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Basic workbench extension points
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Basic workbench extension points using commands</H2>
Commands and handlers have been provided by the workbench in one form
or another since 3.0. In 3.2 the commands, handlers, and keybindings portion
of the Command Framework became mature. In 3.3 the menu contributions portion
of the Command Framework became available.
<p >
The workbench defines extension points that allow plug-ins to contribute
behaviors to existing views and editors or to provide implementations for
new views and editors. We'll use the Info example from the
contributions plugin. It provides a view that lists people and an
editor for updating their names. </p>
We are going to take a look at how commands, handlers, menu contributions,
and keybindings can be used to contribute behaviour to the workbench,
to views, and to editors.
<img src="images/contributions_window.png" alt="Picture of the workbench, showing the contributions">
You can show any view in the workbench by choosing
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="command link">
<b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other...</b></a>
and selecting the view from the <b>Show View</b> list. Use this to select the Info View from
the View Contributions category.
The Info example is located in the <b>org.eclipse.ui.examples.contributions</b>
package. To follow along, you will need to make sure that
you have installed the platform examples. (See the <a href="../samples/samples.html">Examples
Guide </a> for more information.)