blob: 5002b4de9f8d8d4e700ee2685b0521a30d2372a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Nina Rinskaya
* Fix for
* Stephan Herrmann - Contribution for
* [null] "Annotate" proposals for adding external null annotations to library classes -
package org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.quickfix;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ClassFile;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ICompilerRequestor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.IErrorHandlingPolicy;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.IProblemFactory;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.FileSystem;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.INameEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
* This is a reduced and marginally adjusted copy from org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.util.Util
public class JarUtil {
// Trace for delete operation
* Maximum time wasted repeating delete operations while running JDT/Core tests.
private static int DELETE_MAX_TIME = 0;
* Trace deletion operations while running JDT/Core tests.
public static boolean DELETE_DEBUG = false;
* Maximum of time in ms to wait in deletion operation while running JDT/Core tests.
* Default is 10 seconds. This number cannot exceed 1 minute (ie. 60000).
* <br>
* To avoid too many loops while waiting, the ten first ones are done waiting
* 10ms before repeating, the ten loops after are done waiting 100ms and
* the other loops are done waiting 1s...
public static int DELETE_MAX_WAIT = 10000;
* Initially, output directory was located in System.getProperty("")+"\comptest".
* To allow user to run several compiler tests at the same time, main output directory
* is now located in a sub-directory of "comptest" which name is "run."+<code>System.currentMilliseconds</code>.
private final static String OUTPUT_DIRECTORY;
* Let user specify the delay in hours before output directories are removed from file system
* while starting a new test run. Default value is 2 hours.
* <p>
* Note that this value may be a float and so have time less than one hour.
* If value is 0 or negative, then all previous run directories will be removed...
private final static String DELAY_BEFORE_CLEAN_PREVIOUS = System.getProperty("delay");
* Static initializer to clean directories created while running previous test suites.
static {
// Get delay for cleaning sub-directories
long millisecondsPerHour = 1000L * 3600L;
long delay = millisecondsPerHour * 2; // default is to keep previous run directories for 2 hours
try {
float hours = Float.parseFloat(DELAY_BEFORE_CLEAN_PREVIOUS);
delay = (int) (millisecondsPerHour * hours);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// use default
// Get output directory root from system properties
String container = System.getProperty("jdt.test.output_directory");
if (container == null){
container = System.getProperty("");
if (container == null) {
container = "."; // use current directory
// Get file for root directory
if (Character.isLowerCase(container.charAt(0)) && container.charAt(1) == ':') {
container = Character.toUpperCase(container.charAt(0)) + container.substring(1);
File dir = new File(new File(container), "comptest");
// If root directory already exists, clean it
if (dir.exists()) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((now - dir.lastModified()) > delay) {
// remove all directory content
} else {
// remove only old sub-dirs
for (File testDir : dir.listFiles()) {
if (testDir.isDirectory()) {
if ((now - testDir.lastModified()) > delay) {
// Computed test run directory name based on current time
File dateDir = new File(dir, "run."+System.currentTimeMillis());
String pathDir = null;
try {
pathDir = dateDir.getCanonicalPath();
} catch (IOException e) {
pathDir = dateDir.getAbsolutePath();
public static CompilationUnit[] compilationUnits(String[] testFiles) {
int length = testFiles.length / 2;
CompilationUnit[] result = new CompilationUnit[length];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result[i] = new CompilationUnit(testFiles[index + 1].toCharArray(), testFiles[index], null);
index += 2;
return result;
// should eventually be replaced by use of java.util.function.Predicate<CompilationResult>
public interface ClassFileFilter {
boolean include(CompilationResult unitResult);
/* inlined and simplified / modified for JDT/UI */
private static class Requestor implements ICompilerRequestor {
public boolean hasErrors = false;
public String outputPath;
public String problemLog = "";
private ClassFileFilter classFileFilter= null;
public Requestor(ClassFileFilter classFileFilter) {
if (classFileFilter != null) {
this.classFileFilter = classFileFilter;
} else {
// default: all without errors
this.classFileFilter = unitResult -> (unitResult != null) && !unitResult.hasErrors();
public void acceptResult(CompilationResult compilationResult) {
this.hasErrors |= compilationResult.hasErrors();
this.problemLog += compilationResult.toString();
protected void outputClassFiles(CompilationResult unitResult) {
if (this.classFileFilter.include(unitResult)) {
if (this.outputPath != null) {
for (ClassFile classFile : unitResult.getClassFiles()) {
String relativeName =
new String(classFile.fileName()).replace('/', File.separatorChar) + ".class";
try {
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.writeToDisk(true, this.outputPath, relativeName, classFile);
} catch(IOException e) {
public static void compile(String[] pathsAndContents, Map<String, String> options, String[] classpath, String outputPath, ClassFileFilter classFileFilter) {
IProblemFactory problemFactory = new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault());
Requestor requestor = new Requestor(classFileFilter);
requestor.outputPath = outputPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? outputPath : outputPath + File.separator;
String[] classLibs = getJavaClassLibs();
if (classpath != null) {
int length = classpath.length;
int classLibsLength = classLibs.length;
System.arraycopy(classpath, 0, classpath = new String[length + classLibsLength], 0, length);
System.arraycopy(classLibs, 0, classpath, length, classLibsLength);
} else {
classpath = classLibs;
INameEnvironment nameEnvironment = new FileSystem(classpath, new String[] {}, null);
IErrorHandlingPolicy errorHandlingPolicy =
new IErrorHandlingPolicy() {
public boolean proceedOnErrors() {
return true;
public boolean stopOnFirstError() {
return false;
public boolean ignoreAllErrors() {
return false;
CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions(options);
compilerOptions.performMethodsFullRecovery = false;
compilerOptions.performStatementsRecovery = false;
Compiler batchCompiler =
new Compiler(
batchCompiler.options.produceReferenceInfo = true;
batchCompiler.compile(compilationUnits(pathsAndContents)); // compile all files together
// cleanup
if (requestor.hasErrors)
System.err.print(requestor.problemLog); // problem log empty if no problems
public static void createFile(String path, String contents) throws IOException {
try (FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(path)) {
public static void createJar(String[] pathsAndContents, String[] extraPathsAndContents, Map<String, String> options, ClassFileFilter classFileFilter, String[] classpath, String jarPath) throws IOException {
String classesPath = getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + "classes";
File classesDir = new File(classesPath);
if (pathsAndContents != null) {
compile(pathsAndContents, options, classpath, classesPath, classFileFilter);
if (extraPathsAndContents != null) {
for (int i = 0, l = extraPathsAndContents.length; i < l; /* inc in loop */) {
File outputFile = new File(classesPath, extraPathsAndContents[i++]);
JarUtil.writeToFile(extraPathsAndContents[i++], outputFile.getAbsolutePath());
zip(classesDir, jarPath);
public static void createJar(String[] javaPathsAndContents, String[] extraPathsAndContents, String jarPath, String[] classpath, String compliance, Map<String, String> options, ClassFileFilter classFileFilter) throws IOException {
Map<String, String> compileOptions = getCompileOptions(compliance);
if (options != null) {
createJar(javaPathsAndContents, extraPathsAndContents, compileOptions, classFileFilter, classpath, jarPath);
public static void createSourceZip(String[] pathsAndContents, String zipPath) throws IOException {
String sourcesPath = getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + "sources";
createSourceDir(pathsAndContents, sourcesPath);
zip(new File(sourcesPath), zipPath);
public static void createSourceDir(String[] pathsAndContents, String sourcesPath) throws IOException {
flushDirectoryContent(new File(sourcesPath));
for (int i = 0, length = pathsAndContents.length; i < length; i+=2) {
String sourcePath = sourcesPath + File.separator + pathsAndContents[i];
File sourceFile = new File(sourcePath);
createFile(sourcePath, pathsAndContents[i+1]);
* Delete a file or directory and insure that the file is no longer present
* on file system. In case of directory, delete all the hierarchy underneath.
* @param file The file or directory to delete
* @return true iff the file was really delete, false otherwise
public static boolean delete(File file) {
// flush all directory content
if (file.isDirectory()) {
// remove file
if (isFileDeleted(file)) {
return true;
return waitUntilFileDeleted(file);
* Flush content of a given directory (leaving it empty),
* no-op if not a directory.
public static void flushDirectoryContent(File dir) {
File[] files = dir.listFiles();
if (files == null) return;
for (File file : files) {
private static Map<String, String> getCompileOptions(String compliance) {
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, compliance);
options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, compliance);
options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, compliance);
return options;
* Search the user hard-drive for a Java class library.
* Returns null if none could be found.
public static String[] getJavaClassLibs() {
// check bootclasspath properties for Sun, JRockit and Harmony VMs
String bootclasspathProperty = System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if ((bootclasspathProperty == null) || (bootclasspathProperty.length() == 0)) {
// IBM J9 VMs
bootclasspathProperty = System.getProperty("vm.boot.class.path"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if ((bootclasspathProperty == null) || (bootclasspathProperty.length() == 0)) {
// Harmony using IBM VME
bootclasspathProperty = System.getProperty("org.apache.harmony.boot.class.path"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String[] jars = null;
if ((bootclasspathProperty != null) && (bootclasspathProperty.length() != 0)) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(bootclasspathProperty, File.pathSeparator);
final int size = tokenizer.countTokens();
jars = new String[size];
int i = 0;
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String fileName = toNativePath(tokenizer.nextToken());
if (new File(fileName).exists()) {
jars[i] = fileName;
if (size != i) {
// resize
System.arraycopy(jars, 0, (jars = new String[i]), 0, i);
} else {
String jreDir = getJREDirectory();
final String osName = System.getProperty("");
if (jreDir == null) {
return new String[] {};
if (osName.startsWith("Mac")) {
return new String[] {
toNativePath(jreDir + "/../Classes/classes.jar")
final String vmName = System.getProperty("");
if ("J9".equals(vmName)) {
return new String[] {
toNativePath(jreDir + "/lib/jclMax/")
String[] jarsNames = null;
ArrayList<String> paths = new ArrayList<>();
if ("DRLVM".equals(vmName)) {
FilenameFilter jarFilter = (dir, name) -> name.endsWith(".jar") & !name.endsWith("-src.jar");
jarsNames = new File(jreDir + "/lib/boot/").list(jarFilter);
addJarEntries(jreDir + "/lib/boot/", jarsNames, paths);
} else {
jarsNames = new String[] {
addJarEntries(jreDir, jarsNames, paths);
jars = new String[paths.size()];
return jars;
private static void addJarEntries(String jreDir, String[] jarNames, ArrayList<String> paths) {
for (String jarName : jarNames) {
final String currentName = jreDir + jarName;
File f = new File(currentName);
if (f.exists()) {
* Returns the JRE directory this tests are running on.
* Returns null if none could be found.
* Example of use: [org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.util.Util.getJREDirectory()]
public static String getJREDirectory() {
return System.getProperty("java.home");
* Search the user hard-drive for a possible output directory.
* Returns null if none could be found.
* Example of use: [org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.util.Util.getOutputDirectory()]
public static String getOutputDirectory() {
* Returns the parent's child file matching the given file or null if not found.
* @param file The searched file in parent
* @return The parent's child matching the given file or null if not found.
private static File getParentChildFile(File file) {
File parent = file.getParentFile();
if (parent == null || !parent.exists()) return null;
File[] files = parent.listFiles();
int length = files==null ? 0 : files.length;
if (length > 0) {
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (files[i] == file
|| files[i].equals(file)
|| files[i].getPath().equals(file.getPath())) {
return files[i];
return null;
* Returns the test name from stack elements info.
* @return The name of the test currently running
private static String getTestName() {
StackTraceElement[] elements = new Exception().getStackTrace();
int idx = 0, length=elements.length;
while (idx<length && !elements[idx++].getClassName().startsWith("org.eclipse.jdt")) {
// loop until JDT/Core class appears in the stack
if (idx<length) {
StackTraceElement testElement = null;
while (idx<length && elements[idx].getClassName().startsWith("org.eclipse.jdt")) {
testElement = elements[idx++];
if (testElement != null) {
return testElement.getClassName() + " - " + testElement.getMethodName();
return "?";
* Returns whether a file is really deleted or not.
* Does not only rely on {@link File#exists()} method but also
* look if it's not in its parent children {@link #getParentChildFile(File)}.
* @param file The file to test if deleted
* @return true if the file does not exist and was not found in its parent children.
public static boolean isFileDeleted(File file) {
return !file.exists() && getParentChildFile(file) == null;
* Print given file information with specified indentation.
* These information are:<ul>
* <li>read {@link File#canRead()}</li>
* <li>write {@link File#canWrite()}</li>
* <li>exists {@link File#exists()}</li>
* <li>is file {@link File#isFile()}</li>
* <li>is directory {@link File#isDirectory()}</li>
* <li>is hidden {@link File#isHidden()}</li>
* </ul>
* May recurse several level in parents hierarchy.
* May also display children, but then will not recusre in parent
* hierarchy to avoid infinite loop...
* @param file The file to display information
* @param indent Number of tab to print before the information
* @param recurse Display also information on <code>recurse</code>th parents in hierarchy.
* If negative then display children information instead.
private static void printFileInfo(File file, int indent, int recurse) {
String tab = "";
for (int i=0; i<indent; i++) tab+="\t";
System.out.print(tab+"- "+file.getName()+" file info: ");
String sep = "";
if (file.canRead()) {
sep = ", ";
if (file.canWrite()) {
sep = ", ";
if (file.exists()) {
sep = ", ";
if (file.isDirectory()) {
sep = ", ";
if (file.isFile()) {
sep = ", ";
if (file.isHidden()) {
sep = ", ";
File[] files = file.listFiles();
int length = files==null ? 0 : files.length;
if (length > 0) {
boolean children = recurse < 0;
System.out.print(tab+" + children: ");
if (children) System.out.println();
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (children) { // display children
printFileInfo(files[i], indent+2, -1);
} else {
if (i>0) System.out.print(", ");
if (files[i].isDirectory()) System.out.print("[dir]");
else if (files[i].isFile()) System.out.print("[file]");
else System.out.print("[?]");
if (!children) System.out.println();
if (recurse > 0) {
File parent = file.getParentFile();
if (parent != null) printFileInfo(parent, indent+1, recurse-1);
* Print stack trace with only JDT elements.
* @param exception Exception of the stack trace. May be null, then a fake exception is used.
* @param indent Number of tab to display before the stack elements to display.
private static void printJdtStackTrace(Exception exception, int indent) {
String tab = "";
for (int i=0; i<indent; i++) tab+="\t";
StackTraceElement[] elements = (exception==null?new Exception():exception).getStackTrace();
int idx = 0, length=elements.length;
while (idx<length && !elements[idx++].getClassName().startsWith("org.eclipse.jdt")) {
// loop until JDT/Core class appears in the stack
if (idx<length) {
System.out.print(tab+"- stack trace");
if (exception == null)
System.out.println(" for exception "+exception+":");
while (idx<length && elements[idx].getClassName().startsWith("org.eclipse.jdt")) {
StackTraceElement testElement = elements[idx++];
System.out.println(tab+" -> "+testElement);
} else {
* Makes the given path a path using native path separators as returned by File.getPath()
* and trimming any extra slash.
public static String toNativePath(String path) {
String nativePath = path.replace('\\', File.separatorChar).replace('/', File.separatorChar);
nativePath.endsWith("/") || nativePath.endsWith("\\") ?
nativePath.substring(0, nativePath.length() - 1) :
public static void waitAtLeast(int time) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
do {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) < time);
* Wait until the file is _really_ deleted on file system.
* @param file Deleted file
* @return true if the file was finally deleted, false otherwise
private static boolean waitUntilFileDeleted(File file) {
System.out.println("WARNING in test: "+getTestName());
System.out.println(" - problems occured while deleting "+file);
printJdtStackTrace(null, 1);
printFileInfo(file.getParentFile(), 1, -1); // display parent with its children
System.out.print(" - wait for ("+DELETE_MAX_WAIT+"ms max): ");
int count = 0;
int delay = 10; // ms
int maxRetry = DELETE_MAX_WAIT / delay;
int time = 0;
while (count < maxRetry) {
try {
time += delay;
if (DELETE_DEBUG) System.out.print('.');
if (file.exists()) {
if (file.delete()) {
System.out.println(" => file really removed after "+time+"ms (max="+DELETE_MAX_TIME+"ms)");
return true;
if (isFileDeleted(file)) {
System.out.println(" => file disappeared after "+time+"ms (max="+DELETE_MAX_TIME+"ms)");
return true;
// Increment waiting delay exponentially
if (count >= 10 && delay <= 100) {
count = 1;
delay *= 10;
maxRetry = DELETE_MAX_WAIT / delay;
if ((DELETE_MAX_WAIT%delay) != 0) {
catch (InterruptedException ie) {
break; // end loop
System.out.println("WARNING in test: "+getTestName());
System.out.println(" - problems occured while deleting "+file);
printJdtStackTrace(null, 1);
printFileInfo(file.getParentFile(), 1, -1); // display parent with its children
System.out.println(" !!! ERROR: "+file+" was never deleted even after having waited "+DELETE_MAX_TIME+"ms!!!");
return false;
public static void writeToFile(String contents, String destinationFilePath) {
File destFile = new File(destinationFilePath);
FileOutputStream output = null;
PrintWriter writer = null;
try {
output = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
writer = new PrintWriter(output);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
if (writer != null) {
public static void zip(File rootDir, String zipPath) throws IOException {
ZipOutputStream zip = null;
try {
File zipFile = new File(zipPath);
if (zipFile.exists()) {
if (!delete(zipFile))
throw new IOException("Could not delete " + zipPath);
// ensure the new zip file has a different timestamp than the previous one
int timeToWait = 1000; // some platform (like Linux) have a 1s granularity)
} else {
zip = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile));
zip(rootDir, zip, rootDir.getPath().length()+1); // 1 for last slash
} finally {
if (zip != null) {
private static void zip(File dir, ZipOutputStream zip, int rootPathLength) throws IOException {
File[] files = dir.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (File file : files) {
if (file.isFile()) {
String path = file.getPath();
path = path.substring(rootPathLength);
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(path.replace('\\', '/'));
} else {
zip(file, zip, rootPathLength);
private JarUtil() {