Bug 577273 - [Robotics} Provide additional model libraries (notable Mavros and PX4)

- Add plugin with extra model libraries for Mavros, PX4 and geometry_msgs
- Add plugin to build
- Add plugin to feature
- Remove unsued xend build commands from oepr.ros2.library.base plugin (pom.xml)

Change-Id: I97b220c82943f9581f3e0b44407a9a814ebc5032
Signed-off-by: Ansgar Radermacher <ansgar.radermacher@cea.fr>
20 files changed
tree: cf47889f86663e99042d725813a68fdad1bf9d53
  1. plugins/
  2. releng/
  3. targetplatform/
  4. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml