blob: 67c02c9871b28e11507fdbee49a221e8b7b4f485 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 CEA LIST and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.papyrus.moka.ease.parametric.python;
public class PythonBehaviorHelper {
public static PythonBehaviorFunctionInfo buildFunctionInfo(String pythonCode) {
final PythonBehaviorFunctionInfo info = new PythonBehaviorFunctionInfo();
// FIXME This code has been comment to avoid the dependency to pydev (no valid CQ)
// //Tuple<SimpleNode, IGrammar> parseResult = null;
// ParseOutput parseOut = PyParser.reparseDocument(new ParserInfo(new Document(pythonCode), IGrammarVersionProvider.LATEST_GRAMMAR_PY3_VERSION, true, null));
//// try {
////// parseResult = PyParser.reparseDocumentInternal(new Document(pythonCode), true,
////// IGrammarVersionProvider.LATEST_GRAMMAR_VERSION);
//// } catch (ParseException e) {
//// e.printStackTrace();
//// }
// SimpleNode node = (SimpleNode)parseOut.ast;
// //System.out.println(parseOut.error);
// if( parseOut.error != null ) {
// if( parseOut.error instanceof ParseException ) {
// ParseException ex = (ParseException)parseOut.error;
// if( ex.currentToken != null )
// info.setParserError(new PythonError(ex, ex.currentToken.beginLine, ex.currentToken.beginColumn));
// }
// if( parseOut.error instanceof TokenMgrError) {
// TokenMgrError err = (TokenMgrError)parseOut.error;
// info.setParserError(new PythonError(err, err.errorLine, err.errorColumn));
// }
// }
// if( node == null )
// return info;
// try {
// node.accept(new VisitorBase() {
// @Override
// protected Object unhandled_node(SimpleNode node) throws Exception {
// return null;
// }
// @Override
// public void traverse(SimpleNode node) throws Exception {
// node.traverse(this);
// }
// @Override
// public Object visitFunctionDef(FunctionDef fDef) throws Exception {
// String fName = ((NameTok);
// if( !fName.equals(ScriptBehaviorConstants.SCRIPT_FUNCTION_NAME) )
// return super.visitFunctionDef(fDef);
// //Function name
// info.setName(fName);
// info.setCodeLineDefinition(fDef.beginLine);
// if( fDef.args.args.length != 1 ) {
// return super.visitFunctionDef(fDef);
// }
// Name blockParam = (Name)fDef.args.args[0];
// info.setBlockParamName(;
// //Fill the blockParam uses
// findParamAccess(info, fDef);
// return super.visitFunctionDef(fDef);
// }
// });
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
return info;