blob: 5c09e551cd1192d6c5ca8f20f5b11bdce8f1230a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009 EclipseSource Corporation and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# EclipseSource Corporation - initial API and implementation
LauncherUtils_cannotLaunchApplication=Could not launch as the workspace is used by another Eclipse application.\n\n{0}
Launcher_error_code13=The application could not start. Details can be found in the log.
Launcher_error_code15=Could not launch the configuration because the associated workspace is currently in use.
EclipsePluginValidationOperation_pluginMissing={0} is missing
PluginValidation_error=Plugin validation errors were detected:\n{0}
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate_noJRE = Cannot locate JRE definition: "{0}". Launch aborted.
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate_jrePathNotFound = The installation path to the specified JRE could not be found. Launch aborted.
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate_badFeatureSetup = When in feature mode, plug-ins must be in the 'plugins' directory and features in 'features' directory in the workspace.
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate_noStartup = Launching failed. Bootstrap code cannot be found.
JUnitLaunchConfiguration_error_notaplugin = Could not launch the JUnit plug-in tests because project ''{0}'' is not a plug-in project.
JUnitLaunchConfiguration_error_missingPlugin = Required plug-in ''{0}'' could not be found.
OSGiLaunchConfiguration_cannotFindLaunchConfiguration=Cannot find the {0} OSGi framework.
EquinoxLaunchConfiguration_oldTarget=The org.eclipse.osgi plug-in is missing from this configuration.
VMHelper_cannotFindExecEnv=Cannot locate Execution Environment definition: "{0}". Launch aborted.
PDE_updateManagerNotSupported=Update manager not supported