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<P >
An editor is a workbench part that allows a user to edit an object (often a
file). Editors operate in a manner similar to file system editing tools, except that they are tightly integrated into the platform workbench UI. An editor is always associated with an input object
(<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IEditorInput.html"><b>IEditorInput</b></a>). You can think of the input object as
the document or file that is being edited. Changes made in an editor are not
committed until the user saves them. </P>
<P >
Only one editor can be open for any particular editor input in a workbench page. For example, if the user is editing
<b> readme.txt</b> in the workbench, opening it again
in the same perspective will activate the same editor. (You can open another
editor on the same file from a different workbench window or perspective).&nbsp;
Unlike views, however, the same editor type, such as a text editor, may be open
many times
within one workbench page for different inputs. The editor input can also be a path
to an in memory model, as in the InfoEditor example.</P>
<P >
The workbench extension point <b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_editors.html">org.eclipse.ui.editors</a></b>
is used by plug-ins to add editors to the workbench. Plug-ins that contribute an editor must register the editor
extension in their <b>plugin.xml </b> file, along with configuration information
for the editor. Some
of the editor information, such as the implementation <b> class</b> and the
<b> name</b> and the <b>icon</b> to be used in the workbench menus and
labels, is similar to the view information. In addition, editor extensions specify the file extensions or file name patterns of the file types that the editor understands.
Editors also use <a href="workbench_cmd_commands.htm" class="XRef">org.eclipse.ui.commands</a> and <a href="workbench_cmd_menus.htm" class="XRef">org.eclipse.ui.menus</a>
to contribute to the workbench menus and toolbars when that editor is active.</P>
<P >
The interface for editors is defined in <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IEditorPart.html">IEditorPart</a></b>, but plug-ins
can choose to extend the
<b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/part/EditorPart.html"> EditorPart</a></b> class rather than implement an
<b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IEditorPart.html">IEditorPart</a></b>
from scratch.</P>
Note:&nbsp; An editor extension can also be configured to launch an external program
or to call pre-existing java code. In this discussion, we are focusing on those editors that are actually tightly integrated with the workbench and
are implemented using
<b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IEditorPart.html">IEditorPart</a></b>.</i></blockquote>
<P >
The editor can contribute its own content outliner page to the
workbench outline view.&nbsp;&nbsp;</P>
<P >
The configuration for the editor extension is defined as follows.</P>
point = &quot;org.eclipse.ui.editors&quot;&gt;
<P >
We see the familiar configuration markup for <b>id</b>,
<b>icon</b> (which must be specified when specifying <b>class</b>),
and <b>class</b>.&nbsp;&nbsp; You could use the <b>extensions</b> attribute
describes the file types that the editor understands, like <b>extensions=&quot;person&quot;</b>,
although this example doesn't need it.
(You could also
specify <b>filenames</b> if you need to be more specific.)&nbsp; The <b>class</b>
implements the editor.</P>
<P >
Editor menus and editor toolbars are placed in the main menu and main toolbar. See
<a href="workbench_cmd_menus.htm" class="XRef">org.eclipse.ui.menus</a> for how to use the
<b>locationURI</b> to place the commands correctly.</P>
<img src="images/contributions_global.png" alt="Showing a global menu additions" border="0" >
These menu and tool bar items can be shown only when the editor is active using core expressions.
To define a re-usable core expression for your editor, use
<b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_core_expressions_definitions.html">org.eclipse.core.expressions.definitions</a></b></P>
point = &quot;org.eclipse.core.expressions.definitions&quot;&gt;
&lt;definition id="org.eclipse.ui.examples.contributions.view.activeEditor"&gt;
&lt;with variable="activeEditorId"&gt;
&lt;equals value="org.eclipse.ui.examples.contributions.editor"/&gt;
Editors and content outliners
<P >
Although the Info Editor does not, editors often have corresponding content outliners
that provide a structured
view of the editor's contents and assist the user in navigating through the
contents of the editor.&nbsp; See <a href="editors_workbench_outliner.htm">Content
outliners</a> for more detail. </P>
<P >
We'll look at the implementation of text editors in <a href="editors_jface.htm">Text
editors and platform text</a>. </P>