blob: f3c6b0ba544995c064a53d9f0cbb8d4accc9d02d [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns:ecore="" name="dc" nsURI="" nsPrefix="dc">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="The Diagram Common (DC) package contains abstractions shared by the Diagram Interchange and the Diagram Graphics packages."/>
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="validationDelegates" value=""/>
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean" instanceClassName="boolean">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="Boolean is a primitive data type having one of two values: &lt;i>true&lt;/i> or &lt;i>false&lt;/i>, intended to represent the truth value of logical expressions."/>
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer" instanceClassName="int">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="Integer is a primitive data type used to represent the mathematical concept of integer."/>
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Real" instanceClassName="double">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="Real is a primitive data type used to represent the mathematical concept of real."/>
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String" instanceClassName="java.lang.String">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="String is a primitive data type used to represent a sequence of characters in some suitable character set."/>
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Color" instanceClassName="java.awt.Color">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="Color is a primitive type that represents a color value. Literals are in the #rrggbb format."/>
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EEnum" name="KnownColor">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="KnownColor is an enumeration of 17 known colors."/>
<eLiterals name="maroon" literal="#800000">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #800000"/>
<eLiterals name="red" value="1" literal="#FF0000">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #FF0000"/>
<eLiterals name="orange" value="2" literal="#FFA500">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #FFA500"/>
<eLiterals name="yellow" value="3" literal="#FFFF00">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #FFFF00"/>
<eLiterals name="olive" value="4" literal="#808000">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #808000"/>
<eLiterals name="purple" value="5" literal="#800080">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #800080"/>
<eLiterals name="fuchsia" value="6" literal="#FF00FF">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #FF00FF"/>
<eLiterals name="white" value="7" literal="#FFFFFF">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #FFFFFF"/>
<eLiterals name="lime" value="8" literal="#00FF00">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #00FF00"/>
<eLiterals name="green" value="9" literal="#008000">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #008000"/>
<eLiterals name="navy" value="10" literal="#000080">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #000080"/>
<eLiterals name="blue" value="11" literal="#0000FF">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #0000FF"/>
<eLiterals name="aqua" value="12" literal="#00FFFF">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #00FFFF"/>
<eLiterals name="teal" value="13" literal="#008080">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #008080"/>
<eLiterals name="black" value="14" literal="#000000">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #000000"/>
<eLiterals name="silver" value="15" literal="#C0C0C0">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #C0C0C0"/>
<eLiterals name="gray" value="16" literal="#808080">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a color with a value of #808080"/>
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Point">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="A Point specifies an location in some x-y coordinate system."/>
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="x" ordered="false" eType="#//Real"
defaultValueLiteral="0" unsettable="true">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a real number (&lt;= 0 or >= 0) that represents the x-coordinate of the point."/>
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="y" ordered="false" eType="#//Real"
defaultValueLiteral="0" unsettable="true">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a real number (&lt;= 0 or >= 0) that represents the y-coordinate of the point."/>
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Dimension">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="Dimension specifies two lengths (width and height) along the x and y axes in some x-y coordinate system."/>
<eOperations name="nonNegativeWidth" eType="ecore:EDataType">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="body" value="width >=0"/>
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="the width of a dimension cannot be negative"/>
<eParameters name="diagnostics" eType="ecore:EDataType">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="The chain of diagnostics to which problems are to be appended."/>
<eParameters name="context">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="The cache of context-specific information."/>
<eGenericType eClassifier="ecore:EDataType">
<eTypeArguments eClassifier="ecore:EDataType"/>
<eTypeArguments eClassifier="ecore:EDataType"/>
<eOperations name="nonNegativeHeight" eType="ecore:EDataType">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="body" value="height >=0"/>
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="the height of a dimension cannot be negative"/>
<eParameters name="diagnostics" eType="ecore:EDataType">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="The chain of diagnostics to which problems are to be appended."/>
<eParameters name="context">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="The cache of context-specific information."/>
<eGenericType eClassifier="ecore:EDataType">
<eTypeArguments eClassifier="ecore:EDataType"/>
<eTypeArguments eClassifier="ecore:EDataType"/>
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="width" ordered="false"
eType="#//Real" defaultValueLiteral="0" unsettable="true">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a real number (>=0) that represents a length along the x-axis."/>
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="height" ordered="false"
eType="#//Real" defaultValueLiteral="0" unsettable="true">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a real number (>=0) that represents a length along the y-axis."/>
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Bounds">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="Bounds specifies a rectangular area in some x-y coordinate system that is defined by a location (x and y) and a size (width and height)."/>
<eOperations name="nonNegativeWidth" eType="ecore:EDataType">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="body" value="width >= 0"/>
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="the width of bounds cannot be negative"/>
<eParameters name="diagnostics" eType="ecore:EDataType">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="The chain of diagnostics to which problems are to be appended."/>
<eParameters name="context">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="The cache of context-specific information."/>
<eGenericType eClassifier="ecore:EDataType">
<eTypeArguments eClassifier="ecore:EDataType"/>
<eTypeArguments eClassifier="ecore:EDataType"/>
<eOperations name="nonNegativeHeight" eType="ecore:EDataType">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="body" value="height >=0"/>
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="the height of bounds cannot be negative"/>
<eParameters name="diagnostics" eType="ecore:EDataType">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="The chain of diagnostics to which problems are to be appended."/>
<eParameters name="context">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="The cache of context-specific information."/>
<eGenericType eClassifier="ecore:EDataType">
<eTypeArguments eClassifier="ecore:EDataType"/>
<eTypeArguments eClassifier="ecore:EDataType"/>
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="x" ordered="false" eType="#//Real"
defaultValueLiteral="0" unsettable="true">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a real number (>=0 or &lt;=0) that represents the x-coordinate of the bounds"/>
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="y" ordered="false" eType="#//Real"
defaultValueLiteral="0" unsettable="true">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a real number (>=0 or &lt;=0) that represents the y-coordinate of the bounds"/>
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="width" ordered="false"
eType="#//Real" defaultValueLiteral="0" unsettable="true">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a real number (>=0) that represents the width of the bounds"/>
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="height" ordered="false"
eType="#//Real" defaultValueLiteral="0" unsettable="true">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a real number (>=0) that represents the height of the bounds"/>