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<title>CVS Checkout wizard</title>
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<h1 class="Head">CVS Checkout wizard</h1>
<p class="Para"> This wizard helps you check out one or more projects from a CVS repository.
It is available from the Import menu, the New &gt; Project menu and the toolbar of the CVS
Repository Exploring perspective. It is also opened when performing a Checkout As from the
CVS Repositories view.</p>
<p class="Para">The first page of the checkout wizard allows you to choose an existing repository
location or create a new one. If you choose to create a new location, the page from the
<a href="ref-40.htm">New Repository Location wizard</a> is shown.</p>
<p class="Para"> <img align="top" border="0"
src="../images/cvs-checkout1.png" alt="CVS Checkout wizard" >
<p class="Para"> After a repository location is selected, you can now choose one
or more modules to check out. You can either enter a module path or select one
or more from the list of existing modules. A dot (.) can be entered to checkout
the entire contents of the repository for those rare cases where the repository
represents a single project. </p>
<p class="Para"> <img align="top" border="0"
src="../images/cvs-checkout2.png" alt="CVS Checkout wizard" >
<p class="Para"> Once one or more modules are selected, you can choose to check
out one or more selected modules as a new projects or into an existing project
or folder. If one module is selected and it does not contain a .project file
(the Workbench project configuration file), you will also have the option to
configure the project using the new project wizard (in order to make the project
a Java project, for instance). The option to check out subfolders is selected by default.
Also, you are given the option to add the checked out modules to a working set.</p>
<p class="Para"> <img align="top" border="0"
src="../images/cvs-checkout3.png" alt="CVS Checkout wizard" >
<p class="Para">
For a single project, you can configure the location of the project to be either
the default location or a custom location outside the workspace. For multiple
projects, you can configure the parent folder where all the projects should be
<p class="Para"> <img align="top" border="0"
src="../images/cvs-checkout4.png" alt="CVS Checkout wizard" >
<p class="Para">
Finally, you can choose the tag to be used for the check out.
<p class="Para"> <img align="top" border="0"
src="../images/cvs-checkout5.png" alt="CVS Checkout wizard" >
<img border="0" src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference">
<br><a href="ref-32.htm">CVS Repositories View</a>
<br><a href="ref-40.htm">Add CVS Repository wizard</a>