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<P >
The platform itself defines one perspective, the <b> Resource</b> perspective. Other platform plug-ins, such as
the help system and the Java tooling, define additional perspectives. Your plug-in can define its own
perspective by contributing to the <b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_perspectives.html">org.eclipse.ui.perspectives</a></b>
extension point.</P>
<P >
The specification of the perspective in the <b> plugin.xml</b> is straightforward. The following markup is used by the workbench in defining its own resource perspective.</P>
<P >
A plug-in must supply an <b> id</b> and <b> name</b> for the perspective, along with the name of the
<b> class</b> that implements the perspective. An <b> icon</b> can also be specified. The perspective class should implement
<b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IPerspectiveFactory.html">IPerspectiveFactory</a></b>.</P>