blob: 279728876120682c916e35370d7ee31746fc8cbd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2008, 2019 IBM Corporation and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# {0} = type name, {1} = method signature
1=The method {0}.{1} with a default value has been added
# {0} EE name, {1} component id
2=The execution environment {0} has been added to {1}
# {0} type name, {1} component id
3=The type {0} has been added to {1}
# {0} type name, {1} component id
4=The visibility of the type {0} has been changed in {1}
# {0} EE name, {1} component id
5=The execution environment {0} has been removed from {1}
# {0} API component name
6=The API component {0} has been added
# {0} type name
7=A static initializer has been added to type {0}
# {0} type name {1} constructor signature
8=The constructor {0}.{1} has been added
# {0} type name {1} field name
9=The protected field {0}.{1} has been added
# {0} type name {1} field name
10=The static field {0}.{1} has been added
# {0} type name {1} field name
11=The field {0}.{1} has been added in a class tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} type name {1} method name
12=The non-abstract method {0}.{1} has been added
# {0} type name {1} method name
13=The abstract method {0}.{1} has been added in a class tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} type name {1} method name
14=The method {0}.{1} has been added, overriding a method from a superclass
# {0} type name
15=A superclass has been added for type {0}
# {0} type name
16=The member type {0} has been added
# {0} element descriptor
17=Type parameters have been added for {0}
# {0} element descriptor
18=Type arguments have been added for {0}
# {0} type name
19=The ''abstract'' keyword has been removed from class {0}
# {0} type name
21=The superinterfaces set has been expanded ({1}) for class {0}
# {0} type name
22=The ''final'' keyword has been removed from class {0}
# {0} type name
23=The visibility of the class {0} has been increased
# {0} element descriptor, {1} type parameter name
24=The name ''{1}'' of the type parameter has been changed for {0}
# {0} type name
25=The static initializer has been removed from {0}
# {0} type name, {1} constructor signature
26=The constructor {0}.{1} has been removed from a class tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} type name, {1} field name
27=The field {0}.{1} has been moved up in the hierarchy
# {0} type name, {1} field name
28=The protected field {0}.{1} has been removed from a class tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} type name, {1} field name
29=The non-visible field {0}.{1} has been removed
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
30=The method {0}.{1} has been moved up in the hierarchy
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
31=The protected method {0}.{1} has been removed from a class tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
32=The non-visible method {0}.{1} has been removed
# {0} type name
33=The protected member type {0} has been removed from a class tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} type name
34=The non-visible member type {0} has been removed
# {0} type name, {1} constructor signature
35=The constructor {0}.{1} has been added
# {0} type name, {1} enum constant name
36=The enum constant {1} has been added in {0}
# {0} type name, {1} enum field name
59=The enum field {1} has been added in {0}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
37=The method {0}.{1} has been added
# {0} type name, {1} constructor signature
38=The constructor {0}.{1} has been removed
# {0} element descriptor
39=The type arguments have been added for {0}
# {0} type name, {1} field name, {2} constant value
40=A compile-time constant ''{2}'' has been added for {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
41=The ''final'' keyword has been removed for an instance field {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
42=The ''final'' keyword has been removed for the compile-time constant static field {0}.{1} in a type that is tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} type name, {1} field name
43=The ''final'' keyword has been removed for the non-visible compile-time constant static field {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
44=The ''final'' keyword has been removed for the static field {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
45=The visibility of the field {0}.{1} has been increased
# {0} type name, {1} field name
46=The ''final'' keyword has been added for the non-visble field {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
47=The ''transient'' keyword has been added for the field {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
48=The ''transient'' keyword has been removed for the field {0}.{1}
# {0} element descriptor, {1} type parameter name
49=The name ''{1}'' of the type parameter has been changed for {0}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
50=The constant value of the field has been changed for the compile-time constant static field {0}.{1} in a type that is tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} type name, {1} field name
51=The constant value of the field has been changed for the non-visible compile-time constant static field {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
52=The constant value {2} has been removed for the compile-time constant static field {0}.{1} in a type that is tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} type name, {1} field name
53=The constant value {2} has been removed for the non-visible compile-time constant static field {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
54=The field {0}.{1} has been added in an interface that is tagged with ''@noimplement''
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
55=The method {0}.{1} has been added in an interface that is tagged with ''@noimplement''
# {0} type name
56=The member type {0} has been added
# {0} type name
57=The overriden method {0}.{1} has been added
# {0} element descriptor
58=Type parameters have been added for {0}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
60=The field {0}.{1} has been moved up in the hierarchy
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
61=The method {0}.{1} has been moved up in the hierarchy
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
62=An annotation default value has been added for annotation method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature, {2} exception name
63=The checked exception {2} has been added for method {0}.{1}
# {0} element descriptor
64=Type parameters have been added for {0}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature, {2} exception name
65=The unchecked exception {2} has been added for method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
66=The ''abstract'' keyword has been removed from method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
67=An annotation method value has been modified for annotation method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
68=Replaced an array type with a variable argument type in method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
69=The ''final'' keyword has been removed for method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
70=The visibility of the method {0}.{1} has been increased
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
71=The ''native'' keyword has been removed for method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
72=The ''native'' keyword has been added for method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
73=The ''synchronized'' keyword has been added for method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature
74=The ''synchronized'' keyword has been removed for method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature, {2} exception name
76=The checked exception {2} has been removed for method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} method signature, {2} exception name
77=The unchecked exception {2} has been removed for method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
78=The type of the non-visible field {0}.{1} has been changed
# {0} type name
79=The superinterfaces set has been expanded ({1}) for interface {0}
# {0} type name {1} field name
80=The non-visible field {0}.{1} has been added
# {0} type name {1} field name
81=The ''final'' keyword has been added for the method {0}.{1} that is defined in a class tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} type name {1} field name
82=The ''final'' keyword has been added for the method {0}.{1} that tagged with ''@nooverride''
# {0} type name {1} field name
83=The ''final'' keyword has been added for the non-visible method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name {1} field name
84=The ''static'' keyword has been added for the non-visible method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} constructor signature, {2} exception name
85=The checked exception {2} has been added for constructor {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} constructor signature, {2} exception name
86=The unchecked exception {2} has been added for constructor {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} constructor signature
87=Replaced an array type with a variable argument type in constructor {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} constructor signature
89=The visibility of the constructor {0}.{1} has been increased
# {0} type name, {1} constructor signature, {2} exception name
90=The checked exception {2} has been added for constructor {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} constructor signature, {2} exception name
91=The unchecked exception {2} has been added for constructor {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
92=The ''volatile'' keyword has been added to the field {0}.{1}
# {0} type name, {1} field name
93=The ''volatile'' keyword has been removed from the field {0}.{1}
# {0} type name
94=The ''final'' keyword has been added for the type {0} tagged with ''@noextend''
# {0} component id, {1} old version, {2} new version
95=The major version has been changed for the api component {0} (from version {1} to {2})
# {0} component id, {1} old version, {2} new version
96=The minor version has been changed for the api component {0} (from version {1} to {2})
# {0} type name {1} method name
97=The method {0}.{1} has been moved down in the hierarchy
# {0} type name {1} field name
98= The visibility of the field {0}.{1} has been reduced
# {0} type name {1} method name
99= The visibility of the method {0}.{1} has been reduced
# {0} type name {1} constructor name
100 = The visibility of the constructor {0}.{1} has been reduced
# {0} type name
101 = The visibility of the type {0} has been reduced
# {0} type name {1} field name
102 = The static field {0}.{1} has been converted to an instance field
# {0} type name {1} field name
103 = The ''static'' keyword has been added for field {0}.{1}
# {0} type name {1} field name
104 = The static field {0}.{1} has been converted to an instance field
# {0} type name {1} method name
105 = The ''abstract'' keyword has been added for method {0}.{1}
# {0} type name {1} method name
106 = The @nooverride restriction has been added for method {0}.{1}
# {0} interface name {1} super interface name
107 = The interface {1} adds method {2} to {0} that is tagged as @noimplement
# {0} type name
108 = The {0} restriction have been added for type {1}
# {0} type name, {1} component id
109 = The re-exported type {0} has been added to {1}
# {0} given element
110=The deprecation modifiers has been added to {0}
# {0} given element
111=The deprecation modifiers has been removed from {0}
# {0} type name
112 = The {0} restriction has been removed for type {1}