blob: fc876bb107f2e79232cd7e925fc42890c8143047 [file] [log] [blame]
# PDE resource strings
# Part 1. (DO NOT TRANSLATE Part 1)
# These are the non-translable properties.
ProjectStructurePage.sourceName = {0} Plug-in
ProjectStructurePage.fsourceName = {0} Fragment
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.initialName = {0} Plug-in
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.initialFName = {0} Fragment
# PDE resource strings
# Part 2. (TRANSLATE Part 2)
# These are the translable properties.
UpdateManager.noUndo = &Undo@Ctrl+Z
UpdateManager.noRedo = &Redo@Ctrl+Y
UpdateManager.undo = &Undo {0}@Ctrl+Z
UpdateManager.redo = &Redo {0}@Ctrl+Y
UpdateManager.op.add= Add
UpdateManager.op.remove= Remove
UpdateManager.op.change= Property Change
PluginModelManager.outOfSync = (out of sync)
###### Status text #####################################
ExternalModelManager.scanningProblems = Problems while scanning external plug-ins
ExternalModelManager.processingPath = Processing path {0}
Errors.SetupError = PDE Setup Error
Errors.SetupError.NoPlatformHome = Eclipse home is not set in Preferences
MissingPDENature.title = Missing PDE Capability
MissingPDENature.message = Java projects have been detected in the workspace that contain plug-in manifests but are missing PDE nature. Without it, you will not use all the PDE capabilities. Choose one of the following options:
MissingPDENature.stopWarning = &Do not warn me about it again
MissingPDENature.keepWarning = &Continue to warn me
MissingPDENature.openWizard = &Take me to the conversion wizard
RunningEclipse.message = You must close the run-time workbench before proceeding.
MultiPageEditor.wrongEditor = Wrong editor for {0}
CodeGenerator.missing.title = Missing Types
CodeGenerator.missing.type = The following Java type cannot be resolved: {0}. Check the Java build path for missing references.
CodeGenerator.missing.types = The following Java types cannot be resolved: {0}, {1}. Check the Java build path for missing references.
###### Reusable Parts ################################
WizardCheckboxTablePart.selectAll = &Select All
WizardCheckboxTablePart.deselectAll = D&eselect All
WizardCheckboxTablePart.counter = {0} out of {1} selected.
###### Editors #######################################
############ Source ##################################
SourcePage.title = Source
SourcePage.errorTitle = Source Errors
SourcePage.errorMessage= The source page has errors. Other pages cannot be used until these errors are corrected.
######## editor #####################
BuildEditor.Form.title = Properties
BuildEditor.Form.rtitle = Properties (in use or read only)
BuildEditor.BuildPage.title = Variables
BuildEditor.TokenSection.title=Replacement Values
BuildEditor.TokenSection.desc=List the values that should be included\nin the selected variable. = Add
BuildEditor.TokenSection.newToken = &New Token
BuildEditor.TokenSection.delete = &Delete
BuildEditor.TokenSection.entry = entry
BuildEditor.VariableSection.title=Build script variables
BuildEditor.VariableSection.desc=Control the operation of the build script by\nsetting the replacement variables. = Add...
BuildEditor.VariableSection.newVariable = &New Variable...
BuildEditor.VariableSection.delete = &Delete
BuildEditor.VariableSection.dialogTitle = New Variable
BuildEditor.VariableSection.dialogLabel = Variable
BuildEditor.VariableSection.dialogList = &Reserved Variables
######## Feature Manifest Editor ####################
FeatureEditor.previewAction.label = Preview
FeatureEditor.BuildAction.label = Create JAR...
FeatureEditor.Unresolved.title = Feature Manifest
FeatureEditor.Unresolved.message= Feature manifest file contains references to plug-ins and/or fragments that cannot be resolved.
FeatureEditor.FeaturePage.title = Overview
FeatureEditor.InfoPage.title = Information
FeatureEditor.InfoPage.heading = Information
FeatureEditor.ReferencePage.title = Content
FeatureEditor.ReferencePage.heading = Plug-ins and Fragments
FeatureEditor.Version.title = Feature Editor
FeatureEditor.Version.message= Folder {0} is no longer in sync with feature id and version
FeatureEditor.AdvancedPage.title = Advanced
FeatureEditor.AdvancedPage.heading = Advanced Settings
FeatureEditor.PortabilityChoicesDialog.title = Portability Choices
FeatureEditor.PortabilityChoicesDialog.choices = &Valid values:
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.title = General Information
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.desc = This section describes general information\nabout this feature = Feature ID = Feature Name
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.version = Version
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.provider = Provider Name
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.image = Banner Image
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.browse = Browse...
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.primary = Primary Feature
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.createJar = Package...
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.synchronize = Versions...
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.badVersionTitle = Version Format Error
FeatureEditor.SpecSection.badVersionMessage = Version must be in format "major.minor.service"
FeatureEditor.PortabilitySection.title = Supported Environments
FeatureEditor.PortabilitySection.desc = Specify environment combinations in which this feature can be installed
FeatureEditor.PortabilitySection.os = Operating Systems: = Window Systems: = Languages:
FeatureEditor.PortabilitySection.arch = Architecture:
FeatureEditor.PortabilitySection.edit = ...
FeatureEditor.IncludedFeaturesSection.title = Included Features
FeatureEditor.IncludedFeaturesSection.desc = Create a composite feature by including references to other features. = Add... = Included Features = Create composite feature by including other features = &Available features: = Adding features: = Updating...
FeatureEditor.HandlerSection.title = Install Handler
FeatureEditor.HandlerSection.desc = Specify install handler that will be called during feature processing.
FeatureEditor.HandlerSection.url = URL:
FeatureEditor.HandlerSection.library = Library:
FeatureEditor.HandlerSection.handler = Handler:
FeatureEditor.InfoSection.heading = Feature Information
FeatureEditor.InfoSection.desc = Enter description, license and copyright information. To work with \
one of these information items at a time, select it from the drop-down box and enter text. = Section:
FeatureEditor.InfoSection.url = Optional URL:
FeatureEditor.InfoSection.text = Text: = Feature Description = License Agreement = Copyright Notice
FeatureEditor.PluginSection.pluginTitle = Feature Plug-ins and Fragments
FeatureEditor.PluginSection.pluginDesc = Select plug-ins and fragments that should be packaged in this feature. = Add... = New Feature Plug-in = Choose plug-ins and fragments that will be part of the feature. = &Available plug-ins and fragments = Adding Plug-ins: = Updating...
FeatureEditor.DataSection.title = Feature Data
FeatureEditor.DataSection.desc = Select non-plug-in data archives that should be packaged in this feature. = Add... = Id = Name
FeatureEditor.ReferenceProp.version = Version
FeatureEditor.ReferenceProp.originalVersion = Original Version = Dowload Size
FeatureEditor.ReferenceProp.install-size = Install Size
FeatureEditor.modelsInUse.title = Sharing Violation
FeatureEditor.modelsInUse.message = Some of the plug-in or fragment manifests are in use. Close opened editors and try again.
FeatureEditor.URLProp.type = Type
FeatureEditor.URLProp.label = Label
FeatureEditor.URLProp.URL = URL
FeatureEditor.RequiresSection.title = Required Plug-ins
FeatureEditor.RequiresSection.desc = Compute plug-ins that will need to be present before installing this feature.
FeatureEditor.RequiresSection.syncButton = Recompute on each change
FeatureEditor.RequiresSection.compute = Compute
FeatureEditor.RequiresSection.newButton = Add... New Required Plug-in plug-ins that will be required by this feature. Adding References: Updating...
FeatureEditor.URLSection.title = Feature URLs
FeatureEditor.URLSection.desc = Define update and discovery URLs.
FeatureEditor.URLSection.updateURL = Update URL
FeatureEditor.URLSection.discoveryURL = Discovery URL
FeatureEditor.URLSection.newUpdateSite = New update site
FeatureEditor.URLSection.newDiscoverySite = New discovery site
FeatureEditor.URLSection.newURL = http://newsite
FeatureEditor.URLSection.updateURLs = Update URLs
FeatureEditor.URLSection.discoveryURLs = Discovery URLs
FeatureEditor.Outline.referencedPlugins = Feature Plug-ins
FeatureEditor.Outline.requiredPlugins = Required Plug-ins
###### Plug-in Manifest Editor ########################
ManifestEditor.AlertSection.title = Alerts and Action Items
ManifestEditor.readOnly = {0} (read only)
ManifestEditor.AlertSection.noAlerts = No alerts at this time.
ManifestEditor.AlertSection.unresolved = This plug-in contains unresolved and/or cyclical references to other plug-ins
ManifestEditor.AlertSection.unresolved.tooltip = Show details
ManifestEditor.AlertSection.markers.tooltip = Show in Tasks
ManifestEditor.AlertSection.pluginMarkers = There are {0} problem(s), {1} task(s) associated with this plug-in.
ManifestEditor.AlertSection.fragmentMarkers = There are {0} problem(s), {1} task(s) associated with this fragment.
ManifestEditor.DependenciesForm.title = Dependencies
ManifestEditor.DetailChildrenSection.title = Extension Element Children
ManifestEditor.DetailChildrenSection.bodyText = Body Text
ManifestEditor.DetailExtensionPointSection.title = All Extension Points
ManifestEditor.DetailExtensionPointSection.desc = The following extension points are provided: = Add...
ManifestEditor.DetailExtensionPointSection.newExtensionPoint = &New Extension Point...
ManifestEditor.DetailExtensionSection.title = All Extensions = Add...
ManifestEditor.DetailExtensionSection.newExtension = Extension...
ManifestEditor.DetailExtensionSection.showAllChildren = Show full extension hierarchy
ManifestEditor.DetailExtensionSection.up = Up
ManifestEditor.DetailExtensionSection.down = Down
ManifestEditor.ExportSection.title = Library exporting
ManifestEditor.ExportSection.desc = Define the portions of the selected library\nthat should be visible to plug-ins.
ManifestEditor.ExportSection.noExport = Do not export
ManifestEditor.ExportSection.fullExport = Export the entire library
ManifestEditor.ExportSection.selectedExport = Export using content filters
ManifestEditor.ExportSection.add = Add
ManifestEditor.ExportSection.remove = Remove
ManifestEditor.ExportSection.newFilter = &New filter
ManifestEditor.ExtensionElementPR.finish = Finish implementation of {0}
ManifestEditor.ExtensionPointForm.title = Extension Points
ManifestEditor.ExtensionPointSection.title = Extension Points
ManifestEditor.ExtensionPointSection.desc = Other plug-ins can use the following extension points to extend this plug-in:
ManifestEditor.ExtensionPointSection.fdesc = Plug-ins can use the following extension points to extend this fragment:
ManifestEditor.ExtensionPointSection.more = More...
ManifestEditor.ExtensionSection.title = Extensions
ManifestEditor.ExtensionSection.desc = The following extensions are defined in this plug-in:
ManifestEditor.ExtensionSection.fdesc = The following extensions are defined in this fragment:
ManifestEditor.ExtensionSection.more = More...
ManifestEditor.ExtensionForm.title = Extensions
ManifestEditor.ExtensionsPropertySheet.newAttribute = New Attribute:
ManifestEditor.ExtensionsPropertySheet.addAttAction.label = Add Attribute
ManifestEditor.ExtensionsPropertySheet.addAttAction.tooltip = Add new attribute
ManifestEditor.ExtensionsPropertySheet.removeAttAction.label = Remove Attribute
ManifestEditor.ExtensionsPropertySheet.removeAttAction.tooltip = Remove attribute
ManifestEditor.ExtensionsPropertySheet.cloneAction.text = Clone Element
ManifestEditor.ExtensionsPropertySheet.cloneAction.tooltip = Clone this element
ManifestEditor.ExtensionsPropertySheet.newAttributeEntry = new_attribute
ManifestEditor.TemplatePage.title = Welcome
ManifestEditor.templatePage.heading = Welcome to {0}
ManifestEditor.OverviewPage.title = Overview
ManifestEditor.DependenciesPage.title = Dependencies
ManifestEditor.RuntimePage.title = Runtime
ManifestEditor.ExtensionsPage.title = Extensions
ManifestEditor.ExtensionPointsPage.title = Extension Points
ManifestEditor.TemplatePage.intro = \
<p><b>Generated content</b></p><p>This plug-in has been created using content templates. The \
following templates were used:</p>
ManifestEditor.TemplatePage.common = \
<p/><p><b>Tips on working with this plug-in project</b></p>\
<li>For the view of the new plug-in at a glance, go to the \
<img href="pageImage"/><a href="OverviewPage">Overview</a>.</li>\
<li>You can test the contributions of this plug-in by launching \
another instance of the workbench. On the <b>Run</b> menu, click \
<b>Run As</b> and choose <img href="runTimeWorkbenchImage"/>\
<a href="">Run-time Workbench</a> from the available choices.</li>\
<li>You can add more functionality to this plug-in by adding extensions \
using the <a href="action.newExtension">New Extension Wizard</a>.\
<li>The plug-in project contains Java code that you can debug. Place breakpoints \
in Java classes. On the <b>Run</b> menu, select <b>Debug As</b> and choose \
<img href="runTimeWorkbenchImage"/><a href="action.debug">Run-time Workbench</a> \
from the available choices.</li>
ManifestEditor.TemplatePage.dontShow = Do not show this page the next time
ManifestEditor.JarsSection.title = Library Content
ManifestEditor.JarsSection.desc = List source folders that should be included\ninto the selected library. = Add...
ManifestEditor.JarsSection.newFolder = &New Folder...
ManifestEditor.JarsSection.dialogTitle = New Source Folder
ManifestEditor.JarsSection.rtitle = {0} (in use - read only)
ManifestEditor.JarsSection.missingSource.title = Source Entries
ManifestEditor.JarsSection.missingSource.message = Folder {0} does not exist. Do you want to create it?
ManifestEditor.JarsSection.missingSource.duplicateFolder = Duplicate source entry: {0}
ManifestEditor.LibrarySection.title = Run-time libraries
ManifestEditor.LibrarySection.fdesc = Define libraries that need to be included in the class path of your fragment.
ManifestEditor.LibrarySection.desc = Define libraries that need to be included in the class path of your plug-in. = Add
ManifestEditor.LibrarySection.up = Up
ManifestEditor.LibrarySection.down = Down
ManifestEditor.LibrarySection.newLibrary = &New Library...
ManifestEditor.LibrarySection.newLibraryEntry = New Library
ManifestEditor.noPlatformHome = Platform path not set in Preferences.
ManifestEditor.ManifestPropertySheet.gotoAction.label= &Go to File
ManifestEditor.ManifestPropertySheet.gotoAction.tooltip = Open file in editor
ManifestEditor.ImportListSection.title = Required Plug-ins
ManifestEditor.ImportListSection.desc = Specify the plug-ins required for the operation of this plug-in.
ManifestEditor.ImportListSection.fdesc = Specify the plug-ins required for the operation of this fragment. = Add... = New Required Plug-in = Available Plug-ins = Select plug-ins from the provided list that should be added to the dependency list. = &Available plug-ins (note that those already on the list are not shown)
ManifestEditor.ImportListSection.loopWarning = WARNING: selected dependencies will create cyclical references.
ManifestEditor.ImportListSection.updateBuildPath = &Compute Build Path
ManifestEditor.ImportListSection.updatingBuildPath = Computing Java build path...
ManifestEditor.ImportStatusSection.title = Dependency Status
ManifestEditor.ImportStatusSection.desc = Explore information related to the paths of the dependency graph.
ManifestEditor.ImportStatusSection.comboLabel= Find:
ManifestEditor.ImportStatusSection.comboLoops = Loops in dependency graph
ManifestEditor.ImportStatusSection.comboRefs = Plug-ins that reference this plug-in
ManifestEditor.ImportStatusSection.comboFrefs = Fragments that reference this plug-in
ManifestEditor.MatchSection.title = Import Details
ManifestEditor.MatchSection.desc = Define the properties of the selected dependency.
ManifestEditor.MatchSection.reexport = Reexport the dependency
ManifestEditor.MatchSection.version = Version to match:
ManifestEditor.MatchSection.rule = Match rule:
ManifestEditor.MatchSection.none = None
ManifestEditor.MatchSection.perfect = Perfect
ManifestEditor.MatchSection.equivalent = Equivalent
ManifestEditor.MatchSection.compatible = Compatible
ManifestEditor.MatchSection.greater = Greater or Equal
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.title = General Information
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.desc = This section describes general information about this plugin
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.fdesc = This section describes general information about this fragment = Plug-in Id
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.fid = Fragment Id = Plug-in Name
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.fname = Fragment Name
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.version = Version
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.providerName = Provider Name
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.pluginId = Plug-in Id
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.pluginId.tooltip = Open referenced plug-in
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.pluginVersion = Plug-in Version
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.class = Class
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.class.tooltip = Open in Java editor
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.versionTitle = Format Error
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.versionFormat = Version must be in 'major.minor.service' format
ManifestEditor.PluginSpecSection.versionMatch = Match Rule
ManifestEditor.PointUsageSection.title = Extension Point Usage
ManifestEditor.PointUsageSection.desc = Examine who is using extension points of this plugin.
ManifestEditor.PointUsageSection.fdesc = Examine who is using extension points of this fragment.
ManifestEditor.RequiresSection.title = Required Plug-ins
ManifestEditor.RequiresSection.desc = The following plug-ins must be installed for this plug-in to work properly:
ManifestEditor.RequiresSection.fdesc = The following plug-ins must be installed for this fragment to work properly:
ManifestEditor.RequiresSection.more = More...
ManifestEditor.ResourceAttributeCellEditor.title = Resource Attribute Value
ManifestEditor.RuntimeForm.title = Run-time Information
ManifestEditor.RuntimeSection.title = Runtime Libraries
ManifestEditor.RuntimeSection.fdesc = The following libraries will be added\nto the classpath of this fragment:
ManifestEditor.RuntimeSection.desc = The following libraries will be added\nto the classpath of this plug-in:
ManifestEditor.RuntimeSection.more = More...
###### Schema Editor ##################################
SchemaEditor.oldExtension = Extension point schema file content type 'xsd' has been deprecated. You should change it to 'exsd' at the earliest convenience.
SchemaEditor.AttributePR.attributeCopy = Copy of {0}
SchemaEditor.AttributePR.use = Use
SchemaEditor.AttributePR.kind = Kind
SchemaEditor.AttributePR.type = Type
SchemaEditor.AttributePR.restriction = Restriction
SchemaEditor.AttributePR.value = Value
SchemaEditor.AttributePR.basedOn = Based On = Name
SchemaEditor.CompositorPR.kind = Kind
SchemaEditor.DescriptionSection.title = Description
SchemaEditor.DescriptionSection.desc = Add short description of elements and attributes for documentation purposes. Use HTML tags where appropriate.
SchemaEditor.DescriptionSection.pending.title = Schema Editor
SchemaEditor.DescriptionSection.pending.message = Description has been modified. Apply changes?
SchemaEditor.DocForm.title = Reference Documentation
SchemaEditor.DocSection.title =
SchemaEditor.DocSection.desc = Select the section from the list and enter text in the editor below. This text will be used to compose the reference HTML document for this extension point. Use HTML tags where needed.
SchemaEditor.topic.overview = Overview
SchemaEditor.topic.examples = Examples
SchemaEditor.topic.implementation = Supplied Implementation
SchemaEditor.topic.api = API Information
SchemaEditor.topic.copyright = Copyright = Name
SchemaEditor.ElementPR.icon = Icon
SchemaEditor.ElementPR.labelAttribute = Label Attribute
SchemaEditor.ElementPR.invalid = "{0}" is not a valid attribute name
SchemaEditor.SpecSection.title = General Information
SchemaEditor.SpecSection.desc = This section describes general information about this schema.
SchemaEditor.SpecSection.plugin = Plug-in Id:
SchemaEditor.SpecSection.point = Point Id: = Point Name:
SchemaEditor.ElementSection.title = Extension Point Elements
SchemaEditor.ElementSection.desc = The following XML elements and attributes are allowed\nin this extension point:
SchemaEditor.ElementSection.newElement = New Element
SchemaEditor.ElementSection.newAttribute = New Attribute
SchemaEditor.RestrictionDialog.wtitle = Type Restriction
SchemaEditor.RestrictionDialog.type = &Restriction type
SchemaEditor.RestrictionDialog.enumeration.choices=&Enumeration Choices:
SchemaEditor.RestrictionDialog.enumeration.newChoice=&New Choice:
SchemaEditor.GrammarSection.title = Element Grammar
SchemaEditor.GrammarSection.desc = View or modify the content model\nof the selected element
SchemaEditor.GrammarSection.compositor = Compositor
SchemaEditor.GrammarSection.reference = Reference
SchemaEditor.GrammarSection.dtd = DTD approximation:
SchemaEditor.NewAttribute.label = Attribute
SchemaEditor.NewAttribute.tooltip = New Attribute
SchemaEditor.NewAttribute.initialName = new_attribute{0}
SchemaEditor.NewElement.label = Element
SchemaEditor.NewElement.tooltip = New Global Element
SchemaEditor.NewElement.initialName = new_element{0}
SchemaEditor.NewCompositor.tooltip = New {0}
SchemaEditor.FormPage.title = Definition
SchemaEditor.DocPage.title = Documentation
SchemaEditor.SchemaPropertySheet.clone.label = Clone
SchemaEditor.SchemaPropertySheet.clone.tooltip = Clone this attribute
AbstractPluginModelBase.error = Cannot create the model - source file has errors
###### Launchers ####################################### = Argu&ments
BasicLauncherTab.workspace = &Workspace data:
BasicLauncherTab.browse =&Browse...
BasicLauncherTab.clear =Clear wor&kspace data before launching
BasicLauncherTab.jre =&JRE:
BasicLauncherTab.vmArgs =&VM Arguments
BasicLauncherTab.programArgs =Pr&ogram arguments:
BasicLauncherTab.appName =&Application name:
BasicLauncherTab.restore =Re&store Defaults
BasicLauncherTab.workspace.title =Workspace Location
BasicLauncherTab.workspace.message =Select the workspace data location.
BasicLauncherTab.noJRE =No JRE selected.
BasicLauncherTab.enterWorkspace =Enter the workspace data path.
BasicLauncherTab.invalidWorkspace =Workspace data path is invalid.
BasicLauncherTab.workspaceExisting =Workspace data path points to an existing file. = Plug-ins and &Fragments
AdvancedLauncherTab.workspacePlugins = Workspace Plug-ins
AdvancedLauncherTab.externalPlugins = External Plug-ins
AdvancedLauncherTab.useDefault = &Launch with all workspace and enabled external plug-ins
AdvancedLauncherTab.useList = C&hoose plug-ins and fragments to launch from the list
AdvancedLauncherTab.visibleList = &Visible plug-ins and fragments:
AdvancedLauncherTab.defaults = Restore &Defaults
AdvancedLauncherTab.pluginPath = &Plug-in Paths...
AdvancedLauncherTab.pluginPath.title = Plug-in URLs
AdvancedLauncherTab.error.no_plugins = No plugins available.
AdvancedLauncherTab.error.no_boot = Required plug-in 'org.eclipse.core.boot' not found.
AdvancedLauncherTab.error.brokenPlugins = WARNING: One or more of the selected plug-in have manifest errors. = Trac&ing
TracingLauncherTab.tracing =Enab&le tracing
TracingLauncherTab.desc = Detail control of options for plug-ins that support tracing.
TracingLauncherTab.plugins = Plug-ins that &support tracing:
TracingLauncherTab.options = Tracing options:
TracingLauncherTab.workspacePlugins = Workspace Plug-ins
TracingLauncherTab.externalPlugins =External Plug-ins
TracingLauncherTab.maximize =Maximize
TracingLauncherTab.restore =Restore Down
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate.noJRE = Cannot locate JRE definition: "{0}". Launch aborted.
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate.starting = Starting Run-time Workbench...
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate.noBoot = Launching failed. Plugin "org.eclipse.core.boot" is missing \
or does not contain "boot.jar" library (if in workspace, check that boot.jar is on the project's classpath).
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate.problemsDeleting = Problems while deleting files in the \
workspace. Launch will continue.
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate.brokenPlugins = Some of the plug-ins to launch have errors in the manifest files. \
The launch will continue, but they will be rejected by the run-time workbench during the startup.
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate.title = Run-time Workbench Launcher
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate.slimlauncher = Required library "slimlauncher.jar" cannot be found.
WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate.confirmDeleteWorkspace = Do you really want to clear the run-time workspace data in {0}?
###### Preferences ####################################
Preferences.MainPage.Description = Set general plug-in development preferences.
Preferences.MainPage.noPDENature = &Warn about Java projects without PDE nature
Preferences.MainPage.showObjects = Show plug-in objects in editors and dialogs using:
Preferences.MainPage.useIds = &Identifiers
Preferences.MainPage.useFullNames = &Presentation names
Preferences.MainPage.buildScriptName = &JAR Ant build script name:
Preferences.TargetPlatformPage.Description = When looking for required plug-ins, places other than the workspace can be searched. \
When compiling against these plug-ins, their libraries will appear as external JARs in the classpath. Only plug-ins checked \
in the list below will be used.
Preferences.TargetPlatformPage.targetMode = Locate non-workspace plug-ins that are part of:
Preferences.TargetPlatformPage.useThis = &this application
Preferences.TargetPlatformPage.useOther = an&other compatible application installed at the following location:
Preferences.TargetPlatformPage.PlatformHome = A&pplication Location:
Preferences.TargetPlatformPage.PlatformHome.Button = &Browse...
ExternalPluginsBlock.reload = Re&load
ExternalPluginsBlock.selectAll = &Select All
ExternalPluginsBlock.deselectAll = D&eselect All
ExternalPluginsBlock.workspace = &Not In Workspace = &Keep in sync with the workspace
ExternalPluginsEditor.label = Located non-&workspace plug-ins:
Preferences.TargetEnvironmentPage.Description = Define replacement values for variables used in library names \
(os, ws, nl and arch).
Preferences.TargetEnvironmentPage.os = &Operating System (os): = &Windowing System (ws): = &Locale (nl - from JRE):
Preferences.TargetEnvironmentPage.arch = &Architecture (arch):
Preferences.BuildpathPage.description= Specify areas in which PDE should automatically update project build path.
Preferences.BuildpathPage.pluginProjectUpdate = &When creating a new plug-in project
Preferences.BuildpathPage.fragmentProjectUpdate = When &creating a new fragment project
Preferences.BuildpathPage.manifestUpdate = While &modifying dependencies in plug-in manifest editor
Preferences.BuildpathPage.conversionUpdate= &During Java to PDE project conversion
SourcePreferencePage.label = Source lookup locations:
SourcePreferencePage.add = Add...
SourcePreferencePage.delete = Remove
SourcePreferencePage.desc = Locations that will be searched when creating JAR source attachements.
PluginPathUpdater.updating = Updating build path...
###### Wizards #######################################
NewProjectWizard.title = New Plug-in Project
NewFragmentProjectWizard.title = New Fragment Project
NewProjectWizard.MainPage.title = Plug-in Project Name
NewProjectWizard.MainPage.ftitle = Fragment Project Name
NewProjectWizard.MainPage.desc = Select the name of the new plug-in project (e.g. ''). By default, this name will also be used for the plug-in ID.
NewProjectWizard.MainPage.fdesc = Select the name of the new fragment project (e.g. ''). By default, this name will also be used for the fragment ID.
WizardIdProjectCreationPage.invalidId = Id can only contain letter, digit and '.' characters
NewProjectWizard.ProjectCodeGeneratorsPage.blankLabel= &Create a blank plug-in project
NewProjectWizard.ProjectCodeGeneratorsPage.blankFLabel= &Create a blank fragment project
NewProjectWizard.ProjectCodeGeneratorsPage.templateLabel=Create a &plug-in project using a code generation wizard
NewProjectWizard.ProjectCodeGeneratorsPage.templateFLabel=Create a &fragment project using a code generation wizard
NewProjectWizard.ProjectCodeGeneratorsPage.title = Plug-in Code Generators
NewProjectWizard.ProjectCodeGeneratorsPage.ftitle = Fragment Code Generators
NewProjectWizard.ProjectCodeGeneratorsPage.desc = Select the wizard that will generate the initial plug-in code
NewProjectWizard.ProjectCodeGeneratorsPage.fdesc = Select the wizard that will generate the initial fragment code
NewProjectWizard.ProjectCodeGeneratorsPage.message = Available code generation wizards
GeneratePluginJars.verifying = Verifying manifest file...
GeneratePluginJars.generating = Generating build script...
GeneratePluginJars.updating = Updating...
GeneratePluginJars.errorsTitle = JAR Generator Error
GeneratePluginJars.errorsMessage = Plug-in JAR generation cannot proceeed due to problems in the Tasks
GeneratePluginJars.errorsFMessage = Fragment JAR generation cannot proceeed due to problems in the Tasks
GenerateFeatureJars.verifying = Verifying feature file...
GenerateFeatureJars.generating = Generating build script...
GenerateFeatureJars.updating = Updating...
GenerateFeatureJars.errorsTitle = JAR Generator Error
GenerateFeatureJars.errorsMessage = Feature JAR generation cannot proceeed due to problems in the Tasks
NewFeatureWizard.wtitle = New Feature
NewFeatureWizard.MainPage.title = Feature Name
NewFeatureWizard.MainPage.desc = Define the name of the new feature project
NewFeatureWizard.SpecPage.title = Feature Properties
NewFeatureWizard.SpecPage.desc = Define properties that will be placed in the feature.xml file = Feature &Id: = Feature &Name:
NewFeatureWizard.SpecPage.version = Feature &Version:
NewFeatureWizard.SpecPage.provider = Feature &Provider:
NewFeatureWizard.SpecPage.versionFormat = Version must be in 'major.minor.service' format
NewFeatureWizard.SpecPage.missing = Id must be set
NewFeatureWizard.SpecPage.invalidId = Id can only contain letter, digit and '.' characters
NewFeatureWizard.PlugPage.title = Referenced Plug-ins and Fragments
NewFeatureWizard.PlugPage.desc = Select the plug-ins and fragments from your workspace to package into the new feature.
NewFeatureWizard.creatingProject = Creating feature project...
NewFeatureWizard.creatingFolders = Creating folder structure...
NewFeatureWizard.creatingManifest = Creating feature manifest...
VersionSyncWizard.wtitle = Feature Versions
VersionSyncWizard.title = Version Synchronization
VersionSyncWizard.desc = Choose the method to synchronize versions between the feature manifest and individual plug-in and fragment manifests. = Synchronization Options
VersionSyncWizard.useComponent = Force feature version into plug-in and fragment manifests
VersionSyncWizard.usePlugins = Copy versions from plug-in and fragment manifests
VersionSyncWizard.useReferences = Force versions defined in the feature into plug-in and fragment manifests
VersionSyncWizard.synchronizing = Synchronizing versions...
JavaAttributeWizard.wtitle = Java Attribute Editor
JavaAttributeWizard.title = Java Class Selection
JavaAttributeWizard.desc = Search for an existing class or generate a new one. = &Enter a name of an existing Java class
JavaAttributeWizard.generate = &Generate a new Java class
JavaAttributeWizard.generate.container = &Source folder name
JavaAttributeWizard.generate.container.browse = &Browse...
JavaAttributeWizard.generate.package = &Package name
JavaAttributeWizard.generate.package.browse = B&rowse...
JavaAttributeWizard.generate.class = &Class name
JavaAttributeWizard.generate.openEditor = &Open class in editor when created = &Qualified class name = &Browse...
JavaAttributeWizard.finish = Finish implementation of {0}
JavaAttributeWizard.duplication.title = Validation
JavaAttributeWizard.duplication.message = Java class {0} already exists. Do you want to recreate it?
JavaAttributeWizard.generating = Generating {0}
JavaAttributeWizard.containerSelection = Select Source Folder
JavaAttributeWizard.packageSelection = Package Selection
JavaAttributeWizard.error.class = Class name must be entered.
JavaAttributeWizard.error.container = Container must be entered.
JavaAttributeWizard.error.package = Package must be entered.
ExternalPluginsWizard.title = External Plug-ins
ExternalPluginsWizard.desc = Deselect plug-ins found in the target platform that you want to override with plug-ins in the workspace
BaseExtensionPoint.pluginId = &Plug-in Id = &Extension Point Id = Extension Point &Name
BaseExtensionPoint.missingId = Plug-in Id and Extension Point Id must be set
BaseExtensionPoint.schema = Extension Point &Schema
BaseExtensionPoint.edit = E&dit extension point schema when done
BaseExtensionPoint.sections.overview = [Enter description of this extension point]
BaseExtensionPoint.sections.usage = [Enter extension point usage example here.]
BaseExtensionPoint.sections.api = [Enter API information here.]
BaseExtensionPoint.sections.supplied = [Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]
BaseExtensionPoint.generating = Generating schema file...
GenericExtensionWizard.wtitle = New Extension
NewWizard.wtitle = New
NewExtensionWizard.wtitle = New Extension
NewExtensionWizard.title = Extension Wizard Selection
NewExtensionWizard.desc = Choose a wizard that will guide you through the new extension creation
NewExtensionWizard.statusMessage = Select a wizard to create new extension
NewExtensionWizard.PointSelectionPage.title = Extension Point Selection
NewExtensionWizard.PointSelectionPage.desc = Select an extension point from those available in the list.
NewExtensionWizard.PointSelectionPage.pointId = Point &ID
NewExtensionWizard.PointSelectionPage.pointName = Point &Name
NewExtensionWizard.PointSelectionPage.missingTitle = Extensions
NewExtensionWizard.PointSelectionPage.missingImport = The extension point "{0}" \
is defined in plug-in "{1}". This plug-in is currently not on your \
dependency list. Add it before attempting to reference Java types \
required by this extension point.
NewExtensionPointWizard.wtitle = New Extension Point
NewExtensionPointWizard.title = Extension Point Properties
NewExtensionPointWizard.desc = Specify properties of the new extension point.
NewSchemaFileWizard.wtitle = New Extension Point Schema File
NewSchemaFileWizard.title = Extension Point Schema Properties
NewSchemaFileWizard.desc = Specify properties of the extension point schema file.
ConvertedProjectWizard.title = Convert Java Projects
ConvertedProjectWizard.desc = Select Java projects to add PDE capability.
ConvertedProjectWizard.projectList = &Available projects
ConvertedProjectWizard.converting = Converting ...
ConvertedProjectWizard.updating = Updating build path...
ConvertedProjectWizard.updateBuildPath = &Update Java build path for required plug-ins
ConvertProjectAction.converting = Converting...
ConvertProjectAction.updating = Updating build path...
PluginCodeGeneratorWizard.title = Default Plug-in Project
PluginCodeGeneratorWizard.ftitle = Default Fragment Project
PluginCodeGeneratorWizard.missing = Plug-ins required to compile Java classes in this plug-in are currently disabled. The wizard must enable them to avoid compile errors.
PluginCoreGeneratorWizard.fmissing = Plug-ins required to compile Java classes in this fragment are currently disabled. The wizard must enable them to avoid compile errors.
PluginCoreGeneratorWizard.generating = Generating content...
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.title = Simple Plug-in Content
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.ftitle = Simple Fragment Content
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.fdesc = Enter the required data to generate initial fragment files
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.desc = Enter the required data to generate initial plug-in files
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.fname = &Fragment name = &Plug-in name
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.version = &Version
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.providerName = &Provider Name
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.pluginId = Plug-in &Id
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.pluginId.browse = &Browse...
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.pluginVersion = P&lug-in Version
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.class = &Class Name
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.generate = &Generate code for the class
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.options = Plug-in code generation options
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.options.this = Add default &instance access
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.options.bundle = Add support for &resource bundles
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.options.workspace = &Add access to the workspace
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.creating = Creating {0}
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.creatingPlugin = Creating plugin.xml
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.creatingFragment = Creating fragment.xml = {0} Plugin = {0} Fragment
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.idNotSet = Plug-in id must be set
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.invalidId = Plug-in with the specified combination of id, version and match not found
DefaultCodeGenerationPage.versionFormat = Version field must be in format "major.minor.service"
AbstractTemplateSection.generating = Generating content...
OptionTemplateSection.mustBeSet = Template option "{0}" must be set.
### Supplied templates
EditorNewWizard.wtitle = New plug-in project with a sample XML editor
EditorTemplate.title = Sample XML Editor
EditorTemplate.desc = Choose the options that will be used to generate the XML editor.
EditorTemplate.packageName = &Java Package Name:
EditorTemplate.editorClass = &Editor Class Name:
EditorTemplate.editorName = Editor &Name:
EditorTemplate.fileExtension = &File Extension:
EditorTemplate.defaultEditorName = Sample XML Editor
HelloWorldNewWizard.wtitle = New Hello World plug-in project
HelloWorldTemplate.title = Sample Action Set
HelloWorldTemplate.desc= This template will generate a sample action set extension with a menu, a \
menu item and a tool bar button. When selected, they will show a \
simple message dialog.
HelloWorldTemplate.packageName = &Java Package Name:
HelloWorldTemplate.className = &Action Class Name:
HelloWorldTemplate.messageText = &Message Box Text:
HelloWorldTemplate.defaultMessage = Hello, Eclipse world
HelloWorldTemplate.sampleActionSet = Sample Action Set
HelloWorldTemplate.sampleMenu = Sample &Menu
HelloWorldTemplate.sampleAction = &Sample Action
HelloWorldTemplate.addToPerspective = A&dd the action set to the resource perspective
MultiPageEditorNewWizard.wtitle = New plug-in project with a multi-page editor
MultiPageEditorTemplate.title = Sample Multi-Page Editor
MultiPageEditorTemplate.desc = Choose the options that will be used to generate the multi-page editor.
MultiPageEditorTemplate.packageName = &Java Package Name:
MultiPageEditorTemplate.className = &Editor Class Name:
MultiPageEditorTemplate.contributor = Editor &Contributor Class &Name:
MultiPageEditorTemplate.editorName = Editor &Name:
MultiPageEditorTemplate.defaultEditorName = Sample Multi-page Editor
MultiPageEditorTemplate.extensions = &File Extensions:
NewWizardTemplate.title =New Wizard Options
NewWizardTemplate.desc =The provided options allow you to control the new wizard will be created.
NewWizardTemplate.packageName = &Java Package Name:
NewWizardTemplate.categoryId = &Wizard Category Id:
NewWizardTemplate.categoryName = Wi&zard Category Name:
NewWizardTemplate.className = Wizard &Class Name:
NewWizardTemplate.pageClassName = Wizard &Page Class Name:
NewWizardTemplate.wizardName = Wizard &Name:
NewWizardTemplate.defaultName = Multi-page Editor file
NewWizardTemplate.extension = &File Extension:
NewWizardTemplate.fileName = &Initial File Name:
PerspectiveExtensionsNewWizard.wtitle = New plug-in project with a perspective extension
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.title0 = Perspective Extensions 1: Target and Shortcuts
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.desc0 = Add an action set and shortcuts to the target perspective
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.title1 = Perspective Extensions 2: View
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.desc1 = Add a view to the Show submenu of the target perspective
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.perspectiveId = &Target Perspective ID:
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.actionSet = &Action Set:
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.shortcutId = &Perspective Shortcut ID:
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.viewShortcutId = &View Shortcut ID:
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.wizardShortcutId = &Wizard Shortcut ID:
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.viewId = &View ID:
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.relativeView = &Relative View:
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.relativePosition = Relative Position:
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.stack = Stack
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.left = Left
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.right = Right = Top
PerspectiveExtensionsTemplate.buttom = Bottom
PopupMenuNewWizard.wtitle = New plug-in project with popup menus
PopupMenuTemplate.title = Sample Popup Menu
PopupMenuTemplate.desc = This template creates a submenu and adds a new action to a selected object's popup menu.
PopupMenuTemplate.targetClass = &Target Object's Class:
PopupMenuTemplate.nameFilter = &Name Filter:
PopupMenuTemplate.submenuName = &Submenu Name:
PopupMenuTemplate.defaultSubmenuName = New Submenu
PopupMenuTemplate.actionLabel = &Action Label:
PopupMenuTemplate.defaultActionName = New Action
PopupMenuTemplate.packageName = &Java Package Name:
PopupMenuTemplate.actionClass = Action &Class:
PopupMenuTemplate.enabledFor = Action is enabled for:
PopupMenuTemplate.singleSelection = Single selection
PopupMenuTemplate.multipleSelection = Multiple selection
PreferencePageTemplate.title = Sample Preference Page
PreferencePageTemplate.desc = The provided options allow you to control the preference page that will be created.
PreferencePageTemplate.packageName = &Java Package Name:
PreferencePageTemplate.className = &Page Class Name:
PreferencePageTemplate.pageName = Page &Name:
PreferencePageTemplate.defaultPageName =Sample Preferences
PropertyPageNewWizard.wtitle = New plug-in project with a property page
PropertyPageTemplate.title = Sample Property Page
PropertyPageTemplate.desc = This template adds a property page to a resource and will appear in \
the Properties Dialog for that resource.
PropertyPageTemplate.packageName = &Java Package Name:
PropertyPageTemplate.pageClass = &Property Page Class:
PropertyPageTemplate.pageName = P&roperty Page Name:
PropertyPageTemplate.defaultPageName = Sample Page
PropertyPageTemplate.targetClass = &Target Class:
PropertyPageTemplate.nameFilter = &Name Filter:
TemplateSelectionPage.title = Template Selection
TemplateSelectionPage.desc = Choose templates that will contribute content to this plug-in from the list. Click on a template entry to read its description.
TemplateSelectionPage.table = &Available Templates: = Name
TemplateSelectionPage.column.point = Extension Point
ViewNewWizard.wtitle = New plug-in project with a sample view
ViewTemplate.title0 = Main View Settings
ViewTemplate.desc0 = Choose the way the new view will be added to the plug-in.
ViewTemplate.title1 = View Features
ViewTemplate.desc1 = Choose the features that the new view should have.
ViewTemplate.packageName = &Java Package Name:
ViewTemplate.className = &View Class Name: = View Na&me:
ViewTemplate.defaultName = Sample View
ViewTemplate.categoryId = View &Category Id:
ViewTemplate.categoryName = V&iew Category Name:
ViewTemplate.defaultCategoryName = Sample Category = Select the viewer type that should be hosted in the view:
ViewTemplate.table = &Table viewer (can also be used for lists)
ViewTemplate.tree = T&ree viewer
ViewTemplate.react = &View should react to selections in the workbench
ViewTemplate.doubleClick = &Add double-click support
ViewTemplate.popup = A&dd actions to the pop-up menu
ViewTemplate.toolbar = Add a&ctions to the view's tool bar
ViewTemplate.pulldown = Add ac&tions to the view's pull-down menu
ViewTemplate.sorting = Add &support for sorting
ViewTemplate.filtering = Add support for filtering
ViewTemplate.drilldown = Add d&rill-down capability
ViewTemplate.addToPerspective = A&dd the view to the resource perspective
HelpTemplate.title = Generate a Sample Help Table of Contents
HelpTemplate.desc = If the table is primary, it can be standalone or integrated into pre-set categories. \
If not primary, it can optionally be integrated into a primary table of contents for testing.
HelpTemplate.tocLabel = &Label for table of contents:
HelpTemplate.isPrimary = Primary
HelpTemplate.generateTest = Generate a primary table of contents for testing
HelpTemplate.gettingStarted = Generate a 'Getting Started' category
HelpTemplate.concepts = Generate a 'Concepts' category
HelpTemplate.tasks = Generate a 'Tasks' category
HelpTemplate.reference = Generate a 'Reference' category
HelpTemplate.samples = Generate a 'Samples' category
PluginSelectionDialog.title = Select Plug-in
PluginSelectionDialog.workspacePlugins = Workspace Plug-ins
PluginSelectionDialog.externalPlugins = External Plug-ins
ProjectStructurePage.title = Plug-in Project Structure
ProjectStructurePage.ftitle = Fragment Project Structure
ProjectStructurePage.desc = Define essential plug-in structure settings
ProjectStructurePage.fdesc = Define essential fragment structure settings
ProjectStructurePage.fid = Fragment &Id = Plug-in &Id
ProjectStructurePage.output = &Java builder output
ProjectStructurePage.flibrary = Fragment &runtime library
ProjectStructurePage.library = Plug-in &runtime library
ProjectStructurePage.source = &Source folder = {0} Plugin = {0} Fragment
ProjectStructurePage.creating = Creating
ImportWizard.title = Import Plug-ins and Fragments
ImportWizard.FirstPage.title = Import External Plug-ins
ImportWizard.FirstPage.desc = Create projects from external plug-ins and fragments.
ImportWizard.FirstPage.runtimeLocation = &Choose from plug-ins in the run-time workbench (as set in the Preferences)
ImportWizard.FirstPage.runtimeDesc = You will be able to choose from the plug-ins found in the run-time \
Eclipse instance location set in the Preferences.
ImportWizard.FirstPage.otherLocation = &Import plug-ins from the file system
ImportWizard.FirstPage.otherDesc = Use this option to import plug-ins from a directory that \
can but does not need be a complete Eclipse product. \
This is an advanced option.
ImportWizard.FirstPage.targetDesc = The following target environment will be used \
for resolving library paths (you can change the settings in the Preferences):
ImportWizard.FirstPage.otherFolder = &Plug-in Location:
ImportWizard.FirstPage.browse = B&rowse...
ImportWizard.FirstPage.importCheck = Cop&y plug-in contents into the workspace location
ImportWizard.FirstPage.extractCheck = &Extract source archives and create source folders in projects
ImportWizard.DetailedPage.title = Selection
ImportWizard.DetailedPage.desc = Select plug-ins and fragments to import.
ImportWizard.DetailedPage.pluginList = &Plug-ins and Fragments Found:
ImportWizard.DetailedPage.invertSelection = &Invert Selection
ImportWizard.DetailedPage.existing = Exis&ting Projects
ImportWizard.DetailedPage.existingBinary = Existing Binar&y Projects
ImportWizard.DetailedPage.existingExternal = Existing E&xternal Projects
ImportWizard.DetailedPage.addRequired = Add &Required Plug-ins
ImportWizard.noToAll = No to A&ll
ImportWizard.messages.title = Plug-in Import
ImportWizard.messages.noPlugins = No plugins found. Check that the chosen directory contains plug-in or fragment folders.
ImportWizard.messages.doNotAsk = &Do not ask again during this import (Yes to all / No to all).
ImportWizard.messages.exists = Project "{0}" already exists. Is it OK to replace it?
ImportWizard.messages.folder.title = Plug-in Directory
ImportWizard.messages.folder.message = Select a directory that contains plug-ins or fragments
ImportWizard.messages.loadingRuntime = Loading run-time platform plug-ins:
ImportWizard.messages.updating = Updating...
ImportWizard.messages.loadingFile =Loading file system plug-ins:
ImportWizard.errors.locationMissing = Enter the location of the build.
ImportWizard.errors.buildFolderInvalid = Build folder path is invalid.
ImportWizard.errors.buildFolderMissing =Build folder directory does not exist.
ImportWizard.errors.noPluginSelected = No plug-ins or fragments selected.
ImportWizard.operation.creating = Creating projects from plugins...
ImportWizard.operation.multiProblem = Problems detected while importing plug-ins
ImportWizard.operation.problem = Problem while importing plugin "{0}": {1}
ImportWizard.operation.creating2 = Creating "{0}"...
ImportWizard.operation.extracting = Extracting...
ImportWizard.operation.copyingSource = Copying source...
UpdateBuildpathWizard.wtitle = Java Classpath
UpdateBuildpathWizard.title = Update Java class path
UpdateBuildpathWizard.desc = Selected plug-ins and fragments will have their class path recomputed.
###### Actions ######################################## = &Save
EditorActions.cut = Cu&t
EditorActions.copy = &Copy
EditorActions.paste = &Paste = P&roperties = &Open
Actions.refresh.label = &Refresh
Actions.delete.label = &Delete
Actions.synchronizeVersions.label = S&ynchronize Versions...
Actions.apply.label = &Apply
Actions.reset.label = &Reset
Actions.delete.flabel = Delete
Actions.apply.flabel = Apply
Actions.reset.flabel = Reset = &New
Menus.goTo.label = Traverse
Actions.classpath.title = Update Classpaths
Actions.classpath.message = Updating failed. See log for details.
Actions.classpath.update = Update classpaths...
Actions.classpath.setting = Setting class path of '{0}'...
RuntimeWorkbenchShortcut.launchFailed=Run-Time Workbench Launch Failed
RuntimeWorkbenchShortcut.title=Select Configuration a Run-Time Workbench configuration to debug a Run-Time Workbench configuration to run
BaseExtensionPointMainPage.noContainer=You must select a valid target container (project or folder) first. Source Location
EditorPreferencePage.desc=PDE editor settings:
EditorPreferencePage.proc=Pr&ocessing instructions:
EditorPreferencePage.string=&Constant strings:
SourceLocationDialog.locationName=&Location Name:
SourceLocationDialog.locationPath=Location &Path:
SourceLocationDialog.nameNotDefined=Location name must be defined.
SourceLocationDialog.exists=Classpath variable with the same name already exists.
SourceLocationDialog.pathNotDefined=Location path must be defined.
SourceLocationDialog.locationNotFound=Location does not exist or is not a directory