blob: 0d48b3a40b25efcd215c3e808ea37d6936bd46ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.code;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.text.edits.MultiTextEdit;
import org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Block;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.BodyDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ClassInstanceCreation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConstructorInvocation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Expression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ExpressionStatement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IMethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ITypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodInvocation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Name;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ReturnStatement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimpleName;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelStatus;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.Assert;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation.CodeGenerationSettings;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation.ImportRewrite;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.ASTNodeConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.ASTNodeFactory;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.ASTNodes;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.ASTRewrite;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.Bindings;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom.NodeFinder;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.Checks;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.RefactoringCoreMessages;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.RefactoringSearchEngine;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.SearchResult;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.SearchResultGroup;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.Change;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.Refactoring;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.RefactoringStatus;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.changes.CompilationUnitChange;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.changes.ValidationStateChange;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.structure.ASTNodeSearchUtil;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.typeconstraints.ASTCreator;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.util.ResourceUtil;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.textmanipulation.TextBuffer;
* Refactoring class that permits the substitution of a factory method
* for direct calls to a given constructor.
* @author rfuhrer
public class IntroduceFactoryRefactoring extends Refactoring {
* The <code>CodeGenerationSettings</code> governing this refactoring instance,
* typically passed in through the constructor.
private CodeGenerationSettings fCodeGenSettings;
* The handle for the compilation unit holding the selection that was
* passed into this refactoring.
private ICompilationUnit fCUHandle;
* The AST for the compilation unit holding the selection that was
* passed into this refactoring.
private CompilationUnit fCU;
* Handle for compilation unit in which the factory method/class/interface will be
* generated.
private ICompilationUnit fFactoryUnitHandle;
* The start of the original textual selection in effect when this refactoring
* was initiated. If the refactoring was initiated from a structured selection
* (e.g. from the outline view), then this refers to the textual selection that
* corresponds to the structured selection item.
private int fSelectionStart;
* The length of the original textual selection in effect when this refactoring
* was initiated. If the refactoring was initiated from a structured selection
* (e.g. from the outline view), then this refers to the textual selection that
* corresponds to the structured selection item.
private int fSelectionLength;
* The AST node corresponding to the user's textual selection.
private ASTNode fSelectedNode;
* The method binding for the selected constructor.
private IMethodBinding fCtorBinding;
* <code>TypeDeclaration</code> for class containing the constructor to be
* encapsulated.
private TypeDeclaration fCtorOwningClass;
* The name to be given to the generated factory method.
private String fNewMethodName= null;
* An array of <code>SearchResultGroup</code>'s of all call sites
* that refer to the constructor signature in question.
private SearchResultGroup[] fAllCallsTo;
* The class that will own the factory method/class/interface.
private TypeDeclaration fFactoryOwningClass;
* The newly-generated factory method.
private MethodDeclaration fFactoryMethod= null;
* An array containing the names of the constructor's formal arguments,
* if available, otherwise "arg1" ... "argN".
private String[] fFormalArgNames= null;
* An array of <code>ITypeBinding</code>'s that describes the types of
* the constructor arguments, in order.
private ITypeBinding[] fArgTypes;
* If true, change the visibility of the constructor to protected to better
* encapsulate it.
private boolean fProtectConstructor= true;
* An <code>ImportRewrite</code> that manages imports needed to satisfy
* newly-introduced type references in the <code>ICompilationUnit</code>
* currently being rewritten during <code>createChange()</code>.
private ImportRewrite fImportRewriter;
* True iff there are call sites for the constructor to be encapsulated
* located in binary classes.
private boolean fCallSitesInBinaryUnits;
* <code>CompilationUnit</code> in which the factory is to be created.
private CompilationUnit fFactoryCU;
private int fConstructorVisibility= Modifier.PRIVATE;
public static boolean isAvailable(IMethod method) throws JavaModelException {
return Checks.isAvailable(method) && method.isConstructor();
public static IntroduceFactoryRefactoring create(ICompilationUnit cu,
int selectionStart, int selectionLength,
CodeGenerationSettings settings) {
return new IntroduceFactoryRefactoring(cu, selectionStart, selectionLength, settings);
* Creates a new <code>IntroduceFactoryRefactoring</code> with the given selection
* on the given compilation unit.
* @param cu the <code>ICompilationUnit</code> in which the user selection was made
* @param selectionStart the start of the textual selection in <code>cu</code>
* @param selectionLength the length of the textual selection in <code>cu</code>
* @param settings
private IntroduceFactoryRefactoring(ICompilationUnit cu, int selectionStart, int selectionLength,
CodeGenerationSettings settings) {
Assert.isTrue(selectionStart >= 0);
Assert.isTrue(selectionLength >= 0);
fSelectionStart= selectionStart;
fSelectionLength= selectionLength;
fCUHandle= cu;
fCU= ASTCreator.createAST(fCUHandle, null);
fCodeGenSettings= settings;
* Finds and returns the <code>ASTNode</code> for the given source text
* selection, if it is an entire constructor call or the class name portion
* of a constructor call or constructor declaration, or null otherwise.
* @param unit The compilation unit in which the selection was made
* @param offset The textual offset of the start of the selection
* @param length The length of the selection in characters
* @return ClassInstanceCreation or MethodDeclaration
private ASTNode getTargetNode(ICompilationUnit unit, int offset, int length) {
ASTNode node= NodeFinder.perform(fCU, offset, length);
// First, find the proper node to inspect (may be the parent or child
// of the selected node, e.g., when the selected node is the name of
// the constructor to call, such that the parent is really the ctor
// invocation expression.
if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.SIMPLE_NAME)
node= node.getParent();
else if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT)
node= ((ExpressionStatement) node).getExpression();
if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.QUALIFIED_NAME)
node= node.getParent();
if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.CLASS_INSTANCE_CREATION ||
(node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.METHOD_DECLARATION && ((MethodDeclaration) node).isConstructor()))
return node;
return null;
* Determines what kind of AST node was selected, and returns an error status
* if the kind of node is inappropriate for this refactoring.
* @param pm
* @return a RefactoringStatus indicating whether the selection is valid
* @throws JavaModelException
private RefactoringStatus checkSelection(IProgressMonitor pm) throws JavaModelException {
try {
pm.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.examiningSelection"), 2); //$NON-NLS-1$
fSelectedNode= getTargetNode(fCUHandle, fSelectionStart, fSelectionLength);
if (fSelectedNode == null)
return RefactoringStatus.createFatalErrorStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.notAConstructorInvocation")); //$NON-NLS-1$
// getTargetNode() must return either a ClassInstanceCreation or a
// constructor MethodDeclaration; nothing else.
if (fSelectedNode instanceof ClassInstanceCreation)
fCtorBinding= ((ClassInstanceCreation) fSelectedNode).resolveConstructorBinding();
else if (fSelectedNode instanceof MethodDeclaration)
fCtorBinding= ((MethodDeclaration) fSelectedNode).resolveBinding();
if (fCtorBinding == null)
return RefactoringStatus.createFatalErrorStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.unableToResolveConstructorBinding")); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (fNewMethodName == null)
fNewMethodName= "create" + fCtorBinding.getName();//$NON-NLS-1$
// We don't handle constructors of nested types at the moment
if (fCtorBinding.getDeclaringClass().isNested())
return RefactoringStatus.createFatalErrorStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.unsupportedNestedTypes")); //$NON-NLS-1$
ITypeBinding ctorType= fCtorBinding.getDeclaringClass();
IType ctorOwningType= Bindings.findType(ctorType, fCUHandle.getJavaProject());
if (ctorOwningType.isBinary())
// Can't modify binary CU; don't know what CU to put factory method
return RefactoringStatus.createFatalErrorStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.constructorInBinaryClass")); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Put the generated factory method inside the type that owns the constructor
fFactoryUnitHandle= ctorOwningType.getCompilationUnit();
fFactoryCU= getASTFor(fFactoryUnitHandle);
Name ctorOwnerName= (Name) NodeFinder.perform(fFactoryCU, ctorOwningType.getNameRange());
fCtorOwningClass= (TypeDeclaration) ASTNodes.getParent(ctorOwnerName, TypeDeclaration.class);
fFactoryOwningClass= fCtorOwningClass;
return new RefactoringStatus();
} finally {
* @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.Refactoring#checkActivation(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
public RefactoringStatus checkActivation(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException {
try {
pm.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.checkingActivation"), 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!fCUHandle.isStructureKnown())
return RefactoringStatus.createFatalErrorStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.syntaxError")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return checkSelection(new SubProgressMonitor(pm, 1));
} finally {
* Returns the set of compilation units that will be affected by this
* particular invocation of this refactoring. This in general includes
* the class containing the constructor in question, as well as all
* call sites to the constructor.
* @return ICompilationUnit[]
private ICompilationUnit[] collectAffectedUnits(SearchResultGroup[] searchHits) {
Collection result= new ArrayList();
boolean hitInFactoryClass= false;
for(int i=0; i < searchHits.length; i++) {
SearchResultGroup rg= searchHits[i];
ICompilationUnit icu= rg.getCompilationUnit();
if (icu.equals(fFactoryUnitHandle))
hitInFactoryClass= true;
if (!hitInFactoryClass)
return (ICompilationUnit[]) result.toArray(new ICompilationUnit[result.size()]);
* Returns an <code>ISearchPattern</code> that finds all calls to the constructor
* identified by the argument <code>methodBinding</code>.
private ISearchPattern createSearchPattern(IMethodBinding methodBinding) throws JavaModelException {
RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.noBindingForSelectedConstructor")); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Find the IMethod corresponding to the given method binding and use that
// as the basis for the search pattern.
ICompilationUnit unit= ASTCreator.getCu(fSelectedNode);
IJavaProject javaProject= (IJavaProject) unit.getAncestor(IJavaElement.JAVA_PROJECT);
IMethod method= Bindings.findMethod(methodBinding, javaProject);
if (method != null)
return SearchEngine.createSearchPattern(method, IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES);
else { // perhaps a synthetic method? (but apparently not always... hmmm...)
// Can't find an IMethod for this method, so build a string pattern instead
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
for(int i=0; i < fArgTypes.length; i++) {
if (i != 0)
buf.append(","); //$NON-NLS-1$
buf.append(")"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return SearchEngine.createSearchPattern(buf.toString(), IJavaSearchConstants.CONSTRUCTOR, IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES, true);
* Returns an array of <code>SearchResultGroup</code>'s like the argument,
* but omitting those groups that have no corresponding compilation unit
* (i.e. are binary and therefore can't be modified).
private SearchResultGroup[] excludeBinaryUnits(SearchResultGroup[] groups) {
Collection/*<SearchResultGroup>*/ result= new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
SearchResultGroup rg= groups[i];
ICompilationUnit unit= rg.getCompilationUnit();
if (unit != null) // Ignore hits within a binary unit
fCallSitesInBinaryUnits= true;
return (SearchResultGroup[]) result.toArray(new SearchResultGroup[result.size()]);
* Search for all calls to the given <code>IMethodBinding</code> in the project
* that contains the compilation unit <code>fCUHandle</code>.
* @param methodBinding
* @param pm
* @return an array of <code>SearchResultGroup</code>'s that identify the search matches
* @throws JavaModelException
private SearchResultGroup[] searchForCallsTo(IMethodBinding methodBinding, IProgressMonitor pm) throws JavaModelException {
ISearchPattern pattern= createSearchPattern(methodBinding);
IJavaProject javaProj= (IJavaProject) fCUHandle.getAncestor(IJavaElement.JAVA_PROJECT);
IJavaSearchScope scope= SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[] { javaProj }, false);
SearchResultGroup[] groups=, scope, pattern);
return groups;
* Returns an array of <code>SearchResultGroup</code>'s containing all method
* calls in the Java project that invoke the constructor identified by the given
* <code>IMethodBinding</code>
* @param ctorBinding an <code>IMethodBinding</code> identifying a particular
* constructor signature to search for
* @param pm an <code>IProgressMonitor</code> to use during this potentially
* lengthy operation
* @return an array of <code>SearchResultGroup</code>'s identifying all
* calls to the given constructor signature
private SearchResultGroup[] findAllCallsTo(IMethodBinding ctorBinding, IProgressMonitor pm) throws JavaModelException {
SearchResultGroup[] groups= excludeBinaryUnits(searchForCallsTo(ctorBinding, pm));
return groups;
* @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.Refactoring#checkInput(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
public RefactoringStatus checkInput(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException {
try {
pm.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.checking_preconditions"), 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
fArgTypes= fCtorBinding.getParameterTypes();
fAllCallsTo= findAllCallsTo(fCtorBinding, pm);
fFormalArgNames= findCtorArgNames();
ICompilationUnit[] affectedFiles= collectAffectedUnits(fAllCallsTo);
RefactoringStatus result= Checks.validateModifiesFiles(ResourceUtil.getFiles(affectedFiles));
if (fCallSitesInBinaryUnits)
result.merge(RefactoringStatus.createWarningStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.callSitesInBinaryClass"))); //$NON-NLS-1$
return result;
} finally {
* Returns an array containing the argument names for the constructor
* identified by <code>fCtorBinding</code>, if available, or default
* names if unavailable (e.g. if the constructor resides in a binary unit).
private String[] findCtorArgNames() {
int numArgs= fCtorBinding.getParameterTypes().length;
String[] names= new String[numArgs];
CompilationUnit ctorUnit= (CompilationUnit) ASTNodes.getParent(fCtorOwningClass, CompilationUnit.class);
MethodDeclaration ctorDecl= (MethodDeclaration) ctorUnit.findDeclaringNode(fCtorBinding.getKey());
if (ctorDecl != null) {
List formalArgs= ctorDecl.parameters();
int i= 0;
for(Iterator iter= formalArgs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) {
SingleVariableDeclaration svd= (SingleVariableDeclaration);
names[i]= svd.getName().getIdentifier();
return names;
// Have no way of getting the formal argument names; just fake it.
for(int i=0; i < numArgs; i++)
names[i]= "arg" + (i+1); //$NON-NLS-1$
return names;
* Creates and returns a new MethodDeclaration that represents the factory
* method to be used in place of direct calls to the constructor in question.
* @param ast An AST used as a factory for various AST nodes
* @param ctorBinding binding for the constructor being wrapped
* @param unitRewriter the ASTRewrite to be used
* @return
private MethodDeclaration createFactoryMethod(AST ast, IMethodBinding ctorBinding, ASTRewrite unitRewriter) {
MethodDeclaration newMethod= ast.newMethodDeclaration();
SimpleName newMethodName= ast.newSimpleName(fNewMethodName);
ClassInstanceCreation newCtorCall= ast.newClassInstanceCreation();
ReturnStatement ret= ast.newReturnStatement();
Block body= ast.newBlock();
List stmts= body.statements();
String retTypeName= ctorBinding.getName();
createFactoryMethodSignature(ast, newMethod);
newMethod.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC);
createFactoryMethodConstructorArgs(ast, newCtorCall);
return newMethod;
* Creates and adds the necessary argument declarations to the given factory method.<br>
* An argument is needed for each original constructor argument for which the
* evaluation of the actual arguments across all calls was not able to be
* pushed inside the factory method (e.g. arguments with side-effects, references
* to fields if the factory method is to be static or reside in a factory class,
* or arguments that varied across the set of constructor calls).<br>
* <code>fArgTypes</code> identifies such arguments by a <code>null</code> value.
* @param ast utility object used to create AST nodes
* @param newMethod the <code>MethodDeclaration</code> for the factory method
private void createFactoryMethodSignature(AST ast, MethodDeclaration newMethod) {
List argTypes= newMethod.parameters();
for(int i=0; i < fArgTypes.length; i++) {
SingleVariableDeclaration argDecl= ast.newSingleVariableDeclaration();
argDecl.setType(ASTNodeFactory.newType(ast, fArgTypes[i], true));
ITypeBinding[] ctorExcepts= fCtorBinding.getExceptionTypes();
List exceptions= newMethod.thrownExceptions();
for(int i=0; i < ctorExcepts.length; i++) {
String excName= fImportRewriter.addImport(ctorExcepts[i]);
exceptions.add(ASTNodeFactory.newName(ast, excName));
* Create the list of actual arguments to the constructor call that is
* encapsulated inside the factory method, and associate the arguments
* with the given constructor call object.
* @param ast utility object used to create AST nodes
* @param newCtorCall the newly-generated constructor call to be wrapped inside
* the factory method
private void createFactoryMethodConstructorArgs(AST ast, ClassInstanceCreation newCtorCall) {
List argList= newCtorCall.arguments();
for(int i=0; i < fArgTypes.length; i++) {
ASTNode ctorArg= ast.newSimpleName(fFormalArgNames[i]);
* Creates and returns a new MethodInvocation node to represent a call to
* the factory method that replaces a direct constructor call.<br>
* The original constructor call is marked as replaced by the new method
* call with the ASTRewrite instance fCtorCallRewriter.
* @param ast utility object used to create AST nodes
* @param ctorCall the ClassInstanceCreation to be marked as replaced
private MethodInvocation createFactoryMethodCall(AST ast, ClassInstanceCreation ctorCall,
ASTRewrite unitRewriter, TextEditGroup gd) {
MethodInvocation factoryMethodCall= ast.newMethodInvocation();
List actualFactoryArgs= factoryMethodCall.arguments();
List actualCtorArgs= ctorCall.arguments();
String rawMethodName= fNewMethodName;
String methodName;
// Need to use a qualified name for the factory method if we're not
// in the context of the class holding the factory.
TypeDeclaration callOwner= (TypeDeclaration) ASTNodes.getParent(ctorCall, TypeDeclaration.class);
ITypeBinding callOwnerBinding= callOwner.resolveBinding();
if (callOwnerBinding == null ||
!Bindings.equals(callOwner.resolveBinding(), fFactoryOwningClass.resolveBinding())) {
String qualifier= fImportRewriter.addImport(fFactoryOwningClass.resolveBinding());
methodName= qualifier + "." + rawMethodName; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else
methodName= rawMethodName;
for(int i=0; i < fArgTypes.length; i++) {
Expression actualCtorArg= (Expression) actualCtorArgs.get(i);
ASTNode movedArg= unitRewriter.createMove(actualCtorArg);
// unitRewriter.createMove(actualCtorArg);
// ASTNode rewrittenArg= rewriteArgument(actualCtorArg);
// actualFactoryArgs.add(rewrittenArg);
unitRewriter.markAsReplaced(ctorCall, factoryMethodCall, gd);
return factoryMethodCall;
* Returns true iff the given <code>ICompilationUnit</code> is the unit
* containing the original constructor.
* @param unit
private boolean isConstructorUnit(ICompilationUnit unit) {
return unit.equals(ASTCreator.getCu(fCtorOwningClass));
* Returns true iff we should actually change the original constructor's
* visibility to <code>protected</code>. This takes into account the user-
* requested mode and whether the constructor's compilation unit is in
* source form.
private boolean shouldProtectConstructor() {
return fProtectConstructor && fCtorOwningClass != null;
static final int VISIBILITY_MASK= (Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.PROTECTED | Modifier.PRIVATE);
* Creates and adds the necessary change to make the constructor method protected.
* Returns false iff the constructor didn't exist (i.e. was implicit)
* @param unit
* @param unitChange
* @param root
* @param buffer
private boolean protectConstructor(CompilationUnit unitAST, ASTRewrite unitRewriter, TextEditGroup declGD) {
MethodDeclaration constructor= (MethodDeclaration) unitAST.findDeclaringNode(fCtorBinding.getKey());
// No need to rewrite the modifiers if the visibility is what we already want it to be.
if (constructor == null || (constructor.getModifiers() & VISIBILITY_MASK) == fConstructorVisibility)
return false;
constructor, ASTNodeConstants.MODIFIERS,
new Integer(ASTNodes.changeVisibility(constructor.getModifiers(), fConstructorVisibility)),
return true;
* Add all changes necessary on the <code>ICompilationUnit</code> in the given
* <code>SearchResultGroup</code> to implement the refactoring transformation
* to the given <code>CompilationUnitChange</code>.
* @param rg the <code>SearchResultGroup</code> for which changes should be created
* @param unitChange the CompilationUnitChange object for the compilation unit in question
* @throws CoreException
private boolean addAllChangesFor(SearchResultGroup rg, ICompilationUnit unitHandle, CompilationUnitChange unitChange) throws CoreException {
// ICompilationUnit unitHandle= rg.getCompilationUnit();
Assert.isTrue(rg == null || rg.getCompilationUnit() == unitHandle);
CompilationUnit unit= getASTFor(unitHandle);
ASTRewrite unitRewriter= new ASTRewrite(unit);
TextBuffer buffer= null;
MultiTextEdit root= new MultiTextEdit();
boolean someChange= false;
try {
buffer= TextBuffer.acquire((IFile) unitHandle.getResource());
fImportRewriter= new ImportRewrite(unitHandle, fCodeGenSettings);
// First create the factory method
if (unitHandle.equals(fFactoryUnitHandle)) {
TextEditGroup factoryGD= new TextEditGroup(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.addFactoryMethod")); //$NON-NLS-1$
createFactoryChange(unitRewriter, unit, factoryGD);
someChange= true;
// Now rewrite all the constructor calls to use the factory method
if (rg != null)
if (replaceConstructorCalls(rg, unit, unitRewriter, unitChange))
someChange= true;
// Finally, make the constructor private, if requested.
if (shouldProtectConstructor() && isConstructorUnit(unitHandle)) {
TextEditGroup declGD= new TextEditGroup(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.protectConstructor")); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (protectConstructor(unit, unitRewriter, declGD)) {
someChange= true;
if (someChange) {
unitRewriter.rewriteNode(buffer, root);
fImportRewriter.rewrite(buffer, root);
} finally {
if (unitRewriter != null)
if (buffer != null)
return someChange;
* Returns an AST for the given compilation unit handle.<br>
* If this is the unit containing the selection or the unit in which the factory
* is to reside, checks the appropriate field (<code>fCU</code> or <code>fFactoryCU</code>,
* respectively) and initializes the field with a new AST only if not already done.
private CompilationUnit getASTFor(ICompilationUnit unitHandle) {
if (unitHandle.equals(fCUHandle)) { // is this the unit containing the selection?
if (fCU == null) {
fCU= ASTCreator.createAST(unitHandle, null);
if (fCU.equals(fFactoryUnitHandle)) // if selection unit and factory unit are the same...
fFactoryCU= fCU; // ...make sure the factory unit gets initialized
return fCU;
} else if (unitHandle.equals(fFactoryUnitHandle)) { // is this the "factory unit"?
if (fFactoryCU == null)
fFactoryCU= ASTCreator.createAST(unitHandle, null);
return fFactoryCU;
} else
return ASTCreator.createAST(unitHandle, null);
* Use the given <code>ASTRewrite</code> to replace direct calls to the constructor
* with calls to the newly-created factory method.
* @param rg the <code>SearchResultGroup</code> indicating all of the constructor references
* @param unit the <code>CompilationUnit</code> to be rewritten
* @param unitRewriter
* @param gd the <code>GroupDescription</code> to associate with the changes
* @throws JavaModelException
* @return true iff at least one constructor call site was rewritten.
private boolean replaceConstructorCalls(SearchResultGroup rg, CompilationUnit unit,
ASTRewrite unitRewriter, CompilationUnitChange unitChange)
throws JavaModelException {
SearchResult[] hits= rg.getSearchResults();
AST ctorCallAST= unit.getAST();
boolean someCallPatched= false;
for(int i=0; i < hits.length; i++) {
ClassInstanceCreation creation= getCtorCallAt(hits[i].getStart(), hits[i].getEnd(), unit);
if (creation != null) {
TextEditGroup gd= new TextEditGroup(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.replaceCalls")); //$NON-NLS-1$
createFactoryMethodCall(ctorCallAST, creation, unitRewriter, gd);
someCallPatched= true;
return someCallPatched;
* Look "in the vicinity" of the given range to find the <code>ClassInstanceCreation</code>
* node that this search hit identified. Necessary because the <code>SearchEngine</code>
* doesn't always cough up text extents that <code>NodeFinder.perform()</code> agrees with.
* @param start
* @param end
* @param unitAST
* @return may return null if this is really a constructor->constructor call (e.g. "this(...)")
private ClassInstanceCreation getCtorCallAt(int start, int end, CompilationUnit unitAST) throws JavaModelException {
ICompilationUnit unitHandle= ASTCreator.getCu(unitAST);
int length= end - start;
ASTNode node= NodeFinder.perform(unitAST, start, length);
if (node == null)
throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IStatus.ERROR,
RefactoringCoreMessages.getFormattedString("IntroduceFactory.noASTNodeForConstructorSearchHit", //$NON-NLS-1$
new Object[] { Integer.toString(start), Integer.toString(end),
unitHandle.getSource().substring(start, end),
unitHandle.getElementName() })));
if (node instanceof ClassInstanceCreation) {
return (ClassInstanceCreation) node;
} else if (node instanceof VariableDeclaration) {
Expression init= ((VariableDeclaration) node).getInitializer();
if (init instanceof ClassInstanceCreation) {
return (ClassInstanceCreation) init;
} else if (init != null)
throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IStatus.ERROR,
RefactoringCoreMessages.getFormattedString("IntroduceFactory.unexpectedInitializerNodeType", //$NON-NLS-1$
new Object[] { init.toString(), unitHandle.getElementName() })));
throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IStatus.ERROR,
RefactoringCoreMessages.getFormattedString("IntroduceFactory.noConstructorCallNodeInsideFoundVarbleDecl", //$NON-NLS-1$
new Object[] { node.toString() })));
} else if (node instanceof ConstructorInvocation) {
// This is a call we can bypass; it's from one constructor flavor
// to another flavor on the same class.
return null;
} else if (node instanceof ExpressionStatement) {
Expression expr= ((ExpressionStatement) node).getExpression();
if (expr instanceof ClassInstanceCreation)
return (ClassInstanceCreation) expr;
throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IStatus.ERROR,
RefactoringCoreMessages.getFormattedString("IntroduceFactory.unexpectedASTNodeTypeForConstructorSearchHit", //$NON-NLS-1$
new Object[] { expr.toString(), unitHandle.getElementName() })));
} else if (node instanceof SimpleName && node.getParent() instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
// We seem to have been given a hit for an implicit call to the base-class constructor.
// Do nothing with this (implicit) call, but have to make sure we make the derived class
// doesn't lose access to the base-class constructor (so make it 'protected', not 'private').
fConstructorVisibility= Modifier.PROTECTED;
return null;
} else
throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IStatus.ERROR,
RefactoringCoreMessages.getFormattedString("IntroduceFactory.unexpectedASTNodeTypeForConstructorSearchHit", //$NON-NLS-1$
new Object[] { node.getClass().getName() + "('" + node.toString() + "')", unitHandle.getElementName() }))); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* Perform the AST rewriting necessary on the given <code>CompilationUnit</code>
* to create the factory method. The method will reside on the type identified by
* <code>fFactoryOwningClass</code>.
* @param unitRewriter
* @param unit
* @param gd the <code>GroupDescription</code> to associate with the changes made
private void createFactoryChange(ASTRewrite unitRewriter, CompilationUnit unit, TextEditGroup gd) {
// ================================================================================
// First add the factory itself (method, class, and interface as needed/directed by user)
AST ast= unit.getAST();
fFactoryMethod= createFactoryMethod(ast, fCtorBinding, unitRewriter);
TypeDeclaration factoryOwner= (TypeDeclaration) unit.findDeclaringNode(fFactoryOwningClass.resolveBinding().getKey());
TypeDeclaration methodOwner= factoryOwner;
List methodDeclList= methodOwner.bodyDeclarations(); // where to put factory method
int idx= ASTNodes.getInsertionIndex(fFactoryMethod, methodDeclList);
if (idx < 0) idx= 0; // Guard against bug in getInsertionIndex()
methodDeclList.add(idx, fFactoryMethod);
unitRewriter.markAsInserted(fFactoryMethod, gd);
* @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.IRefactoring#createChange(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
public Change createChange(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException {
pm.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.createChanges"), fAllCallsTo.length); //$NON-NLS-1$
final ValidationStateChange result= new ValidationStateChange(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.topLevelChangeLabel") + fCtorBinding.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
try {
boolean hitInFactoryClass= false;
boolean hitInCtorClass= false;
for(int i=0; i < fAllCallsTo.length; i++) {
SearchResultGroup rg= fAllCallsTo[i];
ICompilationUnit unitHandle= rg.getCompilationUnit();
CompilationUnitChange cuChange= new CompilationUnitChange(getName(), unitHandle);
if (addAllChangesFor(rg, unitHandle, cuChange))
if (unitHandle.equals(fFactoryUnitHandle))
hitInFactoryClass= true;
if (unitHandle.equals(ASTCreator.getCu(fCtorOwningClass)))
hitInCtorClass= true;
if (!hitInFactoryClass) { // Handle factory class if no search hits there
CompilationUnitChange cuChange= new CompilationUnitChange(getName(), fFactoryUnitHandle);
addAllChangesFor(null, fFactoryUnitHandle, cuChange);
if (!hitInCtorClass && !fFactoryUnitHandle.equals(ASTCreator.getCu(fCtorOwningClass))) { // Handle constructor-owning class if no search hits there
CompilationUnitChange cuChange= new CompilationUnitChange(getName(), ASTCreator.getCu(fCtorOwningClass));
addAllChangesFor(null, ASTCreator.getCu(fCtorOwningClass), cuChange);
return result;
} finally {
* @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.IRefactoring#getName()
public String getName() {
return RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("");//$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns the name to be used for the generated factory method.
public String getNewMethodName() {
return fNewMethodName;
* Sets the name to be used for the generated factory method.<br>
* Returns a <code>RefactoringStatus</code> that indicates whether the
* given name is valid for the new factory method.
* @param newMethodName the name to be used for the generated factory method
public RefactoringStatus setNewMethodName(String newMethodName) {
fNewMethodName = newMethodName;
RefactoringStatus stat= Checks.checkMethodName(newMethodName);
return stat;
* Returns a <code>RefactoringStatus</code> that identifies whether the
* the name <code>newMethodName</code> is available to use as the name of
* the new factory method within the factory-owner class (either a to-be-
* created factory class or the constructor-owning class, depending on the
* user options).
* @param methodName
private RefactoringStatus isUniqueMethodName(String methodName) {
boolean conflict= hasMethod(fFactoryOwningClass, methodName);
return conflict ? RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.duplicateMethodName") + methodName) : new RefactoringStatus(); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns true iff the given <code>TypeDeclaration</code> has a method with
* the given name.
* @param type
* @param name
private boolean hasMethod(TypeDeclaration type, String name) {
List decls= type.bodyDeclarations();
for (Iterator iter = decls.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
BodyDeclaration decl = (BodyDeclaration);
if (decl instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
if (((MethodDeclaration) decl).getName().getIdentifier().equals(name))
return true;
return false;
* Returns true iff the selected constructor can be protected.
* @return
public boolean canProtectConstructor() {
return !fCtorBinding.isSynthetic() && fFactoryCU.findDeclaringNode(fCtorBinding.getKey()) != null;
* If the argument is true, change the visibility of the constructor to
* <code>protected</code>, thereby encapsulating it.
* @param protectConstructor
public void setProtectConstructor(boolean protectConstructor) {
fProtectConstructor = protectConstructor;
* Returns the project on behalf of which this refactoring was invoked.
public IJavaProject getProject() {
return fCUHandle.getJavaProject();
* Sets the class on which the generated factory method is to be placed.
* @param type an <code>IType</code> referring to an existing class
public RefactoringStatus setFactoryClass(String fullyQualifiedTypeName) {
IType factoryType;
try {
factoryType= getProject().findType(fullyQualifiedTypeName);
if (factoryType == null)
return RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getFormattedString("IntroduceFactory.noSuchClass", fullyQualifiedTypeName)); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (factoryType.isInterface())
return RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.cantPutFactoryMethodOnInterface")); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (JavaModelException e1) {
return RefactoringStatus.createFatalErrorStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.cantCheckForInterface")); //$NON-NLS-1$
ICompilationUnit factoryUnitHandle= factoryType.getCompilationUnit();
if (factoryType.isBinary())
return RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus(RefactoringCoreMessages.getString("IntroduceFactory.cantPutFactoryInBinaryClass")); //$NON-NLS-1$
else {
try {
if (!fFactoryUnitHandle.equals(factoryUnitHandle)) {
fFactoryCU= getASTFor(factoryUnitHandle);
fFactoryUnitHandle= factoryUnitHandle;
fFactoryOwningClass= ASTNodeSearchUtil.getTypeDeclarationNode(factoryType, fFactoryCU);
String factoryPkg= factoryType.getPackageFragment().getElementName();
String ctorPkg= fCtorOwningClass.resolveBinding().getPackage().getName();
if (!factoryPkg.equals(ctorPkg))
fConstructorVisibility= Modifier.PUBLIC;
else if (fFactoryOwningClass != fCtorOwningClass)
fConstructorVisibility= 0; // No such thing as Modifier.PACKAGE...
if (fFactoryOwningClass != fCtorOwningClass)
fConstructorVisibility= 0; // No such thing as Modifier.PACKAGE...
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return new RefactoringStatus();
* Returns the name of the class on which the generated factory method is
* to be placed.
public String getFactoryClassName() {
return fFactoryOwningClass.resolveBinding().getQualifiedName();