blob: fa72f3030496f4866fa5fce35ec6e2c18905885d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AbstractTypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Annotation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AnnotationTypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.BodyDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.EnumDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.FieldDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IExtendedModifier;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ImportDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Javadoc;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PackageDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Type;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationFragment;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.BehavioredClassifier;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Comment;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Enumeration;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Feature;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Interface;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.VisibilityKind;
* This analyzer is used to create UML::element from JDT nodes.
* @author cedric dumoulin
public class JdtCompilationUnitAnalyzer {
public static String DEFAULT_GENERATION_PACKAGE_NAME = "generated";
public static String DEFAULT_ROOT_PACKAGE_NAME = "model";
private List<String> generationPackageQualifiedName;
* Root package of the generation. All generated elements will be added to this package, or one of
* its subpackages
private Package defaultGenerationPackage;
* Catalog used to get the package needed for a creation.
private CreationPackageCatalog creationPackageCatalog;
* Catalog used to lookup for a classifier. The catalog specifies a collection of models
* containing the java packages
private ClassifierCatalog classifierCatalog;
* Catalog used to store the imports and to lookup for the qualified name of an element.
private ImportedTypeCatalog importedTypes;
* Type resolver used to find a uml::Classifier from its name declared in the java file.
private TypeResolver typeResolver;
* Constructor.
* @param modelRootPackage
* @param generatePackageName
* @param searchPaths
public JdtCompilationUnitAnalyzer(Package modelRootPackage, String generatePackageName, List<String> searchPaths) {
initCompilationUnitAnalyser(modelRootPackage, generatePackageName, searchPaths);
* Initialize the class. Called by constructors.
* @param modelRootPackage
* @param defaultGenerationPackageName
* @param searchPaths
private void initCompilationUnitAnalyser(Package modelRootPackage, String defaultGenerationPackageName, List<String> searchPaths) {
if (defaultGenerationPackageName == null) {
defaultGenerationPackageName = DEFAULT_GENERATION_PACKAGE_NAME;
this.generationPackageQualifiedName = dirToQualifiedName(defaultGenerationPackageName);
// Copy searchpath in order to be able to change it.
if (searchPaths != null) {
searchPaths = new ArrayList<String>(searchPaths);
} else {
searchPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
// Add generation package in search paths
if (!searchPaths.contains(defaultGenerationPackageName)) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".CT(" + generationPackageQualifiedName + ", sarchpaths=" + searchPaths + ")");
classifierCatalog = new ClassifierCatalog(modelRootPackage, searchPaths);
importedTypes = new ImportedTypeCatalog();
creationPackageCatalog = new CreationPackageCatalog(modelRootPackage, defaultGenerationPackage, null);
typeResolver = new TypeResolver(classifierCatalog, importedTypes, creationPackageCatalog);
* Get the qualified name from a directory like name.
* Name is splitted arround '/'
* @param name
* @return
private List<String> dirToQualifiedName(String qname) {
String[] splittedName = qname.split("/");
return Arrays.asList(splittedName);
* Add all the imports to the manager.
* @param importedTypes2
* @param imports
private void addImports(ImportedTypeCatalog importedTypes, List<ImportDeclaration> imports) {
for (ImportDeclaration decl : imports) {
String qname = decl.getName().getFullyQualifiedName();
List<String> qualifiedName = UmlUtils.toQualifiedName(qname);
// Only register regular imports. Forget import of 'static'
if (! decl.isStatic()) {
if (decl.isOnDemand()) {
} else {
* @return the classifierCatalog
public ClassifierCatalog getClassifierCatalog() {
return classifierCatalog;
* Explore the CompilationUnit and create appropriate UML elements.
* This is the main entrance of the analyzer.
* @param cu The compilation unit to analyze.
public void processCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cu) {
// First, create the current context.
Package currentCompilationUnitPackage = getCuPackage(cu.getPackage());
LocalContext localContext = new LocalContext(currentCompilationUnitPackage);
// Add imports
if (cu.imports() != null) {
addImports(importedTypes, cu.imports());
// Now, create the tree of NamedElement corresponding to declaration.
// Do not set the references to the types
List<AbstractTypeDeclaration> types = cu.types();
for( AbstractTypeDeclaration abstractType : types ) {
Classifier createdElement = processNamedElementDeclaration(abstractType, localContext);
// Now, explore the tree of NamedElements and set the types.
for( AbstractTypeDeclaration abstractType : types ) {
processNamedElementReferences(abstractType, localContext);
* Process all NamedElement declaration. Walk the tree of declaration in depth first.
* For each NamedElement declaration, check if it exists, or create it with its name. Do not set or change the references to
* other types.
* @param abstractType
* @param localContext The current namespace.
private Classifier processNamedElementDeclaration(AbstractTypeDeclaration abstractType, LocalContext localContext) {
switch (abstractType.getNodeType()) {
// Class or interface
return processTypeDeclaration((TypeDeclaration)abstractType, localContext);
return processAnnotationTypeDeclaration((AnnotationTypeDeclaration)abstractType, localContext);
return processEnumDeclaration((EnumDeclaration)abstractType, localContext);
return null;
* Process all NamedElement declaration. Walk the tree of declaration in depth first.
* For each NamedElement declaration, check if it exists, or create it with its name. Do not set or change the references to
* other types.
* @param abstractType
* @param localContext The current namespace.
private void processNamedElementReferences(AbstractTypeDeclaration abstractType, LocalContext localContext) {
switch (abstractType.getNodeType()) {
// Class or interface
processTypeReferences((TypeDeclaration)abstractType, localContext);
processAnnotationTypeReferences((AnnotationTypeDeclaration)abstractType, localContext);
processEnumReferences((EnumDeclaration)abstractType, localContext);
* Process TypeDeclaration, which can be Class or Interface.
* Check if the type already exists in the current namespace. Create it if it does not exist.
* @param node The type declaration to found or create
* @param parentContext The current namespace.
private Classifier processTypeDeclaration(TypeDeclaration node, LocalContext parentContext) {
// Create or get this type
Classifier processedClass;
if (node.isInterface()) {
processedClass = createInterface(parentContext, node);
} else {
processedClass = createClass(parentContext, node);
LocalContext localContext = new LocalContext(processedClass, parentContext);
// Now process the properties
// Process methods
// Process nested classes
for( TypeDeclaration nestedTypes : node.getTypes()) {
processTypeDeclaration(nestedTypes, localContext);
return processedClass;
* @param localContext The current namespace.
* @param typeDecl
private Classifier processEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration node, LocalContext parentContext) {
Classifier processedClass;
processedClass = createEnumeration(parentContext, node);
LocalContext localContext = new LocalContext(processedClass, parentContext);
// Now process the properties
// Process methods
// Process nested classes
List<BodyDeclaration> bodies = node.bodyDeclarations();
for( BodyDeclaration nestedBody : bodies) {
switch( nestedBody.getNodeType()) {
processTypeDeclaration((TypeDeclaration)nestedBody, localContext);
return processedClass;
* @param typeDecl
* @param localContext The current namespace.
private Classifier processAnnotationTypeDeclaration(AnnotationTypeDeclaration typeDecl, LocalContext localContext) {
System.err.println("processAnnotationTypeDeclaration() - Not yet implemented !!");
return null;
* Process TypeDeclaration, which can be Class or Interface.
* Check if the type already exists in the current namespace. Create it if it does not exist.
* @param node The type declaration to found or create
* @param parentContext The current namespace.
private Classifier processTypeReferences(TypeDeclaration node, LocalContext parentContext) {
// Create or get this type
Classifier processedClass;
if (node.isInterface()) {
processedClass = lookupInterface(parentContext, node);
} else {
processedClass = lookupClass(parentContext, node);
LocalContext localContext = new LocalContext(processedClass, parentContext);
// Process javadoc
processJavadoc(node.getJavadoc(), processedClass);
// Modifiers
processModifiers(processedClass, node.modifiers());
// extends and implements
if( node.isInterface()) {
// implements
List<Type> implementedTypes = node.superInterfaceTypes();
for( Type type : implementedTypes) {
Interface generalization = getInterfaceForType( type, localContext);
if (processedClass instanceof BehavioredClassifier) {
UmlUtils.getInterfaceRealization((BehavioredClassifier) processedClass, (Interface) generalization);
else {
// should not happen
UmlUtils.getGeneralization(processedClass, generalization);
else {
// Class
// Extends parameters
// This only apply to classes
Type superclassType = node.getSuperclassType();
if (superclassType != null) {
Classifier generalization = getClassForType( superclassType, localContext);
// create the generalization
UmlUtils.getGeneralization(processedClass, generalization);
// implements
List<Type> implementedTypes = node.superInterfaceTypes();
for( Type type : implementedTypes) {
Classifier generalization = getInterfaceForType( type, localContext);
if (processedClass instanceof BehavioredClassifier) {
UmlUtils.getInterfaceRealization((BehavioredClassifier) processedClass, (Interface) generalization);
else {
// should not happen
UmlUtils.getGeneralization(processedClass, generalization);
// Now process the properties
for( FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration : node.getFields()) {
processFieldDeclaration( processedClass, fieldDeclaration, localContext);
// Process methods
for( MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration : node.getMethods()) {
processMethodDeclaration( processedClass, methodDeclaration, localContext);
// Process nested classes
for( TypeDeclaration nestedTypes : node.getTypes()) {
processTypeReferences(nestedTypes, localContext);
return processedClass;
* @param classifier
* @param methodDeclaration
* @param context
private void processMethodDeclaration(Classifier classifier, MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, LocalContext context) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* @param classifier
* @param fieldDeclaration
* @param context
private void processFieldDeclaration(Classifier classifier, FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, LocalContext context) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
TypeReferenceDeclaration data = getTypeReferenceDeclaration( fieldDeclaration);
Type umlType;
// // Get data about the type
// // Get the qualified name, and other info on type
// TranslatedTypeData typeData = processType(n.getType());
// // Get the uml element from the qualified name
// Type umlType = getUmlType(typeData);
Type t = fieldDeclaration.getType();
// walk on variable declarations.
PropertyDeclarationHelper helper = new PropertyDeclarationHelper(fieldDeclaration, typeResolver);
List<VariableDeclarationFragment> variables = fieldDeclaration.fragments();
for (VariableDeclarationFragment var : variables) {
updateProperty(classifier, helper, context);
* Create or update the property.
* @param classifier The classifier parent of the property.
* @param helper The Property Helper containing data about the property.
* @param context
private void updateProperty(Classifier classifier, PropertyDeclarationHelper helper, LocalContext context) {
if( helper.isSimpleProperty() ) {
updateSimpleProperty( classifier, helper, context);
} else if( helper.isArrayProperty() ) {
updateArrayProperty( classifier, helper, context);
* Update or create the property as a simple property.
* @param classifier
* @param helper
* @param context
private void updateSimpleProperty(Classifier parent, PropertyDeclarationHelper helper, LocalContext context) {
Property property = UmlUtils.createProperty(parent, helper.getPropertyType(context), helper.getPropertyName(), 0);
System.err.println("Property created :" + property);
* Update or create the property as an array property.
* @param classifier
* @param helper
* @param context
private void updateArrayProperty(Classifier parent, PropertyDeclarationHelper helper, LocalContext context) {
Property property = UmlUtils.createProperty(parent, helper.getPropertyType(context), helper.getPropertyName(), 0);
* Get the type data from the {@link FieldDeclaration}.
* @param fieldDeclaration
* @return
private TypeReferenceDeclaration getTypeReferenceDeclaration(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return new TypeReferenceDeclaration(fieldDeclaration);
* Process the modifiers for a Classifier.
* The modifiers are in a list of {@link IExtendedModifier}.
* @param processedClass
* @param modifiers
private void processModifiers(Classifier processedClass, List<IExtendedModifier> modifiers) {
for( IExtendedModifier modifier : modifiers) {
if( modifier instanceof Modifier) {
processModifier( processedClass, (Modifier)modifier);
else if( modifier instanceof Annotation) {
processAnnotation( processedClass, (Annotation)modifier);
else {
// Can't happen in VLS8 because there is only 2 types.
* Process Annotation modifiers for a {@link Classifier}.
* @param processedClass
* @param modifier
private void processAnnotation(Classifier processedClass, Annotation modifier) {
// Use stereotype ?
* Process simple modifiers for a Classifier.
* @param processedClass
* @param modifier
private void processModifier(Classifier c, Modifier modifier) {
if (modifier.isPrivate()) {
if (modifier.isProtected()) {
if (modifier.isPublic()) {
if (modifier.isAbstract()) {
// if (modifier.isStatic()) {
// // Can't happen for a Classifier
// }
if (modifier.isFinal()) {
// if (modifier.isNative()) {
// printer.print("native ");
// }
// if (modifier.isStrictfp()) {
// printer.print("strictfp ");
// }
// if (modifier.isSynchronized()) {
// printer.print("synchronized ");
// }
// if (modifier.isTransient()) {
// printer.print("transient ");
// }
// if (modifier.isVolatile()) {
// printer.print("volatile ");
// }
* @param localContext The current namespace.
* @param typeDecl
private Classifier processEnumReferences(EnumDeclaration node, LocalContext parentContext) {
Classifier processedClass;
processedClass = lookupEnumeration(parentContext, node);
LocalContext localContext = new LocalContext(processedClass, parentContext);
// Now process the properties
// Process methods
// Process nested classes
List<BodyDeclaration> bodies = node.bodyDeclarations();
for( BodyDeclaration nestedBody : bodies) {
switch( nestedBody.getNodeType()) {
processTypeReferences((TypeDeclaration)nestedBody, localContext);
return processedClass;
* @param typeDecl
* @param localContext The current namespace.
private Classifier processAnnotationTypeReferences(AnnotationTypeDeclaration typeDecl, LocalContext localContext) {
System.err.println("processAnnotationTypeReferences() - Not yet implemented !!");
return null;
* Process javadoc.
* @param javaDoc
* @param method
private void processJavadoc(Javadoc javaDoc, Element umlElement) {
if (javaDoc == null) {
Comment comment;
// Check if a comment already exists.
List<Comment> ownedComments = umlElement.getOwnedComments();
if (ownedComments != null && ownedComments.size() > 0) {
comment = ownedComments.get(0);
} else { // Create a new comment
comment = umlElement.createOwnedComment();
// Set the body
String commentBody = javaDocToString( javaDoc );
private String javaDocToString(Javadoc javaDoc) {
String result;
return javaDoc.toString();
* Create an {@link Class} and return it.
* The Classifier is created exactly in the directly enclosing namespace.
* First, a lookup is done to check if it has been created elsewhere in the namespaces. If true, correct the location
* and maybe the type.
* Only need to create the object and fill it with data available at this level.
* @param enclosingParents
* enclosing parent, Package included, in case of nested declaration.
* @param n
* @return
protected Class createClass(LocalContext parentContext, TypeDeclaration node) {
return UmlUtils.getExactClass(parentContext.getNamespace(), node.getName().getIdentifier());
* Create an {@link Enumeration} and return it.
* The Classifier is created exactly in the directly enclosing namespace.
* First, a lookup is done to check if it has been created elsewhere in the namespaces. If true, correct the location
* and maybe the type.
* Only need to create the object and fill it with data available at this level.
* @param enclosingParents
* enclosing parent, Package included, in case of nested declaration.
* @param n
* @return
protected Enumeration createEnumeration(LocalContext parentContext, EnumDeclaration node) {
return UmlUtils.getExactEnumeration(parentContext.getNamespace(), node.getName().getIdentifier());
* Create an interface and return it.
* The Classifier is created exactly in the directly enclosing namespace.
* First, a lookup is done to check if it has been created elsewhere in the namespaces. If true, correct the location
* and maybe the type.
* Only need to create the object and fill it with data available at this level.
* @param parent
* @param parentContext
* @return
protected Interface createInterface(LocalContext parentContext, TypeDeclaration node) {
System.out.println("getInterface( " + node.getName() + " )");
return UmlUtils.getExactInterface(parentContext.getNamespace(), node.getName().getIdentifier());
* Lookup {@link Class} in the specified context and return it.
* Return null if not found.
* @param enclosingParents
* enclosing parent, Package included, in case of nested declaration.
* @param n
* @return
protected Class lookupClass(LocalContext parentContext, TypeDeclaration node) {
return UmlUtils.lookupClass(parentContext.getNamespace(), node.getName().getIdentifier());
* Create an {@link Enumeration} and return it.
* The Classifier is created exactly in the directly enclosing namespace.
* First, a lookup is done to check if it has been created elsewhere in the namespaces. If true, correct the location
* and maybe the type.
* Only need to create the object and fill it with data available at this level.
* @param enclosingParents
* enclosing parent, Package included, in case of nested declaration.
* @param n
* @return
protected Enumeration lookupEnumeration(LocalContext parentContext, EnumDeclaration node) {
return UmlUtils.lookupEnumeration(parentContext.getNamespace(), node.getName().getIdentifier());
* Create an interface and return it.
* The Classifier is created exactly in the directly enclosing namespace.
* First, a lookup is done to check if it has been created elsewhere in the namespaces. If true, correct the location
* and maybe the type.
* Only need to create the object and fill it with data available at this level.
* @param parent
* @param parentContext
* @return
protected Interface lookupInterface(LocalContext parentContext, TypeDeclaration node) {
return UmlUtils.lookupInterface(parentContext.getNamespace(), node.getName().getIdentifier());
* Create the root element in which all element will be created.
private void createDefaultGenerationPackage(Package rootModelElement) {
// Package p = UmlUtils.getPackage(rootModelElement, generationPackageQualifiedName);
Package p = UmlUtils.getModel(rootModelElement, generationPackageQualifiedName);
defaultGenerationPackage = p;
* get (lookup or create) the packages containing the CU.
* @param cu
* @return
private Package getCuPackage(PackageDeclaration packageDecl) {
// If null, return the generation root
if (packageDecl == null) {
return getDefaultGenerationPackage();
// Get the name
List<String> qualifiedName = UmlUtils.toQualifiedName(packageDecl.getName().getFullyQualifiedName()) ;
// Get the creation model
Package creationPackage = creationPackageCatalog.getCreationPackage(qualifiedName);
// Get the current unit package (where the element are created)
Package p = UmlUtils.getPackage(creationPackage, qualifiedName);
return p;
// question
// How to let the creationPackageCatalog create the package for a specified name ?
// CreatePackage visitor = new CreatePackage();
// Package res = visitor.getPackage(packageDecl, defaultGenerationPackage);
// return res;
* Get the default generation package. Create it in UML model if needed.
* @return
private Package getDefaultGenerationPackage() {
// if( defaultGenerationPackage == null) {
// createDefaultGenerationPackage(rootModelElement);
// }
return defaultGenerationPackage;
* Get a {@link Class} in the UML model that correspond to the specified Type in the reversed class.
* If the Classifier is not found in the UML model, create it 'a minima' (only the Class skeleton).
* @param requestedType The type in java file for which a Classifier in java model is requested
* @param context The actual context
* @return The corresponding Classifier. Should never return null.
private Class getClassForType(Type requestedType, LocalContext context) {
return (Class) getClassifierForType(requestedType, context, UmlUtils.CLASS_TYPE);
* Get a {@link Interface} in the UML model that correspond to the specified Type in the reversed class.
* If the Classifier is not found in the UML model, create it 'a minima' (only the Interface skeleton).
* @param requestedType The type in java file for which a Classifier in java model is requested
* @param context The actual context
* @return The corresponding Classifier. Should never return null.
private Interface getInterfaceForType(Type requestedType, LocalContext context) {
return (Interface) getClassifierForType(requestedType, context, UmlUtils.INTERFACE_TYPE);
* Get a {@link Classifier} in the UML model that correspond to the specified Type in the reversed class.
* If the Classifier is not found in the UML model, create it 'a minima' (only the Classifier skeleton).
* <br>
* This method is called when a UML Classifier is requested for a type found in a type reference (property, parameters, extends, implements).
* @param requestedType The type in java file for which a Classifier in java model is requested
* @param context The actual context
* @param type The type of classifier to create. One of {@link UmlUtils#CLASS_TYPE} or {@link UmlUtils#INTERFACE_TYPE}
* @return The corresponding Classifier. Should never return null.
private Classifier getClassifierForType(Type requestedType, LocalContext context, EClass type) {
Classifier result;
// First, extract the name of the requested type
String shortname = JdtAstUtils.getTypeShortname( requestedType );
// Check if the shortname is declared in imports
List<String> qualifiedName = importedTypes.getQualifiedName(shortname);
if( qualifiedName.size() > 1) {
// Found in import, try to get corresponding Classifier, or create it
result = classifierCatalog.getClassifier(qualifiedName);
if( result != null) {
return result;
// Classifier not found : create it
Package creationPackage = creationPackageCatalog.getCreationPackage(qualifiedName);
result = UmlUtils.getClassifier(creationPackage, qualifiedName, type);
return result;
// Check if a corresponding type can be found in context.
result = context.lookupClassifier(shortname, type);
if( result != null) {
return result;
// check in '*' imports
// Only check if the requested classifier exist in UML model.
for( List<String> parentPackageQName : importedTypes.getStarImports() ) {
// Build a possible Fully qualified name
List<String> fullQName = new ArrayList<String>(parentPackageQName);
result = classifierCatalog.getClassifier(fullQName);
if( result != null) {
return result;
// Not found, create it in the current package
Package parentPackage = context.getCurrentPackage();
result = (Classifier) UmlUtils.createType(parentPackage, shortname, type);
return result;
* Get a {@link Classifier} in the UML model that correspond to the specified Type in the reversed class.
* If the Classifier is not found in the UML model, create it 'a minima' (only the Classifier skeleton).
* <br>
* This method is called when a UML Classifier is requested for a type found in a type reference (property, parameters, extends, implements).
* @param requestedType The type in java file for which a Classifier in java model is requested
* @param context The actual context
* @param type The type of classifier to create. One of {@link UmlUtils#CLASS_TYPE} or {@link UmlUtils#INTERFACE_TYPE}
* @return The corresponding Classifier. Should never return null.
private Classifier getClassifierForTypeOld(Type requestedType, LocalContext context, EClass type) {
Classifier result;
// First, extract the name of the requested type
String shortname = JdtAstUtils.getTypeShortname( requestedType );
// Check if the shortname is declared in imports
List<String> qualifiedName = importedTypes.getQualifiedName(shortname);
if( qualifiedName.size() > 1) {
// Found in import, try to get corresponding Classifier, or create it
result = classifierCatalog.getClassifier(qualifiedName);
if( result != null) {
return result;
// Classifier not found : create it
Package creationPackage = creationPackageCatalog.getCreationPackage(qualifiedName);
result = UmlUtils.getClassifier(creationPackage, qualifiedName, type);
return result;
// Check if a corresponding type can be found in context.
result = context.lookupClassifier(shortname, type);
if( result != null) {
return result;
// check in '*' imports
// Only check if the requested classifier exist in UML model.
for( List<String> parentPackageQName : importedTypes.getStarImports() ) {
// Build a possible Fully qualified name
List<String> fullQName = new ArrayList<String>(parentPackageQName);
result = classifierCatalog.getClassifier(fullQName);
if( result != null) {
return result;
// Not found, create it in the current package
Package parentPackage = context.getCurrentPackage();
result = (Classifier) UmlUtils.createType(parentPackage, shortname, type);
return result;