blob: 3741a45a8684356e20391297ae3f93d7b668ca0f [file] [log] [blame]
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
# All Rights Reserved.
# org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.refactoring
ErrorWizardPage.cannot_proceed=Cannot proceed with refactoring due to the following problems.
ErrorWizardPage.confirm=The following problems will show up in the workspace if you continue. If you want to proceed, please press \'Next\' or \'Finish\'.
MergeTextViewerContentProvider.original_source=Original Source
MergeTextViewerContentProvider.refactored_source=Refactored Source
MoveCompilationUnitWizard.package_not_found=Package not found
MoveCompilationUnitWizard.message=Enter the name of the new package for this compilation unit. Refactoring will move the compilation unit and update all references to it.
MoveCompilationUnitWizard.title=Move Compilation Unit to Another Package
MoveCompilationUnitWizardPage.choose_a_package=Choose a Package
MoveCompilationUnitWizardPage.choose_package=&Choose package to move the compilation unit to:
PreviewWizardPage.description=The following changes are necessary to perform the refactoring. Click on a node to see a preview of that change. Uncheck a change only if you are sure you want to exclude it from the refactoring.
RefactoringPreferencePage.auto_save=&Save all modified resources automatically prior to refactoring
RefactoringPreferencePage.error=\ &errors would be present in the workspace after performing the refactoring
RefactoringPreferencePage.fatal_error=\ &problems occur that prevent the refactoring from being performed\ &information is generated by the precondition checking
RefactoringPreferencePage.show_error_page=After \'Finish\' has been pressed show the Error page only if
RefactoringPreferencePage.warning=\ &warnings would be present in the workspace after performing the refactoring
RefactoringWizard.Internal_error=Internal error while creating a change object. See log for details.
RefactoringWizard.internal_error_1=Internal error during precondition checking. See log for detailed error description
RefactoringWizard.see_log={0}. See log for details.
RefactoringWizard.undoing=Undoing changes:
RefactoringWizard.unexpected_exception=Unexpected exception while creating a change object. See log for a detailed error description.
RefactoringWizard.unexpected_exception_1=Unexpected exception while performing the refactoring. See log for a detailed error description.
RenameInputWizardPage.enter_name=&Enter new name:
RenameParametersWizard.message=Enter the new names for the parameters. You can rename one or more parameters. All references to the renamed parameters will be updated.
RenameParametersWizard.title=Rename Method Parameters
RenameParametersWizardPage.internal_error=Internal error. See log for details.
RenameParametersWizardPage.new_names=New Parameter Names
RenameParametersWizardPage.old_names=Old Parameter Names
RenameRefactoringWizard.internal_error=Internal error during name checking: {0}
UserInputWizardPage.unexpected_error=Unexpected error while saving open editors
UserInputWizardPage.always_save=&Always save all modified resources automatically prior to refactoring
UserInputWizardPage.select_to_save=Select Resources To Save
UserInputWizardPage.warning=Leaving resources unsaved can result in incorrect refactoring behavior.\n&It is strongly recommended that you save all files.
# org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.actions
ExtractMethodAction.extract_method=&Extract Method...
RefactoringGroup.rename_field_message=Enter the new name for this field. The field will be renamed and all references to it will be updated.
RefactoringGroup.rename_field_title=Rename Field
RefactoringGroup.rename_method_message=Enter the new name for this method. The method will be renamed and all references to it will be updated.
RefactoringGroup.rename_method_title=Rename Method
RefactoringGroup.rename_type_message=Enter the new name for this type. The type will be renamed and all references to it will be updated.
RefactoringGroup.rename_type_title=Rename Type
RefactoringGroup.rename_parameters=Rena&me Parameters...
RefactoringGroup.move_to_another_package=&Move to Another Package...
# org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.changes
ChangeExceptionHandler.unexpected_exception=An unexpected exception has been caught while processing the Refactoring. Its message is:\n\n{0}\n\nPress \"Undo\" to undo all executed changes\nPress \"Abort\" to abort the refactoring
# org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.code
ExtractMethodWizard.extract_method=Extract Method
ExtractMethodInputPage.access_Modifiers=Access modifiers:
ExtractMethodInputPage.signature_preview=Signature preview:
ExtractMethodInputPage.description=Enter new method name and specify the method\'s visibility
ExtractMethodInputPage.label_text=&Method name:
# org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.undo
RedoRefactoringAction.description=Redo Refactoring
UndoManagerAction.cannot_be_executed={0} cannot be executed.
UndoManagerAction.internal_error=Internal Error in Undo Manager
UndoManagerAction.unsaved_filed=Some of the affected files are unsaved. This action can proceed only if you revert the files to their original content.
UndoRefactoringAction.description=Undo Refactoring