blob: 0c7c3705264039cb80a06c968c430539d5107b6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright: NEHTA 2015
* Author: Joerg Kiegeland, Distributed Models Pty Ltd
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.mdht.transformation.ocl2csharp;
import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement;
import org.eclipse.mdht.transformation.ocl.OCL2ProgrammingLanguageTransformation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OCLExpression;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OperationCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.PropertyCallExp;
public abstract class OCL2CSharpTransformation<PK, C, O extends EModelElement, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> extends OCL2ProgrammingLanguageTransformation<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> {
public String listfunction(String steps, String body, String function, String i) {
return steps + "." + function + "(" + i + " => " + body + ")";
public String step(String set, String property) {
if (set.startsWith("Set(") && set.endsWith(")") && !set.contains(".")) {
// shortcut
String i = set.substring("Set(".length(), set.length() - ")".length());
return referVar(i + "." + property);
String i = newVar();
return "Flatten(" + listfunction(set, i + "." + property, "ConvertAll", i) + ")";
public String iterator(String body, String i, String n, String source) {
String result;
if ("collect".equals(n))
result = "Flatten(" + listfunction(source, body, "ConvertAll", i) + ")";
else if ("forAll".equals(n))
result = listfunction(source, body, "TrueForAll", i);
else if ("exists".equals(n))
result = listfunction(source, body, "Exists", i);
result = listfunction(source, body, "FindAll", i);
if ("one".equals(n))
return count(result) + "==1";
return result;
public String compare(String opName, String xpath, String xpath2) {
if ("=".equals(opName) && (xpath.startsWith("Set(") || xpath.startsWith("Flatten(")) && xpath.endsWith(")")) {
// optimization
return xpath + ".Contains(" + xpath2 + ")";
return "One(" + xpath + ")" + op(opName) + xpath2;
public String deepEqual(String operator, String lhs, String rhs) {
return "Enumerable.SequenceEqual(" + lhs + "," + rhs + ")";
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public String transform(OCLExpression exp) {
if (exp instanceof OperationCallExp) {
OperationCallExp<C, O> op = (OperationCallExp<C, O>) exp;
String opName = getName(op.getReferredOperation());
if ("first".equals(opName) || "last".equals(opName)) {
return transform(op.getSource()) + "." + WordUtils.capitalize(opName) + "()";
if ("at".equals(opName)) {
return transform(op.getSource()) + ".get(" + transform(op.getArgument().get(0)) + ")";
if (exp instanceof PropertyCallExp) {
PropertyCallExp<C, P> propertyCallExp = (PropertyCallExp<C, P>) exp;
String n = getName(propertyCallExp.getReferredProperty());
if ("high".equals(n) || "low".equals(n) || "width".equals(n) || "center".equals(n)) {
String t = "IVXB_TS";
if ("center".equals(n))
t = "TS";
if ("width".equals(n))
t = "PQ";
String self = transform(propertyCallExp.getSource());
String i = newVar();
String predicate = "getTime<" + t + ">(" + i + ", ItemsChoiceType3." + n + ")";
return listfunction(self, predicate, "ConvertAll", i);
return super.transform(exp);
public String typeCast(String object, String type) {
return object + " as " + type;
public String instanceOf(String object, String type) {
return object + " is " + type;
public String count(String transform) {
return transform + ".Count";
public String length(String string) {
return string + ".Length";
public String contains(String set, String item) {
return set + ".Contains(" + item + ")";
public String typeof(String typeName) {
return "typeof(" + typeName + ")";