blob: ac59862641ef8810b6e1ad4768b0138989c86107 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 CEA LIST.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Saadia Dhouib (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.deployment;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil.Copier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.InternalEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.deployment.listener.CopyListener;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Behavior;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Feature;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.LiteralBoolean;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.LiteralInteger;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.LiteralNull;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.LiteralString;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.LiteralUnlimitedNatural;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.MultiplicityElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Namespace;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.OpaqueExpression;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageableElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Slot;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ValueSpecification;
* information about source and target packages within a model transformation
* @author ansgar
public class Copy extends Copier {
public Copy(Package source_, Package target_, boolean copyExtResources_) {
source = source_;
target = target_;
// useOriginalReferences = false;
copyExtReferences = copyExtResources_;
preCopyListeners = new BasicEList<CopyListener>();
postCopyListeners = new BasicEList<CopyListener>();
templateMapInfo = new HashMap<EObject, Map<EObject, EObject>>();
standardMap = new HashMap<EObject, EObject>();
shallowMap = new HashMap<EObject, Boolean>();
boundPackages = new Stack<Namespace>();
if (copyExtReferences) {
// original source package becomes a sub-package in the target model
Package newSourceRoot = target.createNestedPackage(source.getName());
put(source, newSourceRoot);
else {
put(source, target);
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1664013545661635289L;
* Source model within a transformation
public Package source;
* Target model within a transformation
public Package target;
* if true, copy packages or elements that are imported into the target
* model
public boolean copyExtReferences;
* Bound package template
private Namespace boundPackage;
* Map to identify target objects when given source objects
private Map<EObject, EObject> standardMap;
* Map to identify target objects when given source objects
private Map<EObject, EObject> templateMap;
* Set of maps for template instantiations
private Map<EObject, Map<EObject, EObject>> templateMapInfo;
* Map using a target EObject as key
private Map<EObject, Boolean> shallowMap;
* Elements within package templates must be treated differently, we have to ensure that:
* (1) several instantiations with same binding of the same package template do not lead to double copies
* (yet, it may be possible that a 2nd instantiation adds contents, e.g. the trace package template could be
* instantiated containing only OTF trace (and superclasses), a second instantiation might add a different trace
* implementation)
* (2) several instantiations with different binding do not prevent classes from being copied that have already
* been copied earlier.
* The solution is to use a different map for the elements with package template. This map is instantiated once
* for each binding (managed by the TemplateInstantiation class)
public Map<EObject, EObject> getMap(EObject sourceEObj) {
boolean withinTemplate = withinTemplate(sourceEObj);
return withinTemplate ?
templateMap :
public EObject get(Object sourceEObj) {
if (sourceEObj instanceof EObject) {
Map<EObject, EObject> map = getMap((EObject) sourceEObj);
return map.get(sourceEObj);
return null;
public EObject put(EObject sourceEObj, EObject targetEObj) {
if (sourceEObj instanceof EObject) {
Map<EObject, EObject> map = getMap(sourceEObj);
return map.put(sourceEObj, targetEObj);
return null;
public boolean containsKey(Object sourceEObj) {
if (sourceEObj instanceof EObject) {
Map<EObject, EObject> map = getMap((EObject) sourceEObj);
return map.containsKey(sourceEObj);
return false;
public EObject remove(Object sourceEObj) {
if (sourceEObj instanceof EObject) {
Map<EObject, EObject> map = getMap((EObject) sourceEObj);
return map.remove(sourceEObj);
return null;
public void setShallow(EObject targetEObj, boolean isShallow) {
shallowMap.put(targetEObj, isShallow);
* return true, if a shallow copy of the passed EObject exists
* @param sourceEObj
* @return
public boolean isShallow(EObject targetEObj) {
Boolean shallow = shallowMap.get(targetEObj);
if (shallow != null) {
return shallow;
return false;
// public Namespace getPackageTemplate() {
// return null;
// }
* Set the reference of a bound package template. It must be a member of the target model.
* Setting the package template is required to assure that elements that are part of a different
* resource get copied (depending on the copyExtReferences flag, this is not the case)
* @param packageTemplate
* Reference to package (with a template signature) in source model that should be instantiated
* @param boundPackage
* Reference to (an initially empty) package in which the packate template will be instantiated
* during the copy process
public void setPackageTemplate(Namespace packageTemplate, Namespace boundPackage) {
this.boundPackage = boundPackage;
if (packageTemplate == null) {
templateMap =
if (templateMap == null) {
templateMap = new HashMap<EObject, EObject>();
templateMapInfo.put(boundPackage, templateMap);
// declare relation between packageTemplate and bound package
// but: the owner of the package template is not equal to the packageTemplate (e.g. perClass)
// since we can extend package templates in different models.
standardMap.put(packageTemplate, boundPackage);
public void pushPackageTemplate() {
public void popPackageTemplate() {
boundPackage = boundPackages.pop();
templateMap =
private Stack<Namespace> boundPackages;
public void removeForCopy(EObject element) {
EClass eClass = element.eClass();
for (int i = 0, size = eClass.getFeatureCount(); i < size; ++i)
EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature(i);
if (eStructuralFeature.isChangeable() && !eStructuralFeature.isDerived())
if (eStructuralFeature instanceof EAttribute) {
// copyAttribute((EAttribute)eStructuralFeature, sourceEObj, targetEObj);
else {
EReference eReference = (EReference) eStructuralFeature;
if (eReference.isContainment()) {
for (EObject ref : getRefs(eReference, element)) {
else if (!eReference.isContainer()) {
// not contained, but copy reference as well
public EList<EObject> getRefs(EReference eReference, EObject eObject) {
EList<EObject> refs = new BasicEList<EObject>();
if (eObject.eIsSet(eReference)) {
if (eReference.isMany()) {
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
refs.addAll((List<EObject>) eObject.eGet(eReference));
} else {
refs.add((EObject) eObject.eGet(eReference));
return refs;
public boolean withinTemplate(EObject element) {
if (boundPackage != null) {
EObject owner = element;
while (owner != null) {
owner = owner.eContainer();
if (get(owner) == boundPackage) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a copy of the given eObject.
* Normally, we do not want to copy elements that are from a different
* resource. There are two exceptions (1) if this is explicitly specified
* (for producing "complete" models) (2) if we want to copy elements from a
* template into the target model.
* @param sourceEObj
* the object to copy.
* @return the copy.
public EObject copy(EObject sourceEObj) {
boolean withinTemplate = withinTemplate(sourceEObj);
EObject targetEObj = get(sourceEObj);
boolean shallowCopy = (targetEObj != null) && isShallow(targetEObj);
if ((targetEObj != null) && !shallowCopy) {
// copy already exists, return
return targetEObj;
setShallow(targetEObj, false);
if (sourceEObj == null) {
// this case may happen, if elements were systematcially copied without checking for
// null references in the application code (e.g. if we copy a part-with-port which might
// be null in case of delegation or connectors without ports
return null;
boolean sameResource = (sourceEObj.eResource() == source.eResource());
if (!sameResource && !copyExtReferences && !withinTemplate) {
// do not copy if within different resource, unless
// 1. copyImports
// 2. within package template
return sourceEObj;
if (sourceEObj instanceof Stereotype) {
// do not copy Stereotypes, as it would imply copying meta-model elements (the base_X
// attribute of the stereotype is typed with a meta-model element)
return sourceEObj;
for (CopyListener listener : preCopyListeners) {
EObject result = listener.copyEObject(this, sourceEObj);
if (result != sourceEObj) {
return result;
if (sourceEObj instanceof NamedElement) {
String name = ((NamedElement) sourceEObj).getQualifiedName();
// System.err.println("eC3Mcopier: " + name);
if ((name != null) && name.startsWith("uml::")) {
Log.log(Log.ERROR_MSG, Log.TRAFO_COPY, "copy for meta-model element \"" + name + "\" requested. Return original element");
return sourceEObj;
if ((name != null) && name.startsWith("ProducerConsumer")) {
if (Utils.getTop((NamedElement) sourceEObj) != source) {
// additional sanity check: want to avoid copying (instead of instantiating) elements
// of a package template
if ((sourceEObj instanceof Package) && (!withinTemplate)) {
if (((Package) sourceEObj).getOwnedTemplateSignature() != null) {
Log.log(Log.WARNING_MSG, Log.TRAFO_COPY, "warning: copying a package template without instantiating a template");
if (shallowCopy) {
// shallowCopy is true: a copy exists already
else {
targetEObj = createCopy(sourceEObj);
put(sourceEObj, targetEObj);
EClass eClass = sourceEObj.eClass();
for (int i = 0, size = eClass.getFeatureCount(); i < size; ++i)
EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature(i);
if (eStructuralFeature.isChangeable() && !eStructuralFeature.isDerived())
if (eStructuralFeature instanceof EAttribute) {
copyAttribute((EAttribute) eStructuralFeature, sourceEObj, targetEObj);
else {
EReference eReference = (EReference) eStructuralFeature;
if (eReference.isContainment()) {
copyContainment(eReference, sourceEObj, targetEObj);
// some containment relationships require copying the container completely
// e.g. if an owned template signature is referenced, we need to follow the "template"
// reference, which subsets the "owner" relationship.
// e.g. if an operation is referenced, we need to copy the whole interface
// Currently: only the standard owning reference is not copied recursively.
// else if(!eReference.isContainer()) {
else if (!eReference.getName().equals("owner")) {
// not contained, but copy reference as well
Object feature = sourceEObj.eGet(eStructuralFeature);
if (feature instanceof Element) {
copy((Element) feature);
} else if (feature instanceof EList) {
copyAll((EList<Object>) feature);
copyReference(eReference, sourceEObj, targetEObj);
copyProxyURI(sourceEObj, targetEObj);
copyID(sourceEObj, targetEObj);
if (sourceEObj instanceof Element) {
// TODO: handle stereotype copy in a generic way
StUtils.copyStereotypes(this, (Element) sourceEObj, (Element) targetEObj);
for (CopyListener listener : postCopyListeners) {
EObject result = listener.copyEObject(this, targetEObj);
if (result != targetEObj) {
return result;
return targetEObj;
* Copy the containment of an element with respect to a certain reference
* @see org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil.Copier#copyContainment(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)
* Differences to referenced function in ECoreUtil
* - If an element in copyAll is null, it is not added
* - List elements are always cleared before copying, since the list elements may already have been
* partially filled by a previous shallow copy
* @param eReference
* a reference, such as for instance packagedElement (the
* caller needs to check, is this reference is a containment reference).
* @param eObject
* the source eObject
* @param copyEObject
* the copy of this eObject
protected void copyContainment(EReference eReference, EObject eObject, EObject copyEObject) {
if (eObject.eIsSet(eReference)) {
if (eReference.isMany()) {
List<EObject> source = (List<EObject>) eObject.eGet(eReference);
List<EObject> target = (List<EObject>) copyEObject.eGet(getTarget(eReference));
// do not clear (would remove elements that are added by copy listeners)
// But: better enforce exact copy? (listeners could only add in a post-copy step)
// target.clear();
if (!source.isEmpty()) {
for (EObject copyEObj : copyAll(source)) {
if (copyEObj != null) {
} else {
EObject childEObject = (EObject) eObject.eGet(eReference);
copyEObject.eSet(getTarget(eReference), childEObject == null ? null : copy(childEObject));
* Copy the containment in a "shallow" way, i.e. copy references to contained objects, if these exist already.
* If called for instance for a package, it will add those elements to the packagedElements list of the
* target package, that have already been copied.
* @param eReference
* @param eObject
* @param copyEObject
protected void shallowCopyContainment(EReference eReference, EObject eObject, EObject copyEObject) {
if (eObject.eIsSet(eReference)) {
if (eReference.isMany()) {
List<EObject> source = (List<EObject>) eObject.eGet(eReference);
List<EObject> target = (List<EObject>) copyEObject.eGet(getTarget(eReference));
if (source.isEmpty()) {
} else {
for (EObject sourceEObj : source) {
// if eObject has already been copied, add it
EObject copyEObj = get(sourceEObj);
if ((copyEObj != null) && (!target.contains(copyEObj))) {
} else {
EObject childEObject = (EObject) eObject.eGet(eReference);
copyEObject.eSet(getTarget(eReference), childEObject == null ? null : copy(childEObject));
* Create a "shallow" container for an object, i.e. create (recursively) the owner without
* adding all other children of this owner (e.g. in case of a package, the package itself will
* be created, but not all elements within that package).
* @param sourceEObj
public void createShallowContainer(EObject sourceEObj) {
EObject owner = sourceEObj.eContainer();
EObject copy = null;
while (owner != null) {
if (containsKey(owner)) {
// owner is in map, still need to re-copy (update) the containment
// references, since one of the children did not exist before
copy = shallowCopy(owner);
if (copy instanceof NamedElement) {
((NamedElement) copy).setName(((NamedElement) owner).getName());
owner = owner.eContainer();
if (copy instanceof PackageableElement) {
// if we copy external resources, we might reach the "top" on the source level
// which becomes a sub-package of the new model.
target.getPackagedElements().add((PackageableElement) copy);
* Make a shallow copy of an element, i.e. only create the element itself and not
* all of its contents. If a subset of the containing elements already exist in the copied
* model, update the containment references pointing to these. The function may be called
* multiple times in order to add elements to the containment references that
* have been copied since the previous call (i.e. it is possible to make a shallow copy
* of a package after a single class within it has been copied. It may be called again,
* once a second class within the package has been copied => the packagedElements reference
* of the package will be updated).
* @param sourceEObj
* @return
public EObject shallowCopy(EObject sourceEObj) {
EObject targetEObj = get(sourceEObj);
if (targetEObj == null) {
targetEObj = createCopy(sourceEObj);
put(sourceEObj, targetEObj);
setShallow(targetEObj, true);
if ((sourceEObj instanceof Element) && (targetEObj instanceof Element)) {
// TODO: cannot copy stereotypes only after creation, since eContainer does
// not exist at this moment. Need to put that intelligently into createShallowContainer
StUtils.copyStereotypes(this, (Element) sourceEObj, (Element) targetEObj);
EClass eClass = sourceEObj.eClass();
for (int i = 0, size = eClass.getFeatureCount(); i < size; ++i) {
EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature(i);
if (eStructuralFeature.isChangeable() && !eStructuralFeature.isDerived()) {
if (eStructuralFeature instanceof EAttribute) {
// copyAttribute((EAttribute)eStructuralFeature, sourceEObj, targetEObj);
} else {
EReference eReference = (EReference) eStructuralFeature;
if (eReference.isContainment()) {
shallowCopyContainment(eReference, sourceEObj, targetEObj);
return targetEObj;
public <T extends Element> T getCopy(T source) {
return (T) copy(source);
public EList<CopyListener> preCopyListeners;
public EList<CopyListener> postCopyListeners;
* Called to handle the copying of a cross reference;
* this adds values or sets a single value as appropriate for the multiplicity
* while omitting any bidirectional reference that isn't in the copy map.
* @param eReference
* the reference to copy.
* @param eObject
* the object from which to copy.
* @param copyEObject
* the object to copy to.
protected void copyReference(EReference eReference, EObject eObject, EObject copyEObject)
if (eObject.eIsSet(eReference)) {
if (eReference.isMany()) {
InternalEList<EObject> source = (InternalEList<EObject>) eObject.eGet(eReference);
InternalEList<EObject> target = (InternalEList<EObject>) copyEObject.eGet(getTarget(eReference));
if (source.isEmpty()) {
else {
boolean isBidirectional = eReference.getEOpposite() != null;
int index = 0;
for (Iterator<EObject> k = resolveProxies ? source.iterator() : source.basicIterator(); k.hasNext();) {
EObject referencedEObject =;
EObject copyReferencedEObject = get(referencedEObject);
if (copyReferencedEObject == null) {
if (useOriginalReferences && !isBidirectional) {
target.addUnique(index, referencedEObject);
else {
if (isBidirectional) {
int position = target.indexOf(copyReferencedEObject);
if (position == -1) {
target.addUnique(index, copyReferencedEObject);
else if (index != position) {
target.move(index, copyReferencedEObject);
else if (!target.contains(copyReferencedEObject)) {
// TODO: does not allow multiple identical elements in the list. Problematic?
// Check above is necessary, since some references that are not
// part of the containment may have already been copied (e.g. in case of
// a TemplateSignature "ownedParameter" subsets "parameter", thus copying
// ownedParameter as part of the containment adds a template parameter)
target.addUnique(index, copyReferencedEObject);
else {
Object referencedEObject = eObject.eGet(eReference, resolveProxies);
if (referencedEObject == null) {
copyEObject.eSet(getTarget(eReference), null);
else if (referencedEObject instanceof EObject) {
// difference to original code in EcoreUtil: we obtain a copy (which might be null or the
// source object) of the referenced EObject. This assures that we only set a value of a
// reference to something we actually want to have in the target model.
// Specific problematic case in original code: classifierBehavior is a reference, but assigning such
// a behavior will also add an owned behavior. If we assign a referencedEObject (a behavior) from the
// source model in the target, we will actually remove it from the source model (as it is uniquely owned).
EObject copyReferencedEObject = copy((EObject) referencedEObject);
if (copyReferencedEObject != null) {
copyEObject.eSet(getTarget(eReference), copyReferencedEObject);
* Copy all methods from the passed source-model class.
* This function is useful, if the passed class only exist
* as a shallow copy.
* @param source
* A class within the source model
public void copyMethods(Class source) {
for (Behavior method : source.getOwnedBehaviors()) {
* Copy all attributes from the source-model classifier
* This function is useful, if the passed class only exist
* as a shallow copy.
* @param source
* A classifier within the source model
public void copyAttributes(Classifier source) {
for (Property attribute : source.getAttributes()) {
* copy all operations from the source-model classifier.
* This function is useful, if the passed class only exist
* as a shallow copy.
* @param source
* A classifier within the source model
public void copyOperations(Classifier source) {
for (Operation operation : source.getOperations()) {
// TODO: the functions that follow are static and should not be part of this class
// as they use a different way of copying things.
public static void copyFeatureModifiers(Feature source, Feature target) {
public static void copyMultElemModifiers(MultiplicityElement source, MultiplicityElement target) {
* Copy a value to a target slot
* @param smValue
* @param target
* @return
public static ValueSpecification copyValue(ValueSpecification value, Slot target) {
ValueSpecification newValue = target.createValue(value.getName(), value.getType(), value.eClass());
return copyValue(value, newValue);
public static ValueSpecification copyDefaultValue(Property source, Property target) {
ValueSpecification value = source.getDefaultValue();
if (value != null) {
ValueSpecification newValue = target.createDefaultValue(value.getName(), value.getType(), value.eClass());
return copyValue(value, newValue);
} else {
return null;
public static ValueSpecification copyValue(ValueSpecification smValue, ValueSpecification tmValue) {
if (smValue instanceof OpaqueExpression) {
OpaqueExpression oeValue = (OpaqueExpression) smValue;
OpaqueExpression noeValue = (OpaqueExpression) tmValue;
for (String language : oeValue.getLanguages()) {
for (String body : oeValue.getBodies()) {
} else if (smValue instanceof LiteralString) {
((LiteralString) tmValue).setValue(((LiteralString) smValue).getValue());
} else if (smValue instanceof LiteralInteger) {
((LiteralInteger) tmValue).setValue(((LiteralInteger) smValue).getValue());
} else if (smValue instanceof LiteralUnlimitedNatural) {
((LiteralUnlimitedNatural) tmValue).setValue(((LiteralUnlimitedNatural) smValue).getValue());
} else if (smValue instanceof LiteralBoolean) {
((LiteralBoolean) tmValue).setValue(((LiteralBoolean) smValue).booleanValue());
} else if (smValue instanceof LiteralNull) {
return tmValue;
* Copy the (XML) ID from the source to the destination model element. This
* is useful, if you want to create a diagram for (parts of) the generated
* target model. Otherwise, the IDs would change with each generation and
* references from the diagram to model elements would break (of course,
* they could still break, for instance if structural modifications of the
* source model are made).
* @param source
* source model element
* @param dest
* corresponding target model element
public static void copyID(EObject source, EObject target) {
copyID(source, target, "");
* Copy the (XML) ID from the source to the destination model element.
* Prefix the ID with a string passed as parameter
* @param source
* source model element
* @param dest
* corresponding target model element
* @param prefix
* a prefix for the target model ID
public static void copyID(EObject source, EObject target, String prefix) {
Resource resourceSource = source.eResource();
Resource resourceTarget = target.eResource();
// TODO: use EcoreUtil getURI (InternalEObject) instead?
if ((resourceSource instanceof XMLResource) && (resourceTarget instanceof XMLResource)) {
XMLResource xmlResSource = (XMLResource) resourceSource;
XMLResource xmlResTarget = (XMLResource) resourceTarget;
String id = prefix + xmlResSource.getID(source);
int counter = 0;
String uniqueID = id;
while (xmlResTarget.getIDToEObjectMap().containsKey(uniqueID)) {
uniqueID = id + counter;
xmlResTarget.setID(target, uniqueID);