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<title>Eclipse Platform What's New in 4.12</title>
<h2>What's New in Eclipse 4.12 (Platform)</h2>
<p>Here are descriptions of some of the more interesting or significant changes
made to the Eclipse Platform for the 4.12 release of Eclipse. They are grouped into:</p>
<ul><!-- NOTE: Sync ../topics_WhatsNew.xml with this! -->
<li><a href="#ViewsAndDialogs">Views, Dialogs and Toolbar</a></li>
<li><a href="#StylingThemes">Themes and Styling</a></li>
<li><a href="#Equinox">Equinox</a></li>
Plug-in developers will also be interested in the corresponding
<a href="../../org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/whatsNew/platform_isv_whatsnew.html">What's new</a>
document in the plug-in developer's guide.</p>
<p>We also recommend to read the <a href="../tips/platform_tips.html">Tips and Tricks</a>.</p>
<!-- ****************** START OF N&N TABLE ****************** -->
<table class="news">
<col class="title" />
<col />
<!-- ******************* Views, Dialogs and Wizards ************************************* -->
<td id="ViewsAndDialogs" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Views, Dialogs and Wizards </h2>
<tr id="pass-directory-to-launcher"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">Import project by passing it as command-line argument</td>
<td class="content">
You can import a project into Eclipse by passing its path as a parameter to the launcher.
The command would look like <code>eclipse /path/to/project</code> on Linux and Windows, or
<code>open -a /path/to/project</code> on macOS.
<img src="images/pass-directory-to-launcher.png" alt="" />
<tr id="launch-config-quickaccess"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">Launch Run and Debug configurations from Quick Access</td>
<td class="content">
From the <b>Quick Access</b> proposals (accessible with <code>Ctrl+3</code> shortcut) you can now
directly launch any of the Run or Debug configurations available in your workspace.
<img src="images/run-debug-quickaccess.png" alt="" />
<b>Note:</b> For performance reasons, the extra <b>Quick Access</b> entries are only visible if the <code>org.eclipse.debug.ui</code>
bundle was already activated by some previous action in the workbench such as editing a launch configuration, or expanding the
<i>Run As...</i> menus.
<!-- ******************* End of Views, Dialogs and Toolbar ************************************* -->
<!-- ****************** Preferences ************************************* -->
<td id="Preferences" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Preferences </h2>
<!-- ****************** End of Preferences ************************************* -->
<!-- ******************* Themes and Styling ************************************* -->
<td id="StylingThemes" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Themes and Styling </h2>
<tr id="view-menu"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">Improved View Menu Icon</td>
<td class="content">
The icon used for the view menu has been improved. It is now crisp on high
resolution displays and also looks much better in the dark theme.
<p>Compare the old version at the top and the new version at the bottom:</p>
<img src="images/view_menu.png" alt="" />
<tr id="mac-hidpi"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">High resolution images drawn on Mac</td>
<td class="content">
On Mac, images and text are now drawn in high resolution during GC operations.
You can see crisp images on high resolution displays in the editor rulers, forms, etc in Eclipse.
<p>Compare the old version at the top and the new version at the bottom:</p>
<img src="images/hidpi-mac-old-behavior.png" alt="" />
<img src="images/hidpi-mac-new-behavior.png" alt="" />
<tr id="dark-theme-background-lines"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">Table/Tree background lines shown in dark theme on Mac</td>
<td class="content">
In dark theme on Mac, the <code>Table</code> and <code>Trees</code> in Eclipse now show the alternating dark lines
in the background when <code>setLinesVisible(true)</code> is set.
Earlier they had a gray background even if line visibility was true.
Example of a Tree and Table in Eclipse with alternating dark lines in the background:
<img src="images/dark-theme-alternating-lines.png" alt="Tree and Table in Eclipse with alternating dark lines in the background" />
<!-- ******************* End of Themes and Styling ************************************* -->
<!-- ******************* Equinox ************************************* -->
<td id="Equinox" class="section" colspan="2">
<tr id="parallel-bundle-activation"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">Support activating bundles in parallel</td>
<td class="content">
When the <b>Equinox OSGi Framework</b> is launched the installed bundles are activated
according to their configured start-level. The bundles with lower start-levels are
activated first. Bundles within the same start-level are activated sequentially from
a single thread.
A new configuration option <code>equinox.start.level.thread.count</code> has been added
that enables the framework to start bundles within the same start-level in parallel. The
default value is <code>1</code> which keeps the previous behavior of activating bundles from a
single thread. Setting the value to <code>0</code> enables parallel activation using a
thread count equal to <code>Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()</code>. Setting the
value to a number greater than <code>1</code> will use the specified number as the thread
count for parallel bundle activation.
<p>The default is <code>1</code> because of the risk of possible deadlock when
activating bundles in parallel. Extensive testing must be done on the set of bundle
installed in the framework before considering enabling this option in a product.</p>
<!-- ******************* End of Equinox ************************************* -->
<!-- ****************** END OF N&N TABLE ****************** -->