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<h1>File search</h1>
In the Search Dialog, the File Search tab allows you to search for files or text in the Workbench.
You can bring up the Search Dialog by clicking on the Search toolbar button.</p>
<h2>Containing text</h2>
<p>Type the expression for which you wish to do the text search. Leave this field empty to search for files.&nbsp;</p>
<p>From the drop-down menu, you can choose to repeat or
modify a recent search.</p>
<p>The available wildcards for search expressions are displayed in the search dialog:</p>
<li>"*" matches any set of characters, including the empty string</li>
<li>"?" matches for any character</li>
<li> "\" is the escape for a literal; if you want to search for an asterisk, question mark, or backslash character, type a backslash before it to indicate that you are not using these characters as wildcards (e.g., "\*", "\?", or "\\")</li>
<h2>File name patterns</h2>
<p>In this field, enter all the file name patterns for the files to find or search
through for the specified expression.<br>
<p>The available wildcards for file name patterns are displayed in the search dialog:</p>
<li>"*" matches any set of characters, including the empty string</li>
<li>"?" matches for any character</li>
<li>"!" excludes the given file name pattern, e.g. "!*.html or !plugin.xml</li>
<h2>Case sensitive</h2>
<p>Turn this option on if you want the text search to be case sensitive.</p>
<h2>Regular expression</h2>
<p>Turn this option on to specify that the search text is a regular expression.</p>
<h2>Whole word</h2>
<p>Turn this option on if you want to search for whole words that are identical to the search text.</p>
<p>Choose the scope of your search. You can either search the whole workspace,
pre-defined working sets, previously selected resources or projects enclosing
the selected resources.</p>
<h1>Quick Text Search</h1>
<p>As an alternative to the Search Dialog and Search View, you can also use the <a href="../gettingStarted/qs-36c.htm">Quick Text Search Dialog</a> to search for
textual matches in the workspace and quickly jump to them. It is described in detail <a href="../gettingStarted/qs-36c.htm">here</a>.
<h3 class="related">Related concepts</h3>
<a href="../concepts/csearchview.htm">Search view</a><br>
<a href="../gettingStarted/qs-36c.htm">Quick Text Search Dialog</a><br>
<h3 class="related">Related tasks</h3>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-84b.htm">Searching for files</a><br>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-84.htm">Searching for text within a file</a>
<h3 class="related">Related reference</h3>
<a href="ref-26.htm">Search view</a>