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<title>Pre-indexing documentation</title>
<h2>Pre-indexing documentation</h2>
<p>When user searches help contents of a product, the search is performed
within a documentation index. &nbsp;By default, this index &nbsp;is created
on the first invocation of help search, but can be pre-built and delivered
to the user with each plug-in, since 3.1, or as a complete index for a product. &nbsp;This
the user machine and lets the user obtain first search results faster.</p>
<h3>Building a documentation index for a plug-in.</h3>
<p>To build an index follow the steps:</p>
<li>add an <code>index</code> element to the <code>
extension</code> in a documentation plug-in, to specify directory where
index will exist, for example
<li>Add the <code>help.buildHelpIndex</code> ANT task to the build.xml file in
the plugin project by adding the lines below. A build.xml file can be created
by right clinking on MANIFEST.MF in the package explorer and selecting the
menu item PDE Tools/Create Ant Build File. This example build the index for
the default locale and also for &quot;nl/fr&quot;. This should be modified to match the
locales which you are using.<pre>&lt;target name=&quot;build.index&quot; description=&quot;Builds search index for the plug-in: org.eclipse.platform.doc.user.&quot; if=&quot;eclipse.running&quot;&gt;
&lt;help.buildHelpIndex manifest=&quot;plugin.xml&quot; destination=&quot;.&quot;/&gt;
&lt;help.buildHelpIndex manifest=&quot;plugin.xml&quot; destination=&quot;nl/fr&quot;/&gt;
<li>create an index by building the target &quot;build.index&quot;. The ant task must be
run in the same JRE as the workspace. To do this right click on build.xml,
select the menu item Run As/Ant build... the ant dialog will appear. On the
targets tab check only &quot;build.index&quot; and on the JRE tab select the radio
button &quot;Run in the same JRE as the workspace&quot;. When you hit the
&quot;Run&quot; button the indexes will be built.<br>
<h3>Building an index for a product</h3>
<p>Per-product index is a one aggregate index of all documentation in the product.
It should be used in scenarios in which the set of documentation plug-ins is
not changing. For example an info-center installation will benefit
from per-product
<p>To build an index follow the steps:<br>
<li>build a product, including all documentation plug-ins,</li>
<li>create an index for a desired locale by running this command:
<pre>eclipse -nosplash -application -vmargs -DindexOutput=<i>outputDirectory</i> -DindexLocale=<i>locale</i></pre>
from the directory containing the product. &nbsp;The following arguments
need to be set :<br>
<b>outputDirectory</b> - specifies path of the directory where the index
is to be saved<br>
<b>locale</b> - specifies locale for which the index will be built<br>
<p>For example, running<br>
<pre>eclipse -nosplash -application -vmargs -DindexOutput=d:/build/ -DindexLocale=en</pre>
<p>will result in file <b></b> being saved in the <b>nl/en</b>
directory that will be created under <b>d:/build/</b>. &nbsp;The
zip will contain index of contents of documents that are available to users
when they run the product in the <b>en</b> locale.<br>
<h3>Packaging and Installation of the product's pre-built index</h3>
Pre-built indices, the <b></b> files, need to be packaged as
a plug-in. &nbsp; You can choose to use a plug-in associated with the primary
feature, or choose to package the index for each language into separate fragments.<br>
For example, if product's documentation is available in three languages, say
English, German and Simplified Chinese, a plug-in can have the following structure:<br>
<pre><br> plugin.xml<br> nl/<br> de/<br><br> en/<br><br> zh/<br> CN/<br><br> other files of this plugin</pre>
The ID of the plug-in needs to be specified as a <b>productIndex</b> preference
for plug-in.&nbsp;For plug-in in the above example, the
file needs to contain the entry<br>