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<title>openMDM 5 ApplicationModel</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">openMDM 5 ApplicationModel</h1>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">Overview</h2>
<img src="overview.png" />
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">Minimum Application Model</h2>
<div class="p">Represents a minimal MDM application model that contains only the absolutely necessary elements to store MDM data:<br /><ul>
<br /><ul>
<li>Contains basic information concerning the MDM data storage. </li>
<li>In each MDM storage, there is always exactly one instance of Environment. </li>
<li>Attribute 'MeaningOfAliases' is used for internationalization and contains all available locales.</li>
<li>Attribute 'Base_model_version' contains the version of the ODS base model used in the format 'asamXX'.</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Instances describe a physical dimension as a variation of one or more of the SI units.</li>
<li>Info relation to n Units. Each unit is convertible into each other by using the defined exponents. </li>
<li>Attributes Length, Mass, Time, Current, Temperature, MularAmount, LuminousIntensity contain exponents of the respective official SI units.</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Physical unit.</li>
<li>Mandatory relation to exactly one PhysicalDimension. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Root layer for the measurement data storage tree. Represents a group of measurement groups. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Second layer in the measurement data storage tree. Represents a group of measurements. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Third layer in the measurement data storage tree. Represents a measurement. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Fourth element in the measurement data storage tree. Represents a single step in a measurement. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Fifth element in the measurement data storage tree. Represents a group of measured channels. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Sixth element in the measurement data storage tree. Represents a measured channel. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Group of LocalCulumns. Each contained LocalCulumn must have the same number of measurement values. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Contains the measurement data for a single MeaQuantity. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Instances reference external files that contain measurement data. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Physical quantity that describes the quantity measured in a channel. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>A single element of a ResultParameterSet. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Contains test related parameters.</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Each instance represents a MDM user. May be used for authentication. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Roles of MDM users. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Contains the metadata description of the surrounding conditions in a MDM Test, e.g. weather or road conditions. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Contains the metadata description of the equipment used in a MDM Test, e.g. sensors. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Contains the metadata description of the subject of a MDM Test, e.g. a car or an engine. </li>
<li>Contains default instances of Environment, PhysDimension, Unit, User and Rule.</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Basic template for metadata of type "TestEquipment" </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Basic template of all metadata descriptions of sensors. </li>
<li>Only CatTestEquipmentComp may have CatSensors. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Basic template for attributes of CatSensors. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Basic template for attributes of TestEquipment metadata </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Basic template for metadata of type "TestSequence" </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Basic template for attributes of TestSequence metadata </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Basic template for metadata of type "UnitUnderTest" </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Basic template for attributes of UnitUnderTest metadata </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Group of TplTests. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Used when manually creating measurement values. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Used when manually creating measurement values. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Used when manually creating measurement values. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Used when manually creating measurement values. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Template for the metadata of a MDM Test. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Used as an allocation table for TplTest and TplTestStep </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Is a root node for TestEquipment meta data tree structure</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Describes a part of a TestEquipment meta data structure</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Template for the description of a MDM sensor. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Template for the attributes in the description of a MDM sensor. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Is an attribute of an TestEquipment meta data part</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Is a root node for TestSequence meta data tree structure</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Describes a part of a TestSequence meta data structure</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Is an attribute of an TestSequence meta data part</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Template for the metadata of a MDM TestStep.</li>
<li>Mandatory relation to TplTest. (via TplTestStepUsage)</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Is a root node for UnitUnderTest meta data tree structure</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Describes a part of a UnitUnderTest meta data structure</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Is an attribute of an UnitUnderTest meta data part</li>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">ExtSystem module</h2>
<p>Used for mappings between attributes in external system and MDM attributes.</p>
<div class="p"><br /><ul>
<br /><ul>
<li>Is used for attribute mapping between non-MDM systems and MDM. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>The ExtSystemAttr contains the external attribute. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Contains an attribute from the MDM metadata. </li>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">FavouriteList module</h2>
<p>Each instance of FavouriteList contains a list of ASAM paths. By using the info relation to a User instance, lists of ODS instances may be persisted on a per-user basis.
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">I18n module</h2>
<p>Used for internationalization of the MDM model.</p>
<div class="p"><br /><ul>
<br /><ul>
<li>Each instance represents an internationalization for a MDM element. </li>
<li>Contains instances of MDMLocalization with the default MDM internationalizations of the most common elements. </li>
<li>Contains an instance of Environment which defines the available locales. </li>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">MDMLog module</h2>
<p>Each instance of MDMLog contains a single log message.</p>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">Security module</h2>
<p>Contains ApplicationElements used to define the status, the classification and the domain of MDM tests.</p>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">SystemParameter module</h2>
<div class="p">Contains global configuration properties. It is also possible to create UserParameter instances, which are user specific properties.
<br /><ul>
<br /><ul>
<li>Global configuration property.</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>User-specific configuration property. Has a mandatory info relation to a User instance.</li>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">MDMTags module</h2>
<div class="p">Contains ApplicationElements for the usage of MDMTags.<br /><ul>
<br /><ul>
<li>The optional info relation is used to mark Tests, TestSteps or MeaResult. The marking may be used to identify MDM elements, e.g. by automated processes.</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Set of MDMTagParameters.</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>A property related to the respective instance of MDMTag. There is no semantic defined for the value attribute.</li>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">ValueList module</h2>
<div class="p">List of String values with descriptions. Optional relation to catalogue attributes.<br /><ul>
<br /><ul>
<li>Each instance contains list of String values. </li>
<li>Relations to catalogue attributes to provide a list of allowed values the attribute may assume. </li>
<br /><ul>
<li>A single element in a ValueList. Contains a value and a description. </li>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">Workflow module</h2>
<p>Contains the ApplicationElements of the MDM workflow model.</p>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">Geometry module (ODS Definition)</h2>
<p>A full documentation is available in the ODS 5.3.0 specification.
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">NVH module (ODS Definition)</h2>
<p>Contains only the official NVH physical dimension and unit instances. A full documentation of NVH is available in the ODS 5.3.0 specification.
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">NameMap module</h2>
<div class="p">Used by the ODS internationalization. Since MDM uses its own I18n (MDMLocalization), this module is unnecessary, unless other ODS applications connect to the MDM data storage.<br /><ul>
<br /><ul>
<li>Each instance represents the internationalization of the name of one ApplicationElement.</li>
<br /><ul>
<li>Each instance represents the internationalization of the name of an attribute of one ApplicationElement.</li>