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<title>Eclipse launch configuration</title>
<h1>Eclipse launcher configuration</h1>
When starting Eclipse there are many command-line arguments which are valid
to pass along to the executable. Rather than creating a shortcut or script for
launching, users are able to create a launcher configuration file which will be
read by the executable on startup.
The format of the launcher configuration file is as follows:
<li>The configuration file must have the same name as the executable itself, with a file
extension of <code>.ini</code>. For instance, the default launcher configuration file
is called <code>eclipse.ini</code>.</li>
<li>The file must contain only one command-line argument per line.</li>
<li>Whitespace is important...there cannot be any extra spaces at the end of each line.</li>
<li>The file should be located as a sibling of the executable.</li>
Sample file content:</p>