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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>PDE Release Notes 3.2</TITLE>
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<TABLE cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0>
<TD class=title1 align=left width="72%"><FONT size=+3><B>PDE - build notes
3.3 stream</B></FONT> </TD></TR>
<TD class=title3><FONT size=-1>Here are the build notes for the Eclipse
Plug-in Development Environment.&nbsp; The component contains 6 plug-ins:
org.eclipse.pde, org.eclipse.pde.core, org.eclipse.pde.doc.user,
org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime, org.eclipse.pde.runtime,&nbsp; org.eclipse.pde.ui
and org.eclipse.pde.ui.templates</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><A name=v_635></A>
<H1>Eclipse Platform Build Notes<BR>Plug-in Development Environment</H1>
<p>Eclipse SDK 3.3 M7 - May 04, 2007</p>
<p><b><font size="4">Problem Reports Fixed</font></b></p>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<tr align="left">
<th class="first-child">
<a href="">
ID</a> </th>
<a href="">
Summary</a> </th>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">37562</a> </td>
<td>Add a clear log option on launcher for runtime workbench </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">59661</a> </td>
<td>Target platform location Combo control reloads too often </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">62034</a> </td>
<td>changing launch config name does not change config area location </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">67272</a> </td>
<td>&quot;Could not determine test plugin Id - project is not a plugin&quot; </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">67582</a> </td>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Copy, cut and paste operations not supported in table
and tree viewers </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">87549</a> </td>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Editor remains dirty after save </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">97677</a> </td>
<td>Long busy cursor when reloading target platform </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">102994</a>
<td>site.xml &gt; PDE Tools &gt; Build site does nothing when site.xml file is
dirty </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">114218</a>
<td>Context-Menu of *.product files in Navigator/Package Explorer </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">134434</a>
<td>Package Selection Dialog for Import-Package should allow for packages
not currently exported </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">147494</a>
<td>Automated Management of Dependencies: Provide &quot;Up&quot; and &quot;Down&quot; buttons
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149976</a>
<td>Automated Management of Dependencies: The &quot;add dependencies&quot; link can
result in an illegally formatted Import-Package header </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150299</a>
<td>Plug-in showing up in the launch configuration but not passed to the
runtime </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151172</a>
<td>PDE Manifest Editor should treat OSGI manifest headers as case
insensitive </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152575</a>
<td>Universal Welcome Contribution wizzard / template is buggy </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153515</a>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Editor opens on the wrong page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157973</a>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Paste and Undo shortcuts not working in the filter
field </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158326</a>
<td>Opening for big plug-in locks UI for 45s and flashes
cursor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">159066</a>
<td>No feedback the state of the state </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164762</a>
<td>Export product on OS X fails to put product.ini in proper location </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166223</a>
<td>vmargs of current platform should be respected in launching platform
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167378</a>
<td>[Manifest Editor] PDE should not generate values for non-required
attributes </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168247</a>
<td>Processing program args does not account for args containing spaces </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">169634</a>
<td>translation isn&#39;t required for properties file comment </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170703</a>
<td>Javadoc locations not always updated when changing target </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171965</a>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Unpleasant attribute deletion behaviour </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172721</a>
<td>Extension point schema editor opens as read-only from plugin.xml editor
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172771</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Add help icon and register cheat sheet hyperlink to
form header </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172856</a>
<td>NPE in the plugin model </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172988</a>
<td>target plugins not in launch configuration </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173067</a>
<td>[Feature Editor] Can&#39;t multi select in the plugins tab of the feature
editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173206</a>
<td>[Cheatsheet][Editors] Problems launching commands </td>
<tr class="bz_trivial bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173487</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Fields out of vertical alignment </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173490</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] SimpleCS Detail pages should reuse static sections
instead of creating new widgets </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173493</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Validation code informing user of disabled widgets
is deprecated </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173557</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Form text markup is lost </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174601</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Add item and add subitem should do insert in simple
editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175190</a>
<td>Problems with &quot;External Plug-in Libraries&quot; </td>
<tr class="bz_critical bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175288</a>
<td>Changing a plugin to a fragment back to a plugin makes it disappear </td>
<tr class="bz_critical bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175291</a>
<td>Adding and removing Eclipse-GenericCapability from fragment manifest
triggers access restrictions in all dependant plugins </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175321</a>
<td>Target platform reloaded on every keypress </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175568</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Preserve the &quot;translate&quot; parameter </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175599</a>
<td>Equinox launcher should manage &quot;org.eclipse.osgi&quot; bundle </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175773</a>
<td>Tracing tab on launch config dialog: selections don&#39;t properly track
checkbox </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176084</a>
<td>RCP application was unabled to locate its companion shared library </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176175</a>
<td>make VM setting inheritance optional </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176315</a>
<td>whackiness with dependencies view </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176642</a>
<td>Building after Target Platform change </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177426</a>
<td>startup.jar is required in target platform when launching </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177771</a>
<td>Problems adding multiple versions to Java search </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177773</a>
<td>External Plug-in references could be sorted </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177936</a>
<td>PDE does not get along with two bundles with same id but different
version in the same ws </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178309</a>
<td>Using the add required bundles in the product editor brings along
javax.servlet </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178517</a>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Code completion in the Manifest-editor should also
know about Equinox-specific extensions </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178582</a>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Content assist lightbulb icon slightly cut off </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178632</a>
<td>[Eye Candy] Promote new splash screen used for splash handler templates
to be the default for all branded templates </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178806</a>
<td>[Regression] Validate Bundles gives a false rosy picture </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178821</a>
<td>[Schema Editor] Focus not set correctly </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178855</a>
<td>[refactoring] Cannot finish after trying to rename project to existing
project </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178889</a>
<td>ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException building update site with no features
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178924</a>
<td>CSI PDE: colon vs dot </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178949</a>
<td>[Templates] Splash templates contain copyrighted code </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178950</a>
<td>[Templates] Browser splash screen contains code that is commented out
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178953</a>
<td>[Templates] Launching with wrong splash handler </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179044</a>
<td>[Templates] Splash Template fails with different case </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179045</a>
<td>[Product Editor] Splash page issues </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179125</a>
<td>Secondary Dependencies&#39; access rules are incorrect </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179238</a>
<td>Extension list filtered tree &quot;clear&quot; button is bad positioned </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179244</a>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Class/Interface proposals from dependencies does not
appear on manifest editor type browser </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179259</a>
<td>PDE editor should show fragments in Runtim - Package Visibility - Add...
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_CLOSED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179287</a>
<td>[NLS] NLS33: Translation question #89 </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179318</a>
<td>Problems with multiple junit versions in target </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179401</a>
<td>Shells created by some launcher buttons has wrong parents </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179433</a>
<td>[Templates] Splash screen is generated for non-RCP apps </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179460</a>
<td>No &#39;Run as Junit Plug-in test&#39; on methods </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179570</a>
<td>Extend Launch Shortcut on Product Editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179677</a>
<td>NPE in CalculateUsesOperation </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179736</a>
<td>Default values set in launch configurations should always be visible and
tweakable </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179793</a>
<td>[Templates] Generated splash handler template code needlessly spins the
event loop </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179992</a>
<td>[Product Editor] Merge &quot;Templates&quot; and &quot;Progress&quot; sections on &quot;Splash&quot;
page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">179997</a>
<td>[Product Editor] Implement remove splash product binding action </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180043</a>
<td>Run As Eclipse Application and Manifest Editor shortcut do different
launch </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180095</a>
<td>[Tests] Move JDT MANIFEST.MF test case input file to its own directory
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180112</a>
<td>NPE in while restoring an old workspace </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180179</a>
<td>Chkpii error in build N20070330-0010 </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180367</a>
<td>PDE&#39;s launch configs show irrelevant plug-ins/bundles </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180396</a>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Editor loses text position on focus </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180417</a>
<td>Initialize feature from launch configurations </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180420</a>
<td>New Plug-in wizard defaults are biased toward plug-in development </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180422</a>
<td>Finishing up on Brian&#39;s obsession - log view in text editors </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180429</a>
<td>[Content Assist] Proposal computation for an extension point ID is too
strict </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180812</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Use tab folders in place of individual command and
help sections </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180816</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Get rid of &quot;Allow this step to load in a dialog&quot;
checkbox </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">180957</a>
<td>[Log View] &quot;Open Log&quot; does not work on imported logs </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181058</a>
<td>Missing x-friends should be settable as a warning or error </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181063</a>
<td>NPE when running &quot;Find Unsed Dependencies&quot; from Dependencies View </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181091</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View} Show version number in label </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181092</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] Show/Hide optional dependencies </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181093</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] Show/Hide Fragments and their dependencies
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181259</a>
<td>NPE when using Add... </td>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<col class="bz_id_column"><col class="bz_short_desc_column">
<tr align="left">
<th class="first-child">
<a href="">
ID</a> </th>
<a href="">
Summary</a> </th>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181343</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] Fragment shows itself as dependency </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181370</a>
<td>&quot;&quot;Folding&quot; cannot be found for PDE when searching in preferences </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181512</a>
<td>Launch configurations marked dirty for no reason </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181523</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] Sorting is not correct </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181524</a>
<td>[Manifest Content Assist] No proposals for Fragment-Host </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181601</a>
<td>Closing org.eclipse.osgi in the IDE causes an internal error when
starting the configuration </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181659</a>
<td>target platform definition state caching </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181883</a>
<td>[Manifest Content Assist] Self-referencing Fragment-Host Proposal </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181884</a>
<td>[Manifest Content Assist] Require-Bundle should be as fancy as
Fragment-Host </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181925</a>
<td>chkpii error in N20070411-0010 </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181994</a>
<td>Change to PDE UI can improve debug performance </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">181997</a>
<td>AbstractLauncherToolbar leaks menus </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_VERIFIED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182005</a>
<td>Schemas use a lot of memory </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182022</a>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Clicking on annotation causes PC speaker to beep </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182075</a>
<td>[Manifest Content Assist] Version proposals should not include
qualifiers </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182097</a>
<td>Plug-ins launch config tab has button &#39;Validate Plu&amp;g-ins&#39; </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182187</a>
<td>[Manifest Editor] Error activating PDE view -
DocumentHandler.setTextNodeOffset() out of bounds </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182215</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies view] Initial empty state may be confusing </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182273</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] Collapse All button vanished </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182277</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] System packages not distinguished from
framework packages </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182482</a>
<td>[Manifest][Editors] Settings result in large dialog settings file </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182483</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] sorting is lost after changing to
presentation name mode </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182584</a>
<td>PDE launch shortcut appears everywhere </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182592</a>
<td>Show the plug-in depenceny hierarchy doesn&#39;t </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182686</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] Add a Show Leaf Plug-ins Only filter </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182757</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] View has amnesia </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">182961</a>
<td>NPE on startup </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183070</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] Show Optional does not work in table mode
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183072</a>
<td>[Manifest][Editors] Add Sort button to Dependencies page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183073</a>
<td>[Manifest][Editors] Go Home/Back/Into are not necessary </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183136</a>
<td>[Templates][RCP] Plug-in Project Wizard generates invalid application
class </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183245</a>
<td>Incorrect button state after sort in FeatureSection of Product Editor
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183250</a>
<td>[Product][Editor] Can add duplicate features </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P1 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183260</a>
<td>State out of sync after switching targets </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183405</a>
<td>[Manifest][Editors] &quot;Required Plug-ins&quot; section title missing on
&quot;Dependencies&quot; page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183543</a>
<td>[Target][Editor] Outline does not refresh </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183548</a>
<td>[Target][Editor] directory browser is initially all-collapsed </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183587</a>
<td>&#39;External Plug-in Libraries&#39; misses closed project from Java Search </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183708</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies View] Nothing happens when opening view from
manifest editor. </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183709</a>
<td>[Plug-in Dependencies] Using plug-in search to show dependents is odd
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183710</a>
<td>[Dependency Analysis] Clean up editor section </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">183715</a>
<td>[Refactoring] renaming a bundle does not update references in
dependents. </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">184033</a>
<td>[Contributions] Add a Command Contribution template </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">184085</a>
<td>[Manifest][Editors] Filtering marks manifest editor dirty </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">184188</a>
<td>[Manifest][Editors] Deleting library from &#39;Runtime Information&#39; section
of &#39;Build&#39; page causes NPE </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_VERIFIED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">184426</a>
<td>[Manifest][Editors] NPE in
SourceOutlinePage.addAllSelectionChangedListeners </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">184636</a>
<td>[Manifest][Builders][Regression] Quickfix menu item is disabled </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">184641</a>
<td>[Manifest][Editors] AIOOBE trying to use quick-assist to generate class
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">184647</a>
<td>[Feature][Wizards] Initialize from OSGi config </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">184894</a>
<td>[Manifest][Editors] Three colors leaked from extension tab </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">184897</a>
<td>[Schema][Editors] Three images leaked </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">184997</a>
<td>[Site][Editors] Two images leaked on &#39;Site Map&#39; page </td>
<p>Eclipse SDK 3.3 M6 - March 23, 2007</p>
<p><b><font size="4">Problem Reports Fixed</font></b></p>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<tr align="left">
<th class="first-child">
<a href="">
ID</a> </th>
<a href="">
Summary</a> </th>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">79027</a> </td>
<td>[Error reporting] nested extension elements don&#39;t get reported as errors
<tr class="bz_trivial bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">99197</a> </td>
<td>For plugin editor, Revert action doesn&#39;t work </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">121413</a>
<td>[Product Editor] Revert operation does not work </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">123953</a>
<td>Have Error Log view&#39;s Open Log use Eclipse&#39;s file association </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">130386</a>
<td>Almost impossible to browse problems using plug-in validation </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">141607</a>
<td>Unexpected unresolved dependancies error dialog </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">141671</a>
<td>window with results of plug-in set validation is modal </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">148540</a>
<td>&quot;Validate Plugin-Set&quot; does not work properly </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151499</a>
<td>[New Fragment Wizard] Vague and inconsistent error messages </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152073</a>
<td>JUnit performance test for extension point schema loading </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164210</a>
<td>FilteredTree on manifest editor looks ugly on Windows classic theme </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166493</a>
<td>Revert in Schema Editor does nothing </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166819</a>
<td>Renaming project&#39;s name won&#39;t be renamed Bundle-SymbolicName </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168335</a>
<td>Product export does not set the correct permissions for the copied JRE
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171957</a>
<td>[Templates] Splash not being generated for RCP apps when branding option
is not selected </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172532</a>
<td>[Product Editor] Integrate Kim&#39;s splash screen templates </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172774</a>
<td>Save on real estate in the product editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173085</a>
<td>Plug-in working set should make use of IWorkingSetElementAdapter API
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173205</a>
<td>[Product Editor] Field validation regurgitates the erroneous value </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173393</a>
<td>Missing Entries in Manifest generated by the Template Wizard </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173494</a>
<td>PDE Junit launch config should check whether project is a PDE project
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173677</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Revert operation not implemented / available </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173712</a>
<td>Plug-in Project from jar wizard fails to enable the Finish button </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173715</a>
<td>[Working Set] ClassCastException when trying to edit Working Set </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173741</a>
<td>A project created without files causes errors to be
logged </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173743</a>
<td>Not possible to launch a RCP application when launcher is imported </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173763</a>
<td>Do we really still need &#39;Convert to 3.0...&#39; in PDE Tools menu? </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173766</a>
<td>Not all PDE Form pages comply with recommendations for spacing </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173791</a>
<td>PDE Tools &gt; Organize Manifest... incorrectly identifes an externalized
Bundle-Category value as unused </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173883</a>
<td>Launching an eclipse product from eclipse causes incorrect vm arguments
to be appended. </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173961</a>
<td>NPE in new extension point wizard </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174080</a>
<td>[Target Editor] Revert operation does not work </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174168</a>
<td>Wrong section name in the dialog to enter version number for an exported
package </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174232</a>
<td>macosx/Info.plist is out of date </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174242</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Borders missing in enclosing text section when
using Windows XP Classic theme </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174457</a>
<td>The finish button state is not correct in the new plug-in project wizard
the first time the Template Selection page is visible </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174598</a>
<td>[Command Composer] Validation is too restrictive on file paths </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174640</a>
<td>Finish button state should be based on the selected templates, not all
templates </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174923</a>
<td>Rename bundle id action </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174978</a>
<td>ClassCastException in &#39;Edit Active Working Set&#39; </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174983</a>
<td>[Product Editor] Product model object reset operation is not complete
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">174998</a>
<td>Show extension point description does not work when plugin.xml specifies
Eclipse 3.2 format </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175042</a>
<td>JRE is selected to be bundled but is not part of the export </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175060</a>
<td>PDE welcome icon refresh </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175138</a>
<td>Widget is disposed error </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175154</a>
<td>enhancements to PDE launch shortcuts </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175364</a>
<td>[Product Editor] IOOBE during validation </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175393</a>
<td>Log view details dialog leaks images </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175437</a>
<td>[Regression] Eclipse SDK splash screen appears in hello RCP template
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175536</a>
<td>Manifest editor leaks six colors </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175566</a>
<td>Manifest editor preference page leaks six images </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">175756</a>
<td>PDE imports signatures with source </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176045</a>
<td>Extension editor doesn&#39;t remember field changes </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176289</a>
<td>Multiple bundle versions in workspace does not work. </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176313</a>
<td>regression: target plaform locations must have &quot;plugins&quot; </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176368</a>
<td>Export product results in a bad launcher on OS X </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176509</a>
<td>AssertionFailedException when clicking on dependencies link </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176613</a>
<td>Load Target button not enabled until Pre-defined Target Platform is
selected in the Combo </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176635</a>
<td>Support the new IJarEntryResource </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">176973</a>
<td>LogView.readSettings() insufficiently robust </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177177</a>
<td>Extension points from import-package dependencies are not shown </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177204</a>
<td>PDE should add launch shortcut descriptions </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177212</a>
<td>Dependency View does not update upon models being removed </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_VERIFIED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177354</a>
<td>PDE hijacks text editing scope </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_CLOSED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177363</a>
<td>NLS33:translation questions </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177379</a>
<td>NPE when creating project from jar org.apache.oro </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177546</a>
<td>[NLS] NLS33: Remove &quot;ReadOnly&quot; as a candidate for translation </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177590</a>
<td>Adopt &quot;Show Tooltip&quot; / F2 support from Platform Text </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177697</a>
<td>[Product Editor] Feature order matters </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177880</a>
<td>Get rid of copied AbstractReusableInformationControlCreator </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">177918</a>
<td>Product Export Wizard does not export JRE </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178344</a>
<td>NullPointerException while double clicking on imported package </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178491</a>
<td>&quot;Rename Bundle-SymbolicName...&quot; is not context-sensitive </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178500</a>
<td>24x24 image is not required </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178649</a>
<td>chkpii error in I20070321-0800 </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">178706</a>
<td>Javadoc warnings in I20070321-1800 </td>
<p>Eclipse SDK 3.3 M5 - February 9, 2007</p>
<p><b><font size="4">Problem Reports Fixed</font></b></p>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<tr align="left">
<th class="first-child">
<a href="">
ID</a> </th>
<a href="">
Summary</a> </th>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">44512</a> </td>
<td>PDE UI does not support several version of the same plugin to be loaded
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">45829</a> </td>
<td>Opening Error log is long running but only shows busy cursor </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">56525</a> </td>
<td>Import plugins, features and fragments as background job </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">64963</a> </td>
<td>New Extension Point Schema wizard locks up while workspace is locked
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">75207</a> </td>
<td>Copying plugin project messes up launch config and PDE state </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">78203</a> </td>
<td>Feature deployment to read-only resource fails </td>
<tr class="bz_trivial bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">85104</a> </td>
<td>Tracing details panel does not appear disabled when tracing disabled
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">86764</a> </td>
<td>Populate Plugin search page from selection in manifest editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">87899</a> </td>
<td>[M5a] Renaming one project makes others unavailable </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">91832</a> </td>
<td>appName product attribute not set </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">95042</a> </td>
<td>Export&gt;Deploy plugins should wait for build </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">97600</a> </td>
<td>Import Plug-ins and Fragments wizard cut off in High Contrast </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">97605</a> </td>
<td>Run Dialog cut off in High Contrast </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">98602</a> </td>
<td>[RC1] Changing name of plug-in means you can&#39;t have old name as a
dependency </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">99274</a> </td>
<td>[RC1] Restriction error where no restriction exists </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">107584</a>
<td>NullPointerException when using navigation history with syntax error
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">110282</a>
<td>&quot;A resource exists with a different case&quot; </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">110450</a>
<td>Cannot add plugin dependency after deleting copy of plugin </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">117484</a>
<td>Access restrictions don&#39;t work with multiple versions of plugin in
install </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">125648</a>
<td>Generate imports when creating a new project from a jar </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">126294</a>
<td>Eclipse doesn&#39;t use available libs when it should </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">128262</a>
<td>Make public APIs for accessing PDE model </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">140104</a>
<td>NullPointerException in TargetPlatformPreferencePage </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">141918</a>
<td>Run Configuration config.ini default support for all options in
config.ini file </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146711</a>
<td>PDE &gt; Externalize Strings tool to allow folders to be specified in
Localization field </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146912</a>
<td>AbstractModel needs to update NLResourceHelper when a bundle
localization changes </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152059</a>
<td>Warning in about plugin.xml not listed when using
wildcards </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152912</a>
<td>Give PDE editors a facelift </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154549</a>
<td>NPE in BundleErrorReporter#validateSingleton </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">161265</a>
<td>touch/augment/fold/staple/mutilate config.ini template </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163107</a>
<td>warning &amp; quickfix for missing Export-Package entries in MANIFEST.MF
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">165045</a>
<td>Import plugin with source leaves a warning about missing </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">165818</a>
<td>Self hosting with new equinox.startup jar </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">165930</a>
<td>Should clicking &quot;Target&quot; while field is empty open the Target Definition
wizard? </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166223</a>
<td>vmargs of current platform should be respected in launching platform
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167302</a>
<td>Plugin&#39;s View Filter counter doesn&#39;t update upon target platform change
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167417</a>
<td>Nothing selected after removal from the feature editor </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167529</a>
<td>Plug-ins Search option should be available when working with PDE
perspective </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167649</a>
<td>Plugin Registry View &quot;not loaded&#39; decoration confusing </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167844</a>
<td>&#39;Link with Editor&#39; on page always jumps to property name
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167968</a>
<td>Need a way to calculate the &quot;uses&quot; directive on exports </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168028</a>
<td>Deadlock on close resource action </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168126</a>
<td>Warnings on project after importing w/ source folders a project that was
exported with source </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168181</a>
<td>IAE while building </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_VERIFIED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168198</a>
<td>Error while validating a launch config </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168288</a>
<td>Copyrights on provisioner stuff </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168337</a>
<td>NPE in TargetPlatformPreferencePage </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168358</a>
<td>Include JRE for multiple platforms </td>
<tr class="bz_critical bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168417</a>
<td>Generated Ant Script to export plugin projects not working </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168466</a>
<td>[Content Assist] Wrong icon associated with extension proposals invoked
within plugin elements </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168616</a>
<td>Determine impact of launcher changes to build/export </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">168669</a>
<td>The Load target button in the PDE preferences page for Target Platform
is not enabled correctly </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">169257</a>
<td>Use Comparator&#39;s </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">169452</a>
<td>3.3M4 PDE junit3 runner does not work if target platform is 3.2 </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">169480</a>
<td>MANIFEST.MF editor does not display plug-in names with commas </td>
<tr class="bz_critical bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">169528</a>
<td>Widget Disposed exception when trying to import plug-ins </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">169774</a>
<td>New RCP Wizard / Branding / splash.bmp not exported </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">169852</a>
<td>Update to new JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">169867</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Checkbox text clipped in simple item details
section after horizontal resizing of form </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">169949</a>
<td>Error while organizing manifest: &quot;Path must include project and resource
name&quot; </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170081</a>
<td>Unable to launch eclipse (self-host) </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170142</a>
<td>[launching] new mapping for launch shortcuts </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170193</a>
<td>Remove use of deprecated jdt methods </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170323</a>
<td>Remove IPDECoreConstants as API </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170342</a>
<td>[Wizards] Do not pre-fill extension in file name field and adjust
validation accordingly </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170370</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Optional checkbox disabled when item has sub-steps
confusing to user </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170474</a>
<td>Dependancies not initially set in project creation wizard </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170546</a>
<td>Extension point schema editor gives warning for XML header in example
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170678</a>
<td>Dependency Management does not take into account packages in binary jars
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170756</a>
<td>Quick fix &#39;Add missing packages&#39; should add internal packages as
x-internal:=true </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170772</a>
<td>Unable to launch RCP application </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">170972</a>
<td>Need to add launcher to required plug-ins </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171067</a>
<td>Replace deprecated uses of FormColors </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171143</a>
<td>Testing Section in plug-in editor has shrunk </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171162</a>
<td>selection behaviour on source page is messed up </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171177</a>
<td>[Forms] Regression - Unusual horizontal re-sizing in Forms </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171180</a>
<td>More suitable default values for translatable attributes </td>
<tr class="bz_trivial bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171425</a>
<td>[launching] New fields for launch delegates </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171462</a>
<td>clean up templates </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171473</a>
<td>Remove references to Headers.parseManifest(...) </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171476</a>
<td>Body Text section is not obvious to use </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171608</a>
<td>Widget is disposed error </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171661</a>
<td>javadoc warnings in N200701250010 </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171728</a>
<td>Cannot update extension element body text </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171757</a>
<td>Engineering should not be abbreviated in label </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171758</a>
<td>Properties? what properties? </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171759</a>
<td>NPE in New Extension wizard </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171804</a>
<td>pde-ui doesn&#39;t export all its packages </td>
<tr class="bz_critical bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171820</a>
<td>Something&#39;s wrong with the JUnit Plug-in Test launcher </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171823</a>
<td>ArrayStoreException in PluginJavaUtil </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171831</a>
<td>Header shows the wrong icon </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171836</a>
<td>Help icon does not show up in every header </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171837</a>
<td>Target Editor outline needs an update </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171838</a>
<td>Environment page of Target editor is too slow to initialize </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171878</a>
<td>Remove help icons from sections on Overview page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171895</a>
<td>Veto on the push button in the target editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">171962</a>
<td>the value of a translatable attribute seems to be set twice </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172080</a>
<td>Quick fix broken: Externalize manifest header value </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172111</a>
<td>[Regression] Runtime Eclipse application gets wrong splash screen </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172134</a>
<td>counter has vanished from the plugin import wizard </td>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<col class="bz_id_column"><col class="bz_short_desc_column">
<tr align="left">
<th class="first-child">
<a href="">
ID</a> </th>
<a href="">
Summary</a> </th>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172137</a>
<td>Untranslated text in RCP mail app </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172222</a>
<td>Default JRE button is too easy to select in the target editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172225</a>
<td>Directory dialog has amnesia (again) </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172226</a>
<td>dead link in the target editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172230</a>
<td>New project creation woes when the plugin name is difference than the
project name </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172353</a>
<td>Forms Without Borders </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172398</a>
<td>[API] no visible difference between getValue and getReplacementString in
AbstractTemplateSection </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172451</a>
<td>Missing file paralyzes PDE tooling </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172484</a>
<td>CCE when opening context menu on PDE search result </td>
<tr class="bz_critical bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172524</a>
<td>Workspace crashed message after normal shutdown </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172529</a>
<td>make jre section in product editor shareable </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172675</a>
<td>Name, Provider form fields on fragment overview page not updated when
externalization quick fix applied </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172712</a>
<td>Unstable values in Fragment Overview page Host fields </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172760</a>
<td>New Plugin-Project wizard fails for Equinox / OSGi templates when
projectName has upper case </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172766</a>
<td>product editor needs sexy icons like the target editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172767</a>
<td>more buttons needed in the target editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172772</a>
<td>Site editor uses old header </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172773</a>
<td>Upgrade feature editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172776</a>
<td>non-standard button size in the cheatsheet editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172789</a>
<td>Inconsistent casing in the target editor (and others) </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172790</a>
<td>Width hint in the plugin editor is not wide enough </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172828</a>
<td>Enhance new body text section usability used in plug-in manifest
extensions page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172905</a>
<td>Retire all micro-icons deployed as tool items in PDE section headers
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172964</a>
<td>Product export insists on exporting a JRE </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">172985</a>
<td>target settings not updated </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173046</a>
<td>NPE in PluginModelManager.handleAdd(..) </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173112</a>
<td>ECLIPSE_HOME variable should be read-only </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173116</a>
<td>&quot;add required plugins&quot; in launch config does not work </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173119</a>
<td>Calculate Uses button not enabled after initial add in Export Package
section </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173173</a>
<td>UI issues with the Update target provisioner </td>
<tr class="bz_trivial bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173210</a>
<td>Typo in Command Composer Dialog </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173215</a>
<td>Height calculation is messed up </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173356</a>
<td>Convert to XHTML wizard doesn&#39;t find anything to convert </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">173378</a>
<td>RCP mail template references non-existent file </td>
<p>Eclipse SDK 3.3 M4 - December 15, 2006</p>
<p><b><font size="4">Problem Reports Fixed</font></b></p>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<tr align="left">
<th class="first-child">
<a href="">
ID</a> </th>
<a href="">
Summary</a> </th>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">89955</a> </td>
<td>Product export should have an option to include a JRE </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">118596</a>
<td>Target platform should allow multiple locations </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">129968</a>
<td>PDE Plugin view should allow &quot;PDE Tools&quot; actions </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139679</a>
<td>javax.xml.parsers is not flagged as unresolved </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">140135</a>
<td>[WorkingSets] Hard to add a specific plugin to a working set </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">140238</a>
<td>JavaAttributeWizard performs finish in UI thread </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150340</a>
<td>[Eye Candy] Add support for Ctrl+O to bring up outline in plug-in editor
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153642</a>
<td>Refactor out templates into a separate plugin(s) </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154651</a>
<td>SubjectControlContentAssistant is deprecated </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156718</a>
<td>Projects can no longer reference ICU4J packages </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156796</a>
<td>DocumentHandler: unused column, wrong element length detection </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157924</a>
<td>Plugins View needs FilteredTree love </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158310</a>
<td>cleanup </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158575</a>
<td>Plug-in editor has no borders on Vista </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">160233</a>
<td>PDE does not understand package import/export groupings </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">160475</a>
<td>Decorate erroneous additional.bundles in raw editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">160747</a>
<td>Unbuffered I/O in ValidatingSAXParser </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">161241</a>
<td>OptionTemplateSection should have default functionality in
validateOptions() </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">161524</a>
<td>Schema editor: The &quot;has doc&quot; annotation is confusing </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">161725</a>
<td>filtered tree search text cut off on Extensions page </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">161989</a>
<td>Expecting a warning when a fragment references its own host as a
dependency </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">162379</a>
<td>When adding a new extension, add children automatically </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">162557</a>
<td>SWTException thrown by DependencyManagementSection.refresh </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">162812</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Provide easy mechanism to add / update cheat sheet
extensions in simple / composite cheat sheet editors </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">162946</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Cheat Sheet Editor should support &quot;Save As&quot; </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163350</a>
<td>fileExtension is deprecated for launchConfigurationType </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163384</a>
<td>Wrong order of classpath entries in self-hosting </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163529</a>
<td>The OSGi framework selection combo from the launch configuration does
not work </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163551</a>
<td>Exclude PDE Ant tasks from signing </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163566</a>
<td>IOOBE on Ctrl+A in Plug-in Search page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163936</a>
<td>Add to / Remove from Java Search does not appear any more with mixed
selection </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163967</a>
<td>plugin.xml editor: Open Description should open exsd file, not preview
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164061</a>
<td>NullPointer exception due to implicit dependency on SDK </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164127</a>
<td>NegativeArraySizeException encountered adding and changing name of
element in extension point schema editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164244</a>
<td>inappropriate raw type warnings </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164337</a>
<td>exceptions in PDE refactoring participant </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164438</a>
<td>Signed features mistaken for plug-ins </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164495</a>
<td>Remove garbage when imported signed plug-ins </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164652</a>
<td>NPE in BuildErrorReporter.validateMissingLibraries </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164800</a>
<td>Plugins tree is not disabled for USEFEATURES mode when launch dialog is
opened </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164817</a>
<td>All output folders are added to </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">164896</a>
<td>Add open schema action to action group and make ubiquitous throughout
PDE UI </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">165228</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Remove unnecessary vertical spacing adjustment
applied depending on form toolkit border style </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">165339</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Flicker present in master tree viewer when moving
objects up / down </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">165477</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Create general purpose form error page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">165485</a>
<td>IStatus logged with OK level appears in error log with kinda error icon
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">165790</a>
<td>Patch to use new API from Compare </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">165842</a>
<td>[plugin.xml] Error declaring project nature </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166147</a>
<td>New application model ramifications </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166518</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V does not work in the Introduction /
Conclusion text fields </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166520</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Register cheat sheet action adds extension in the
wrong place </td>
<tr class="bz_trivial bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166546</a>
<td>Exporting the default package of a plug-in project does not allow other
plug-ins to use classes in the default package </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166562</a>
<td>RequireBundleObject.getVersion() returns only a partial version </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166611</a>
<td>Chris refactors too much </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166617</a>
<td>Migrate launch configs </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166795</a>
<td>variables in config.ini template field don&#39;t stick </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166801</a>
<td>[docs] core.runtime.applications and core.runtime.products ext pts
missing </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166826</a>
<td>Cannot launch runtime workbench with binary imported plug-ins </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166865</a>
<td>Please remove &#39;Run as SWT Application&#39; from the run menu </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">166984</a>
<td>Eclipse Application launch config fails with SWT fragment in workspace
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167163</a>
<td>pde junit runtime needs to support IApplication </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167256</a>
<td>Allow eclipse to launch without workspace specified </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167295</a>
<td>pde plugin versioning issues </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167313</a>
<td>File System Target Provisioner wizard glitches </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167378</a>
<td>PDE should not generate values for non-required attributes </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167388</a>
<td>ctrl+O filtering is too strict </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167463</a>
<td>Auto-generated attribute values are not updated properly in Extension
Element Details page UI </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167490</a>
<td>[Content Assist] No auto-generation or child proposals for extension if
extension point is defined within the same plug-in </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167497</a>
<td>[Content Assist] Add all available extension points as proposals when
content assist is invoked within &quot;plugin&quot; elements </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167654</a>
<td>Mystery Toolbar Icon when plug-in editor is active </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167749</a>
<td>is the provisioner extension point in UI or Core? </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167774</a>
<td>NPE in target provisioning </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167836</a>
<td>Manifest compiler option &quot;All packages not exported:&quot; has misleading
name </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">167843</a>
<td>[Quick Outline] Strange ordering of manifest header elements in quick
outline dialog and outline view for </td>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<tr align="left">
<p>Eclipse SDK 3.3 M3 - November 03, 2006</p>
<p><b><font size="4">Problem Reports Fixed</font></b></p>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<tr align="left">
<th class="first-child">
<a href="">
ID</a> </th>
<a href="">
Summary</a> </th>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">87387</a> </td>
<td>Should cache Collators for ViewerSorters </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">89608</a> </td>
<td>export of imported binary features </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">116405</a>
<td>Feature and Site projects mix up feature&#39;s version number </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153329</a>
<td>Refactor-&gt;Rename of other resources does not update plugin.xml </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154887</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] New cheat sheet file wizard </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155062</a>
<td>&lt;pde.exportFeatures&gt; task&#39;s &quot;destination&quot; attribute does not accept
relative a relative path </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155320</a>
<td>Warning that Export-Service and Import-Service manifest headers are
deprecated by OSGi R4 </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157087</a>
<td>should adopt ICU Collator and use new APIs on StructuredViewer </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157603</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] Preview unsaved cheatsheet </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157735</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] Cheatsheet editor could use a CollapseAll button
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157888</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Cheat sheet editor outline problems </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157889</a>
<td>Need a PDE Problems category </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157894</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Spaces missing in body text field </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157898</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Confusion with Help section in cheat sheet editor
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157899</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Hard to add formatted text in step description </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157901</a>
<td>Command conqueror UI inconsistencies </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157993</a>
<td>PDE should warn/error when contribution omits required child
element </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158331</a>
<td>Get rid of copied HTML rendering classes </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158355</a>
<td>[Cheet Sheet Editor] Editing command doesn&#39;t validate upon parameter
change </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158418</a>
<td>Creating a new osgi bundle project adds lazy-start header </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158655</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] New composite cheat sheet editor: Model, UI, &amp;
functionality </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158667</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Select sibling on item / sub-item deletion </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158669</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Allow sub-item additions when sub-item is selected
in tree </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158801</a>
<td>Focus not being set on editor page change </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158850</a>
<td>Explicitly dispose of hand cursor utilized in section headers </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158862</a>
<td>Section headers with toolbars too high </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158882</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Update simple cheat sheet icons </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">158945</a>
<td>PDE cannot handle space after &#39;,&#39; in the required bundle version </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">159020</a>
<td>Included Features don&#39;t show up in Feature Editor Outline </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">159062</a>
<td>addtional target locations must have &quot;plugins&quot; </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">159374</a>
<td>Extensions of type &quot;resource&quot; should allow to select a directory in the
plugin editor </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">159540</a>
<td>Add source location dialog in the target platform preferences page use
workbench as its parent shell </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">159919</a>
<td>Conflicting mnemonics on New Plug-in Project from existing Jar Wizard
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">159989</a>
<td>Infinite loop initializing PDE classpath containers </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">160017</a>
<td>Quickfix for Import-Service / Export-Service </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">160043</a>
<td>RequiredPluginsInitializer should implement getDescription(...) </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">160169</a>
<td>The &quot;add dependencies&quot; link should ignore DynamicImport-Package header
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">160363</a>
<td>Simple PDE performance testing utility </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">160523</a>
<td>[Compare] Changes needed to support file buffers </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">160554</a>
<td>Section header title missing on plug-in manifest editor extension page
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">161470</a>
<td>LogReader.addEntry ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">161970</a>
<td>NPE opening schema file </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">161985</a>
<td>NPE in feature editor - cannot assume that IStorage has a path </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">162085</a>
<td>Source page loses position when Outline view used </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">162958</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] No editor for composite cheat sheet </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163003</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Editor] Conclusion text model update operation fails on
paste when introduction has contents </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163161</a>
<td>PDE Extension Wizard creates bad plugin.xml file </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">163219</a>
<td>Adjust elements flagged and make error messages mores specific for min /
max occurrence element validator </td>
<p>Eclipse SDK 3.3 M2 - September 22, 2006</p>
<p><b><font size="4">Problem Reports Fixed</font></b></p>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<tr align="left">
<th class="first-child">
<a href="">
ID</a> </th>
<a href=",bugs.bug_id&query_based_on=">
Summary</a> </th>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">47954</a> </td>
<td>code generated for default instance access is not thread safe </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">79208</a> </td>
<td>Plugin manifest editor: retain context when switching from source to
form tab </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">82803</a> </td>
<td>Name the launch config after the product/app </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">101644</a>
<td>Browse in plugin editor should init with actual value </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">108306</a>
<td>Error occurs when creating project with name &quot;*?&quot; in Linux </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">108466</a>
<td>Dups from (Eclipse)ClassLoader.getResources(String) </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">115484</a>
<td>Allow PDE Export to read qualifiers from map (or provided) files </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">118467</a>
<td>NPE In Feature Manifest Editor </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">127197</a>
<td>launch configuraion and tab group are not extendable for Profile mode
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">138903</a>
<td>Template for the perspectives extension point </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139161</a>
<td>Plug-in importer should also import schemas </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139521</a>
<td>C2.6 Renaming packages does not update Exported Packages section </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">145854</a>
<td>Create a template for a a Hello World OSGi service </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146704</a>
<td>Stop using the runtime converter when creating new plug-in projects </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146819</a>
<td>Missing instruction to expand tree in RCP tutorial </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">148377</a>
<td>Feature Manifest Editor creates invalid import statement </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150651</a>
<td>Error log event order doesn&#39;t match .log file </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151324</a>
<td>PDE should warn user if Bundle-SymbolicName not specified in Manifest
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152315</a>
<td>Proposal: Adding support to PDE Equinox Launch for additional OSGi
framework implementations </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153127</a>
<td>useful to add &#39;add/remove from java search&#39; to context menu for plugin
references search results </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153195</a>
<td>Create OSGI Bundle Manifest generates exports for CVS metadata </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153460</a>
<td>NPE occurs after retrieving content from CVS </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153575</a>
<td>refactor actions </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153640</a>
<td>[Template] OSGi Services: Usage of a SimpleLogService </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153641</a>
<td>[Template] OSGi Services: Usage of Preferences </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153671</a>
<td>Gray background of FilteredTree </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153868</a>
<td>Description is not found. </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153872</a>
<td>[Eye Candy] Manifest Editor source page should support hover </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154030</a>
<td>Plug-in manifest editor: Switching from form to source page selects too
much </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154086</a>
<td>Type reference search does not consider package qualification in
plugin.xml </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154091</a>
<td>Type reference search does not work for nested types </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154493</a>
<td>plugin.xml keeps on going.... going.... going... </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154549</a>
<td>NPE in BundleErrorReporter#validateSingleton </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154739</a>
<td>PDE editor tab tooltip does not show fully qualified name when opened
from the plugin deps view </td>
<tr class="bz_trivial bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154853</a>
<td>Missing border on Extensions tab </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154868</a>
<td>Hovers in the extension editor are cut </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154886</a>
<td>SWTLaunchConfiguration should respect getEnvironment() </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154949</a>
<td>Missing description in hover </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">154976</a>
<td>Problems in New Cheatsheet wizard </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155038</a>
<td>Setting target platform architecture to arm results in &quot;arm,arm&quot; </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155064</a>
<td>keybinding to open error log view </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155070</a>
<td>Exporting feature and saving as an Ant script generates non-functional
script </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155132</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] New simple cheat sheet model </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155158</a>
<td>Product editor doesn&#39;t support the delete key </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155352</a>
<td>Enable &quot;Properties...&quot; button for multiple selected Imported Packages
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155594</a>
<td>Tooltip hover contains duplicate information </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155596</a>
<td>Hover info does not recognize closing tags </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155600</a>
<td>NPE when opening the Editors preference page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155743</a>
<td>Schema Descriptions contain (no description available) </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155755</a>
<td>Hover does not work on translatable values </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155759</a>
<td>Weird window during contenxt assist </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155796</a>
<td>Patch to fix jface.text.Assert deprecation </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155865</a>
<td>Hover does not work on the &#39;name&#39; attribute of an extension point </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155871</a>
<td>Hover shows wrong description </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155882</a>
<td>Hover does not appear on element content </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">155984</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] New simple cheat sheet editor UI </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156021</a>
<td>Exception clicking on translatable attribute with no value </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156038</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] Implement basic simple cheat sheet editor
functionality </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156047</a>
<td>Feature Builder forces </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156298</a>
<td>NPE when importing jarred plugins without source </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156308</a>
<td>The schema editor inserts bogus text </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156385</a>
<td>NPE trying to add dependencies to a plugin </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156405</a>
<td>Errors in documentation of the org.eclipse.pde.core.javadoc </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156414</a>
<td>Widget Disposed error when creating OSGi manifest </td>
<tr class="bz_trivial bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156442</a>
<td>Remove occurences of &#39;(no description available)&#39; in extension point
schemas </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156470</a>
<td>A NPE occurs in the Package Explorer when Eclipse starts up. </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156827</a>
<td>One step forward, two steps back </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">156868</a>
<td>Multiple structure compare panes after &#39;Navigate &gt; Next Difference&#39; </td>
<tr class="bz_critical bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157030</a>
<td>Unresponsive UI caused by torrent of NPEs </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157132</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] Glitches in Cheatsheet editor </td>
<tr class="bz_critical bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157504</a>
<td>CCE trying to define a new fragment </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157598</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] Enable UI to preserve cheat sheet validity </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157599</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] Hide the two cheatsheet wizard options </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157605</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] Cheatsheet editor falsely marked dirty </td>
<tr class="bz_critical bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157693</a>
<td>Run As &gt; OSGi Framework is broken </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157730</a>
<td>OSGi Frameworks pref page shows wrong label </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157732</a>
<td>New cheatsheet packages are not accounted for in the </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157736</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] Details section of an Item is too tall </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157737</a>
<td>Command Composer makes editing difficult </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157738</a>
<td>Command Composer does not initialize values correctly </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157740</a>
<td>Forms don&#39;t fill out values for required attributes anymore </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157824</a>
<td>Can JUnitWorkbenchShortcut be made public API </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157875</a>
<td>[Cheat Sheet Authoring] Command Parameters don&#39;t display all values </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157884</a>
<td>Typo &quot;serilaized&quot; in command composer </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157900</a>
<td>Missing mnemonics in cheat sheet editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">157944</a>
<td>JavaAttributeWizard shouldn&#39;t open with errors when passed an empty
<p>Eclipse SDK 3.3 M1 - August 10, 2006</p>
<p><b><font size="4">Problem Reports Fixed</font></b></p>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<tr align="left">
<th class="first-child">
<a href="">
ID</a> </th>
<a href=",bugs.bug_id&query_based_on=">
Summary</a> </th>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P4 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">37661</a> </td>
<td>[plan item] Improve PDE editors </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">51463</a> </td>
<td>in plugin.xml editor, support F3 / &quot;Open Declaration&quot; action for class
names </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">55073</a> </td>
<td>Reminder: XML node -&gt; schema association not optimal </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">57699</a> </td>
<td>[Intro] Button truncation at Samples dialog of Intro </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">61522</a> </td>
<td>[New Editor] GUI selection should be preserved in source </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">61894</a> </td>
<td>Sort plugin dependencies and feature content automatically in manifest
files </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">79794</a> </td>
<td>Adopt new hyperlink feature </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">88574</a> </td>
<td>lists need counts </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">95413</a> </td>
<td>PDE XML source pages could use folding support </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">101516</a>
<td>Sort extensions in PDE plug-in XML editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">105777</a>
<td>Help files for extension points don&#39;t contain definitions from included
schema </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">109003</a>
<td>editing a plugin.xml located in subfolder of a plugin project, edits the
MANIFEST.MF at the root </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">119843</a>
<td>Exporting a plug-in leaves file javaCompiler...args </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">126036</a>
<td>plugin.xml editor: give help creating an extension </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">137038</a>
<td>PDE Wizard Templates &quot;Hello RCP&quot; and &quot;RCP app with View&quot; don&#39;t work well
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">138260</a>
<td>Enforce META-INF to be included in </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">138520</a>
<td> page should have a format option </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139224</a>
<td>&quot;Maximum Version&quot; ignored in MANIFEST.MF Dependencies editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139261</a>
<td>DynamicImport-Package seems to confuse PDE when also using
Import-Package </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139271</a>
<td>Confusing warning message &#39;A &quot;source..&quot; build entry is missing&#39; </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139290</a>
<td>stack overflow error in schema editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139449</a>
<td>&#39;Show Workspace Plug-ins&#39; filter does not show old-style plugins </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139450</a>
<td>Selection is lost after a plugin/feature is removed </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139526</a>
<td>E2.9 Extra Dependency added </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139582</a>
<td>B2:5 Entering org.eclipse.pde.core.parsers as extension point name </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">139615</a>
<td>Splash screen doesn&#39;t appear on mac when launch from product editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">140146</a>
<td>Manifest Editor; Runtime; Classpath; Add...; JAR Selection Dialog does
not use dialog font </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">140364</a>
<td>Exception when deleting stale reference </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">140381</a>
<td>Convert produces warnings in for / not existing </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">140896</a>
<td>Problem severity downgraded when execution environment set </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">141292</a>
<td>GeneratedException while starting my workspace </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">141562</a>
<td>New Extension Point Schema wizard opens with error </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">141587</a>
<td>Finish enabled while Error displayed in New Extension Point dialog </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">141640</a>
<td>Class fields should use content assist </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">141655</a>
<td>&quot;Find unused dependencies&quot; should ignore packages exported by the bundle
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">141682</a>
<td>splash.bmp missing from RCP Mail template </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">142007</a>
<td>Site manifest editor incorrectly shows the same version numbers </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">142076</a>
<td>New Plug-in project wizards forces the entry of optional fields </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">142078</a>
<td>unacceptable performance of Error Log view </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">142496</a>
<td>Extension Point schema not found in external editors </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">142587</a>
<td>Junit Plug-in Test does not honor string substitution variables </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">142784</a>
<td>NPE closing dirty product editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">142881</a>
<td>DEL works on non-editable editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">143321</a>
<td>Plugin.xml editor hangs on bad plugin.xml </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">143366</a>
<td>Plugins with ext pts in different namespaces </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">143523</a>
<td>NPE during plugin-import </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">143823</a>
<td>XML parser is instantiated and utilized for only one XML instance
document parse and discarded </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">144041</a>
<td>Class / Interface search scope defined for PDE &quot;Select Type&quot; dialogs too
wide </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">144042</a>
<td>Template page missing mnemonics </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">144087</a>
<td>NPE: Cancel out of a Bundle-Activator &quot;create new...&quot; quickfix </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">144533</a>
<td>Unnecessary white space in launch configuration tabs </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_CLOSED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">144692</a>
<td>TVT3.2:TCT805: TVT - zh : English strings found in &quot;Target Preview&quot;
panel </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">144828</a>
<td>Performance: Plugin-project wizard is slow to load first time </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">144964</a>
<td>Unable to run exported rcp app on Mac OS X (x86) </td>
<tr class="bz_trivial bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">144967</a>
<td>ITemplateSection typo </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">145183</a>
<td>Automated Management of Dependencies: The &quot;add dependencies&quot; link does
not add the Import-Package version </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">145638</a>
<td>NPE when accessing quick fix on old style plug-in </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">145901</a>
<td>Warning in javadoc </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146042</a>
<td>RCP export has problems with required plug-ins </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146076</a>
<td>NPE thrown while adding to Automated Management Dependencies list </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146084</a>
<td>Automated Management Dependencies leaves dangling additional.bundles
property in </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146297</a>
<td>Duplicate package names in package selection dialog </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146710</a>
<td>PDE Tools &gt; Externalize Strings... does not add Bundle-Localization
header for specified value </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146841</a>
<td>Overviews should be overview </td>
<tr class="bz_trivial bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146863</a>
<td>Eclipse launcher has two fields for alt+R on main tab </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">146896</a>
<td>Hyperlinking does not work on the &#39;name&#39; attribute </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">147298</a>
<td>Dependency Management should default to Import-Package for projects
targeting OSGi </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">147314</a>
<td>Schema editor doesn&#39;t save choice occurences </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">147399</a>
<td>popup menu glitches for Open actions </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">147614</a>
<td>Don&#39;t show &quot;Activate this plug-in when one of its classes is loaded&quot;
checkbox for stardard OSGi bundle project </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">147744</a>
<td>ErrorLog view truncates timestamp </td>
<tr class="bz_blocker bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">147805</a>
<td>Can&#39;t start eclipse when config.ini file in the platform contains fully
qualified path with spaces in it </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">148049</a>
<td>RCP Mail template should not use Ctrl+X for Exit </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">148079</a>
<td>Implement content assist functionality for the plugin.xml source editor
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">148171</a>
<td>PDE Tools &gt; Open Manifest </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">148437</a>
<td>PDE does not validate the value of the schema attribute for an
&lt;extension-point&gt; </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">148572</a>
<td>NPEs thrown from the manifest editor&#39;s Dependencies page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">148598</a>
<td>The generated launch configuration doesn&#39;t support jars in linked
folders </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">148687</a>
<td>Extension Point enhancement </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">148775</a>
<td>Widget disposed error caused by HyperlinkAction.removeListeners </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149212</a>
<td>Add content assist package support in relevant plug-in manifest editor
form fields </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149216</a>
<td>NPE in hyperlink code </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149478</a>
<td>[Content Assist] An extra &lt; is inserted </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149479</a>
<td>[Content Assist] extension before extension point </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149480</a>
<td>xml junit test cases are failing </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149481</a>
<td>[Content Assist] Cursor must move after insertion </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149488</a>
<td>[Content Assist] Java type proposals in plugin.xml are messed up </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149506</a>
<td>Code folding needs a little nudge </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149604</a>
<td>Amnesia when opening manifest of a JARd plug-in </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149676</a>
<td>Plugin manifest editor - suggestion to efficiently search an extension
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149823</a>
<td>CCE in PluginsView.handleJavaSearch(..) </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149881</a>
<td>[Content Assist] Proposals for existing attributes/directives </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">149900</a>
<td>PDE UI Locks when adding a ton of required plugins (not a sweet time)
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150081</a>
<td>[content assist] ImportPkg completions include already imported pkgs
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150183</a>
<td>[Content Assist] NPE during extension point proposal completion </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150260</a>
<td>Incorrect call in org.eclipse.pde.ui.launcher.MainTab.dispose() </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150338</a>
<td>[Content Assist] proposals should be case-insensitive </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150359</a>
<td>SWTException: &quot;Widget is disposed&quot; when cycling through editors </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150427</a>
<td>F3 does not work on backward selection </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150607</a>
<td>Export product does not obey splash.bmp default location rules </td>
<table class="bz_buglist" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="4" width="100%">
<col class="bz_id_column"><col class="bz_short_desc_column">
<tr align="left">
<th class="first-child">
<a href="">
ID</a> </th>
<a href=",bugs.bug_id&query_based_on=">
Summary</a> </th>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150628</a>
<td>Product editor no longer recognizes windowImages attributes &quot;small&quot; and
&quot;large&quot; </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">150916</a>
<td>Plug-in Import wizard resizes to full screen height </td>
<tr class="bz_major bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151109</a>
<td>[Content Assist] Out of memory exception generated on large plugin.xml
files </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151112</a>
<td>Organize Manifests adds .settings and META-INF to Export-Package </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151113</a>
<td>Remove dependency on PluginVersionIdentifier </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151262</a>
<td>Cannot launch plug-in </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151324</a>
<td>PDE should warn user if Bundle-SymbolicName not specified in Manifest
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151501</a>
<td>Vertical layout is weird on Extensions page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151502</a>
<td>Change order of fields for extensions </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151538</a>
<td>flag bin.includes if it does not include plugin.xml/fragment.xml </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151584</a>
<td>Manifest builder kicks in at wrong time </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151599</a>
<td>Info Presentation for attributes/headers </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151609</a>
<td>Remove deprecations from plugin.xml </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151702</a>
<td>Schemas should be as lightweight as possible </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151884</a>
<td>NPE opening context menu on site.xml editor source page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151885</a>
<td>CCEs on PDE Properties pages for plugin projects </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">151927</a>
<td>CamelCase does not work in PDE forms </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152001</a>
<td>Overview Page reference non-existent documents </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152054</a>
<td>No tooltip necessary when no description is available </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152059</a>
<td>Warning in about plugin.xml not listed when using
wildcards </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152199</a>
<td>[Content Assist] sort and beautify EE proposals </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152200</a>
<td>Amnesia when retrieving extension point descriptions </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152215</a>
<td>JavadocHoverStyleSheet.css is not included in build </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152229</a>
<td>Up and Down buttons should be disabled when viewer is sorted </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152290</a>
<td>[Content Assist] Nothing is inserted when choosing an attribute </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152294</a>
<td>[Content Assist] multiplicity is not respected </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152328</a>
<td>[Content Assist] Add content assist for PDE developers last names </td>
<tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152452</a>
<td>Form Navigation should keep up with source page </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152454</a>
<td>[Content Assist] proposals for element names is too strict </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152518</a>
<td>Invalid thread access </td>
<tr class="bz_critical bz_P3 bz_VERIFIED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152574</a>
<td>Cannot launch target using I20060801-0800 </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152817</a>
<td>[Content Assist] extension id is a special case </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152866</a>
<td>PDE Tools -&gt; Open Manifest opened XML Editor </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">152889</a>
<td>splash screen is not found in RCP product. </td>
<tr class="bz_normal bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_odd ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153030</a>
<td>Form Field Assist is broken </td>
<tr class="bz_minor bz_P3 bz_RESOLVED bz_FIXED bz_row_even ">
<td class="first-child">
<a href="">153093</a>
<td>Inconsistent placement of labels in update site editor </td>