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<h1>Plug-ins </h1>
<p>The <strong>Plug-ins View</strong> shows a unified view of all the plug-ins you are developing in the workspace and the plug-ins that make up your target platform. The view is available under <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(org.eclipse.ui.views.showView.viewId=org.eclipse.pde.ui.PluginsView)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="Open the Plug-ins view">
<strong>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other... &gt; Plug-in Development &gt; Plug-ins</strong>
</a>. </p>
<p><img src="../../images/views/plugin_1.png" alt="Plug-ins View" ></p>
<h2>Workspace Plug-ins</h2>
<p>A workspace plug-in is shown in the view with a yellow and blue project folder icon. Its contents are not shown because the view is not intended to duplicate the behaviour of the <em>Navigator</em> and <em>Package Explorer</em> views. Double-click on the plug-in to open its manifest file in the PDE plug-in manifest editor. </p>
<h2>Target Plug-ins</h2>
<p>A target plug-in is shown in the view with the regular blue and yellow plug-in icon (or purple and yellow, in the case of a fragment). If the plug-in is stored as a JAR, it is not expandable. Flat plug-ins, on the other hand, are expandable and you can browse their structure and content. Double-click on a plug-in JAR or one of the flat plug-in manifest files to open its manifest file in the PDE plug-in manifest editor. </p>
<p>Several useful actions are available from the context menu of selected plug-ins within the Plug-ins view:</p>
<li><strong>Open Dependencies</strong>: opens the <a href="plugin_dependencies.htm">Plug-in Dependencies</a> view to show hierarchical and tabular renderings of the selected plug-in's relationship to other plug-ins</li>
<li><strong>Find References</strong>: finds all references to the selected plug-in by other plug-ins in the workspace and target platform and displayed the results in the <em>Search</em> view.</li>
<li><strong>Importing</strong>: provides a quick way to import the selected plug-in into the workspace.</li>
<li><strong>Add to Java Workspace Scope</strong>: adds the code found in the selected plug-in to the scope of the Java search engine without the need to import the plug-in.</li>
<p>Several filters are available in the view's toolbar drop down menu to show and hide workspace and disabled target plug-ins.</p>