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<title>Feature Patch</title>
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<h1>Feature Patch</h1>
<p>The<strong> New Feature Patch</strong> creation wizard is available under <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.newWizard(newWizardId=org.eclipse.pde.ui.NewFeaturePatchWizard)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="Open the new feature patch wizard"><strong>File &gt; New &gt; Project... &gt; Plug-in Development &gt; Feature Patch</strong></a>
from the top level menu. </p>
<p><img src="../../images/new_wizards/feature_patch.PNG" alt="Feature Patch" ></p>
<h3>Project Settings </h3>
<p>It is recommended to use the reverse domain naming convention (e.g. com.example.patch) for the <strong>Project name</strong>. </p>
<p>The project <strong>Location</strong> field specifies the default location as a subdirectory nested inside the workspace location. The project location can be changed to any writable location by unchecking the <strong>Use default location</strong> checkbox and entering the location of choice.</p>
<h3>Feature Patch Properties </h3>
<p>A <strong>Patch ID</strong> is mandatory and must comply with the <a href="../../../../org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/misc/plugin_manifest.html">plugin.dtd</a>.</p>
<p>A <strong>Patch Name</strong> is the translatable presentation name of the patch. This field is required. </p>
<p>A <strong>Patch Vendor</strong> is the translatable name of the patch vendor. This field is optional. </p>
<h3>Properties of Patched Feature</h3>
<p>The <strong>Feature ID</strong>, <strong>Feature Name</strong> and <strong>Feature Version</strong> of the feature being patched must be specified. These attributes must match those of a feature found in either the workspace or the target. </p>
<h3>Feature Patch Project Structure</h3>
<p>A feature patch has a standard feature project structure and can be edited using the PDE feature manifest editor. </p>
<p><img src="../../images/new_wizards/feature_explorer.PNG" alt="Feature Explorer" > </p>