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Working sets
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<h2>Working sets</h2>
<p>Users often find it necessary to filter views such as the navigator view in
order to reduce clutter.&nbsp; Plug-ins can assist in filtering using different
<li><a href="workbench_advext_resourceFilters.htm">Resource filters</a>
can be used to filter by file name.&nbsp; Plug-ins contribute resource
filters that the user can enable using a view's filter selection dialog.</li>
<li><b>Working sets</b> can be used to filter resources by only including
specified resources.&nbsp; Working sets are selected using the view's
working set dialog.</li>
<p><img src="images/workingset.png" alt="Working set selection dialog" border="0"></p>
<p>If your plug-in implements a view that shows resources (or objects that are
adaptable to <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IResource.html"><b>IResource</b></a>),
you should support working sets.&nbsp; <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkingSetManager.html">IWorkingSetManager</a>
</b>provides API for manipulating working sets.&nbsp; You can obtain an <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkingSetManager.html">IWorkingSetManager</a>
</b>using <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkbench.html">IWorkbench</a></b>
<pre>IWorkingSetManager manager = workbench.getWorkingSetManager();</pre>
<p><b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkingSetManager.html">IWorkingSetManager</a>
</b>allows you to manipulate and create working sets:</p>
<li><b>createWorkingSetSelectionDialog</b> - returns a working set dialog that shows the user the current working
sets. You can get the selected working sets from the dialog once it is
<li><b>createWorkingSetEditWizard</b> - returns a working set edit wizard for editing the specified working
<li><b>getWorkingSets()</b> - returns a list of all defined working sets</li>
<li><b>getWorkingSet(String name) </b>- returns a working set specified by
<p><b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkingSetManager.html">IWorkingSetManager</a>
</b>also provides property change notification as working sets are added,
removed, or as they change.&nbsp; If your view or editor needs to respond to
changes in the selected working set, it can add a listener for <b>CHANGE_WORKING_SET_CONTENT_CHANGE.</b></p>
<h3>Adding new working set types</h3>
<p>For many plug-ins, using <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkingSetManager.html">IWorkingSetManager</a>
</b>to provide resource filtering is sufficient.&nbsp; If your plug-in needs to
define working sets differently, it can register a new type of working set using
<b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_workingSets.html">org.eclipse.ui.workingSets</a></b>.&nbsp;
The Java tooling uses this feature to define a Java working set type.&nbsp;
Working set types are shown when the user decides to add a working set.</p>
<p><img src="images/workingSetTypes.png" alt="Working set dialog showing list of available types" border="0"></p>
<p>When you define your own type of working set, you can use <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkingSet.html">IWorkingSet</a>.getId</b> protocol to ensure that the working set matches the type that you have
defined.&nbsp; Any working sets that you create programmatically must have
their id set to the id of a working set page that can display the working
set elements.&nbsp; This id is used to ensure that the proper working set
edit page is launched when the user edits the working set.&nbsp; A null
id indicates that the working set should use the default resource working
set type.</p>
<p>See the
<b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_workingSets.html">org.eclipse.ui.workingSets</a>
</b>extension point documentation and <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkingSet.html">IWorkingSet</a></b>
protocol for more detail.</p>