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<title>What's New in Oxygen (JDT)</title>
<h2>What's New in Oxygen (JDT)</h2>
<p>Here are descriptions of some of the more interesting or significant changes made to the Java development tools (JDT)
for the Oxygen (4.7) release of Eclipse.
They are grouped into:</p>
<ul> <!-- NOTE: Sync ../topics_WhatsNew.xml with this! -->
<li><a href="#Java10">Java&trade; 10 Support</a> - added in Oxygen 3a (4.7.3a)<img src="images/new.png" alt=""/></li>
<li><a href="#JUnit5">JUnit 5 Support</a> - added in Oxygen 1a (4.7.1a)<img src="images/new.png" alt=""/></li>
<li><a href="#Java9">Java&trade; 9 Support</a> - added in Oxygen 1a (4.7.1a)<img src="images/new.png" alt=""/></li>
<li><a href="#JavaEditor">Java Editor</a></li>
<li><a href="#JavaViewsAndDialogs">Java Views and Dialogs</a></li>
<li><a href="#JavaCompiler">Java Compiler</a></li>
<li><a href="#JavaFormatter">Java Formatter</a></li>
<li><a href="#Debug">Debug</a></li>
<li><a href="#JUnit">JUnit</a></li>
<p>See also the <b><a href="../../org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/whatsNew/platform_whatsnew.html">Eclipse Platform What's New</a></b>
document for changes in the Platform.</p>
<p>We also recommend to read the <a href="../tips/jdt_tips.html">Tips and Tricks</a>.</p>
<table class="news">
<col class="title" />
<col />
<!-- ******************* Java 10 support ************************************* -->
<td id="Java10" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java&trade; 10 Support</h2>
<tr id="java-10">
<td class="title">Eclipse support for Java&trade; 10 </td>
<td class="content">
<p>The biggest part is the support for <a href="" target="_top"><b>local variable type inference</b></a>.</p>
<p><b>Add Java 10 JRE</b></p>
Eclipse will recognize Java 10 and allow to add a Java 10 JRE with which launching can be done.
<p><img src="images/j10.png" alt=""/></p>
<li>Associated with Java 10 is the compiler compliance level of 10 that will be provided as an option as shown below
<p><img src="images/j10.compliance.png" alt=""/></p>
<p><b>JEP 286 var - compilation</b></p>
<li>Support for compilation of var as shown below
<p><img src="images/var.compile.png" alt=""/></p>
<li>var compilation: Error flagging.
<p>Following figure shpws examples of compiler flagging errors for inappropriate usage of var</p>
<p><img src="images/var.nocompile.png" alt=""/></p>
<p><b>var - Completion</b></p>
<li>Completion is enabled for var where it is allowed
<p><img src="images/var.complete.png" alt=""/></p>
<li>Completion is not offered at places var is not allowed
<p><img src="images/var.nocomplete.png" alt=""/></p>
<p><b>var - Hover</b></p>
<li>Hover to reveal the type represented by var
<p><img src="images/var.hover.png" alt=""/></p>
<p><b>var - Quick Assist</b></p>
<p>Convert from var to the appropriate type using quick assist</p>
<p><img src="images/var.vartotype.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Convert from type to var using quick assist</p>
<p><img src="images/var.typetovar.png" alt=""/></p>
<!-- ******************* JUnit 5 Support ************************************* -->
<td id="JUnit5" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>JUnit 5 Support</h2>
<tr id="junit-5-support">
<td class="title">Eclipse support for JUnit 5</td>
<td class="content">
<a href="">JUnit 5</a> support is now available in Eclipse.
<p>Create a new JUnit Jupiter test via <b>New JUnit Test Case</b> wizard:</p>
<p><img src="images/new-junit-jupiter-test.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Add JUnit 5 library to the build path:</p>
<p>New JUnit Test Case wizard offers to add it while creating a new JUnit Jupiter test:</p>
<p><img src="images/add-junit-5-lib.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Quick Fix <b>(Ctrl+1)</b> proposal on <b><code>@Test</code></b>, <b><code>@TestFactory</code></b>, <b><code>@ParameterizedTest</code></b> and <b><code>@RepeatedTest</code></b> annotations:</p>
<p><img src="images/add-junit-5-lib-quick-fix.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Add JUnit library in Java Build Path dialog:</p>
<p><img src="images/add-junit-5-lib-java-build-path.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Create a JUnit Jupiter test method with the new <b>test_jupiter</b> template:</p>
<p><img src="images/junit-jupiter-test-method-template.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Create a <b><code>@TestFactory</code></b> method with the new <b>test_factory</b> template:</p>
<p><img src="images/junit-jupiter-test-factory-template.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>JUnit Jupiter’s <code>Assertions</code>, <code>Assumptions</code>, <code>DynamicContainer</code> and <code>DynamicTest</code> classes are now added to <b>Eclipse Favorites</b> by default:</p>
<p><img src="images/content-assist-favorites.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>This allows you to quickly import the static methods from these classes in your code via Content Assist <b>(Ctrl + Space)</b> and Quick Fix <b>(Ctrl + 1)</b>.</p>
<p>View all the failures from grouped assertions in the same <b>Result Comparison</b> dialog opened from JUnit view:</p>
<p><img src="images/grouped-assertions-result-comparison.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>View the number of disabled tests and tests with assumption failures on hover in JUnit view:</p>
<p><img src="images/skipped-tests.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Use <b>Go to File</b> action or just double-click to navigate to the test from JUnit view even when the test is displayed with a custom name:</p>
<p><img src="images/display-name.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>(Re-)Run a single <b><code>@Nested</code></b> test class by using the <b>Run</b> action in JUnit view or Outline view.
You can even right-click on a nested test class name in the editor and use the <b>Run As</b> action:
<p><img src="images/run-nested-class.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>The <b>Test Method Selection</b> dialog in JUnit launch configuration now shows the method parameter types also:</p>
<p><img src="images/test-method-selection-dialog.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>You can provide tags to be included in or excluded from a test run in the <b>Configure Tags</b> dialog of JUnit launch configuration.</p>
<p><img src="images/junit-tags.png" alt=""/></p>
If you are using an Eclipse workspace where you were running your JUnit 5 tests via <code>@RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class)</code> in Eclipse without JUnit 5 support
then you will have JUnit 4 as the test runner in their launch configurations. Before executing these tests in Eclipse with JUnit 5 support, you should either
change their test runner to JUnit 5 or delete them so that new launch configurations are created with JUnit 5 test runner while running the tests:
<p><img src="images/test-runner-update.png" alt=""/></p>
We do not support running tests in a setup where an old Eclipse build (not having JUnit 5 support) is using a new Eclipse build (having JUnit 5 support) as target. Also, developers who have
the JDT JUnit runtime bundles <code>(org.eclipse.jdt.junit.runtime, org.eclipse.jdt.junit4.runtime)</code> checked out and pull the latest changes will run into the above issue.
You are expected to use a new Eclipse build for the development.
<!-- ******************* Java 9 support ************************************* -->
<td id="Java9" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java&trade; 9 Support</h2>
<tr id="java-9-support">
<td class="title">Eclipse support for Java&trade; 9</td>
<td class="content">
<a href="">Java&trade; 9</a> is here, and JDT fully supports it:
<li>The Eclipse compiler for Java (ECJ) implements all the new Java 9 <a href="">language enhancements</a></li>
<li>Updated significant features to support Java Modules, such as compiler, search and many editor features.</li>
It is not mandatory to run Eclipse with Java Runtime 9 to get the Java 9 support. However,
a Java runtime 9 is required to be on a project's build path
to compile a modular project against the system modules.
<p>When a Java Runtime 9 is added to a project's build path, the system modules
are listed under the System library in the package explorer:</p>
<p><img src="images/java9-package-explorer.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>An existing non-modular Java project can be quickly converted to a module by
creating a for that project. This feature can be availed once the project has
been moved to compliance 9:</p>
<p><img src="images/java9-create-module.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>With Java 9 support, a library or a container can now be added to the
module path as opposed to the classpath:</p>
<p><img src="images/java9-module-path.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Once a module has been added to a project's module path, its encapsulation
properties can further be modified by clicking on the <b>Is Modular</b> option
and editing the Module properties. The following example shows how module <code></code> can
can be made to export its packages in the context of the current Java project:</p>
<p><img src="images/java9-module-properties.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Java search now includes a new search scope - Module:</p>
<p><img src="images/java9-module-search.png" alt=""/></p>
<!-- ******************* Java Editor ************************************* -->
<td id="JavaEditor" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java Editor </h2>
<tr id="open-implementation-of-type">
<td class="title">Open Implementation of selected Type</td>
<td class="content">
The <b>Open Implementation</b> hyperlink and the <b>Navigate &gt; Open Implementation</b> action now open the implementation of the selected interface or class also.
In the past, <b>Open Implementation</b> was only available for methods.
<img src="images/open-implementation-of-type.png" alt=""/>
The hyperlink popup shows up when you hold <b>Ctrl</b> (on the Mac: <b>Command</b>), unless you've changed the modifier on the <b>Hyperlinking</b> preference page.
<tr id="auto-insert-braces">
<td class="title">Automatically insert Braces at correct position</td>
<td class="content">
The <b>Java &gt; Editor &gt; Typing &gt; Automatically insert at correct position &gt; Braces</b> preference option is now enabled by default.
This will automatically insert the braces where they are required.
<img src="images/auto-insert-braces.png" alt=""/>
<tr id="escape-text-when-pasting">
<td class="title">Escape text when pasting into a string literal</td>
<td class="content">
The <b>Java > Editor > Typing > Escape text when pasting into a string literal</b> preference option is now enabled by default.
This will escape the special characters in pasted strings when they are pasted into an existing string literal.
<img src="images/escape-text-when-pasting.png" alt=""/>
To paste without escaping, you can either paste outside of a string literal, or you can disable
<b>Edit</b> menu <b> &gt; Smart Insert Mode</b>.
<tr id="quickfix-move-type-annotation">
<td class="title">Quick Fix to move type annotations</td>
<td class="content">
The rules for the placement of Java 8 "type annotations" introduced via JSR 308 are sometimes surprising.
In case of errors, a new Quick Fix <b>Move type annotation</b> is offered,
that moves the type annotation to a location that corresponds to what was probably intended.
<img src="images/quickfix-move-type-annotation.png" alt="" />
<tr id="defaults-for-annotation-type-elements-in-javadoc">
<td class="title">Defaults for annotation type elements in Javadoc</td>
<td class="content">
The default value of an annotation type element is now shown in the <b>Javadoc</b> view and hover.
<img src="images/defaults-for-annotation-type-elements-in-javadoc.png" alt=""/>
<tr id="javadoc-colors">
<td class="title">Set colors for Javadoc</td>
<td class="content">
You can use the new color preferences to set the foreground text color and the background color in the <b>Javadoc</b> view and hovers:
<img src="images/javadoc-colors.png" alt=""/>
<tr id="jdt-javadoc-color-fix">
<td class="title">Consistent Javadoc colors usage under Linux</td>
<td class="content">
The Javadoc color usage on Linux was inconsistent since GTK 3.04.
This has been resolved and support for Javadoc on the Eclipse Dark Theme has been added.
<img src="images/javadocbefore.png" alt=""/>
<img src="images/javadocafter.png" alt=""/>
Dark theme support:
<img src="images/javadocdarktheme.png" alt=""/>
<!-- ******************* Java Views and Dialogs ************************************* -->
<td id="JavaViewsAndDialogs" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java Views and Dialogs</h2>
<tr id="skip-button-in-organize-imports-dialog">
<td class="title">Skip button in Organize Imports dialog</td>
<td class="content">
While using the <b>Organize Imports</b> dialog to import multiple unresolved types, you can now skip a type without cancelling the whole operation by using the new <b>Skip</b> button.
No import statement is added for the skipped type.
<img src="images/skip-button-in-organize-imports-dialog.png" alt="" />
<tr id="hide-inherited-object-members">
<td class="title">Hide inherited members from java.lang.Object</td>
<td class="content">
You can hide all inherited members from <code>java.lang.Object</code>
in the <b>Quick Outline</b> (<b>Ctrl+O</b>) by using the new filter from the drop-down menu (<b>Ctrl+F10</b>):
<img src="images/hide-inherited-object-members.png" alt=""/>
<tr id="hide-deprecated-fields-and-methods">
<td class="title">Hide deprecated fields and methods</td>
<td class="content">
You can now hide the deprecated fields and methods in <b>Outline</b> view, <b>Members</b> view, <b>Package Explorer</b> view, <b>Project Explorer</b> view, and
<b>Quick Outline</b> by using the new filter from their drop-down menu (<b>Ctrl+F10</b>):
<img src="images/hide-deprecated-fields-and-methods.png" alt=""/>
<tr id="group-by-project-in-search-view">
<td class="title">Group by Project in Search view</td>
<td class="content">
The default grouping of Java search results in the <b>Search</b> view has been changed to Group by Project. Earlier the results were grouped by package.
<img src="images/group-by-project-in-search-view.png" alt=""/>
You can use the buttons in the view tool bar to Group by Project, Package, File, or Type.
<tr id="type-name-with-extension-in-new-java-type-creation-wizards">
<td class="title">Type name with extension in New Java Type creation wizards</td>
<td class="content">
New Java Type creation wizards now accept the <code>.java</code> extension with the type name instead of showing the error message: "Type name must not be qualified".
For example, to create a new class <code>com.test.C1&lt;T&gt;.java</code>, you can directly paste this qualified type name with extension in the Name field of the New Java Class wizard.
<img src="images/type-name-with-extension.png" alt="" />
<tr id="hidpi-jdt-icons">
<td class="title">HiDPI JDT icons</td>
<td class="content">
Composite icons such as Java element icons with modifier overlays are now rendered in high resolution
in environments that support HiDPI images.
<img src="images/jdt-composite-images-hidpi.png" alt="" width="479"
<!-- ******************* Java Compiler ************************************* -->
<td id="JavaCompiler" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java Compiler</h2>
<tr id="new-java-index">
<td class="title">New Java index</td>
<td class="content">
Eclipse 4.7 contains an experimental new Java index which is disabled by default.<br/>
As a thumb rule, you can try the new indexing to get better performance when there are a large number of Jar dependencies.
The new index has been adopted completely in the <b>Type Hierarchy</b> view and partially in some features that use the binary file caching (jars and .class files) such as <b>Package Explorer</b> expansion for jars.
It hasn't been adopted by the search features.
You can enable the new index from <b>Preferences &gt; Java</b>:
<img src="images/new-java-index.png" alt=""/>
To improve performance, the new index captures a lot of semantic information in an index file separate from the classic index file, consuming additional memory and disk space.
The new <b>Rebuild Index</b> button can be used to delete the existing index files - both classic as well as new - then rebuild these index files from scratch.
If <b>Enable new Java index</b> option is not checked, only the classic index file will be rebuilt though both will be deleted, thus saving disk space.
Also, if index corruption is suspected, <b>Rebuild Index</b> can be used to start from a clean slate again.
<tr id="processor-option-variables">
<td class="title">Pass compiler options to annotation processors</td>
<td class="content">
You can now pass compiler options to annotation processors using <code>%variable%</code> syntax in <b>Project > Properties > Java Compiler > Annotation Processing</b>.
<img src="images/jdt-apt-processor-option-variables.png" alt=""/>
This allows processors to compile Java sources using the Java project's settings without manually maintaining this information in the processor options.
<tr id="unlikely-argument-types">
<td class="title">Warnings for unlikely argument types</td>
<td class="content">
Many developers have learned the hard way, that certain uses of Java collections that pass the compiler's
type check, may still contain "type errors", resulting in unexpected runtime behaviour.
A new analysis has been added to the Eclipse compiler for Java that will detect the most common bugs in this area.
The common reason behind this problem is the fact that not all methods of those collection types make use of generics in the way one might expect.
As a result it is possible to create a <code>Set&lt;Short></code>, whose <code>add(Short)</code> method will only accept arguments of type <code>Short</code>,
yet method <code>remove(Object)</code> will happily accept literally any argument, because the method's parameter has type <code>Object</code>.
Here is a code snippet that seems to add and remove the same element from the set, but at a closer look the <code>remove</code> call has no effect.
What is difficult to see for the naked eye is now flagged by a new warning:
<a href="images/unlikely1.txt"><img src="images/unlikely1-basic.png" alt="Warning on last line: Unlikely argument type int for remove(Object) on a Collection&lt;Short&gt;" /></a>
In a simple world, this would be all there is to say, but over time people have developed various code patterns
that rely on these overly general signatures. Consider the following use of subtyping:
<a href="images/unlikely2.txt"><img src="images/unlikely2-number-allowed.png" alt="" /></a>
Depending on your coding style this may or may not be accepted as a legitimate short hand for:
<br/><code style="margin-left:2em;">if (n instanceof Short) set.remove((Short) n);</code><br/>
To reduce the churn caused by the new analysis, we developed some heuristics that filter out cases where types are "sufficiently similar",
so the above goes unwarned.
As with any heuristic, there is no clear line. This implies that the compiler may show "unwanted" warnings,
or filter out invocations that are in fact bugs. For the former case, <code>@SuppressWarnings("unlikely-arg-type")</code>
will document the exception both for the user and for the compiler. For the latter case, we provide an option to tighten
the rules, namely to apply strict type compatibility checks instead of said heuristics. For this extra scrutiny you may enable
the sub-option <b>Perform strict analysis against the expected type</b> in <b>Preferences &gt; Java &gt; Compiler &gt; Errors/Warnings &gt; Potential programming problems</b>.
<img src="images/unlikely3-options.png" alt="Preference options" />
With this option enabled, above usage is flagged indeed (and the same for less obvious cases, which would be filtered out by the heuristics):
<a href="images/unlikely4.txt"><img src="images/unlikely4-number-strict.png" alt="" /></a>
Similarly, a check with default severity "Info" is offered for unlikely invocations of <code>java.lang.Object.equals(Object)</code> and
<a href="images/unlikely5.txt"><img src="images/unlikely5-equals.png" alt="Info on last line: Unlikely argument type for equals(): Name seems to be unrelated to String" /></a>
<!-- ******************* Java Formatter ************************************* -->
<td id="JavaFormatter" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java Formatter </h2>
<tr id="formatter">
<td class="title">New way to count comment width</td>
<td class="content">
A new option has been added in the code formatter profile editor that makes the formatter
count a comment's width from its starting position instead of the beginning of the line.
<p>You can change this option in the <b>Java &gt; Code Style &gt; Formatter </b> preferences in the <b>Comments</b> tab, under <b>Line width</b>.</p>
<p><img src="images/formatter-comment-width-ui.png" alt="" /></p>
<p><a href="images/formatter-comment-width-preview.txt"><img src="images/formatter-comment-width-preview.png" alt="" /></a></p>
This option allows more space for comments in heavily indented blocks of code and for line comments
added to the right of some code. And at the same time, it keeps comments that start at the beginning
of the line from getting too wide and uncomfortable to read.
<!-- *********************** Debug ******************************** -->
<td id="Debug" class="section" colspan="2">
<tr id="step-show-methodresult">
<td class="title">Method result after step operations</td>
<td class="content">
During debugging, the last method result (per return or throw) that was observed during <b>Step Into</b>, <b>Step Over</b> or <b>Step Return</b>, is shown as first line in the <b>Variables</b> view.
<img src="images/step-show-methodresult.png" alt="" />
This can be disabled with the new option
<b>Preferences &gt; Java &gt; Debug &gt; Show method result after a step operation (if supported by the VM; may be slow)</b>
<tr id="triggers-for-breakpoints">
<td class="title">Triggers for breakpoints</td>
<td class="content">
You can now define a set of triggers for the breakpoints in a workspace.
<img src="images/trigger-breakpoint-properties.png" alt=""/>
Any breakpoint can be set as a trigger point by using <b>Breakpoint Properties...</b> dialog or the <b>Breakpoints</b> view's detail pane.
<img src="images/trigger-breakpoint-view-ruler.png" alt=""/>
Triggers will be rendered with an overlay of "T" and the breakpoints suppressed by the triggers will be
rendered with an overlay of "T" with a cut.
All the other breakpoints that are initially suppressed by triggers will be hit only after any of the trigger points has been hit.
All the triggers are disabled after a trigger point is hit and will be re-enabled after the run.
<tr id="watchpoint-condition">
<td class="title">Conditional watchpoint</td>
<td class="content">
Like for line breakpoints, conditions can now also be added to <b>Watchpoints</b>,
where the old value of the field can be used as part of the condition.
<img src="images/watchpoint-condition.png" alt="" />
<tr id="toggle-trace-point">
<td class="title">Toggle Tracepoint</td>
<td class="content">
A new action <b>Run > Toggle Tracepoint</b> has been added.
<img src="images/toggle-trace-point-run.png" alt="" />
The action creates a conditional breakpoint using the "systrace" template, which prints the class and method name.
<img src="images/toggle-trace-point-conditional-breakpoint.png" alt="" />
This makes use of another new feature of conditional breakpoints: As long as the condition
doesn't explicitly return a boolean <code>true</code>, the condition is now considered to implicitly return false,
and the breakpoint will not suspend execution.
<tr id="enable-show-logical-structure">
<td class="title">Show Logical Structure enabled by default</td>
<td class="content">
In the <b>Variables</b> view, <b>Show Logical Structure</b> is now enabled by default.
E.g. collection objects now directly show their contained elements instead of their internal structure.
<img src="images/jdt-debug-show-logical-structure-by-default.png" alt=""/>
The <b>Show Logical Structure</b> context menu lets you choose or edit the representation.
<img src="images/jdt-debug-edit-logical-structure-context-menu.png" alt=""/>
<tr id="remote-java-launch-connection-limits">
<td class="title">Remote Java Application "Socket Listen"
type supports multiple incoming connections</td>
<td class="content">
The <b>Remote Java Application</b> debug configuration's <b>Standard
(Socket Listen)</b> connection type now supports incoming connections
from multiple VMs. This is useful for debugging distributed
systems. The connection limit may be set to a fixed number, or
<code>0</code> for unlimited connections.
<img src="images/remote-java-listen-conn-limit.png" alt=""/>
<tr id="option-disable-hcr">
<td class="title">New option to disable Hot Code Replace</td>
<td class="content">
You can now disable <a href="" target="_blank">Hot Code Replace (HCR)</a> if it causes any trouble
or if you want to avoid code changes in a debug target. HCR is enabled by default but can be disabled
in <b>Preferences > Java > Debug</b>.
<img src="images/option-disable-hcr.png" alt=""/>
<!-- ******************* JUnit ************************************* -->
<td id="JUnit" class="section" colspan="2">
<tr id="show-junit-failure-trace-in-console-view">
<td class="title">Show JUnit failure trace in Console view</td>
<td class="content">
A new button has been added to the JUnit Failure Trace header to show the stack trace of a failed JUnit test in the <b>Console</b> view.
The Console view makes it convenient to view a long and wide stack trace, copy parts of the stack trace and navigate to the classes on the stack trace using hyperlinks.
<img src="images/show-junit-failure-trace-in-console-view.png" alt="" />