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<h1 CLASS="Head"> Workspace</h1>
<p CLASS="Head">On the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Workspace)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="command link">
<strong>General &gt; Workspace</strong></a>
preference page, you can manage
various IDE-specific workspace preferences settings in the Workbench. </p>
<table width="75%" border="1">
<td>Build automatically</td>
<td>If this option is turned on, then the Workbench will perform an automatic
build whenever a modified resource is saved.</td>
<td>Refresh using native hooks or polling</td>
<td>If this option is turned on then the workspace resources will be synchronized
with their corresponding resources in the file system automatically
using native refresh providers (on Windows) or a polling mechanism.
<p><strong>Note</strong>: This can potentially be a lengthy operation depending
on the number of resources you have in your workspace.</p></td>
<td>Off </td>
<td>Refresh on access</td>
<td>If this option is turned on then files discovered to be out-of-sync by the workspace,
for example while accessing the file content by an editor,
will be automatically asynchronously refreshed.</td>
<td>Off </td>
<td>Save automatically before build</td>
<td>If this option is selected, when a manual build is performed the Workbench
will automatically save all resources that have been modified since the
last build was performed.<br></td>
<td>Always close unrelated projects without prompt</td>
<td>If this option is selected, unrelated projects will be closed without prompt.
<br>Uncheck this option if you want to be asked first.
<td>Workspace save interval (in minutes) </td>
<td>This number indicates how often the state of the workspace is automatically
saved to disk.</td>
<td>Workspace title (shown in window title) </td>
<td>This string plus " - " will be prepended to the computed title of each workbench window.</td>
<td>Open referenced projects when a
project is opened</td>
<td>If this option is enabled opening
a project will also open and closed projects it references. Select prompt
if you wish to be asked first.</td>
<td>Command for launching system explorer</td>
<td>Use this option to specify what system command is executed for <b>Show In &gt; System Explorer</b>.
Platform defaults:
<li>Windows: explorer /E,/select=${selected_resource_loc}</li>
<li>Linux: dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.FileManager1 /org/freedesktop/FileManager1 org.freedesktop.FileManager1.ShowItems array:string:"${selected_resource_uri}" string:""</li>
<li>Mac: open -R "${selected_resource_loc}"</li>
Supported variables:
<li>${selected_resource_loc} - absolute path to the resource</li>
<li>${selected_resource_uri} - file: URI for the resource</li>
<li>${selected_resource_parent_loc} - absolute path to the parent directory</li>
For older versions of linux, you can use the nautilus command: <code>nautilus "${selected_resource_parent_loc}"</code>
<td>Platform default</td>
<td>Text file encoding</td>
<td> Use
this option to specify the encoding to use when saving text files in editors.</td>
<td>Default (Cp1252)</td>
<td>New text file line delimiter</td>
<td>Use this option to specify the line delimiter to use for new text files.
This will generally not affect the file line delimiter for<br>
existing files.</p></td>
<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Here is what the <strong>Workspace</strong> preferences page looks like:</p>
<p><img src="../images/Image209_workspace.png" alt="Preference dialog" border="0" ></p>