4:\n");
buf.append(" default:\n");
buf.append(" case 5:\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("switch");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 0);
public void testConvertIfToSwitch1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a == 1) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (a == 2 || a == 3 || a == 4 || a == 5) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (a == 6) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(4);\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 4);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(int a) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (a) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1 :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 2 :\n");
buf.append(" case 3 :\n");
buf.append(" case 4 :\n");
buf.append(" case 5 :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 6 :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(4);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" default :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testConvertIfToSwitch2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(String s) {\n");
buf.append(" if (\"abc\".equals(s)) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" } else if (\"xyz\".equals(s)) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 3);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertIfElseToSwitch);
public void testConvertIfToSwitch3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("pack", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" public enum TimeUnit {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(TimeUnit unit) {\n");
buf.append(" if (unit == TimeUnit.SECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 4);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" public enum TimeUnit {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(TimeUnit unit) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (unit) {\n");
buf.append(" case SECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" case MILLISECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" case MICROSECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" case NANOSECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" default :\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testConvertIfToSwitch4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("pack", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" public enum TimeUnit {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(TimeUnit unit) {\n");
buf.append(" if (unit.equals(TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit.equals(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit.equals(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)) {\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit.equals(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) {\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 4);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" public enum TimeUnit {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(TimeUnit unit) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (unit) {\n");
buf.append(" case SECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" case MILLISECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" case MICROSECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" case NANOSECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" default :\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testConvertIfToSwitch5() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("pack", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" final static int SECONDS=1, MILLISECONDS=2, MICROSECONDS=4,NANOSECONDS=8;\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(int unit) {\n");
buf.append(" if (unit == SECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == MILLISECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == MICROSECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (unit == NANOSECONDS) {\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 4);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" final static int SECONDS=1, MILLISECONDS=2, MICROSECONDS=4,NANOSECONDS=8;\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(int unit) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (unit) {\n");
buf.append(" case SECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" case MILLISECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" case MICROSECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" case NANOSECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" default :\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testConvertIfToSwitch6() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private int a= 10;\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" if (this.a == 1) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (this.a == 2 || this.a == 3 || this.a == 4) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (this.a == 5) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(4);\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 4);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private int a= 10;\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" switch (this.a) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1 :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 2 :\n");
buf.append(" case 3 :\n");
buf.append(" case 4 :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 5 :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(4);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" default :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testConvertIfToSwitch7() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private int a= 10;\n");
buf.append(" public int getA() {\n");
buf.append(" return a;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" if (getA() == 1) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (getA() == 2) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (getA() == 3) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(3);\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 4);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private int a= 10;\n");
buf.append(" public int getA() {\n");
buf.append(" return a;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" switch (getA()) {\n");
buf.append(" case 1 :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 2 :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" case 3 :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(3);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" default :\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" break;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
public void testConvertIfToSwitch8() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" private int a= 10;\n");
buf.append(" public int getA() {\n");
buf.append(" return a;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" if (getA() == 1) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (this.a == 2) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(2);\n");
buf.append(" } else if (getA() == 3) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(3);\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(-1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 3);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertIfElseToSwitch);
public void testConvertIfToSwitch9() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("pack", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" public enum TimeUnit {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(TimeUnit unit) {\n");
buf.append(" if (TimeUnit.SECONDS.equals(unit)) {\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.equals(unit)) {\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.equals(unit)) {\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" } else if (TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.equals(unit)) {\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 5);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" public enum TimeUnit {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(TimeUnit unit) {\n");
buf.append(" switch (unit) {\n");
buf.append(" case SECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" case MILLISECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" case MICROSECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" case NANOSECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" default :\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package pack;\n");
buf.append("public class A {\n");
buf.append(" public enum TimeUnit {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public static int getPower(TimeUnit unit) {\n");
buf.append(" if (unit == null) {\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" } else {\n");
buf.append(" switch (unit) {\n");
buf.append(" case SECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return 0;\n");
buf.append(" case MILLISECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -3;\n");
buf.append(" case MICROSECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -6;\n");
buf.append(" case NANOSECONDS :\n");
buf.append(" return -9;\n");
buf.append(" default :\n");
buf.append(" throw new InternalError();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected2= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1, expected2 });
public void testConvertIfToSwitchBug392847() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo(String[] args) {\n");
buf.append(" int n = 42;\n");
buf.append(" if (n == args.length)\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println();\n");
buf.append(" else {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 3);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertIfElseToSwitch);
public void testConvertIfToSwitchBug393147() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" if (equals(\"a\")) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 1);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertIfElseToSwitch);
public void testConvertIfToSwitchBug393147_2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" if (this.equals(\"a\")) {\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("if");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 1);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertIfElseToSwitch);
public void testSurroundWithTemplate01() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
String selection= "System.out.println(1);";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(selection);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, selection.length());
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= Arrays.asList(new QuickTemplateProcessor().getAssists(context, null));
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 9);
String[] expected= new String[9];
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" do {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" } while (condition);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[0]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[1]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" if (condition) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[2]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" new Runnable() {\n");
buf.append(" public void run() {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[3]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" synchronized (mutex) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[4]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" } catch (Exception e) {\n");
buf.append(" // TODO: handle exception\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[5]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" while (condition) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[6]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" } finally {\n");
buf.append(" // TODO: handle finally clause\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[7]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" lock.lock();\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(1);\n");
buf.append(" } finally {\n");
buf.append(" lock.unlock();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[8]= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, expected);
public void testSurroundWithTemplate02() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
String selection= "System.out.println(i);";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(selection);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, selection.length());
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= Arrays.asList(new QuickTemplateProcessor().getAssists(context, null));
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 9);
String[] expected= new String[9];
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" do {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } while (condition);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[0]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[1]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" if (condition) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[2]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" final int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" new Runnable() {\n");
buf.append(" public void run() {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[3]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" synchronized (mutex) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[4]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } catch (Exception e) {\n");
buf.append(" // TODO: handle exception\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[5]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" while (condition) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[6]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } finally {\n");
buf.append(" // TODO: handle finally clause\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[7]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" lock.lock();\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } finally {\n");
buf.append(" lock.unlock();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[8]= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, expected);
public void testSurroundWithTemplate03() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
String selection= "int i= 10;\n System.out.println(i);";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(selection);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, selection.length());
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= Arrays.asList(new QuickTemplateProcessor().getAssists(context, null));
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 9);
String[] expected= new String[9];
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i;\n");
buf.append(" do {\n");
buf.append(" i = 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } while (condition);\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[0]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i;\n");
buf.append(" for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {\n");
buf.append(" i = 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[1]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i;\n");
buf.append(" if (condition) {\n");
buf.append(" i = 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[2]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i;\n");
buf.append(" new Runnable() {\n");
buf.append(" public void run() {\n");
buf.append(" i = 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[3]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i;\n");
buf.append(" synchronized (mutex) {\n");
buf.append(" i = 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[4]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i;\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" i = 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } catch (Exception e) {\n");
buf.append(" // TODO: handle exception\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[5]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i;\n");
buf.append(" while (condition) {\n");
buf.append(" i = 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[6]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i;\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" i = 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } finally {\n");
buf.append(" // TODO: handle finally clause\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[7]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i;\n");
buf.append(" lock.lock();\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" i = 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } finally {\n");
buf.append(" lock.unlock();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[8]= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, expected);
public void testSurroundWithTemplate04() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
String selection= "System.out.println(i);";
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf(selection);
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, selection.length());
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= Arrays.asList(new QuickTemplateProcessor().getAssists(context, null));
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 9);
String[] expected= new String[9];
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" do {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } while (condition);\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[0]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[1]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" if (condition) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[2]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" final int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" new Runnable() {\n");
buf.append(" public void run() {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[3]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" synchronized (mutex) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[4]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } catch (Exception e) {\n");
buf.append(" // TODO: handle exception\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[5]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" while (condition) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[6]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } finally {\n");
buf.append(" // TODO: handle finally clause\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[7]= buf.toString();
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E1 {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" int i= 10;\n");
buf.append(" lock.lock();\n");
buf.append(" try {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" } finally {\n");
buf.append(" lock.unlock();\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(i);\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
expected[8]= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, expected);
public void testPickOutStringProposals1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hello World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("llo");
int length= "llo".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"He\" + \"llo\" + \" World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected });
public void testPickOutStringProposals2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hello World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("Hel");
int length= "Hel".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hel\" + \"lo World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected });
public void testPickOutStringProposals3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hello World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("World");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, "Pick out selected part of String");
public void testPickOutStringProposals4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hello World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("Hello");
int length= "Hello World".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, "Pick out selected part of String");
public void testCombineStringsProposals1() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hello\" + \" World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("\"Hello\"");
int length= "\"Hello\" + \"World\"".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hello World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected });
public void testCombineStringsProposals2() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hello\" + \" \" + \"World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("\"Hello\"");
int length= "\"Hello\" + \" \" + \"World\"".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hello World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected });
public void testCombineStringsProposals3() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hello World\";\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("\"Hello World\"");
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_combineSelectedStrings);
public void testCombineStringsProposals4() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"Hello\" + \" \" + \"World\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("\"Hello\"");
int length= "\"Hello\" + \" \" + \"World\"".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
buf= new StringBuffer();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"Hello World\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
String expected= buf.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected });
public void testCombineStringsProposals5() throws Exception {
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo() {\n");
buf.append(" String string = \"Hello\" + \"World\" + 2;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
int offset= buf.toString().indexOf("\"Hello\" + \"World\"");
int length= "\"Hello\" + \"World\"".length();
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, offset, length);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_combineSelectedStrings);
public void testConvertToIfReturn1() throws Exception {
// positive cases
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo1() {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"1\");\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"11\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n\n");
buf.append(" public void foo2() {\n");
buf.append(" bar();\n");
buf.append(" if (b) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"2\");\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"22\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n\n");
buf.append(" public void foo3() {\n");
buf.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf.append(" if (d) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"3\");\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"33\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
String str= "if (a)";
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 3);
StringBuffer buf1= new StringBuffer();
buf1.append("package test1;\n");
buf1.append("public class E {\n");
buf1.append(" public void foo1() {\n");
buf1.append(" if (!a)\n");
buf1.append(" return;\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"1\");\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"11\");\n");
buf1.append(" }\n\n");
buf1.append(" public void foo2() {\n");
buf1.append(" bar();\n");
buf1.append(" if (b) {\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"2\");\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"22\");\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
buf1.append(" }\n\n");
buf1.append(" public void foo3() {\n");
buf1.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf1.append(" if (d) {\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"3\");\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"33\");\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
String expected1= buf1.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected1 });
str= "if (b)";
context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 3);
buf1= new StringBuffer();
buf1.append("package test1;\n");
buf1.append("public class E {\n");
buf1.append(" public void foo1() {\n");
buf1.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"1\");\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"11\");\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
buf1.append(" }\n\n");
buf1.append(" public void foo2() {\n");
buf1.append(" bar();\n");
buf1.append(" if (!b)\n");
buf1.append(" return;\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"2\");\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"22\");\n");
buf1.append(" }\n\n");
buf1.append(" public void foo3() {\n");
buf1.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf1.append(" if (d) {\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"3\");\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"33\");\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
String expected2= buf1.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected2 });
str= "if (d)";
context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 5);
buf1= new StringBuffer();
buf1.append("package test1;\n");
buf1.append("public class E {\n");
buf1.append(" public void foo1() {\n");
buf1.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"1\");\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"11\");\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
buf1.append(" }\n\n");
buf1.append(" public void foo2() {\n");
buf1.append(" bar();\n");
buf1.append(" if (b) {\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"2\");\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"22\");\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
buf1.append(" }\n\n");
buf1.append(" public void foo3() {\n");
buf1.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf1.append(" if (!d)\n");
buf1.append(" return;\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"3\");\n");
buf1.append(" System.out.println(\"33\");\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
buf1.append(" }\n");
String expected3= buf1.toString();
assertExpectedExistInProposals(proposals, new String[] { expected3 });
public void testConvertToIfReturn2() throws Exception {
// negative cases
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo1() {\n");
buf.append(" if (true) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"1\");\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"2\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" bar();");
buf.append(" }\n\n");
buf.append(" public void foo2() {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) \n");
buf.append(" if (b) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"1\");\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"2\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n\n");
buf.append(" public void foo3() {\n");
buf.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf.append(" return;\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
String str= "if (true)"; // not the last executable statement in the method
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 2);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertToIfReturn);
str= "if (b)"; // not present in a block
context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 4);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertToIfReturn);
str= "if (c)"; // no other statement in 'then' part other than 'return'
context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 4);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertToIfReturn);
public void testConvertToIfReturn3() throws Exception {
// 'if' should be in a 'method' returning 'void'
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" static {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"1\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" public String foo1() {\n");
buf.append(" if (b) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"1\");\n");
buf.append(" return \"foo\"\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
String str= "if (a)"; // not in a method
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 3);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertToIfReturn);
str= "if (b)"; // method does not return 'void'
context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 2);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertToIfReturn);
public void testConvertToIfReturn4() throws Exception {
// 'if' should not be in a loop
IPackageFragment pack1= fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder();
buf.append("package test1;\n");
buf.append("public class E {\n");
buf.append(" public void foo1() {\n");
buf.append(" for (int i; i < 3; i++) {\n");
buf.append(" if (a) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"1\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n\n");
buf.append(" public void foo2() {\n");
buf.append(" List<String> strs= new ArrayList<String>;\n");
buf.append(" for (String s : strs) {\n");
buf.append(" if (b) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"2\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n\n");
buf.append(" public void foo3() {\n");
buf.append(" do {\n");
buf.append(" if (c) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"3\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" } while (true)\n");
buf.append(" }\n\n");
buf.append(" public void foo4() {\n");
buf.append(" while (true) {\n");
buf.append(" if (d) {\n");
buf.append(" System.out.println(\"4\");\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
buf.append(" }\n");
ICompilationUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("", buf.toString(), false, null);
String str= "if (a)";
AssistContext context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
List<IJavaCompletionProposal> proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 4);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertToIfReturn);
str= "if (b)";
context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 3);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertToIfReturn);
str= "if (c)";
context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 3);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertToIfReturn);
str= "if (d)";
context= getCorrectionContext(cu, buf.toString().indexOf(str) + str.length(), 0);
proposals= collectAssists(context, false);
assertNumberOfProposals(proposals, 4);
assertProposalDoesNotExist(proposals, CorrectionMessages.AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_convertToIfReturn);