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Contributing a property page
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<h3>Contributing a property page</h3>
<P >
You can contribute a property page for an object by using the
<a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_propertyPages.html"> <b> org.eclipse.ui.propertyPages</b></a> extension point.
An object's property page is invoked using the <b>Properties </b>menu in any
view that shows objects, such as the resource navigator view.&nbsp; This menu is available when a single
object is
<P >The readme tool contributes two property pages.</P>
point = &quot;org.eclipse.ui.propertyPages&quot;&gt;
<P >When you define a property page, you specify the <b>objectClass</b> for
which this page is valid.&nbsp; Objects of this class will include your page
when the properties are shown.&nbsp; You may optionally supply a <b>nameFilter</b>
that further refines the class.&nbsp; In the readme tool example, both pages are contributed for objects of type <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IFile.html"> IFile</a></b> with a
<b>.readme</b> file extension. </P>
<P >Property pages are not limited to workbench resources.&nbsp; All objects
showing up in the workbench (even domain-specific objects created by other
plug-ins) may have property pages.&nbsp; Any plug-in may register property pages
for any object type. </P>
<P >
Property pages look a lot like preference pages, except there is no hierarchy or categorization of property pages. In the dialog below, both readme property pages appear in the main list of pages.</P>
<P >
<img src="images/readmeproperties.png" alt="Properties dialog with readme entries" border="0" ></P>