blob: b2870793da32871b5c4299744375cdc185afa979 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright: NEHTA 2015
* Author: Joerg Kiegeland, Distributed Models Pty Ltd
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.mdht.transformation.ocl;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.ocl.OCL;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ParserException;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.BooleanLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionItem;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionLiteralPart;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IntegerLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IteratorExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.LetExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OCLExpression;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OperationCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.PropertyCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.StringLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.TypeExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.Variable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.VariableExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.helper.OCLHelper;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.CollectionType;
import org.eclipse.ocl.types.TypeType;
* Abstract transformation from OCL to XPath or C# (UML or Ecore OCL is used by subclasses of this class by binding the type parameters)
* @author Joe
* @param <PK>
* @param <C>
* @param <O>
* @param <P>
* @param <EL>
* @param <PM>
* @param <S>
* @param <COA>
* @param <SSA>
* @param <CT>
* @param <CLS>
* @param <E>
abstract public class OCLTransformation<PK, C, O extends EModelElement, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> {
* The name for the self variable
protected String selfVariable = "self";
protected boolean isMany;
* Holds all current variable bindings valid at the current transformation stage
protected Map<Variable<C, PM>, String> bindings;
* Remembers all expressions of the form "not(innerExpression)"; Note: "not(a) and (b or c)" has not this form!
protected Set<String> negatedExpressions = new HashSet<String>();
OCLHelper<C, O, P, CT> helper;
protected DomainSpecificOCLHandler<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> domainSpecificOCLHandler = new DomainSpecificOCLHandler<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E>();
public DomainSpecificOCLHandler<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> getDomainSpecificOCLHandler() {
return domainSpecificOCLHandler;
public void setDomainSpecificOCLHandler(DomainSpecificOCLHandler<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> domainSpecificOCLHandler) {
this.domainSpecificOCLHandler = domainSpecificOCLHandler;
protected ResourceSet rset;
public void setResourceSet(ResourceSet resourceSet) {
this.rset = resourceSet;
* @param exp
* @return returns the string representation of the target language's equivalent for the given expression
public String transform(OCLExpression<C> exp) {
if (exp instanceof OperationCallExp) {
OperationCallExp<C, O> op = (OperationCallExp<C, O>) exp;
String opName = getName(op.getReferredOperation());
String domainSpecific = transformDomainSpecific(op, opName);
if (domainSpecific != null)
return domainSpecific;
if ("oclAsType".equals(opName)) {
String source = transform(op.getSource());
String i = newVar();
C t = ((TypeType<C, O>) op.getArgument().get(0).getType()).getReferredType();
C tBase = getBaseType(t);
if (tBase == op.getSource().getType())
return source;
if (isSuperTypeOf(op.getSource().getType(), tBase))
return iterator(typeCast(i, getName(tBase)), i, "collect", source);
return source;
if ("oclIsKindOf".equals(opName) || "oclIsTypeOf".equals(opName)) {
String source = transform(op.getSource());
String i = newVar();
C t = ((TypeType<C, O>) op.getArgument().get(0).getType()).getReferredType();
String predicate = getTypeCheck(t, one(transform(op.getSource())));
if (predicate != null)
return predicate;
C tBase = getBaseType(t);
if (tBase == op.getSource().getType())
return "true()";
if (isSuperTypeOf(op.getSource().getType(), tBase))
return iterator(instanceOf(i, getName(tBase)), i, "forAll", source);
return "true()";
if ("oclIsUndefined".equals(opName)) {
return isEmpty(transform(op.getSource()));
if ("not".equals(opName)) {
return not(transform(op.getSource()));
if ("isEmpty".equals(opName)) {
return isEmpty(transform(op.getSource()));
if ("notEmpty".equals(opName)) {
return transform(op.getSource());
if ("implies".equals(opName)) {
return not(transform(op.getSource())) + op("or") + transform(op.getArgument().get(0));
if ("or".equals(opName) || "xor".equals(opName)) {
String result = transform(op.getSource());
for (org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OCLExpression<C> x : op.getArgument()) {
result += op(opName) + transform(x) + "";
if (exp.eContainer() instanceof OperationCallExp) {
OperationCallExp<C, O> operationCallExp2 = (OperationCallExp<C, O>) exp.eContainer();
if ("and".equals(getName(operationCallExp2.getReferredOperation()))) {
return "(" + result + ")";
return result;
if ("and".equals(opName)) {
String result = transform(op.getSource());
for (org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OCLExpression<C> x : op.getArgument()) {
result += op(opName) + transform(x) + "";
return result;
if ("=".equals(opName) || "<=".equals(opName) || ">=".equals(opName) || "<".equals(opName) || ">".equals(opName) || "<>".equals(opName)) {
if ("=".equals(opName) && op.getSource().getType() instanceof CollectionType && op.getArgument().get(0).getType() instanceof CollectionType) {
return deepEqual(opName, transform(op.getSource()), transform(op.getArgument().get(0)));
return compare(opName, transform(op.getSource()), transform(op.getArgument().get(0)));
if ("asSequence".equals(opName)) {
return transform(op.getSource());
C eClass = (C) op.getReferredOperation().eContainer();
String oclString = getFromOperations(eClass, getName(op.getReferredOperation()), "__EOCL_EXP");
EAnnotation anno = op.getReferredOperation().getEAnnotation("");
if (oclString == null && anno != null) {
oclString = anno.getDetails().get("documentation");
if (oclString != null) {
OCLExpression<C> exp2 = getOCLExpression(eClass, oclString, false);
String body = transformWithNewBindings(exp2, selfVariable);
String result = step(transform(op.getSource()), body);
return result;
String source = transform(op.getSource());
String params = "";
for (OCLExpression<C> arg : op.getArgument())
params += ", " + transform(arg);
if (params.startsWith(", "))
params = params.substring(", ".length());
if ("includes".equals(opName)) {
return contains(source, params);
String i = newVar();
String n = "collect";
if ("Boolean".equals(getName(op.getType())))
n = "exists";
return iterator(i + "." + opName + "(" + params + ")", i, n, source);
if (exp instanceof PropertyCallExp) {
PropertyCallExp<C, P> propertyCallExp = (PropertyCallExp<C, P>) exp;
return step(transform(propertyCallExp.getSource()), propertyCallExp.getReferredProperty());
if (exp instanceof IteratorExp) {
IteratorExp<C, PM> iteratorExp = (IteratorExp<C, PM>) exp;
String n = iteratorExp.getName();
String self = transform(iteratorExp.getSource());
for (Variable<C, PM> var : iteratorExp.getIterator())
bindings.put(var, newVar());
try {
return iterator(iteratorExp, n, self);
} finally {
if (exp instanceof LetExp) {
LetExp<C, PM> letExp = (LetExp<C, PM>) exp;
String self = transform(letExp.getVariable().getInitExpression());
String i = newVar();
bindings.put(letExp.getVariable(), i);
String result = isNotEmpty(predicate(self, transform(letExp.getIn()), i));
return result;
if (exp instanceof VariableExp) {
VariableExp<C, PM> variableExp = (VariableExp<C, PM>) exp;
if (bindings.containsKey(variableExp.getReferredVariable()))
return referVar(bindings.get(variableExp.getReferredVariable()));
if (/* bindings.isEmpty() && */"self".equals(variableExp.getName())) {
return selfNode();
if (exp instanceof CollectionLiteralExp) {
CollectionLiteralExp<C> collectionLiteralExp = (CollectionLiteralExp<C>) exp;
if (collectionLiteralExp.getPart().isEmpty())
return "*[false()]";
if (collectionLiteralExp.getPart().size() > 1)
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported");
CollectionLiteralPart<C> part = collectionLiteralExp.getPart().get(0);
if (part instanceof CollectionItem) {
CollectionItem<C> collectionItem = (CollectionItem<C>) part;
return transform(collectionItem.getItem());
if (exp instanceof StringLiteralExp) {
StringLiteralExp<C> stringLiteralExp = (StringLiteralExp<C>) exp;
return "\"" + stringLiteralExp.getStringSymbol() + "\"";
if (exp instanceof IntegerLiteralExp) {
IntegerLiteralExp<C> integerLiteralExp = (IntegerLiteralExp<C>) exp;
return "" + integerLiteralExp.getIntegerSymbol();
if (exp instanceof BooleanLiteralExp) {
BooleanLiteralExp<C> booleanLiteralExp = (BooleanLiteralExp<C>) exp;
return booleanLiteralExp.getBooleanSymbol().toString() + "()";
if (exp instanceof TypeExp) {
TypeExp<C> typeExp = (TypeExp<C>) exp;
return typeof(getName(typeExp.getReferredType()));
throw new RuntimeException("Could not transform OCL: " + exp);
abstract public String typeof(String typeName);
public String getQualifiedName(P referredProperty) {
return domainSpecificOCLHandler.getPropertyName(referredProperty);
* @return a new introduced variable
public abstract String newVar();
* @param variable
* @return accesses the given variable
public String referVar(String variable) {
return variable;
* Compares the two values using the given operator
* @param operator
* @param lhs
* @param rhs
* @return
public String compare(String operator, String lhs, String rhs) {
return lhs + " " + op(operator) + " " + rhs;
* Compares the two list of values using the given operator
* @param operator
* @param lhs
* @param rhs
* @return
public String deepEqual(String operator, String lhs, String rhs) {
return lhs + " " + op(operator) + " " + rhs;
* Translate the given OCL iterator expression
* @param iteratorExp
* @param n
* the type of iterator
* @param source
* the translated source expression
* @return
protected String iterator(IteratorExp<C, PM> iteratorExp, String n, String source) {
String body = transform(iteratorExp.getBody());
String i = bindings.get(iteratorExp.getIterator().get(0));
return iterator(body, i, n, source);
public abstract String iterator(String body, String i, String n, String source);
* The equivalent to the given OCL operator
* @param operator
* @return
abstract protected String op(String operator);
* Gets some in Java implemented domain specific operations across
* @param exp
* @param bindings
* @param op
* @param opName
* @return
protected String transformDomainSpecific(OperationCallExp<C, O> op, String opName) {
return domainSpecificOCLHandler.transformDomainSpecific(op, opName);
* Asks whether the given set is empty
* @param set
* @return an expression which has a boolean value
public abstract String isEmpty(String set);
* Negation of #isEmpty()
* @param set
* @return
public abstract String isNotEmpty(String set);
* @param type
* @return whether the given type is a class type (in contrast to a primitive type)
public boolean isClassType(C type) {
return getOCLInstance().getEnvironment().getUMLReflection().isClass(type);
* Negates the given expression, applying the rule not(not(x))=x if applicable
* @param expression
* to be negated
* @return equivalent to "not(expression)"
protected String not(String expression) {
String func = op("not") + "(";
if (negatedExpressions.contains(expression)) {
return expression.substring(func.length(), expression.length() - ")".length());
if ("true()".equals(expression))
return "false()";
if ("false()".equals(expression))
return "true()";
String result = func + expression + ")";
return result;
* Filters the given set by the given predicate using the given iterator variable i
* @param set
* @param predicate
* @param i
* @return
final public String predicate(String set, String predicate, String i) {
return iterator(predicate, i, "select", set);
* Queries the given property for all elements in the set, i.e. performs a location step
* @param set
* @param property
* @return
public abstract String step(String set, String property);
public String step(String set, P property) {
return step(set, getQualifiedName(property));
* @param namedObject
* @return queries getName() on the given object
final public String getName(Object namedObject) {
return domainSpecificOCLHandler.getName(namedObject);
public String transform(C context, String oclString) {
OCLExpression<C> exp = getOCLExpression(context, oclString, true);
return cosmetics(transformWithNewBindings(exp, selfVariable));
* Calls the transform() method, however initializes a new variable binding
* @param exp
* @param customSelfVariable
* can be a custom name for the self variable
* @return
public String transformWithNewBindings(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OCLExpression<C> exp, String customSelfVariable) {
Map<Variable<C, PM>, String> saveBindings = bindings;
String saveSelfName = selfVariable;
selfVariable = customSelfVariable;
bindings = new HashMap<Variable<C, PM>, String>();
try {
return transform(exp);
} finally {
bindings = saveBindings;
selfVariable = saveSelfName;
public abstract String cosmetics(String transform);
public abstract OCL<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> getOCLInstance();
public OCLExpression<C> getOCLExpression(C context, String oclString, boolean isInvariant) {
if (helper == null) {
EOCL_ENV = getOCLInstance();
helper = EOCL_ENV.createOCLHelper();
try {
if (!isInvariant) {
return helper.createQuery(oclString);
try {
CT EOCL_INV = helper.createInvariant(oclString);
OCLExpression<C> exp = EOCL_ENV.createQuery(EOCL_INV).getExpression();
isMany = exp.getType() instanceof CollectionType;
return exp;
} catch (Exception e) {
OCLExpression<C> exp = helper.createQuery(oclString);
return EOCL_ENV.createQuery(exp).getExpression();
} catch (ParserException pe) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(pe.getLocalizedMessage());
public String getFromOperations(C eClass, String opname, String suffix) {
// cannot access generated code here
return null;
* @return whether the OCL query is a boolean invariant (<code>false</code>) or returns a set of objects (<code>true</code>)
public boolean isMany() {
return isMany;
* how to encode the context variable
abstract protected String selfNode();
* Qualifies the given property
public String nsPrefix(String propertyName) {
return propertyName;
public String childNode(String step) {
return step + "/child::node()";
public String getTypeCheck(C clazz) {
return getTypeCheck(clazz, selfVariable);
public String getTypeCheck(C clazz, String customSelfVariable) {
return domainSpecificOCLHandler.getTypeCheck(clazz, customSelfVariable);
public String getValue(P property, String value) {
return "\"" + value + "\"";
public C getType(P property) {
C type = getOCLInstance().getEnvironment().getUMLReflection().getOCLType(property);
if (type instanceof CollectionType) {
CollectionType<C, O> collectionType = (CollectionType<C, O>) type;
return collectionType.getElementType();
return type;
public String one(String transform) {
return transform;
* @param lhs
* @param rhs
* @return whether the lhs type is a supertype of the rhs type
public boolean isSuperTypeOf(C lhs, C rhs) {
return getOCLInstance().getEnvironment().getUMLReflection().getAllSupertypes(rhs).contains(lhs);
public String typeCast(String object, String type) {
return object;
public String instanceOf(String object, String type) {
return null;
final protected C getBaseType(C t) {
return domainSpecificOCLHandler.getBaseType(t);
abstract public String contains(String set, String item);