blob: 88d5ab68e603204f334911929d55966815702afe [file] [log] [blame]
0. delete all projects from your workspace except for JUnit
1. open junit.framework.Test in the editor
2. go to the outliner, rightclick and select 'Refactoring >> Rename'
3. a wizard shows up, enter 'Fred' as a new name for the interface
4. press 'next>' - verify that a progress monitor is shown
5. a page with proposed changes shows up
6. verify that all checkboxes are checked and not-grayed
6a. verify that the 'next>' button is the only disabled button on the page
7. select the second element: verify that the compare viewer is fed with the '' file contents
there should be exactly 12 differences
8. press 'finish>' - verify progress notification
9. verify that there are no compiler errors (if you have the autobuild off, then it on before verifying)
10. rightclick in the outliner
10a. verify that '"Refactoring>>Redo"' is not in the menu
10b. select "Refactoring>>Undo"
11. verify that there are no compiler errors
12. verify that 'Undo' is not available in the Refactoring menu and 'Redo' is
13. select 'Refactoring>>Redo'
14. verify that there are no compiler errors
1. open junit.framework.Test in the editor
2. select the run(TestResult) method
3. rightclick and select Refactoring>>Rename
4. enter basicRun as the new name
5. press next>
6. a page with errors should come up - 1 error saying that the method exists in types related to Test
6a. verify that only '<back' and cancel buttons are enabled
7. press <back
8. enter 'bogus' as the new name
9. press next>
10. you should see a page with proposed changes: there should be exactly 13 entries (top level nodes)
11. press finish - verify that there are no compiler errors
11. rightclick in the outliner and select "Refactoring>>Undo"
12. verify that there are no compiler errors
1. select junit.framework in the package viewer
2. choose 'refactoring/rename' from the popup menu
3. enter new name
- verify that empty string is not a valid name
4. 'finish'
5. verify that no compiler errors are introduced
6. undo and verify that there are no compiler errors
7. create a default package and verify that the rename refactoring is not activated for it
Move a CompilationUnit
1. select junit.framework.Test in the package view
2. choose 'refactoring/move'
3. enter junit.ui as a new package name
4. 'finish' and verify that there are no compiler errors
5. undo and verify that there are no compiler errors
6. in a similar manner - verify that it is not possible to move "" to junit.textui
Rename Parameters
1. open junit.ui.TestRunner
2. select appendFailure(String, Test, Throwable)
3. verify that you're not allowed to rename the first parameter to fExceptions
4.rename it to x and 'finish'
5. verify that there're no compiler errors