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<title>Composite Cheat Sheet Editor</title>
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<h2>Composite Cheat Sheet Editor</h2>
<h3>About Cheat Sheets</h3>
In general, cheat sheets help guide users through a complex set of instructions.
There are two types of cheat sheets: simple and composite.
Composite cheat sheets are used to organize and
present tasks represented by simple cheat sheets to achieve a larger goal.
You can view and run cheat sheets using the <strong>Cheat Sheet View</strong>.
To open a cheat sheet in this view, click <strong>Help &gt; Cheat Sheets...</strong>
<h3>About This Editor</h3>
The <strong>Composite Cheat Sheet Editor</strong> allows you to compose composite
cheat sheets and preview them in the <strong>Cheat Sheet View</strong>.
This editor also allows you to create simple cheat sheets on the fly.
<h3>Editor Pages</h3>
This editor is comprised of the following pages:
<a href="page_cheat-sheet.htm">Composite Cheat Sheet Page</a>
<h3>Global Editor Actions</h3>
This editor provides the following global actions:
<a href="../simple_cs_editor/wizard_register-cheat-sheet.htm">Register Cheat Sheet Wizard</a>
<h3>Relevant Links</h3>
<li>Cheat sheet example:
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.openCheatSheet(cheatSheetId=org.eclipse.pde.rcpapp)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="Open plug-in cheat sheet"> Creating an Eclipse Plug-in
Cheat sheet documentation:
<a href="../../../../../org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/guide/ua_cheatsheet.htm">Cheat Sheets</a>
<a href="../simple_cs_editor/editor.htm">Simple Cheat Sheet Editor</a>
<a href="../../file_wizards/new_cheat_sheet.htm">New Cheat Sheet Wizard</a>
<a href="">
Recommended Work Flow for Cheat Sheet Development</a>