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<p>The workbench defines a number of services that can be retrieved from the
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/services/IServiceLocator.html"></a>.
Services provide a way for components to retrieve information about the workbench
without always having to go to the global singleton: <code>PlatformUI.getWorkbench()</code>.
For example:
IHandlerService handlerService = (IHandlerService) getSite()
Some services provide 2 optional abilities, which are usually specified in the
service interface javadoc:</p>
<li>Services that support listeners can clean up the listeners automatically
when the component's
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/services/IServiceLocator.html"></a>
(used to get the service) is disposed.</li>
<li>Services can provide more localized services depending on which component they
are requested from.</li>
<p>See <a href="workbench_cmd_handlers.htm"
class="XRef">Associating a handler programmically with a command...</a>
for an example of the activation localization provided by the
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/handlers/IHandlerService.html">org.eclipse.ui.handlers.IHandlerService</a>.
Services Provided by the Workbench
The services provided to by the workbench now includes some of the most
common services that an
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkbenchPart.html">org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart</a>
would require. Support for service related optional abilities are specified in the service javadoc.
The availability of the service is at and below the level specified.</p>
<table border="1">
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/keys/IBindingService.html">IBindingService</a>
<td>Provides services related to the binding architecture (e.g., keyboard
shortcuts) within the workbench.</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/commands/ICommandService.html">ICommandService</a>
<td>Provides services related to the command architecture within the workbench.</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/commands/ICommandImageService.html">ICommandImageService</a>
<td>Provides a look-up facility for images associated with commands.</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/contexts/IContextService.html">IContextService</a>
<td>Provides services related to contexts in the Eclipse workbench, like context
activation and definitions.</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/model/IContributionService.html">IContributionService</a>
<td>The IContributionService is a service provided at the workbench level that
provides mechanisms that clients may use to work with user interface
contributions. Currently, this is limited to providing sorters for particular
contribution types but this may be expanded on in the future. An instance of
this service is present for the entire lifetime of the workbench.</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/services/IEvaluationService.html">IEvaluationService</a>
<td>Evaluate a core expression against the workbench application context and
report updates using a Boolean property. Also provides the main source for
the workbench application context.</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/swt/IFocusService.html">IFocusService</a>
<td>Tracks focusGained and focusLost events for a Control registered with this
service, and provides the control and its registered ID as variables to the
application evaluation context for evaluation by the various services.</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/handlers/IHandlerService.html">IHandlerService</a>
<td>Provides services related to activating and deactivating handlers within the
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/menus/IMenuService.html">IMenuService</a>
<td>Provides services related to the menu architecture within the workbench. It
can be used to populate MenuManagers and ToolBarManagers by components.</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IPageService.html">IPageService</a>
<td>A page service tracks the page and perspective lifecycle events
within a workbench window.</td>
<td>Workbench Window</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IPartService.html">IPartService</a>
<td>A part service tracks the creation and activation of parts within a
workbench window.</td>
<td>Workbench Window</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/progress/IProgressService.html">IProgressService</a>
<td>The progress service is the primary interface to the workbench progress support.</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/progress/IWorkbenchSiteProgressService.html">IWorkbenchSiteProgressService</a>
<td>The part progress service is an IProgressService that adds API for jobs
that change the state in a IWorkbenchPartSite while they are being run.</td>
<td>Part Site</td>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/ISaveablesLifecycleListener.html">ISaveablesLifecycleListener</a>
<td>Parts that implement
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/ISaveablesSource.html">org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablesSource</a>
should notify their
<code>ISaveablesLifecycleListener</code>, available as a service from their site, about
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/Saveable.html">org.eclipse.ui.Saveable</a>
objects that have been added to or removed from the
part. Implementations of <code>ISaveablesSource</code> that are
not parts should retrieve this service from the
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkbench.html">org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench</a>
<td><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/ISelectionService.html">ISelectionService</a>
<td>A selection service tracks the selection within an a workbench window.</td>
<td>Workbench Window</td>
Contributing a Service
Plug-in developers providing a framework in eclipse may also want to provide a service.
This can be done using the
<a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_services.html"></a>
extension point. Define a service factory based on
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/services/AbstractServiceFactory.html"></a>
and then specify what services the factory can return.
A factory can create more than one type of service, but multiple factories cannot
contribute to the same service type.
The create method of the
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/services/AbstractServiceFactory.html"></a>
passes in 3 parameters:</p>
<li><code>serviceInterface</code> - the interface class that needs to be created</li>
<li><code>parentLocator</code> - an
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/services/IServiceLocator.html"></a>
that can be used to get the parent service for <code>serviceInterface</code></li>
<li><code>locator</code> - the
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/services/IServiceLocator.html"></a>
that requested this service be created. It can be used to retrieve dependent services.</li>
Workbench services are organized so there is a global service providing the
needed functionality, and a chain of children services. The children services provide
the listener cleanup and any data needed to localize the service request.
<p>A service
factory should return the global service when the <code>parentLocator</code> returns
<code>null</code> when asked for the <code>serviceInterface</code>. The global service
may be the implementation, or a proxy to a plugin provided manager or OSGi service.
Object parentService = parentLocator.getService(IPersonService.class);
if (parentService == null) {
return new PersonService(locator);
return new PersonServiceSlave(locator, (IPersonService) parentService);
// or ...
Object parentService = parentLocator.getService(IPersonService.class);
if (parentService == null) {
return Activator.getDefault().getPersonManager();
return new PersonServiceSlave(locator, (IPersonService) parentService);
// or as a front to an OSGi service.
Object parentService = parentLocator.getService(IPersonService.class);
if (parentService == null) {
PersonServiceProxy proxy = new PersonServiceProxy(locator,
return proxy;
PersonServiceProxy proxy = new PersonServiceProxy(locator,
return proxy;
<p>In the OSGi service snippet above, instead of having each child <code>IPersonService</code> know
its parent, each <code>IPersonService</code> talks directly to the OSGi service and uses
the parent to calculate its "level" which allows it to localize any functionality
it provides.