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<title>Overview of the p2 API</title>
<H1>API overview</H1>
This section provides an overview of the p2 API and introduces some of the key concepts that should be understood to work with
the p2 API. The API can be generally thought of as three layers of API. The top most layer requires understanding of very
few concepts, and each successive layer provides more flexibility, but is a bit more complex.
<li>The User Interface API </li>
<li>The Operations API </li>
<li>The Core API</li>
This section provides a description of each of these categories and introduces some of the key concepts.
<h3>The User Interface API</h3>
<p>The UI provides wizards for installing, updating, and uninstalling software in a system. It also
provides dialog pages for describing the installation and manipulating the repositories that are used
to access software. Most of these building blocks are private ("black box") implementations, not intended
to be extended by clients. A small package,
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/ui/package-summary.html">org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui</a>,
defines the API, which provides hooks for customizing the behaviour of the UI components, and class definitions that
can be used in a plug-in's UI contributions. </p>
<p>Applications that simply want to provide their users a way to update or install additional software into the system
need only include the relevant UI bundles. No deep knowledge of the p2 API is required.
<a href="p2_ui.htm">Customizing the p2 UI</a>
describes this level of working with the p2 UI. The The <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/ui/Policy.html">Policy</a> class defines
aspects of the UI that can be customized.
<h3>Operations API</h3>
<p>The <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/operations/package-summary.html">operations API</a> provides high-level API for
installing, updating, and uninstalling software in a headless system. The operations API is defined with "progressive disclosure" in mind.
That is, the simplest and most common operations require little knowledge of underlying concepts.
<p>Clients work with the operation in two passes. The operation must first be <b>resolved</b>, which means that the requirements
and dependencies are calculated to determine if the desired operation is compatible with what is already installed in the system.
If the operation can be resolved, then the actual provisioning work (downloading of artifacts, updating the system) can be performed.
The two-pass nature of an operation allows the resolution status to be reported to a client to determine whether the operation
should proceed. For example, the client can determine if the resolution is acceptable, or examine the detailed plan of what needs
to be installed in order to continue with the operation. The resolution and provisioning phases can be performed synchronously or
in the background as a job.</p>
<p>A simple example can help demonstrate the simplicity of operations.
A common operation in many applications is to simply update the application to get the latest version of everything. This is
possible with very little code. The following snippet shows the sequence for updating everything in the running
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// create an operation. We already have a provisioning agent (to be explained later)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;UpdateOperation op = new UpdateOperation(new ProvisioningSession(agent)); <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// resolve the operation to see if we can update<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IStatus result = op.resolveModal(new NullProgressMonitor()); <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (result.isOK()) {<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// get a job that will perform the actual work and schedule it<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;op.getProvisioningJob(monitor).schedule(); <br>
<p>If there is a problem resolving an operation, or the client code wants to do something slightly different, then a little more code might be needed.
For example, an operation can be configured to update an application that is not the running application, or to consult a specific
list of software repositories for the update.
<p>Inside the operation, the
underlying p2 <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/planner/IPlanner.html">IPlanner</a> is performing the resolution
phase, and the underlying p2 <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/engine/IEngine.html">IEngine</a> is performing the
actual install. However, these subsystems do not need to be understood by a client working with operations.
<p>For more information about operations, consult the javadoc for
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/operations/ProfileChangeOperation.html">ProfileChangeOperation</a>.
Code snippets for working with operations can be found in the javadoc for
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/operations/InstallOperation.html">InstallOperation</a>,
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/operations/UpdateOperation.html">UpdateOperation</a>, and
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/operations/UninstallOperation.html">UninstallOperation</a>.
<h3>The Core API</h3>
<p>The core API contains all the subsystems on which the Operation and UI APIs are built. Some of these constructs
feed into the other API layers. For example, we saw above that an <b>agent</b> was needed in order to build an update
operation. Now we'll take a look at these core concepts.</p>
<h4>The Provisioning Agent</h4>
All access to the p2 API happens through the agent, <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/core/IProvisioningAgent.html">
IProvisioningAgent</a>. The agent is the starting point of everything. One way to think about
the <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/core/IProvisioningAgent.html">IProvisioningAgent</a>
is that it is an "executable" representation of the p2 area (e.g. the p2 folder at the root of an eclipse installation).
Among other things, the agent can be used to
acquire p2 services for managing repositories, creating provisioning plans and perform installation requests.
The provisioning agent is acquired using the IProvisioningAgentProvider.
This is generally done in one place in the client code, with the rest of the code simply accessing
the agent through some variable or helper code. The following snippet shows how to acquire the provisioning agent.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ServiceReference sr = Activator.getContext().getServiceReference(IProvisioningAgentProvider.SERVICE_NAME);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IProvisioningAgentProvider agentProvider = null;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (sr == null)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;agentProvider = (IProvisioningAgentProvider) Activator.getContext().getService(sr);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IProvisioningAgent agent = agentProvider.createAgent(new URI("file:/Applications/eclipse36/p2"));<br>
<p>Accessing all p2 services through an agent allows for multiple instances of p2
to be running in isolation in the same VM. Note that
the client creating the agent is responsible for destroying it.
The <b>Installable Unit</b> (IU) is a chunk of metadata describing something that is installable. An IU is used
throughout the API to describe something that is being installed, updated, or removed. An IU describes something
that can be installed, including the name, description, license, copyright information, installation
processing steps, and the requirements that must be satisfied. The
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/metadata/IInstallableUnit.html">IInstallableUnit</a> javadoc describes all
of the things one can do with an IU. You will notice that you can't change the properties of an IU. That is because
an IU is immutable. Once created, it should never change.
<p>An IU can be obtained either by querying a source of metadata (e.g. a repository)
or by creating one programmatically.
<h4>Queries and Queriables</h4>
<p>Every source of metadata is usually queryable
(see <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/query/IQueryable.html">org.eclipse.equinox.p2.query.IQueryable</a>).
To discover an IU, you can execute a query
(see <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/query/IQuery.html">IQuery</a>) against a metadata source. The result of
a query is a collection of all of the IUs that meet the criteria of the query. </p>
<p>Queries can be created in multiple ways.
The simplest way is to create a query using the QueryUtil. The following snippet creates a query that
searches for all IUs that have the ID <tt>"org.eclipse.jdt"</tt>:
Depending on the specificity of the query, there may be one or many IUs that satisfy the query.
For example, you could query for a specific version of a specific IU, or you could use a wildcard to query
for IUs that match a particular pattern. <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/query/QueryUtil.html">QueryUtil</a> has
API for retrieving the most commonly used queries. Additional queries that are OSGi specific can be found in the package
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/touchpoint/eclipse/query/package-summary.html">org.eclipse.equinox.p2.eclipse.touchpoint</a>.
Finally, should you need to write more complex queries,
p2 comes with a query language called <a href="">p2 QL</a>
<h4>Repositories and Repository Managers</h4>
<p>There are two main types of repositories, <b>Metadata Repositories</b> and <b>Artifact Repositories</b>. Metadata repositories
hold metadata (Installable Units), while artifact repositories hold "artifacts" (the actual downloadable bytes that make up an install).
Repositories can be remote or local. They can be edited and queried. The javadoc for
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/repository/metadata/IMetadataRepository.html">IMetadataRepository</a> and
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/repository/artifact/IArtifactRepository.html">IArtifactRepository</a> describe the
repository API in more detail.
<p>Repositories are managed (created, loaded, removed, cached, etc...) using a
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/repository/IRepositoryManager.html">Repository Manager</a>. The repository
manager can be acquired using the provisioning agent.
<p>The following snippet shows how to acquire the metadata repository manager using the agent, and subsequently load the Helios repository.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IMetadataRepositoryManager manager = (IMetadataRepositoryManager) agent.getService(IMetadataRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IMetadataRepository repository = manager.loadRepository(new URI(""), new NullProgressMonitor());<br>
<h4>Profiles and Profile Registries</h4>
A p2 profile tracks the set of software that composes the executable application. For example,
your Eclipse Install has a profile that contains all the IUs that that comprise Eclipse.
When you attempt to install new IUs, p2 modifies your current profile. If the new
IUs conflict with your existing profile (or dependencies cannot be resolved), then p2 will report
an error and the installation will not proceed. See the <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/engine/IProfile.html">IProfile</a>
javadoc for a complete list of the Profile APIs.
<p>The profile is managed by a profile registry. <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/equinox/p2/engine/IProfileRegistry.html">IProfileRegistry</a>
manages all the profiles for a given p2 agent. It can be acquired through the agent.
<h3>Putting it all together</h3>
The following snippet demonstrates everything that must be done to trigger the installation
of an IU into the running application. We use the operations API to perform the install, so we don't
have to work with the profile, planner, or engine subsystems. However, we do need to know enough
about the core API to obtain an agent, and get some
IUs from a repository. The operation manages the rest of the detail.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//get the agent<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ServiceReference sr = Activator.getContext().getServiceReference(IProvisioningAgentProvider.SERVICE_NAME);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IProvisioningAgentProvider agentProvider = null;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (sr == null)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;agentProvider = (IProvisioningAgentProvider) Activator.getContext().getService(sr);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IProvisioningAgent agent = agentProvider.createAgent(new URI("file:/Applications/eclipse36/p2"));<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//get the repository managers and define our repositories<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IMetadataRepositoryManager manager = (IMetadataRepositoryManager) agent.getService(IMetadataRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IArtifactRepositoryManager artifactManager = (IArtifactRepositoryManager) agent.getService(IArtifactRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;manager.addRepository(new URI("file:/Users/Pascal/tmp/demo/"));<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;artifactManager.addRepository(new URI("file:/Users/Pascal/tmp/demo/"));<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Load and query the metadata<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IMetadataRepository metadataRepo = manager.loadRepository(new URI("file:/Users/Pascal/tmp/demo/"), new NullProgressMonitor());<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Collection toInstall = metadataRepo.query(QueryUtil.createIUQuery(""), new NullProgressMonitor()).toUnmodifiableSet();<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Creating an operation<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;InstallOperation installOperation = new InstallOperation(new ProvisioningSession(agent), toInstall);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (installOperation.resolveModal(new NullProgressMonitor()).isOK()) {<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Job job = installOperation.getProvisioningJob(new NullProgressMonitor());<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;job.addJobChangeListener(new JobChangeAdapter() {<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public void done(IJobChangeEvent event) {agent.stop()}});<br>