blob: daa7054efb266aa73aca6abcb1ae462e60b3163a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2022 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* EclipseSource Corporation - ongoing enhancements
* Hannes Wellmann - Bug 576885 - Unify methods to parse bundle-sets from launch-configs
* Hannes Wellmann - Bug 577118 - Handle multiple Plug-in versions in launching facility
* Hannes Wellmann - Bug 576886 - Clean up and improve BundleLaunchHelper and extract String literal constants
package org.eclipse.pde.internal.launching.launcher;
import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;
import static;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.BundleDescription;
import org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.*;
import org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.*;
import org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.ifeature.*;
import org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.util.VersionUtil;
import org.eclipse.pde.internal.launching.IPDEConstants;
import org.eclipse.pde.launching.IPDELauncherConstants;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
public class BundleLauncherHelper {
private BundleLauncherHelper() { // static use only
public static final char VERSION_SEPARATOR = '*';
private static final char START_LEVEL_SEPARATOR = '@';
private static final String AUTO_START_SEPARATOR = ":"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String DEFAULT = "default"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String FEATURE_PLUGIN_RESOLUTION_SEPARATOR = ":"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String FEATURES_ADDITIONAL_PLUGINS_DATA_SEPARATOR = ":"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* When creating a mapping of bundles to their start levels, update configurator is set
* to auto start at level three. However, if at launch time we are launching with both
* simple configurator and update configurator, we change the start level as they
* shouldn't be started together.
public static final String DEFAULT_UPDATE_CONFIGURATOR_START_LEVEL_TEXT = "3"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String DEFAULT_UPDATE_CONFIGURATOR_AUTO_START_TEXT = "true"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static Map<IPluginModelBase, String> getWorkspaceBundleMap(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException {
return getWorkspaceBundleMap(configuration, new HashMap<>());
public static Map<IPluginModelBase, String> getMergedBundleMap(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, boolean osgi) throws CoreException {
ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy wc = getWorkingCopy(configuration);
if (!osgi) {
if (wc.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.USE_DEFAULT, true)) {
Map<IPluginModelBase, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
IPluginModelBase[] models = PluginRegistry.getActiveModels();
for (IPluginModelBase model : models) {
addBundleToMap(map, model, DEFAULT_START_LEVELS);
return map;
} else {
if (wc.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.USE_CUSTOM_FEATURES, false)) {
return getMergedBundleMapFeatureBased(wc, osgi);
return getAllSelectedPluginBundles(wc);
public static Map<IPluginModelBase, String> getAllSelectedPluginBundles(ILaunchConfiguration config) throws CoreException {
Map<String, List<Version>> idVersions = new HashMap<>();
Map<IPluginModelBase, String> map = getWorkspaceBundleMap(config, idVersions);
map.putAll(getTargetBundleMap(config, idVersions));
return map;
// --- feature based launches ---
private static Map<IPluginModelBase, String> getMergedBundleMapFeatureBased(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, boolean osgi) throws CoreException {
String defaultPluginResolution = configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.FEATURE_PLUGIN_RESOLUTION, IPDELauncherConstants.LOCATION_WORKSPACE);
Map<IFeature, String> feature2resolution = getSelectedFeatures(configuration);
// Get the feature model for each selected feature id and resolve its plugins
Set<IPluginModelBase> launchPlugins = new HashSet<>();
feature2resolution.forEach((feature, pluginResolution) -> {
if (IPDELauncherConstants.LOCATION_DEFAULT.equalsIgnoreCase(pluginResolution)) {
pluginResolution = defaultPluginResolution;
IFeaturePlugin[] featurePlugins = feature.getPlugins();
for (IFeaturePlugin featurePlugin : featurePlugins) {
IPluginModelBase plugin = getPlugin(featurePlugin.getId(), featurePlugin.getVersion(), pluginResolution);
if (plugin != null) {
IFeatureImport[] featureImports = feature.getImports();
for (IFeatureImport featureImport : featureImports) {
if (featureImport.getType() == IFeatureImport.PLUGIN) {
IPluginModelBase plugin = getPlugin(featureImport.getId(), featureImport.getVersion(), pluginResolution);
if (plugin != null) {
Map<IPluginModelBase, AdditionalPluginData> additionalPlugins = getAdditionalPlugins(configuration, true);
// Get any plug-ins required by the application/product set on the config
if (!osgi) {
String[] applicationIds = RequirementHelper.getApplicationRequirements(configuration);
for (String applicationId : applicationIds) {
IPluginModelBase plugin = getPlugin(applicationId, null, defaultPluginResolution);
if (plugin != null) {
// Get all required plugins
Set<BundleDescription> additionalBundles = DependencyManager.getDependencies(launchPlugins, false);
for (BundleDescription bundle : additionalBundles) {
IPluginModelBase plugin = getPlugin(bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion().toString(), defaultPluginResolution);
launchPlugins.add(Objects.requireNonNull(plugin));// should never be null
// Create the start levels for the selected plugins and add them to the map
Map<IPluginModelBase, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (IPluginModelBase model : launchPlugins) {
AdditionalPluginData additionalPluginData = additionalPlugins.get(model);
String startLevels = additionalPluginData != null ? additionalPluginData.startLevels() : DEFAULT_START_LEVELS;
addBundleToMap(map, model, startLevels); // might override data of plug-ins included by feature
return map;
private static Map<IFeature, String> getSelectedFeatures(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException {
String featureLocation = configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.FEATURE_DEFAULT_LOCATION, IPDELauncherConstants.LOCATION_WORKSPACE);
// Get all available features
Map<String, List<IFeature>> featureMaps = getPrioritizedAvailableFeatures(featureLocation);
Set<String> selectedFeatures = configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_FEATURES, emptySet());
Map<IFeature, String> feature2pluginResolution = new HashMap<>();
for (String currentSelected : selectedFeatures) {
String[] attributes = currentSelected.split(FEATURE_PLUGIN_RESOLUTION_SEPARATOR);
if (attributes.length > 1) {
String id = attributes[0];
String pluginResolution = attributes[1];
IFeature feature = getFeature(id, featureMaps);
if (feature != null) {
feature2pluginResolution.put(feature, pluginResolution);
return feature2pluginResolution;
private static Map<String, List<IFeature>> getPrioritizedAvailableFeatures(String featureLocation) {
FeatureModelManager fmm = PDECore.getDefault().getFeatureModelManager();
List<IFeatureModel[]> featureModelsPerLocation = isWorkspace(featureLocation) //
? List.of(fmm.getWorkspaceModels(), fmm.getExternalModels()) //
: Collections.singletonList(fmm.getExternalModels());
Map<String, List<IFeature>> featureMaps = new HashMap<>();
for (IFeatureModel[] featureModels : featureModelsPerLocation) {
Map<String, List<IFeature>> id2feature =;
id2feature.forEach((id, features) -> featureMaps.computeIfAbsent(id, i -> new ArrayList<>()).add(features.get(features.size() - 1)));
return featureMaps;
private static IFeature getFeature(String id, Map<String, List<IFeature>> featureMaps) {
List<IFeature> features = featureMaps.getOrDefault(id, Collections.emptyList());
return !features.isEmpty() ? features.get(0) : null;
private static IPluginModelBase getPlugin(String id, String version, String pluginResolution) {
ModelEntry modelEntry = PluginRegistry.findEntry(id);
if (modelEntry != null) {
return findModel(modelEntry, version, pluginResolution);
return null;
private static boolean isWorkspace(String location) {
if (IPDELauncherConstants.LOCATION_WORKSPACE.equalsIgnoreCase(location)) {
return true;
} else if (IPDELauncherConstants.LOCATION_EXTERNAL.equalsIgnoreCase(location)) {
return false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported location: " + location); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Finds the best candidate model from the <code>resolution</code> location. If the model is not found there,
* alternate location is explored before returning <code>null</code>.
* @param modelEntry
* @param version
* @param location
* @return model
private static IPluginModelBase findModel(ModelEntry modelEntry, String version, String location) {
IPluginModelBase model = null;
if (IPDELauncherConstants.LOCATION_WORKSPACE.equalsIgnoreCase(location)) {
model = getBestCandidateModel(modelEntry.getWorkspaceModels(), version);
if (model == null) {
model = getBestCandidateModel(modelEntry.getExternalModels(), version);
if (model == null && IPDELauncherConstants.LOCATION_EXTERNAL.equalsIgnoreCase(location)) {
model = getBestCandidateModel(modelEntry.getWorkspaceModels(), version);
return model;
* Returns model from the given list that is a 'best match' to the given bundle version or
* <code>null</code> if no enabled models were in the provided list. The best match will
* be an exact version match if one is found. Otherwise a model that is resolved in the
* OSGi state with the highest version is returned.
* @param models list of candidate models to choose from
* @param version the bundle version to find a match for
* @return best candidate model from the list of models or <code>null</code> if no there were no acceptable models in the list
private static IPluginModelBase getBestCandidateModel(IPluginModelBase[] models, String version) {
if (models.length == 0) {
return null;
Version requiredVersion = Version.parseVersion(version);
Comparator<BundleDescription> resolvedBundleVersion = comparing(BundleDescription::isResolved) // false < true
.thenComparing(d -> requiredVersion.compareTo(d.getVersion()) == 0) // false < true
Comparator<IPluginModelBase> resolvedPluginVersion = comparing(IPluginModelBase::getBundleDescription, resolvedBundleVersion);
Stream<IPluginModelBase> enabledPlugins = -> m.getBundleDescription() != null && m.isEnabled());
return enabledPlugins.max(resolvedPluginVersion).orElse(null);
// --- plug-in based launches ---
private static final BiPredicate<List<Version>, Version> CONTAINS_SAME_VERSION = List::contains;
private static final BiPredicate<List<Version>, Version> CONTAINS_SAME_MMM_VERSION = (versions, toAdd) -> -> VersionUtil.compareMacroMinorMicro(toAdd, v) == 0);
private static Map<IPluginModelBase, String> getWorkspaceBundleMap(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, Map<String, List<Version>> idVersions) throws CoreException {
Set<String> workspaceBundles = configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_WORKSPACE_BUNDLES, emptySet());
Map<IPluginModelBase, String> map = getBundleMap(workspaceBundles, ModelEntry::getWorkspaceModels, CONTAINS_SAME_VERSION, idVersions);
if (configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.AUTOMATIC_ADD, true)) {
Set<String> deselectedWorkspaceBundles = configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.DESELECTED_WORKSPACE_BUNDLES, emptySet());
Set<IPluginModelBase> deselectedPlugins = getBundleMap(deselectedWorkspaceBundles, ModelEntry::getWorkspaceModels, null, null).keySet();
IPluginModelBase[] models = PluginRegistry.getWorkspaceModels();
for (IPluginModelBase model : models) {
if (model.getPluginBase().getId() != null && !deselectedPlugins.contains(model) && !map.containsKey(model)) {
addPlugin(map, model, DEFAULT_START_LEVELS, idVersions, CONTAINS_SAME_VERSION);
return map;
private static Map<IPluginModelBase, String> getTargetBundleMap(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, Map<String, List<Version>> idVersions) throws CoreException {
Set<String> targetBundles = configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_TARGET_BUNDLES, emptySet());
return getBundleMap(targetBundles, ModelEntry::getExternalModels, CONTAINS_SAME_MMM_VERSION, idVersions); // don't add same major-minor-micro-version more than once
private static Map<IPluginModelBase, String> getBundleMap(Set<String> entries, Function<ModelEntry, IPluginModelBase[]> getModels, BiPredicate<List<Version>, Version> versionFilter, Map<String, List<Version>> idVersions) {
Map<IPluginModelBase, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (String bundleEntry : entries) {
int index = bundleEntry.indexOf(START_LEVEL_SEPARATOR);
if (index < 0) { // if no start levels, assume default
index = bundleEntry.length();
String idVersion = bundleEntry.substring(0, index);
int versionIndex = idVersion.indexOf(VERSION_SEPARATOR);
String id = (versionIndex > 0) ? idVersion.substring(0, versionIndex) : idVersion;
String version = (versionIndex > 0) ? idVersion.substring(versionIndex + 1) : null;
ModelEntry entry = PluginRegistry.findEntry(id);
if (entry != null) {
IPluginModelBase[] models = getModels.apply(entry);
String startData = bundleEntry.substring(index + 1);
for (IPluginModelBase model : getSelectedModels(models, version, versionFilter == null)) {
addPlugin(map, model, startData, idVersions, versionFilter);
return map;
static final Comparator<IPluginModelBase> VERSION = comparing(BundleLauncherHelper::getVersion);
private static Iterable<IPluginModelBase> getSelectedModels(IPluginModelBase[] models, String version, boolean greedy) {
// match only if...
// a) if we have the same version
// b) no version (if greedy take latest, else take all)
// c) all else fails, if there's just one bundle available, use it
Stream<IPluginModelBase> selectedModels =; // workspace models are always enabled, external might be disabled
if (version == null) {
if (!greedy) {
IPluginModelBase latestModel = selectedModels.max(VERSION).orElseThrow();
selectedModels = Stream.of(latestModel); // take only latest
} // Otherwise be greedy and take all if versionFilter is null
} else {
selectedModels = selectedModels.filter(m -> m.getPluginBase().getVersion().equals(version) || models.length == 1);
return selectedModels::iterator;
private static void addPlugin(Map<IPluginModelBase, String> map, IPluginModelBase model, String startData, Map<String, List<Version>> idVersions, BiPredicate<List<Version>, Version> containsVersion) {
if (containsVersion == null) { // be greedy and just take all (idVersions is null as well)
addBundleToMap(map, model, startData);
} else {
List<Version> pluginVersions = idVersions.computeIfAbsent(model.getPluginBase().getId(), n -> new ArrayList<>());
Version version = getVersion(model);
if (!containsVersion.test(pluginVersions, version)) { // apply version filter
addBundleToMap(map, model, startData);
private static Version getVersion(IPluginModelBase model) {
BundleDescription bundleDescription = model.getBundleDescription();
if (bundleDescription == null) {
try {
return Version.parseVersion(model.getPluginBase().getVersion());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return Version.emptyVersion;
return bundleDescription.getVersion();
* Adds the given bundle and start information to the map. This will override anything set
* for system bundles, and set their start level to the appropriate level
* @param map The map to add the bundles too
* @param bundle The bundle to add
* @param substring the start information in the form level:autostart
private static void addBundleToMap(Map<IPluginModelBase, String> map, IPluginModelBase bundle, String startData) {
BundleDescription desc = bundle.getBundleDescription();
boolean defaultsl = startData == null || startData.equals(DEFAULT_START_LEVELS);
if (desc != null && defaultsl) {
String runLevelText = resolveSystemRunLevelText(bundle);
String autoText = resolveSystemAutoText(bundle);
if (runLevelText != null && autoText != null) {
startData = runLevelText + AUTO_START_SEPARATOR + autoText;
map.put(bundle, startData);
private static final Map<String, String> AUTO_STARTED_BUNDLE_LEVELS = Map.ofEntries( //
Map.entry(IPDEBuildConstants.BUNDLE_DS, "1"), //$NON-NLS-1$
Map.entry(IPDEBuildConstants.BUNDLE_SIMPLE_CONFIGURATOR, "1"), //$NON-NLS-1$
Map.entry(IPDEBuildConstants.BUNDLE_EQUINOX_COMMON, "2"), //$NON-NLS-1$
Map.entry(IPDEBuildConstants.BUNDLE_OSGI, "1"), //$NON-NLS-1$
Map.entry(IPDEBuildConstants.BUNDLE_CORE_RUNTIME, DEFAULT), //
Map.entry(IPDEBuildConstants.BUNDLE_FELIX_SCR, "1")); //$NON-NLS-1$
public static String resolveSystemRunLevelText(IPluginModelBase model) {
BundleDescription description = model.getBundleDescription();
return AUTO_STARTED_BUNDLE_LEVELS.get(description.getSymbolicName());
public static String resolveSystemAutoText(IPluginModelBase model) {
BundleDescription description = model.getBundleDescription();
return AUTO_STARTED_BUNDLE_LEVELS.containsKey(description.getSymbolicName()) ? "true" : null; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static String formatBundleEntry(IPluginModelBase model, String startLevel, String autoStart) {
IPluginBase base = model.getPluginBase();
String id = base.getId();
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(id);
ModelEntry entry = PluginRegistry.findEntry(id);
if (entry != null) {
boolean isWorkspacePlugin = model.getUnderlyingResource() != null;
IPluginModelBase[] entryModels = isWorkspacePlugin ? entry.getWorkspaceModels() : entry.getExternalModels();
if (entryModels.length > 1) {
boolean hasStartLevel = startLevel != null && !startLevel.isEmpty();
boolean hasAutoStart = autoStart != null && !autoStart.isEmpty();
if (hasStartLevel || hasAutoStart) {
if (hasStartLevel) {
if (hasAutoStart) {
return buffer.toString();
public static String formatFeatureEntry(String featureId, String pluginResolution) {
return featureId + FEATURE_PLUGIN_RESOLUTION_SEPARATOR + pluginResolution;
public static void migrateLaunchConfiguration(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy configuration) throws CoreException {
String value = configuration.getAttribute("wsproject", (String) null); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (value != null) {
configuration.setAttribute("wsproject", (String) null); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (value.indexOf(';') != -1) {
value = value.replace(';', ',');
} else if (value.indexOf(':') != -1) {
value = value.replace(':', ',');
value = (value.length() == 0 || value.equals(",")) //$NON-NLS-1$
? null
: value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);
boolean automatic = configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.AUTOMATIC_ADD, true);
String attr = automatic ? IPDELauncherConstants.DESELECTED_WORKSPACE_PLUGINS : IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_WORKSPACE_PLUGINS;
configuration.setAttribute(attr, value);
String value2 = configuration.getAttribute("extplugins", (String) null); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (value2 != null) {
configuration.setAttribute("extplugins", (String) null); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (value2.indexOf(';') != -1) {
value2 = value2.replace(';', ',');
} else if (value2.indexOf(':') != -1) {
value2 = value2.replace(':', ',');
value2 = (value2.length() == 0 || value2.equals(",")) ? null : value2.substring(0, value2.length() - 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
configuration.setAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_TARGET_PLUGINS, value2);
convertToSet(configuration, IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_TARGET_PLUGINS, IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_TARGET_BUNDLES);
convertToSet(configuration, IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_WORKSPACE_PLUGINS, IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_WORKSPACE_BUNDLES);
convertToSet(configuration, IPDELauncherConstants.DESELECTED_WORKSPACE_PLUGINS, IPDELauncherConstants.DESELECTED_WORKSPACE_BUNDLES);
String version = configuration.getAttribute(IPDEConstants.LAUNCHER_PDE_VERSION, (String) null);
boolean newApp = TargetPlatformHelper.usesNewApplicationModel();
boolean upgrade = !"3.3".equals(version) && newApp; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!upgrade) {
upgrade = TargetPlatformHelper.getTargetVersion() >= 3.2 && version == null;
if (upgrade) {
configuration.setAttribute(IPDEConstants.LAUNCHER_PDE_VERSION, newApp ? "3.3" : "3.2a"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
boolean usedefault = configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.USE_DEFAULT, true);
boolean automaticAdd = configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.AUTOMATIC_ADD, true);
if (!usedefault) {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (version == null) {
list.add("org.eclipse.core.contenttype"); //$NON-NLS-1$
list.add(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
list.add("org.eclipse.equinox.preferences"); //$NON-NLS-1$
list.add("org.eclipse.equinox.registry"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!"3.3".equals(version) && newApp) { //$NON-NLS-1$
list.add(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
Set<String> extensions = new LinkedHashSet<>(configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_WORKSPACE_BUNDLES, emptySet()));
Set<String> target = new LinkedHashSet<>(configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_TARGET_BUNDLES, emptySet()));
for (String plugin : list) {
IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(plugin);
if (model == null) {
if (model.getUnderlyingResource() != null) {
if (!automaticAdd) {
} else {
if (!extensions.isEmpty()) {
configuration.setAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_WORKSPACE_BUNDLES, extensions);
if (!target.isEmpty()) {
configuration.setAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_TARGET_BUNDLES, target);
private static ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy getWorkingCopy(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException {
if (configuration.isWorkingCopy()) {
return (ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) configuration;
return configuration.getWorkingCopy();
public static void migrateOsgiLaunchConfiguration(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy configuration) throws CoreException {
convertToSet(configuration, IPDELauncherConstants.WORKSPACE_BUNDLES, IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_WORKSPACE_BUNDLES);
convertToSet(configuration, IPDELauncherConstants.TARGET_BUNDLES, IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_TARGET_BUNDLES);
convertToSet(configuration, IPDELauncherConstants.DESELECTED_WORKSPACE_PLUGINS, IPDELauncherConstants.DESELECTED_WORKSPACE_BUNDLES);
private static void convertToSet(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy wc, String stringAttribute, String listAttribute) throws CoreException {
String value = wc.getAttribute(stringAttribute, (String) null);
if (value != null) {
String[] itemArray = value.split(","); //$NON-NLS-1$
Set<String> itemSet = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(itemArray));
wc.setAttribute(listAttribute, itemSet);
* Returns a map of IPluginModelBase to their associated String resolution setting. Reads the
* additional plug-ins attribute of the given launch config and returns a map of plug-in models
* to their resolution. The attribute stores the id, version, enablement and resolution of each plug-in.
* The models to be returned are determined by trying to find a model with a matching name, matching version
* (or highest) in the resolution location (falling back on other locations if the chosen option is unavailable).
* The includeDisabled option allows the returned list to contain only plug-ins that are enabled (checked) in
* the config.
* @param config launch config to read attribute from
* @param onlyEnabled whether all plug-ins in the attribute should be returned or just the ones marked as enabled/checked
* @return map of IPluginModelBase to String resolution setting
* @throws CoreException if there is a problem reading the launch config
public static Map<IPluginModelBase, AdditionalPluginData> getAdditionalPlugins(ILaunchConfiguration config, boolean onlyEnabled) throws CoreException {
Map<IPluginModelBase, AdditionalPluginData> resolvedAdditionalPlugins = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> userAddedPlugins = config.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.ADDITIONAL_PLUGINS, emptySet());
String defaultPluginResolution = config.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.FEATURE_PLUGIN_RESOLUTION, IPDELauncherConstants.LOCATION_WORKSPACE);
for (String addedPlugin : userAddedPlugins) {
String[] pluginData = addedPlugin.split(FEATURES_ADDITIONAL_PLUGINS_DATA_SEPARATOR);
boolean checked = Boolean.parseBoolean(pluginData[3]);
if (!onlyEnabled || checked) {
String id = pluginData[0];
String version = pluginData[1];
String pluginResolution = pluginData[2];
ModelEntry pluginModelEntry = PluginRegistry.findEntry(id);
if (pluginModelEntry != null) {
if (IPDELauncherConstants.LOCATION_DEFAULT.equalsIgnoreCase(pluginResolution)) {
pluginResolution = defaultPluginResolution;
IPluginModelBase model = findModel(pluginModelEntry, version, pluginResolution);
if (model != null) {
String startLevel = (pluginData.length >= 6) ? pluginData[4] : null;
String autoStart = (pluginData.length >= 6) ? pluginData[5] : null;
AdditionalPluginData additionalPluginData = new AdditionalPluginData(pluginData[2], checked, startLevel, autoStart);
resolvedAdditionalPlugins.put(model, additionalPluginData);
return resolvedAdditionalPlugins;
public static String formatAdditionalPluginEntry(IPluginModelBase pluginModel, String pluginResolution, boolean isChecked, String fStartLevel, String fAutoStart) {
IPluginBase plugin = pluginModel.getPluginBase();
return String.join(FEATURES_ADDITIONAL_PLUGINS_DATA_SEPARATOR, plugin.getId(), plugin.getVersion(), pluginResolution, String.valueOf(isChecked), fStartLevel, fAutoStart);
public static class AdditionalPluginData {
public final String fResolution;
public final boolean fEnabled;
public final String fStartLevel;
public final String fAutoStart;
public AdditionalPluginData(String resolution, boolean enabled, String startLevel, String autoStart) {
fResolution = resolution;
fEnabled = enabled;
fStartLevel = (startLevel == null || startLevel.isEmpty()) ? DEFAULT : startLevel;
fAutoStart = (autoStart == null || autoStart.isEmpty()) ? DEFAULT : autoStart;
String startLevels() {
return fStartLevel + AUTO_START_SEPARATOR + fAutoStart;