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<title>LTK Core Refactoring Release Notes</title>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes 3.3 Stream&nbsp;<br>
LTK Core Refactoring</h1>
<h3>3.3 M1, ???, 2006</h3>
New API has been introduced on RefactoringContribution. Clients are now able to call createDescriptor() without any arguments, which returns a language-specific
customizable refactoring descriptor. The refactoring descriptor can then be used to create a ready-to-be-executed refactoring. This mechanism provides refactoring tooling
implementers with a uniform API to provide instantiation of refactorings.
<h3>3.3 M3, ???, 2006</h3>
New API has been introduced on PerformChangeOperation. Clients are now able to provide a ISchedulingRule through a call to #setSchedulingRule(ISchedulingRule).
The provided rule is used when executing the operation.